William Byrd (1540 - 04 Jul 1623)

Male Person - United Kingdom English composer

Recordings by (985)

  1. Mounsiers Almaine 2:12 (1964)
  2. Pavin 2:50 (1964)
  3. O Lord How Vain 4:57 (1966)
  4. Lord Salisbury's Pavan 1:23 (1966)
  5. Elegy on the Death of Thoma Tallis 3:18 (1966)
  6. In Nomine a 5 2:57 (1966)
  7. O Lord, how vain 4:57 (1966)
  8. Lord Salisbury’s Pavan 1:25 (1966)
  9. Elegy on the Death of Thomas Tallis 3:18 (1966)
  10. Non nobis Domine 1:18 (1967)
  11. Byrd: Though Amaryllis Dance - 1. Though Amaryllis Dance in Green 0:53 (01 Oct 1982)
  12. Byrd: Though Amaryllis Dance - 2. My Sheep Are Lost for Want of Food 0:52 (01 Oct 1982)
  13. Byrd: Though Amaryllis Dance - 3. Her Loving Looks, Her Beauty Bright 0:52 (01 Oct 1982)
  14. Byrd: Though Amaryllis Dance - 4. Ah, Wanton Eyes, My Friendly Foes 0:52 (01 Oct 1982)
  15. Byrd: Though Amaryllis Dance - 5. Love Ye Who List, I Force Him Not 1:21 (01 Oct 1982)
  16. Though, Amaryllis Dance 4:51 (1982)
  17. Mass for 4 voices: I. Kyrie 2:11 (1985)
  18. Mass for 4 voices: II. Gloria 5:28 (1985)
  19. Mass for 4 voices: III. Credo 7:31 (1985)
  20. Mass for 4 voices: IV. Sanctus 2:21 (1985)
  21. Mass for 4 voices: V. Benedictus 1:15 (1985)
  22. Mass for 4 voices: VI. Agnus Dei 2:37 (1985)
  23. Psalmes, Sonets and Songs, No. 34: Come to Me, Grief, for Ever 2:01 (1985)
  24. Psalmes, Sonets and Songs, No. 17: Retire, My Soul 4:11 (1985)
  25. The Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorrowfull Soule: Come help, O God 3:12 (1985)
  26. First Book of Selected Church Musick: Prevent us, O Lord 2:39 (1985)
  27. Gradualia, liber primus: Cibavit eos 2:34 (1985)
  28. Gradualia, liber primus: Ave verum Corpus 3:48 (1985)
  29. Gradualia, liber secundus: Confirma hoc Deus 1:25 (1985)
  30. Gradualia, liber primus: Justorum animae 2:24 (1985)
  31. Fantasia a 5 5:41 (Jan 1986)
  32. Fantasia a 6 (II) 5:12 (Jan 1986)
  33. Fantasia a 6 (I) 3:08 (Jan 1986)
  34. Sellinger's Round 1:37 (1986)
  35. The buriing of the dead 1:22 (1986)
  36. In nomine à 4 for instrumental consort No. 2 2:56 (30 Aug 1987)
  37. Fantasia à 3 for instrumental consort No. 3 in C major 1:14 (30 Aug 1987)
  38. Missa in tempore Paschali 18:18 (1987)
  39. Motet: Regina cæli 6:41 (1987)
  40. Missa in Assumptione beatæ Mariæ virginis 16:49 (1987)
  41. Antiphon: Ave Regina cælorum 4:31 (1987)
  42. Antiphon: Salve Regina 5:00 (1987)
  43. The First sett, Of Italian Madrigalls Englished: This sweet and merry month of May 2:31 (1987)
  44. Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie: Lullaby 2:09 (1987)
  45. Though Amaryllis Dance In Green 2:27 (1987)
  46. Pavane & 2 Galliards "The Earle of Salisbury": I. Pavan 2:07 (1987)
  47. Praise our Lord all yee Gentiles (Ps. 117) 2:58 (1987)
