George Formby (26 May 1904 - 06 Mar 1961)

Male Person - United Kingdom Junior, musical film star 1904–1961

Recordings by (454)

  1. All Going Back ?:?? (Nov 1929)
  2. In The Congo ?:?? (Nov 1929)
  3. I Could Make a Good Living at That 2:52 (09 Nov 1932)
  4. Let's All Go To Reno 3:02 (09 Nov 1932)
  5. Do De O Do ?:?? (1932)
  6. Chinese Blues ?:?? (1932)
  7. I Told My Baby With The Ukulele 2:52 (1932)
  8. If You Don't Want the Goods, Don't Maul 'em 3:02 (1932)
  9. Why Don't Women Like Me? ?:?? (1933)
  10. Running Round the Fountains in Trafalgar Square ?:?? (1933)
  11. She's Never Been Seen Since Then ?:?? (1933)
  12. Swimmin' With the Wimmin' ?:?? (1933)
  13. Riding in the T.T. Races ?:?? (1935)
  14. The Isle of Man ?:?? (1935)
  15. I'm a Froggie ?:?? (1936)
  16. The Ghost ?:?? (1936)
  17. Gallant Dick Turpin - Part 1 ?:?? (1936)
  18. Gallant Dick Turpin - Part 2 ?:?? (1936)
  19. The Pleasure Cruise ?:?? (1936)
  20. The Wash-House at the Back ?:?? (1936)
  21. Ring Your Little Bell (Ting Ting) ?:?? (1936)
  22. Quick Fire Medley ?:?? (1936)
  23. When I’m Cleaning Windows ?:?? (1936)
  24. Keep Your Seats Please ?:?? (1936)
  25. Hindoo Man ?:?? (1937)
  26. My Little Goat and Me ?:?? (1937)
  27. Dare Devil Dick ?:?? (1937)
  28. Bunkam's Travelling Show ?:?? (1937)
  29. When We Feather Our Nest ?:?? (1937)
  30. You're A Li-a-ty ?:?? (1937)
  31. The Lancashire Toreador 3:17 (1937)
  32. The Window Cleaner No.2 3:21 (1937)
  33. Leaning on a Lamp Post ?:?? (1937)
  34. Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Ti Island ?:?? (1937)
  35. Oh, Dear Mother ?:?? (1937)
  36. With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock ?:?? (1937)
  37. I Don't Like ?:?? (1937)
  38. My Plus Fours ?:?? (1937)
  39. You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming ?:?? (1937)
  40. She Can't Say "No" ?:?? (1937)
  41. Keep Fit ?:?? (28 Feb 1938)
  42. Biceps, Muscle and Brawn ?:?? (28 Feb 1938)
  43. Our Sergeant Major ?:?? (1938)
  44. Rhythm in the Alphabet ?:?? (1938)
  45. I Can Tell It by My Horoscope ?:?? (1938)
  46. Hitting the High Spots ?:?? (1938)
  47. Like the Big Pots Do ?:?? (1938)
  48. They Can't Fool Me ?:?? (1938)
  49. It's in the Air ?:?? (1938)
  50. Noughts and Crosses ?:?? (1938)
  51. Mother, What'll I do Now ?:?? (1938)
  52. I Blew A Little Blast On My Whistle ?:?? (1938)
  53. In My Little Snapshot Album ?:?? (1938)
  54. Tan-Tan-Tivvy Tally Ho! ?:?? (1938)
  55. I Wonder Who's Under Her Balcony Now? ?:?? (1938)
  56. Springtime's Here Again ?:?? (1938)
  57. The Joo-Jah Tree ?:?? (1938)
  58. Wunga Bunga Boo ?:?? (1938)
  59. Have You Ever Heard This One? ?:?? (1938)
  60. Sitting Pretty With My Fingers Crossed ?:?? (1938)
  61. Kiss Your Mansy Pansy ?:?? (1938)
  62. Little Wooden Toolshed in the Garden ?:?? (1938)
  63. Frigid Air Fanny ?:?? (1938)
  64. Hill Billy Willie ?:?? (1939)
  65. It's Turned Out Nice Again ?:?? (1939)
  66. I'm Making Headway Now ?:?? (1939)
