Intense Degree ( - )

Group - United Kingdom

Releases (2)



  1. War In My Head 1989


  1. The Peel Sessions 1988

Relationships (5)


  1. Rich Hill
  2. Rich Collins
  3. Frank Pendlebury
  4. Liz Thirtle
  5. Rich Cutts

Recordings by (38)

  1. Skate‐Bored 1:27 (1988) Peel Session 1988-02-28
  2. Intense Degree 0:14 (1988) Peel Session 1988-02-28
  3. Day Dreams 1:52 (1988) Peel Session 1988-02-28
  4. Bursting 1:12 (1988) Peel Session 1988-02-28
  5. Hangin’ On / Vagrants / Skate‐Bored 4:15 (1988)
  6. Intense Degree / All the Guys / Daydreams 3:35 (1988)
  7. Take No Chances / Future Shock / Politician 2:40 (1988)
  8. Allegiance / Bursting 2:40 (1988)
  9. Nervous Breakdown 2:10 (1989)
  10. Conform / Intense Degree 1:09 (1989)
  11. Straight Jacket / I've Got a Cure 2:07 (1989)
  12. Victim of Pain ?:?? (1989)
  13. There's a Time in Your Life ?:?? (1989)
  14. In My Room ?:?? (1989)
  15. Vagrants ?:?? (1989)
  16. Daydreams ?:?? (1989)
  17. Your Doing ?:?? (1989)
  18. All the Guys ?:?? (1989)
  19. Take No Chances ?:?? (1989)
  20. Allegiance ?:?? (1989)
  21. This Is Me ?:?? (1989)
  22. What I Miss ?:?? (1989)
  23. Skate-Bored ?:?? (1989)
  24. Future Shock ?:?? (1989)
  25. Envy ?:?? (1989)
  26. Three Jays ?:?? (1989)
  27. Politician ?:?? (1989)
  28. Hangin On ?:?? (1989)
  29. Warp Spasm ?:?? (1989)
  30. Never Conform ?:?? (1989)
  31. Friends Never Stay ?:?? (1989)
  32. Null Zone ?:?? (1989)
  33. Today ?:?? (1989)
  34. Take No Chances/Future Shock/Politician 2:46 (1990)
  35. I’ve Got a Cure 2:08 (1991)
  36. He Was The Ukele Player For Doctor Eugene's Travelling Folk Show Band ?:?? (Oct 1992)
  37. Skatebored 1:26 (23 Apr 2007)
  38. Hangin’ On 2:17 (12 Oct 2009) Peel Session 1988-02-28

Credited as (2)

  1. Intense Degree
  2. Heresy / Unseen Terror / Intense Degree

Links (1)