  48. Have mercy upon me, O God (Ps. 51:1-2) 4:28 (1987)
  49. Make ye ioy to God (Ps. 100:1-2) 2:16 (1987)
  50. Come to me griefe for ever – The funerall Songs of that honorable Gent. Syr Phillip Sydney, Knight 4:04 (1987)
  51. Christ rising again (Rom. 6:9-11; Cor. I, 15:20-22) 6:01 (1987)
  52. From Virgin's wombe – A Carowle for Christmas Day 8:58 (1987)
  53. Ye sacred Muses – Elegy on the death of Thomas Tallis 3:35 (1987)
  54. Turne our captivitie (Ps. 126:5-7) 3:51 (1987)
  55. Lulla, lullaby 7:34 (1987)
  56. Who made thee, Hob – A dialogue between two shepherds 1:46 (1987)
  57. Come wofull Orpheus 4:02 (1987)
  58. Through Amarillis daunce in greene 5:10 (1987)
  59. The Morning Service: I Venite 5:26 (1987)
  60. The Morning Service: II Te Deum 9:12 (1987)
  61. The Morning Service: III Benedictus 9:14 (1987)
  62. The Morning Service: IV Kyrie 1:01 (1987)
  63. The Morning Service: Creed 5:24 (1987)
  64. The Evening Service: I Introit - "Lift up your heads" (Psalm 24) 5:07 (1987)
  65. The Evening Service: II First Preces 1:15 (1987)
  66. The Evening Service: Psalm 47 "O Clap your hands" 3:14 (1987)
  67. The Evening Service: III Magnificat 9:26 (1987)
  68. The Evening Service: IV Nunc dimittis 4:34 (1987)
  69. The Evening Service: V Responses 0:36 (1987)
  70. The Evening Service: Prayers 2:38 (1987)
  71. The Evening Service: Collects 2:25 (1987)
  72. The Evening Service: VI Anthem "O Lord, Make Thy Servant" 2:43 (1987)
  73. The Evening Service: VII Anthem "Sing joyfully unto God our strength" (Psalm 81, 1-4) 2:47 (1987)
  74. Fantasy a 5 'Two in One' 6:05 (1988)
  75. A Fancie in C From 'My Ladye Nevells Booke' 5:27 (1988)
  76. Fantasy 2:35 (1988)
  77. Fantasia à 6 no. 3 4:40 (1989)
  78. Pavan and Galliard à 6: Pavan 2:32 (1989)
  79. Pavan and Galliard à 6: Galliard 1:44 (1989)
  80. Fantasia à 4 no. 1 2:45 (1989)
  81. Pavan "Bray" (arr. lute: Francis Cutting) 4:59 (1989)
  82. Fantasia à 3 no. 1 1:44 (1989)
  83. Fantasia à 3 no. 2 1:43 (1989)
  84. Fantasia à 3 no. 3 1:20 (1989)
  85. Fantasia à 6 no. 2 5:33 (1989)
  86. Laudibus in sanctis 5:26 (1989)
  87. When I was otherwise than now I am 2:18 (1989)
  88. My heart and tongue were twins 2:06 (1989)
  89. Messe à 3 voix: I. Kyrie 0:50 (1989)
  90. Messe à 3 voix: II. Gloria 5:07 (1989)
  91. Messe à 3 voix: III. Credo 7:46 (1989)
  92. Messe à 3 voix: IV. Sanctus 2:16 (1989)
  93. Messe à 3 voix: V. Benedictus 1:01 (1989)
  94. Messe à 3 voix: VI. Agnus Dei 3:47 (1989)
  95. Messe à 4 voix: I. Kyrie 2:12 (1989)
  96. Messe à 4 voix: II. Gloria 5:55 (1989)
  97. Messe à 4 voix: III. Credo 7:38 (1989)
  98. Messe à 4 voix: IV. Sanctus, Benedictus 4:01 (1989)
  99. Messe à 4 voix: V. Agnus Dei 3:35 (1989)
  100. Messe à 5 voix: I. Kyrie 1:33 (1989)