  67. I Could Not Let the Stable Down ?:?? (1939)
  68. I'm the Husband of the Wife of Mr. Wu ?:?? (1939)
  69. It's a Grand and Healthy Life ?:?? (1939)
  70. I'm the Ukulele Man ?:?? (04 Aug 1940)
  71. On the Beat ?:?? (04 Aug 1940)
  72. Count Your Blessings and Smile ?:?? (1940)
  73. Oh! Don't the Wind Blow Cold ?:?? (1940)
  74. Down the Old Coal Hole 3:19 (1940)
  75. On the Wigan Boat Express 3:28 (1940)
  76. Dan the Dairy Man ?:?? (1940)
  77. The Blue-Eyed Blonde, Next Door ?:?? (1940)
  78. Letting the New Year In ?:?? (1940)
  79. Bless 'em All (The Service Song) ?:?? (1940)
  80. With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock ?:?? (1940)
  81. Lancashire Hot Pot Swingers ?:?? (1940)
  82. Chinese Laundry Blues ?:?? (1940)
  83. My Ukelele ?:?? (1940)
  84. Sitting On The Ice In The Ice Rink ?:?? (1940)
  85. Thanks Mister Roosevelt 2:59 (21 Feb 1941)
  86. Bless Em All No 2 2:37 (21 Feb 1941)
  87. You'll Be Far Better Off in a Home 3:12 (08 Apr 1941)
  88. I Did What I Could With My Gas Mask 2:59 (08 Apr 1941)
  89. The Barmade at the Rose and Crown ?:?? (24 Aug 1941)
  90. I'd Do It With a Smile ?:?? (24 Aug 1941)
  91. You're Everything to Me ?:?? (1941)
  92. The Emperor of Lancashire ?:?? (1941)
  93. In My Little Snapshot Album ?:?? (1941)
  94. Noughts and Crosses ?:?? (1941)
  95. Grandad's Flannelette Nightshirt ?:?? (1941)
  96. Mr. Wu's a Window Cleaner Now ?:?? (1941)
  97. Film Favourites Part 1 ?:?? (1941)
  98. Film Favourites Part 2 ?:?? (1941)
  99. You Can't Go Wrong in These ?:?? (1941)
  100. Auntie Maggie's Remedy ?:?? (1941)
  101. I'm the Husband of the Wife of Mr Wu ?:?? (1941)
  102. It Might Have Been a Great Deal Worse ?:?? (1941)
  103. Delivering the Morning Milk ?:?? (1941)
  104. I Played on My Spanish Guitar 3:17 (1941)
  105. Swing Mama 3:28 (1941)
  106. The Left Hand Side of Egypt ?:?? (1941)
  107. Who Are You A-Shoving Of ?:?? (1941)
  108. George Formby's Crazy Record, Part 1 ?:?? (1942)
  109. George Formby's Crazy Record, Part 2 ?:?? (1942)
  110. Thirty Thirsty Sailors ?:?? (1942)
  111. Hold Your Hats On ?:?? (1942)
  112. Under the Blasted Oak ?:?? (1942)
  113. Oh, You Have No Idea! ?:?? (1942)
  114. Talking to the Moon About You ?:?? (1942)
  115. Got to Get Your Photo in the Press ?:?? (1942)
  116. Mr. Wu's an Air Raid Warden Now ?:?? (1942)
  117. Smile All the Time ?:?? (1942)
  118. Out in the Middle East ?:?? (1942)
  119. Andy the Handy Man ?:?? (1942)
  120. They Laughed When I Started to Play ?:?? (1942)
  121. When We Feather Our Nest ?:?? (1942)
  122. You're a Li-A-Ty ?:?? (1943)
  123. Serves You Right 3:12 (1943)
  124. Swim Little Fish 2:58 (1943)
  125. Home Guard Blues ?:?? (1943)
  126. Get Crackin' ?:?? (1943)
  127. If I Had a Girl Like You ?:?? (1944)
  128. Bell Bottom George ?:?? (1944)
  129. The "V" Sign Song ?:?? (1944)
  130. The Cane Bottom Chair ?:?? (1944)
  131. Hill Billy Willie ?:?? (1944)
  132. Our Fanny's Gone All Yankee ?:?? (1945)
  133. Unconditional Surrender ?:?? (1945)
