Merricks ( - )

Group - Germany

Releases (3)



  1. The Sound of Munich 1997
  2. Escape From Planet Munich 1999
  3. Silver Disc 2001

Relationships (2)


  1. Marion Dimbath
  2. Carl Oesterhelt

Recordings by (45)

  1. Letzter Anfruf ?:?? (1990)
  2. Schwierig Schwierig 2:32 (22 Apr 1996)
  3. Schwabing Girls 4:12 (25 Aug 1997)
  4. Sternzeichen Jungfrau 4:20 (13 Nov 1997)
  5. Ciao ciao Disco 3:38 (1997)
  6. Città 2000 4:16 (1997)
  7. Mondo Musicland 4:11 (1997)
  8. The Sound of Munich 3:37 (1997)
  9. Die Erde muss sich drehn 4:26 (1997)
  10. Tout le monde 3:55 (1997)
  11. Disco Dandy 3:21 (1997)
  12. T. S. o. M. Reprise 1:05 (1997)
  13. Un poco de plop 6:16 (1997)
  14. At the Hop 2:30 (1998)
  15. Ciao Ciao Disco (Organic remix) 6:49 (1999)
  16. Intro 0:08 (1999)
  17. Move Ahead 5:42 (1999)
  18. Let's Get Stupid 3:56 (1999)
  19. Nenn' es nicht Liebe 6:41 (1999)
  20. Die Regenzeit 7:01 (1999)
  21. Happy Charme Fool Dunce Munich 6:06 (1999)
  22. Monaco 99 3:58 (1999)
  23. Grauesel Nr. 16 1:01 (1999)
  24. Slacker's Paradise 7:16 (1999)
  25. Ne travaillez jamais 3:39 (1999)
  26. Reprise 1:35 (1999)
  27. Merrick Machine 5:20 (1999)
  28. Rock Espacial 5:19 (1999)
  29. Grauesel Nr. 17 5:23 (1999)
  30. Disco es cultura 3:37 (2001)
  31. I'm Sick of Christmas (feat. Family of God) 2:37 (2001)
  32. Smylonylon 3:48 (2001)
  33. Dumm sein gar nicht dumm 3:42 (2001)
  34. Musicescu I 0:26 (2001)
  35. Fete din Sighişoara 4:12 (2001)
  36. Bank of Transylvania 1:18 (2001)
  37. Keine schlechte Tat 4:21 (2001)
  38. Musicescu II 0:44 (2001)
  39. Burn Munich Down 4:20 (2001)
  40. Angela 3:54 (2001)
  41. The End of the Silver Disc? 2:10 (2001)
  42. Die innere Revolution 5:45 (2001)
  43. Club 2 4:19 (13 Jan 2003)
  44. Wieder an Land 4:01 (22 Jan 2016)
  45. Schwabing Girls (Remix by Abe Duque & Gene Lefosse) 5:55 ()

On Recordings (1)


  1. Amoreux Solitaires (Amouremix by Merricks) 4:11 The Electronic Tomato (2004)

Credited as (2)

  1. Merricks
  2. Die Merricks

Links (4)

Official Homepages


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