  101. Messe à 5 voix: II. Gloria 5:04 (1989)
  102. Messe à 5 voix: III. Credo 8:51 (1989)
  103. Messe à 5 voix: IV. Sanctus 2:19 (1989)
  104. Messe à 5 voix: V. Benedictus 1:39 (1989)
  105. Messe à 5 voix: VI. Agnus Dei 3:30 (1989)
  106. Christe qui lux II 2:21 (Jan 1990)
  107. Christe qui lux III 0:53 (Jan 1990)
  108. Fantaisie à 4 2:19 (Jan 1990)
  109. Christe redemptor 2:23 (Jan 1990)
  110. Suscepimus Deus 2:22 (Nov 1990)
  111. Iustitia 0:38 (Nov 1990)
  112. Magnus Dominus 1:58 (Nov 1990)
  113. Sicut audivimus 1:14 (Nov 1990)
  114. Senex puerum 1:42 (Nov 1990)
  115. Nunc dimittis servum tuum 5:34 (Nov 1990)
  116. Responsam accepit Simeon 4:07 (Nov 1990)
  117. Salve sancta parens 1:29 (Nov 1990)
  118. Eructavit cor meum 1:53 (Nov 1990)
  119. Benedicta et venerabilis 2:27 (Nov 1990)
  120. Felix es, sacra virgo 1:30 (Nov 1990)
  121. Beata es, Virgo Maria 2:01 (Nov 1990)
  122. Beata viscera 1:43 (Nov 1990)
  123. Alleluia 0:40 (Nov 1990)
  124. Rorate caeli 1:27 (Nov 1990)
  125. Benedixisti Domine 2:11 (Nov 1990)
  126. Tollite portas 2:10 (Nov 1990)
  127. Ave Maria 1:23 (Nov 1990)
  128. Ecce virgo concipiet 2:07 (Nov 1990)
  129. Vultum tuum 2:22 (Nov 1990)
  130. Speciosus forma 3:04 (Nov 1990)
  131. Post partum 2:56 (Nov 1990)
  132. Felix namque es 1:41 (Nov 1990)
  133. Alleluia: Ave Maria 1:57 (Nov 1990)
  134. Virga lesse 2:22 (Nov 1990)
  135. Gaude Maria 3:41 (Nov 1990)
  136. Diffusa est gratia 1:38 (Nov 1990)
  137. Propter veritatem 2:42 (Nov 1990)
  138. Gaudeamus omnes 2:20 (Nov 1990)
  139. Assumpta est Maria 1:28 (Nov 1990)
  140. Optimam partem elegit 2:50 (Nov 1990)
  141. Lord Willobies welcome home "Rowland" 2:13 (1991)
  142. Galiarda Bray 1:39 (1991)
  143. Wolsey's Wilde 1:46 (1991)
  144. My Lady Nevell's Ground, MB 57 5:36 (1991)
  145. O Mistress Mine, MB 83 5:33 (1991)
  146. John Come Kiss Me Now, MB 81 5:04 (1991)
  147. Pavane and Galliard No. 1 in G minor "Passamezzo", MB 2: Pavan 6:44 (1991)
  148. Pavane and Galliard No. 1 in G minor "Passamezzo", MB 2: Galliard 4:24 (1991)
  149. Carman's Whistle, MB 36 4:44 (1991)
  150. Walsingham, MB 8 8:04 (1991)
  151. Hugh Aston's Ground, MB 20 7:50 (1991)
  152. Fortune, MB 6 4:16 (1991)
  153. Sellinger's Round, MB 84 6:02 (1991)
  154. Gloria tibi trinitas 2:16 (Feb 1992)
  155. Clarifica me Pater I 1:47 (Feb 1992)
  156. Clarifica me Pater II 1:45 (Feb 1992)
  157. Clarifica me Pater III 2:38 (Feb 1992)
  158. My Ladye Nevells Booke: The Carman's Whistle, MB 36 4:53 (1992)
  159. Pavan a 6 2:35 (1992)
  160. Galliard a 6 1:39 (1992)
  161. Galliard 1:27 (30 Sep 1993)
  162. Pavan 2:30 (30 Sep 1993)
  163. My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home 1:44 (30 Sep 1993)