  134. The Daring Young Man ?:?? (1945)
  135. I'd Like a Dream Like That ?:?? (1945)
  136. It Could Be ?:?? (Dec 1946)
  137. We've Been a Long Time Gone ?:?? (Dec 1946)
  138. Sentimental Lou ?:?? (1946)
  139. Blackpool Prom ?:?? (1946)
  140. You Cant Keep a Growing Lad Down 2:53 (1949)
  141. Its No Use Looking at Me 2:50 (1949)
  142. Levi's Monkey Mike ?:?? (Oct 1955)
  143. Do-De-O-Do ?:?? (Oct 1955)
  144. I'm the Husband of the Wife of Mr. Wu ?:?? (Nov 1956)
  145. Grandad's Flannelette Nightshirt ?:?? (Nov 1956)
  146. Come Hither With Your Zither ?:?? (1956)
  147. Auntie Maggie's Remedy ?:?? (1956)
  148. Leanin' on a Lamp-Post ?:?? (1956)
  149. When I'm Cleaning Windows ?:?? (1956)
  150. Mr. Wu's a Window Cleaner Now 2:41 (1956)
  151. Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Ti-Island 2:23 (1956)
  152. The Window Cleaner 2:49 (1956)
  153. Leaning on a Lampost 2:59 (1956)
  154. It's No Use Looking at Me ?:?? (1959)
  155. You Can't Keep a Growing Lad Down ?:?? (1959)
  156. Sitting on the Ice in the Ice Rink ?:?? (1963)
  157. I Do Do Things I Do ?:?? (1963)
  158. If You Don’t Want the Goods, Don’t Maul ’em ?:?? (1963)
  159. The Best of Schemes ?:?? (1963)
  160. The Wedding of Mister Wu ?:?? (1963)
  161. John Willie’s Jazz Band ?:?? (1963)
  162. I Went All Hot and Cold ?:?? (1963)
  163. The Old Kitchen Kettle ?:?? (1963)
  164. Levi’s Monkey-Mike 3:06 (1963)
  165. Do de o Do ?:?? (1963)
  166. The Fiddler Kept on Fiddling ?:?? (1963)
  167. In a Little Wigan Garden ?:?? (1963)
  168. Sunbathing in the Park ?:?? (1963)
  169. You Can’t Keep a Growing Lad Down ?:?? (1963)
  170. Auntie Maggie’s Remedy ?:?? (1975)
  171. Believe It or Not ?:?? (1975)
  172. I Do Do Things I Do ?:?? (1975)
  173. The Fiddler Kept on Fiddling ?:?? (1975)
  174. The Best Of Schemes ?:?? (1975)
  175. Madame Moscovitch ?:?? (1975)
  176. Share And Share Alike ?:?? (1975)
  177. I Went All Hot And Cold ?:?? (1975)
  178. I Told My Baby With My Ukelele ?:?? (1975)
  179. There’s Nothing Proud About Me ?:?? (1975)
  180. Next Week's Film 1:38 (1989)
  181. Imagine Me in the Maginot Line 2:47 (1989)
  182. Sitting on the Sands All Night 2:41 (1989)
  183. Pleasure Cruise 2:53 (1989)
  184. You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming 3:06 (1989)
  185. It Ain't Nobody's Biz'ness What I Do/Goody Goody/I Like Bananas 3:08 (1989)
  186. Biceps, Muscle and Brawn 2:47 (1989)
  187. I'm a Froggie 2:45 (1989)
  188. Radio Bungalow Town 3:02 (1989)
  189. I Don't Like 2:44 (1989)
  190. Somebody's Wedding Day 3:21 (1989)
  191. Five and Twenty Years 2:49 (1989)
  192. Like The Big Pots Do 2:42 (1989)
  193. My Plus-Fours 3:02 (1989)
  194. Ring Your Little Bell (Ting, Ting) 2:44 (1989)
  195. A Farmer's Boy 3:10 (1989)
  196. Trailing Around in a Trailer 2:49 (1989)
  197. Easy Going Chap 2:57 (1989)
  198. Sitting on the Ice in the Ice-Rink / Do De o Do / Chinese Laundry Blues 2:53 (1989)
  199. Hi-Tiddley-Hi-Ti Island 2:25 (1989)
