Odd Future (2007 - )

Group - United States

Releases (9)


Album - Mixtape/Street

  1. Radical 17 May 2010

Album - Compilation

  1. 12 Odd Future Songs 03 Oct 2011


  1. The OF Tape Vol. 2 16 Mar 2012


Album - Mixtape/Street

  1. The Odd Future Tape 15 Nov 2008


Album - Compilation

  1. Some O.F. Shit 2011
  2. Unreleased, Vol. 1 2011
  3. Unreleased, Vol. 2 2011
  4. Unreleased, Vol. 3 2011
  5. Unreleased, Vol. 4 2012

Relationships (19)


  1. The Jet Age of Tomorrow (2008)
  2. MellowHype (2008)
  3. MellowHigh (2011)
  4. The Internet (2011)


  1. Jasper Dolphin (2007) original
  2. Hodgy (2007) original
  3. Pyramid Vritra (2007) original
  4. Matt Martians (2007) original
  5. Left Brain (2007) original
  6. Tyler, the Creator (2007) original
  7. Casey Veggies (2007 - 2009)
  8. brandUn DeShay (2008 - 2010)
  9. Syd (2008 - 2016)
  10. Earl Sweatshirt (2009)
  11. Domo Genesis (2009)
  12. Taco Bennett (2009)
  13. Mike G (2009)
  14. Frank Ocean (2010)
  15. L-Boy (2011)

Recordings by (23)

  1. The Tape (intro) 3:03 (15 Nov 2008)
  2. Odd Toddlers 3:36 (15 Nov 2008)
  3. Laxin 1:31 (15 Nov 2008)
  4. Back for Another One 3:30 (15 Nov 2008)
  5. Bubble Gum 4:26 (15 Nov 2008)
  6. Fucking Lame 2:26 (15 Nov 2008)
  7. Pimp Slap 4:04 (15 Nov 2008)
  8. Money Talk 3:00 (15 Nov 2008)
  9. Our Story 1:56 (15 Nov 2008)
  10. The Life Like 3:12 (15 Nov 2008)
  11. McDonalds 2:42 (15 Nov 2008)
  12. Slow It Down 3:07 (15 Nov 2008)
  13. Remember Me 3:39 (15 Nov 2008)
  14. Malaya 3:01 (15 Nov 2008)
  15. Lisa 5:09 (15 Nov 2008)
  16. Fin 5:15 (15 Nov 2008)
  17. Commercial 2:52 (15 Nov 2008)
  18. Dracula 2:13 (15 Nov 2008)
  19. Intro 1:09 (17 May 2010)
  20. Ugly Girls 0:50 (17 May 2010)
  21. Fuck This Christmas ?:?? (2011)
  22. Odd Future on Shade 45 ?:?? (2011)
  23. Anarchy 2:59 ()

Credited as (5)

  1. Odd Future
  2. Odd Future feat. Hodgy Beats, Domo Genesis & Tyler, the Creator
  3. Earl Sweatshirt feat. Jasper, Odd Future & Tyler, the Creator
  4. Jasper & Odd Future
  5. Odd Future & Jasper

Events (1)

Main Performer At

  1. Rock Werchter 2011, Day 1

Links (13)

Official Homepages

  1. http://www.oddfuture.com/

Other Databases

  1. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/ofwgkta
  2. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb16625100x


  1. https://www.songkick.com/artists/3891776


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/1971490


  1. http://viaf.org/viaf/233158722


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q575789

Stream For Free

  1. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5xpkLC1MxiPRiIJUDEzuVm
  2. https://www.deezer.com/artist/984385

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/ofwgkta
  2. https://www.facebook.com/oddfuturegolfwang


  1. https://soundcloud.com/ofwgkta-official

Youtube Channels

  1. https://www.youtube.com/user/OFWGKTA