  164. The Woods So Wild (transcribed: Francis Cutting) 2:09 (30 Sep 1993)
  165. Monsieur's Almaine for Keyboard in C major, MB 44 2:17 (30 Sep 1993)
  166. Work Pavin 2:54 (30 Sep 1993)
  167. My Lord of Oxenford's Maske 0:55 (30 Sep 1993)
  168. Fastasia 2:42 (1993)
  169. Fantasia 5:01 (1993)
  170. Miserere 4:02 (1993)
  171. Pavana 3:17 (1993)
  172. Alman 2:35 (1993)
  173. Pavana and Galliarda 3:35 (1993)
  174. Lullaby, My Sweet Little Baby 10:48 (1993)
  175. This Day Christ Was Born 3:23 (1993)
  176. The Barley Break 10:04 (27 Sep 1994)
  177. Ego sum panis vivus 1:58 (1994)
  178. The Earl of Oxford's March 3:16 (1994)
  179. Missa tres vocum 21:12 (1994)
  180. Praeludium – 0:50 (23 May 1995)
  181. The Barley Breake 7:52 (23 May 1995)
  182. The Tennthe Pavane (Sir William Petre) – 4:14 (23 May 1995)
  183. Galliard to The Tennthe Pavan 2:09 (23 May 1995)
  184. The Woods so Wild 4:05 (23 May 1995)
  185. Hugh Aston's Ground 7:12 (23 May 1995)
  186. The Bells 5:40 (23 May 1995)
  187. Ut re mi fa sol la, in F 3:27 (22 Aug 1995)
  188. Mass for five voices: Kyrie 1:27 (1995)
  189. Mass for five voices: Gloria 4:57 (1995)
  190. Mass for five voices: Credo 8:41 (1995)
  191. Mass for five voices: Sanctus & Benedictus 3:47 (1995)
  192. Mass for five voices: Agnus Dei 3:29 (1995)
  193. Mass for four voices: Kyrie 2:01 (1995)
  194. Mass for four voices: Gloria 5:29 (1995)
  195. Mass for Four Voices: Credo 7:32 (1995)
  196. Mass for four voices: Sanctus & Benedictus 3:39 (1995)
  197. Mass for four voices: Agnus Dei 3:19 (1995)
  198. Mass for Three Voices: Kyrie 0:35 (1995)
  199. Mass for three voices: Gloria 4:33 (1995)
  200. Mass for Three Voices: Credo 6:35 (1995)
  201. Mass for three voices: Sanctus & Benedictus 2:46 (1995)
  202. Mass for Three Voices: Agnus Dei 3:13 (1995)
  203. Cantiones Sacrae II: Infelix ego 12:18 (1995)
  204. Have Mercy Upon Me, o God 3:12 (04 Mar 1996)
  205. Lamentations: De lamentatione 2:01 (1996)
  206. Lamentations: Heth 2:42 (1996)
  207. Lamentations: Teth 2:38 (1996)
  208. Lamentations: Jod 2:44 (1996)
  209. Lamentations: Jerusalem 2:19 (1996)
  210. The Four-Part Mass: Kyrie 2:21 (1996)
  211. The Four-Part Mass: Gloria 6:27 (1996)
  212. The Four-Part Mass: Credo 8:32 (1996)
  213. The Four-Part Mass: Sanctus 2:37 (1996)
  214. The Four-Part Mass: Benedictus 1:41 (1996)
  215. The Four-Part Mass: Agnus Dei 3:46 (1996)
  216. The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, Volume 1: How Should I Your True Love Know (arr. solo lute & accompaniment) 2:36 (1996)
  217. The Great Service: I. Magnificat 10:31 (1996)
  218. The Great Service: II. Nun dimittis 6:01 (1996)
  219. Ave verum corpus 4:27 (1996)
  220. La Volta 1:48 (1996)
  221. Pavan: Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie 5:20 (12 Aug 1997)