  200. Riding in the T.T. Races 3:04 (1989)
  201. You Can't Keep Growing Lad Down 2:51 (1989)
  202. Mother What'll I Do Now? 2:53 (1989)
  203. Madam Moscovitch / With My Little Ukuele in My Hand / Fanlight Fanny 3:03 (1989)
  204. Leaning On A Lamp Post 3:03 (1989)
  205. Leaning on a Lampost 3:03 (1990)
  206. The Window Cleaner (When I'm Cleaning Windows) 2:54 (1990)
  207. Swimmin’ With the Wimmin’ 3:06 (1990)
  208. You Can’t Keep a Growing Lad Down 3:06 (1990)
  209. The Old Kitchen Kettle 3:13 (1990)
  210. Isle of Man 2:44 (1990)
  211. As the Hours, and the Days, and the Months and the Years Roll By 3:00 (1990)
  212. I Told My Baby With the Ukelele 3:07 (1990)
  213. Our Sergeant Major 2:46 (1990)
  214. With My Little Ukelele in My Hand 3:05 (1990)
  215. Mother, What’ll I Do Now? 2:54 (1990)
  216. Leaning on a Lamp‐Post 3:03 (1991)
  217. Hitting The High Spots 2:33 (1991)
  218. Rhythm In The Alphabet 2:50 (1991)
  219. It’s in the Air 2:46 (1991)
  220. Grandad’s Flannelette Nightshirt 3:05 (1991)
  221. Count Your Blessings and Smile 2:48 (1991)
  222. Oh, Don’t the Wind Blow Cold 3:04 (1991)
  223. Lancashire Hot Pot Swinger 3:20 (1991)
  224. Mr. Wu’s a Window Cleaner Now 2:45 (1991)
  225. Hi‐Tiddly‐Hi‐Ti Island 2:26 (1991)
  226. It’s Turned Out Nice Again 2:53 (1991)
  227. They Can’t Fool Me 2:42 (1991)
  228. Somebody’s Wedding Day 3:21 (1991)
  229. My Plus Fours 3:02 (1991)
  230. I Don’t Like 2:44 (1991)
  231. You Can’t Stop Me From Dreaming 3:05 (1991)
  232. I’m a Froggie 2:44 (1991)
  233. I Could Make a Good Living at That! 3:07 (1991)
  234. Sitting on the Ice 3:00 (01 Nov 1994)
  235. The Window Cleaner (No 2) 2:55 (13 Jul 1995)
  236. Mr. Wu's a Window Cleaner Now 2:45 (13 Jul 1995)
  237. Sittin' on the Ice in the Ice Rink 3:05 (13 Jul 1995)
  238. Bless 'em All 3:01 (13 Jul 1995)
  239. Leaning on a Lamp-Post 3:02 (13 Jul 1995)
  240. A Farmer’s Boy 3:09 (1995)
  241. Sitting on the Ice in the Ice Rink / Do de Oh Doh / Chinese Laundry Blues 2:52 (1995)
  242. Keep Fit 2:55 (1995)
  243. Riding In The TT Races 3:03 (1995)
  244. It Ain't Nobody's Biz'Ness What I Do / Goody Goody / I Like Bananas 3:08 (1995)
  245. Why Don’t Women Like Me? 3:09 (1995)
  246. Madame Moscovitch / With My Little Ukulele in My Hand / Fanlight Fanny 3:03 (1995)
  247. You Don’t Need a Licence for That 3:10 (1995)
  248. My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock 3:07 (1996)
  249. Imagine Me on the Maginot Line 2:36 (1997)
  250. Bless ’em All 3:02 (1997)
  251. I'm The Ukelele Man 3:06 (1997)
  252. The Lancashre Toreador 3:09 (1997)
  253. The Window Cleaner No 2 2:55 (1997)
  254. The Window Cleaner 2:53 (1997)
  255. The Window Cleaner No. 2 2:55 (1997)
  256. Mr Wu's A Window Cleaner Now 2:43 (1997)
  257. Mother What'll I Do Now 2:52 (1997)
  258. Mr Wu In The Air Force 2:43 (1997)
  259. Cook House Serenade 3:00 (1997)
  260. Sitting on the top of Blackpool Tower 2:58 (1997)
  261. I Wonder Who's Under Her Balcony Now 2:59 (1997)
