Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir
(1968 - )
Choir - Warsaw
Also known as (1)
- Choir of the Academy of Catholic Theology
On Recordings (15)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': X. Sempre l'istesso tempo. Doctor Marianus: "Höchste Herrscherin der Welt!"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: I. Allegro impetuoso: "Veni Creator Spiritus"
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Chór Filharmonii Narodowej, Chór Polskiego Radia w Krakowie, Warszawski Chór Chłopięcy i Męski, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: VIII. Wieder frisch: "Gloria sit Patri Domino"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': VI. Allegro deciso (Im Anfang noch nicht eilen). Chor der Engel: "Gerettet ist das edle Glied der Geisterwelt vom Bösen. Chor seliger Knaben: "Hände verschlinget euch"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: III. Etwas drängend - Noch einmal so langsam. (Nicht schleppend): "Infirma nostri corporis"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': XVI. Unmerklich frischer werden. Selige Knaben: "Er uberwachst uns schon". Una poenitentium: "Vom edlen Geisterchor umgeben"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: VII. "Veni Creator Spiritus"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: VI. Plötzlich sehr breit und leidenschaftlichen Ausdrucks - Mit plötzlichem Aufschwung: "Accende lumen sensibus"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': XVIII: Sehr langsam beginnend. Chorus mysticum: "Alles Vergangliche ist nur ein Gleichnis"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': VIII. Schon etwas langsamer und immer noch mäßiger - Wie die gleiche Stelle im I. Teil. Die vollendeteren Engel: "Uns bleibt ein Erdenrest"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part One: Hymnus: Veni, Creator Spiritus: II. A tempo. Etwas (aber unmerklich) gemäßigter; immer sehr fließend: "Imple superna gratia"
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Chór Filharmonii Narodowej, Chór Polskiego Radia w Krakowie, Warszawski Chór Chłopięcy i Męski, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': III. Wieder langsam. Chor und Echo: "Waldung, sie schwankt heran"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': XI. Außerst langsam. Adagissimo: "Dir, der Unberuhrbaren". Chor der Büßerinen und Una poenitentium: "Du schwebst zu Hohen der ewigen Reiche"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 "Symphony of a Thousand": Part Two: Final Scene from Goethe's 'Faust Part II': XVII. Sehr langsam. Mater Gloriosa: "Komm! Hebe dich zu hohern Spharen!". Hymnenartig (Ungefahr im selben Zeitmaß weiter). Doctor Marianus: "Blicket auf zum Retterblick, alle reuig Zarten"
Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(18 Apr 2006)
Symphony no. 8 in E-flat major, "Symphony of a Thousand": Part I. Veni, creator spiritus: Veni, creator spiritus
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Polish Radio Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
(07 Sep 2017)
Credited as (2)
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Chór Filharmonii Narodowej, Chór Polskiego Radia w Krakowie, Warszawski Chór Chłopięcy i Męski, Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Polish Radio Choir, Warsaw Boys Choir, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit
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