  222. Domine quis habitabit a 9 8:38 (03 Oct 1997)
  223. Omni tempore benedic Deum a 5 5:39 (03 Oct 1997)
  224. Christe redemptor omnium a 4 4:24 (03 Oct 1997)
  225. Sermone blando a 4 1:42 (03 Oct 1997)
  226. Miserere a 4 1:22 (03 Oct 1997)
  227. Ne perdas cum impiis a 5 3:52 (03 Oct 1997)
  228. De lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae a 5 11:28 (03 Oct 1997)
  229. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass in Advent a 5: Rorate caeli 3:49 (03 Oct 1997)
  230. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass in Advent a 5: Tollite portas/Ave Maria 3:21 (03 Oct 1997)
  231. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass in Advent a 5: Ecce virgo 1:23 (03 Oct 1997)
  232. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass in Advent a 5: Alma redemptoris mater a 4 4:04 (03 Oct 1997)
  233. Christe qui lux es a 5 3:57 (03 Oct 1997)
  234. Christe qui lux es a 4 0:59 (03 Oct 1997)
  235. Sanctus a 3 0:54 (03 Oct 1997)
  236. Audivi vocem de caelo a 5 3:46 (03 Oct 1997)
  237. Vide Dominum quoniam tribulor a 5 3:50 (03 Oct 1997)
  238. Peccavi super numerum a 5 6:17 (03 Oct 1997)
  239. Pavana Lachrymae 1 1:40 (1997)
  240. Pavana Lachrymae 2 1:37 (1997)
  241. Pavana Lachrymae 3 1:54 (1997)
  242. Full Anthem: Sing joyfully unto God 1 0:19 (1997)
  243. Full Anthem: Sing joyfully unto God 2 0:14 (1997)
  244. Full Anthem: Sing joyfully unto God 3 1:13 (1997)
  245. Full Anthem: Sing joyfully unto God 4 0:54 (1997)
  246. Come to me, grief, forever: Elegy for Sir Philip Sidney 6:17 (1997)
  247. Mass for Four Voices: Kyrie Eleison 3:24 (1997)
  248. Mass for Four Voices: Gloria in Excelsis Deo 7:52 (1997)
  249. Mass for Four Voices: Sanctus Benedictus 3:08 (1997)
  250. Mass for Four Voices: Benedictus Qui Venit 2:18 (1997)
  251. A Feigned Friend 2:03 (01 Mar 1998)
  252. Ave regina caelorum a 5 4:39 (04 May 1998)
  253. O salutaris hostia a 6 2:51 (04 May 1998)
  254. Alleluya, Confitemini Domino a 3 1:27 (04 May 1998)
  255. In exitu Israel a 4 17:32 (04 May 1998)
  256. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: Puer natus est nobis 4:48 (04 May 1998)
  257. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: Viderunt omnes fines terrae / Dies sanctificatus 3:17 (04 May 1998)
  258. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: Tui sunt caeli 1:21 (04 May 1998)
  259. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: Viderunt omnes fines terrae 1:02 (04 May 1998)
  260. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: Hodie Christus natus est 2:15 (04 May 1998)
  261. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: O admirabile commertium 3:21 (04 May 1998)