  262. It Serves You Right 2:51 (1997)
  263. My Ukulele 3:04 (1998)
  264. Why Don’t Women Like Me 3:09 (2000)
  265. You’re a Li‐A‐Ty 2:51 (2000)
  266. Sintting on the Sands All Night 2:40 (2000)
  267. I’m the Ukulele Man 3:07 (2001)
  268. The Blue Eyed Blonde Next Door 2:41 (2001)
  269. Who Are You a Shoving Of? 3:41 (2001)
  270. I Can Tell It by My Horoscope 3:12 (2001)
  271. With My Stick of Blackpool Rock 3:08 (2001)
  272. The Window Cleaner 2 2:56 (2001)
  273. Blue Eyed Blonde Next Door 2:40 (2001)
  274. The Mad March Hare 3:03 (2002)
  275. You Don't Need a License for That 3:14 (2002)
  276. Saving Up for Sally 2:11 (2002)
  277. Happy to Lucky Me 2:21 (2002)
  278. Banjo Boy 2:13 (2002)
  279. A Lad From Lancashire 2:39 (2002)
  280. Delivering the Morning Milk 2:53 (2002)
  281. I Wonder Who’s Under Her Balcony Now 3:01 (2002)
  282. My Plus‐Fours 3:00 (2002)
  283. Goodnight Little Fellow Goodnight 2:47 (2002)
  284. Fanlight Fanny 3:00 (2002)
  285. Mr. Wu's An Air Raid Warden Now 2:41 (2002)
  286. Daredevil Dick 3:00 (2004)
  287. Mr. Wu’s an Air Raid Warden Now 2:41 (2004)
  288. The Man Was A Stranger To Me 2:57 (2004)
  289. Rolling Around Piccadilly 3:32 (2004)
  290. John Willie's Jazz Band 3:04 (2004)
  291. I Parted My Hair In The Middle 3:09 (2004)
  292. John Willie Come On 3:17 (2004)
  293. I Always Was A Willing Young Lad 3:20 (2004)
  294. Our House Is Haunted 3:32 (2004)
  295. John Willie At The Licensing Office [With Compant - Parts 1 & 2] 6:26 (2004)
  296. Running Round The Fountain In Trafalgar Square 3:08 (2004)
  297. Levi's Monkey - Mike q 3:06 (2004)
  298. With My Little Ukulele In My Hand 3:06 (2004)
  299. As The Hours And The Days And The Months And The Years Go By 3:02 (2004)
  300. Gallant Dick Turpin [With Company - Parts 1 & 2] 7:10 (2004)
  301. George Formby Medley [Parts 1 & 2] 5:52 (2004)
  302. Ring Your Little Bell 2:47 (2004)
  303. Quick-Fire Medley 3:10 (2004)
  304. Keep Your Seats, Please 2:48 (2004)
  305. Dare-Devil Dick 3:03 (2004)
  306. Bunkum's Travelling Show 3:01 (2004)
  307. The Ghost 3:37 (2004)
  308. Oh Dear, Mother 2:56 (2004)
  309. Said The Little Brown Hen 2:47 (2004)
  310. Trailer For 'Keep Your Seats, Please' 1:36 (2004)
  311. The Isle Of Man 2:46 (2004)
  312. I Do Do Things, I Do 2:22 (2004)
  313. The Wash House At The Back 2:54 (2004)
  314. Madame Moskovitch 2:54 (2004)
  315. The Wedding Of Mr Wu 2:51 (2004)
  316. John Willie Goes Carolling [With Company - Parts 1 & 2] 6:24 (2004)
  317. There's Nothing Proud About Me 2:47 (2004)
  318. Baby 3:01 (2004)
  319. In A Little Wigan Garden 2:48 (2004)
  320. Swimmin' With The Wimmin 3:09 (2004)
  321. Sunbathin' In The Park 3:01 (2004)
  322. ommy Farr (2)–Remember Me 3:25 (2004)
  323. eryl Formby–She Can't Say No 3:03 (2004)
  324. ommy Farr (2)–Maybe I'll Find Somebody Else 2:52 (2004)
  325. Trailer For 'Keep Fit' 2:25 (2004)
  326. eryl Formby–Does Your Dream Book Tell You That? 3:33 (2004)
  327. Mother, What'll I Do Now? 2:56 (2004)
