坂知学 (03 Feb - )

Male Person - Japan

On Recordings (50)


  1. Chrono Trigger (Orchestra version) 2:07 光田康典 (20 Nov 2008) assistant
  2. Chrono Trigger Medley (Orchestra version) 4:11 光田康典 (20 Nov 2008) assistant

Recording Engineer For

  1. 詩音 (instrumental) 3:32 mao (06 Oct 2010)
  2. 詩音 3:35 mao (06 Oct 2010)
  3. たったひとつの遠い道 5:00 吉岡亜衣加 (06 Oct 2010)
  4. たったひとつの遠い道 (instrumental) 4:58 吉岡亜衣加 (06 Oct 2010)
  5. Homecoming Again 〜 Opening Fanfare (for Symphonic Odysseys) 4:38 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  6. La petite malice du Kijimunaa 4:06 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  7. Fight With Seymour (from FINAL FANTASY X) 5:24 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  8. Delight of the victors (from Ultra Dimension Neptune V) 4:50 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  9. Doppelgänger 5:08 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  10. Interlude 〜 Anthony’s Dream 4:18 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  11. LORD of VERMILION (from LORD of VERMILION) 5:34 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  12. Dancing Mad (from FINAL FANTASY VI) 12:33 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  13. Toneless (from Anata wo yurusanai) 5:31 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)
  14. Watashi No Mizu To Sora (from BLUE DRAGON) 3:48 EARTHBOUND PAPAS (01 Sep 2013)


  1. たったひとつの遠い道 5:00 吉岡亜衣加 (06 Oct 2010)
  2. 詩音 3:35 mao (06 Oct 2010)
  3. 詩音 (instrumental) 3:32 mao (06 Oct 2010)
  4. たったひとつの遠い道 (instrumental) 4:58 吉岡亜衣加 (06 Oct 2010)
  5. ソワレ 3:35 Annabel (31 Dec 2010)
  6. moon phase 4:34 Annabel (31 Dec 2010)
  7. code 4:42 Annabel (31 Dec 2010)
  8. 苔蒸す庭 4:20 Annabel (31 Dec 2010)
  9. 落日の迷い子 4:55 霜月はるか (31 Dec 2012)
  10. 冷たい森 4:19 canoue (31 Dec 2012)
  11. カノエ~廻る羅針盤~ 5:11 canoue (31 Dec 2012)
  12. 主なき迷夢~プロローグ~ 3:11 canoue (31 Dec 2012)
  13. F 3:25 なるけみちこ (29 Apr 2013)
  14. 希望の砂塵 3:46 なるけみちこ (29 Apr 2013)
  15. 風の市場 4:09 なるけみちこ (29 Apr 2013)
  16. 闇に問う 4:22 なるけみちこ (29 Apr 2013)
  17. 天を手にした旅人 4:19 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  18. 最果ての塔 5:00 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  19. 古の鍵穴より 2:10 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  20. 或る吟遊詩人の憧憬 3:40 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  21. 眠りゆく扉 1:52 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  22. 君が居ない鳥籠 5:00 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  23. 星謳う民 5:01 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  24. 硝子越しの群青 4:56 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  25. 忘れられた領域 2:42 canoue (12 Aug 2013)
  26. 夜の底 4:09 Annabel (27 Oct 2013)
  27. 君を乗せた方舟 4:54 canoue (31 Dec 2013)
  28. 海に眠る王国 1:30 canoue (31 Dec 2013)
  29. 蒼の六分儀 5:13 canoue (31 Dec 2013)
  30. 風に消えた街 5:36 canoue (17 Aug 2014)
  31. 星のない宙 4:07 canoue (17 Aug 2014)
  32. 砂漠に棲む魔物 5:03 canoue (17 Aug 2014)
  33. Celestia 4:58 霜月はるか (29 Aug 2014)
  34. Star Linker 5:07 霜月はるか (29 Aug 2014)

Links (4)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/2670214


  1. https://vgmdb.net/artist/12591

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/p_saka
  2. https://www.facebook.com/tomotaka.saka