  262. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for the Nativity: O magnum mysterium 4:56 (04 May 1998)
  263. Decantabat populus a 5 3:03 (04 May 1998)
  264. Alleluya, Laudate pueri Dominum a 3 1:34 (04 May 1998)
  265. Deus in adjutorium a 6 10:19 (04 May 1998)
  266. Ad Dominum cum tribularer a 8 10:02 (04 May 1998)
  267. O Lord, Within Thy Tabernacle 4:16 (31 Aug 1998)
  268. In nomine à 5 (I) 3:13 (31 Aug 1998)
  269. Quis me statim 3:04 (31 Aug 1998)
  270. In nomine à 5 (IV) 2:58 (31 Aug 1998)
  271. Fantasia à 5 6:59 (31 Aug 1998)
  272. In nomina à 5 (II) 3:29 (31 Aug 1998)
  273. Blame I Confess 2:48 (31 Aug 1998)
  274. Prelude and Ground à 5 5:58 (31 Aug 1998)
  275. Ye sacred muses 3:45 (31 Aug 1998)
  276. In nomine à 5 (V) 3:10 (31 Aug 1998)
  277. Rejoice Unto the Lord 3:22 (31 Aug 1998)
  278. Browning à 5 4:30 (31 Aug 1998)
  279. In nomine à 5 (III) 3:03 (31 Aug 1998)
  280. Vigilate 3:48 (1998)
  281. Crowned with flow'rs and lilies 5:12 (1998)
  282. Pavan "Sir William Petre" 4:12 (1998)
  283. O quam gloriosum est regnum 3:46 (1998)
  284. Deus, venerunt gentes 12:58 (1998)
  285. Rowland "Lord Willoughby's welcome home", MB 7 2:04 (1998)
  286. Why do I use my paper, inke and penne? 6:51 (1998)
  287. Quomodo cantabimus 6:01 (1998)
  288. The noble famous Queen "While Phoebus Used to Dwell" 1:45 (1998)
  289. Domine, tu iurasti 4:53 (1998)
  290. The Queen's Alman, MB 10 3:27 (1998)
  291. Fantasia in D 4:52 (1998)
  292. Lord Fitzwilliam Suite: The Earle Of Oxford's Marche 3:14 (1998)
  293. Lord Fitzwilliam Suite: Wolsey's Wilde 1:14 (1998)
  294. Lord Fitzwilliam Suite: Callino Casturame 1:41 (1998)
  295. Lord Fitzwilliam Suite: The Bells 4:56 (1998)
  296. Coranto 1:00 (09 Mar 1999)
  297. A Gigg 0:55 (09 Mar 1999)
  298. Attollite portas 4:40 (01 Oct 1999)
  299. Triumph with pleasant melody 3:34 (01 Oct 1999)
  300. All in a Garden Green 4:08 (01 Oct 1999)
  301. Domine secundum actum meum 7:32 (01 Oct 1999)
  302. Truth at the first 2:59 (01 Oct 1999)
  303. Who likes to love 4:43 (01 Oct 1999)
  304. Da mihi auxilium 6:40 (01 Oct 1999)
  305. Farewell, false love 7:00 (01 Oct 1999)
  306. O Mistrys Myne 4:40 (01 Oct 1999)
  307. Miserere mihi, Domine 2:16 (01 Oct 1999)
  308. My mind to me a kingdom is 6:02 (01 Oct 1999)
  309. Ad Dominum cum tribularer 8:55 (01 Oct 1999)
  310. Lord Willobies Welcome Home (Rowland), BK7 (muselar) 2:38 (12 Oct 1999)
  311. The Bells, BK38 (harpsichord HB) 5:37 (12 Oct 1999)
  312. The French Coranto, BK21a (harpsichord HB) 0:52 (12 Oct 1999)
  313. The Second French Coranto, BK21b (harpsichord HB) 0:49 (12 Oct 1999)
  314. The Third French Coranto, BK21c (harpsichord HB) 0:56 (12 Oct 1999)
  315. Hugh Ashton's Grownde, BK20 (muselar) 8:04 (12 Oct 1999)
  316. Callino Casturame, BK35 (harpsichord HB) 1:58 (12 Oct 1999)