  328. Easy-Going Chap 3:01 (2004)
  329. It's A Grand And Healthy Life 3:04 (2004)
  330. Swing It, George [Parts 1 & 2] 5:46 (2004)
  331. Goodnight, Little Fellow, Goodnight 2:41 (2004)
  332. The Low-Down Lazy Turk 3:21 (2004)
  333. Pardon Me 2:43 (2004)
  334. The Blue-Eyed Blonde Next Door 2:41 (2004)
  335. Tan Tan Tivvy Tally-Ho 2:51 (2004)
  336. I'm The Husband Of The Wife Of Mr Wu 2:59 (2004)
  337. Dan, The Dairy Man 2:52 (2004)
  338. The Lancashire Hot-Pot Swingers 3:20 (2004)
  339. I Couldn't Let The Stable Down 2:38 (2004)
  340. I'm Making Headway Now 2:55 (2004)
  341. Our Sergeant-Major 2:49 (2004)
  342. Leaning on a Lamppost 3:03 (2005)
  343. Serves You Right (You Shouldn't Have Joined) 2:49 (2005)
  344. Bless' Em All 3:01 (2005)
  345. Swinging Along 2:59 (2006)
  346. The Lancashire Romeo 3:17 (2006)
  347. You've Got Something There 2:42 (2006)
  348. I Always Get to Bed by Half-Past Nine 3:13 (2006)
  349. On the Beat 3:18 (2006)
  350. Guarding the Home of the Home Guards 2:42 (2006)
  351. I Wish I Was Back on the Farm 2:40 (2006)
  352. Formby Favourites for the Forces 5:55 (2006)
  353. Thanks, Mr. Roosevelt 2:59 (2006)
  354. Bless 'em All No. 2 3:11 (2006)
  355. It Might Have Been a Great Deal Worse 3:04 (2006)
  356. You'd Be Far Better Off in a Home 3:05 (2006)
  357. You Can't Go Wrong in These 3:08 (2006)
  358. You’re Everything to Me 3:33 (2006)
  359. The Left-Hand Side of Egypt 3:23 (2006)
  360. Who Are You A-Shoving Of? 3:36 (2006)
  361. The Barmaid at the Rose and Crown 3:13 (2006)
  362. George Formby's Crazy Record, Parts 1/2 6:51 (2006)
  363. Formby Film Favourites, Parts 1/2 6:15 (2006)
  364. Katy Did, Katy Didn't 2:59 (2006)
  365. Frank on His Tank 3:06 (2006)
  366. Smile All the Time 3:17 (2006)
  367. Out in the Middle East 3:07 (2006)
  368. Andy The Handy Man 2:48 (2006)
  369. They Laughed When I Started to Play 3:22 (2006)
  370. Talking to the Moon About You 3:09 (2006)
  371. Go to Get Your Photo in the Press 3:22 (2006)
  372. Sally the Salvage Queen 3:00 (2006)
  373. Thirsty Thirsty Sailors 2:48 (2006)
  374. The Cook House Serenade 3:04 (2006)
  375. You Can't Love Two Girls at the Same Time 3:05 (2006)
  376. Then the Lads of the Village Get Crackin' 3:20 (2006)
  377. When the Waterworks Caught Fire 2:52 (2006)
  378. The Baby Show 2:43 (2006)
  379. Oh! You Have No Idea 3:12 (2006)
  380. Spotting on Top of Blackpool Tower 3:01 (2006)
  381. British Isles (medley) 3:04 (2006)
  382. American (medley) 2:57 (2006)
  383. On the HMS Cowheel 2:57 (2006)
  384. Bunty's Such a Big Girl Now 2:58 (2006)
  385. It Serves You Right (You Shouldn't Have Joined) 2:56 (2006)
  386. Swim, Little Fish 2:50 (2006)
  387. The Old Cane Bottom Chair 2:53 (2006)
  388. Mr. Wu's in the Air Force 2:46 (2006)
  389. She's Got Two of Everything 3:12 (2006)
  390. Up in the Air and Down in the Dumps 2:48 (2006)
  391. Excerpt From "Get Cracking" 1:24 (2006)
  392. You Don't Need a Licence for That 3:14 (2006)
