Bifrost Arts (2008 - )

Group -

Releases (6)



  1. Come O Spirit! Anthology of Hymns & Spiritual Songs, Volume 1 01 Jul 2009
  2. Salvation Is Created: A Christmas Record From Bifrost Arts 01 Nov 2009
  3. He Will Not Cry Out: Anthology of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Volume 2 01 Jul 2013
  4. Lamentations: Simple Songs of Lament and Hope, Volume 1 01 Mar 2016


Album - Compilation

  1. B-sides Jan 2013
  2. Full Discography 27 Jun 2016

Recordings by (20)

  1. O Come O Come Emmanuel 2:18 (01 Nov 2009)
  2. Messiah 3:02 (Jan 2013)
  3. Come Unto Me Ye Weary 4:02 (Jan 2013)
  4. Good Christian Men, Rejoice! 3:40 (Jan 2013)
  5. Lo, How a Rose 2:15 (Jan 2013)
  6. How Long? 4:32 (01 Mar 2016)
  7. Rise Up 4:16 (01 Mar 2016)
  8. O God, Will You Restore Us? 3:39 (01 Mar 2016)
  9. Our Song in the Night 4:45 (01 Mar 2016)
  10. Wisdom and Grace 3:02 (01 Mar 2016)
  11. Break Us 3:25 (01 Mar 2016)
  12. Can the Dead Rise Up to Praise? 4:39 (01 Mar 2016)
  13. Come Light 4:06 (01 Mar 2016)
  14. In Labor All Creation Groans 3:34 (01 Mar 2016)
  15. Lesser Loves 3:57 (01 Mar 2016)
  16. Psalm 126 (live at Hope College) 4:19 (01 Mar 2016)
  17. Within Our Darkest Night (live in Philadelphia) 5:10 (01 Mar 2016)
  18. Abana in Heaven (live in NYC) 2:15 (01 Mar 2016)
  19. Psalm 90 (a cappella recording) 2:54 (01 Mar 2016)
  20. Silent Night 3:29 (2021)

Credited as (38)

  1. Bifrost Arts
  2. Bifrost Arts feat. Leigh Nash and Megan Wardell
  3. Bifrost Arts feat. Trent Dabbs
  4. Bifrost Arts feat. Aimee Wilson
  5. Bifrost Arts feat. Laura Gibson
  6. Bifrost Arts feat. Damien Jurado & Rosie Thomas
  7. Bifrost Arts feat. Kate York
  8. Bifrost Arts feat. Denison Witmer and Sam Ashworth
  9. Bifrost Arts feat. David Bazan
  10. Bifrost Arts feat. Shara Worden
  11. Bifrost Arts feat. Sarah Gregory
  12. Bifrost Arts feat. Rev. Joseph Pensak & Laura Young
  13. Bifrost Arts feat. Liz Janes
  14. Bifrost Arts feat. The Welcome Wagon
  15. Bifrost Arts feat. Devon Sproule
  16. Bifrost Arts feat. Ben + Vesper
  17. Bifrost Arts feat. Elin Smith
  18. Bifrost Arts feat. Robert Heiskell
  19. Bifrost Arts feat. Diane Birch
  20. Bifrost Arts feat. Derek Webb
  21. Bifrost Arts feat. Matt Bauer
  22. Bifrost Arts feat. Chelsey Scott
  23. Bifrost Arts feat. DM Stith
  24. Bifrost Arts feat. Molly Parden
  25. Bifrost Arts feat. Sanders Boehlke
  26. Bifrost Arts feat. Sam Bush
  27. Bifrost Arts feat. Timbre Cierpke
  28. Bifrost Arts feat. Rosie Thomas
  29. Bifrost Arts feat. The Gregory Brothers
  30. Bifrost Arts feat. Leigh Nash
  31. Bifrost Arts feat. Leigh Nash and Megan Roderick
  32. Bifrost Arts feat. Trent Dabbs, Kate York, Leigh Nash and Kevin Bevil
  33. Bifrost Arts feat. Damien Jurado and Rosie Thomas
  34. Bifrost Arts feat. David Bazan, Rosie Thomas, J. Tillman, Laura Gibson, John Totten and Chris Totten
  35. Bifrost Arts feat. Shara Worden, Sarah Fullen and Megan Roderick
  36. Bifrost Arts feat. Sarah Fullen, Kelley McRae and Evan Gregory
  37. Bifrost Arts feat. Joseph Pensak and Laura Young
  38. The Eagle & Child, Citizens, Ghost Ship, Bifrost Arts, Emerald Hymns, Kings Kaleidoscope & The Modern Post

Links (6)

Official Homepages








Social Networking