  317. A Lesson of Voluntarie, two parts in one in the 4th above, BK26 (muselar) 6:17 (12 Oct 1999)
  318. The Carman's whistle, BK36 (chamber organ) 4:14 (12 Oct 1999)
  319. Sellinger's Rownde, BK84 (harpsichord HB) 6:11 (12 Oct 1999)
  320. Parson's In nomine, BK51 (chamber organ) 2:51 (12 Oct 1999)
  321. The Second Ground, BK42 (muselar) 8:56 (12 Oct 1999)
  322. A Horne Pipe, BK39 (harpsichord HB) 6:14 (12 Oct 1999)
  323. Miserere (I), BK66 [first version] (clavichord) 1:00 (12 Oct 1999)
  324. Miserere (II), BK67 [first version] (clavichord) 1:16 (12 Oct 1999)
  325. Pavin Johnson's Delighte, BK5a (harpsichord RvN, lute stop) 5:17 (12 Oct 1999)
  326. The Galliard, BK5b (harpsichord RvN, lute stop) 1:47 (12 Oct 1999)
  327. Preludium, BK24 (harpsichord RvN) 1:06 (12 Oct 1999)
  328. Galiardo Mistris Marye Brownlo, BK34 (harpsichord RvN) 3:11 (12 Oct 1999)
  329. Parludam, BK115 [EKM3] (muselar) 1:08 (12 Oct 1999)
  330. Pavana "Ph. Tr.", BK60a (muselar) 5:02 (12 Oct 1999)
  331. ... Galiarda, BK60b (muselar) 1:48 (12 Oct 1999)
  332. Alman, BK11 (harpsichord HB) 1:22 (12 Oct 1999)
  333. A Pavin, BK33a (harpsichord HB) 4:51 (12 Oct 1999)
  334. ... Galliard, BK33b (harpsichord HB) 1:53 (12 Oct 1999)
  335. Have with yow to Walsingame, BK8 (harpsichord RvN) 9:23 (12 Oct 1999)
  336. Pavana Lachrymae, BK54 (muselar) 5:58 (12 Oct 1999)
  337. Harding's Galliard, BK55 (muselar) 2:57 (12 Oct 1999)
  338. The Barley Break, BK92 (harpsichord RvN) 8:20 (12 Oct 1999)
  339. Pavana The Earle of Salisbury, BK15a (muselar) 1:43 (12 Oct 1999)
  340. ... Galiardo, BK15b (muselar) 1:09 (12 Oct 1999)
  341. ... Galiardo Secundo, BK15c (muselar) 2:10 (12 Oct 1999)
  342. Eccho paven, BK114a (harpsichord RvN) 4:17 (12 Oct 1999)
  343. ... The Galliard, BK114b (harpsichord RvN) 1:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  344. Wilson's Wilde, BK37 (harpsichord HB) 1:23 (12 Oct 1999)
  345. A Gigg, "F.Tr.", BK22 (muselar) 1:06 (12 Oct 1999)
  346. A Preludium, BK116 [EKM 4] (harpsichord HB) 1:29 (12 Oct 1999)
  347. Jhon come kisse me now, BK81 (harpsichord RvN) 5:32 (12 Oct 1999)
  348. Christe qui lux, BK121 [EECM6/34] [two versions] 2:26 (12 Oct 1999)
  349. Praeludium, BK12 [first version] 0:58 (12 Oct 1999)
  350. A Voluntarie, BK27 5:36 (12 Oct 1999)
  351. Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 8:28 (12 Oct 1999)
  352. Ut, mi, re, BK65 7:51 (12 Oct 1999)
  353. Cloria tibi trinitas, BK50 1:46 (12 Oct 1999)
  354. Miserere (I), BK66 [second version] 0:57 (12 Oct 1999)
  355. Miserere (II), BK67 [second version] 1:28 (12 Oct 1999)
  356. A Verse of Two Parts, BK28 1:46 (12 Oct 1999)
  357. A Grounde, BK43 2:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  358. A Fancie, BK46 [first version] 5:14 (12 Oct 1999)