  393. The Mad March Harae 3:04 (2006)
  394. Ordinary People 3:20 (2006)
  395. Zip Goes a Million 3:04 (2006)
  396. It Takes No Time to Fall in Love 3:28 (2006)
  397. Nothing Breaks but the Heart 3:23 (2006)
  398. Why Don't Women Like Me 3:16 (2006)
  399. Sitting On Top Of Blackpool Tower 2:58 (2006)
  400. We All Share And Share Alike 2:47 (2006)
  401. Do De O'Do 3:30 (2006)
  402. Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Ti Island 2:25 (2006)
  403. Mr. Wu Is Now an Air Raid Warden ?:?? (24 Aug 2009)
  404. Get Crackin’ ?:?? (24 Aug 2009)
  405. The Window Cleaner (No.2) 2:55 (2009)
  406. Hi Tiddley Hi Ti Island 2:25 (2009)
  407. The Wedding Of Mr. Wu 2:51 (2009)
  408. Hi-Tiddley-Hi-Ti-Island ?:?? (2009)
  409. The Emporer of Lancashire ?:?? (2009)
  410. John Willie Goes Carolling 6:30 (2010)
  411. Turned Out Nice Again ?:?? (2010)
  412. Hi‐Tiddley‐Hi‐Ti‐Island ?:?? (2010)
  413. Mr Wu’s a Window Cleaner Now ?:?? (2010)
  414. When I'm Clearing Windows 2:58 (11 Jun 2012)
  415. The Window Cleaner (When I’m Cleaning Windows) 2:56 (05 Aug 2013)
  416. When the Lads of the Village Get Crackin’ 3:18 (05 Aug 2013)
  417. Serves You Right (You Shouldn’t Have Joined) ?:?? (09 Feb 2015)
  418. Mother What’ll I Do Now 2:51 (2015)
  419. John Williek, Come On 3:14 (2016)
  420. I Was Always A Willing Lad 3:16 (2016)
  421. I Told My Baby With My Ukulele 3:12 (2016)
  422. If You Don't Maul 'em 3:09 (2016)
  423. John Willie At The Licence Office (Part 1 & 2) 6:23 (2016)
  424. Running Around The Fountain In Trafalgar Square 3:05 (2016)
  425. As The Hours And The Days And The Months And Years Go 3:01 (2016)
  426. John Willie Goes Carolling (Part 1 & 2) 6:22 (2016)
  427. Gallant Dick Turpin (Part 1 & 2) 7:06 (2016)
  428. George Formby Medley (Part 1 & 2) 5:48 (2016)
  429. The Window Cleaner (No. 2) 2:54 (2016)
  430. Sad The Little Brown Hen 2:44 (2016)
  431. It’s No Use Looking at Me 2:56 (2017)
  432. Oh, Dear Mother 2:55 (2017)
  433. Springtime’s Here Again 2:59 (2017)
  434. It’s a Grand and Healthy Life 3:02 (2017)
  435. I’m Making Headway Now 2:53 (2017)
  436. I Couldn’t Let the Stable Down 2:36 (2017)
  437. The Lancashire Hot Pot Swingers 3:19 (2017)
  438. I Wonder Who’s Under Her Balcony Now? 2:59 (02 Aug 2019)
  439. Happy Go Lucky Me 2:18 (2019)
  440. Fanlight Fanny ?:?? ()
  441. Share and Share Alike ?:?? ()
  442. Dan, the Dairy Man ?:?? ()
  443. Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Ti Island ?:?? ()
  444. Aunt Maggie's Remedy ?:?? ()
  445. Our Sargent Major 2:49 ()
  446. Banjo Boy (The Time of Your Life) 2:14 ()
  447. Happy Go Lucky Me (The Time of Your Life) 2:17 ()
  448. Bless ’Em All 20 ?:?? ()
  449. Bless 'em All (No. 2) (The Service Song) ?:?? ()
  450. Sunbathing in the Park ?:?? ()
  451. As the Hours and the Days and the Weeks and the Months and the Years Roll By ?:?? ()
  452. Bunty's a Big Girl Now ?:?? ()
  453. British Isles Medley ?:?? ()
  454. American Medley ?:?? ()