天谷大輔 (29 Apr 1977 - )

Male Person - Japan

 Also known as (2)

Releases (3)


Album - Soundtrack

  1. Cave Story+ Sound Track 16 Dec 2011
  2. Kero Rhythm 11 May 2014



  1. Cave Story 10 Oct 2016 (as Daisuke Amaya)

Relationships (1)

Performs As

  1. Pixel

Recordings by (97)

  1. Meltdown 2 2:05 (20 Dec 2004) Cave Story, fan vinyl bootleg
  2. Wind Fortress 2:41 (20 Dec 2004) Cave Story, fan vinyl bootleg
  3. ika 1:04 (22 Mar 2010)
  4. intro menu 0:41 (16 Dec 2011)
  5. ironh 0:51 (16 Dec 2011)
  6. jenka 1:19 (16 Dec 2011)
  7. jenka1b 0:42 (16 Dec 2011)
  8. jenka2 0:55 (16 Dec 2011)
  9. kodou 1:20 (16 Dec 2011)
  10. lastbtl 0:32 (16 Dec 2011)
  11. lastbtl2 1:18 (16 Dec 2011)
  12. lastcave 1:36 (16 Dec 2011)
  13. marine 2:08 (16 Dec 2011)
  14. maze 0:45 (16 Dec 2011)
  15. mdown2 0:58 (16 Dec 2011)
  16. mura 0:54 (16 Dec 2011)
  17. oside 1:51 (16 Dec 2011)
  18. plant 1:04 (16 Dec 2011)
  19. plantation 1:41 (16 Dec 2011)
  20. quiet 0:30 (16 Dec 2011)
  21. requiem 1:04 (16 Dec 2011)
  22. toroko 1:34 (16 Dec 2011)
  23. vivi 1:50 (16 Dec 2011)
  24. wanpak2 1:20 (16 Dec 2011)
  25. wanpaku 1:07 (16 Dec 2011)
  26. weed 1:30 (16 Dec 2011)
  27. zonbie 0:26 (16 Dec 2011)
  28. breakdown 0:50 (16 Dec 2011)
  29. access 0:58 (16 Dec 2011)
  30. anzen 0:52 (16 Dec 2011)
  31. balcony 1:17 (16 Dec 2011)
  32. ballos 0:44 (16 Dec 2011)
  33. bdown 0:51 (16 Dec 2011)
  34. cemetary 0:54 (16 Dec 2011)
  35. credit wii 1:22 (16 Dec 2011)
  36. dr 0:11 (16 Dec 2011)
  37. ending 0:48 (16 Dec 2011)
  38. escape 0:24 (16 Dec 2011)
  39. fanfale1 0:10 (16 Dec 2011)
  40. fanfale2 0:08 (16 Dec 2011)
  41. fanfale3 0:04 (16 Dec 2011)
  42. fireeye 0:52 (16 Dec 2011)
  43. game over 0:20 (16 Dec 2011)
  44. ginsuke 0:55 (16 Dec 2011)
  45. grand 1:41 (16 Dec 2011)
  46. gravity 1:06 (16 Dec 2011)
  47. hell 1:11 (16 Dec 2011)
  48. My Precious Days 1:24 (11 May 2014)
  49. Excuse me.. 0:34 (11 May 2014)
  50. Calling.. 0:10 (11 May 2014)
All Recordings By Results >>

Credited as (3)

  1. 天谷大輔
  2. Daisuke Amaya
  3. 天谷大輔 & Danny Baranowsky

Works (33)


  1. Calling..
  2. データスロット(Data Slots)
  3. Cat & Frog 社(Cat & Frog Corp.)
  4. マイブラスター(It's my blaster!)
  5. ショッピングカート(Shopping Cart)
  6. 前葉体(prothallium)
  7. ハードコーディング(Hard Cording)
  8. New Item!
  9. チェックイン&アウト(Check'IN Out)
  10. すきま風(SUKIMAKAZE)
  11. リラクゼーション(Relaxation)
  12. ケミストリー(Chemistry)
  13. 到着(Arrival)
  14. フリーズドラフト(Freeze Draft)
  15. マジックナンバー(Magic Number)
  16. 時刻表(Time Table)
  17. ナンバー1119(Number 1119)
  18. トレイン駅(Train Station)
  19. 発車ベル(Departure)
  20. 都都駅(ToTo Station)
  21. 会社人(Kaisha Man)
  22. ゾンビート(Zombeat)
  23. こもり唄(Oyasumi Song)
  24. 仕様変更(Change Spec)
  25. カーテンライズ(Curtain Rise)
  26. ケロブラスタークレジット(Credit of Kero)
  27. 正体(True Colors Black)
  28. 参道(Approach to Hondo)
  29. 遠雷(Enrai)
  30. シフとジス(DAMEMOJI)
  31. Pink Hour Title
  32. Excuse me...
  33. Cave Story (Theme Song)

Links (7)

Official Homepages

  1. http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA022293/

Other Databases

  1. https://ocremix.org/artist/506/pixel


  1. https://www.discogs.com/artist/4247526


  1. https://vgmdb.net/artist/2811


  1. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5313274/


  1. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3178531

Social Networking

  1. https://twitter.com/amaya_pixel