  359. A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25 [first version] 5:45 (12 Oct 1999)
  360. A Grounde, BK9 [first version] 4:30 (12 Oct 1999)
  361. Clarifica me, pater, 2 parts (I), BK47 1:44 (12 Oct 1999)
  362. Clarifica me, pater, 3 parts (II), BK48 1:33 (12 Oct 1999)
  363. Clarifica me, pater, [4 parts] (III), BK49 3:15 (12 Oct 1999)
  364. Fantasia, BK62 [first version] 9:06 (12 Oct 1999)
  365. Salvator mundi (I), BK68 1:15 (12 Oct 1999)
  366. Salvator mundi (II), BK69 1:25 (12 Oct 1999)
  367. A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK61 [first version] 4:52 (12 Oct 1999)
  368. Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK85 (muselar) 4:36 (12 Oct 1999)
  369. Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong...by a second Person, BK58 (muselar) 3:03 (12 Oct 1999)
  370. Go from my window, BK79 (harpsichord HB) 4:17 (12 Oct 1999)
  371. Fantasia, BK62 [second version] (harpsichord HB) 7:19 (12 Oct 1999)
  372. Fortune my Foe, Farewell Delight, BK6 (muselar) 3:57 (12 Oct 1999)
  373. Fantasia, BK63 (harpsichord HB) 4:32 (12 Oct 1999)
  374. Corranto, BK45 (harpsichord HB) 1:10 (12 Oct 1999)
  375. The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (chamber organ) 5:28 (12 Oct 1999)
  376. A Grounde, BK86 (muselar) 5:49 (12 Oct 1999)
  377. A Fancie, BK46 [second version] (harpsichord HB) 4:12 (12 Oct 1999)
  378. O quam gloriosum est regnum, EKM48 (muselar) 7:03 (12 Oct 1999)
  379. The Hunt's Up, BK40 (harpsichord HB) 7:18 (12 Oct 1999)
  380. O Mistris myne, I must, BK38 (harpsichord RvN) 6:21 (12 Oct 1999)
  381. La Volta, BK91 (harpsichord HB) 1:24 (12 Oct 1999)
  382. Quadran Paven, BK70a (harpsichord RvN) 8:47 (12 Oct 1999)
  383. ... Quadran Galliard, BK70b (harpsichord RvN) 4:34 (12 Oct 1999)
  384. A Grounde, BK9 [second version] 4:18 (12 Oct 1999)
  385. If my complaints, or Pyper's Galliard, BK118 [EKM26] (harpsichord HB) 2:26 (12 Oct 1999)
  386. A Pavion, BK23a (muselar) 4:42 (12 Oct 1999)
  387. ... The Galliard, BK23b (muselar) 1:44 (12 Oct 1999)
  388. ... Galiarda, BK59b (harpsichord RvN) 1:33 (12 Oct 1999)
  389. La Volta L. Morley, BK90 (harpsichord HB) 1:28 (12 Oct 1999)
  390. Pavana, BK4a (muselar) 2:17 (12 Oct 1999)
  391. ... Galiarda, BK4b (muselar) 1:48 (12 Oct 1999)
  392. Gypseis Round, BK80 (harpsichord RvN) 4:43 (12 Oct 1999)
  393. Pavana, BK52a (harpsichord RvN) 5:04 (12 Oct 1999)
  394. ... Galiarda, BK52b (harpsichord RvN) 1:47 (12 Oct 1999)
  395. Galliard, BK53 (harpsichord HB) 1:44 (12 Oct 1999)
  396. An Almane, BK89 (muselar) 1:20 (12 Oct 1999)
  397. Pavin, BK76 (muselar) 3:07 (12 Oct 1999)
  398. A Galliard, BK77 (muselar) 1:03 (12 Oct 1999)
  399. An Alman, BK117 [EKM 30] (harpsichord HB) 2:10 (12 Oct 1999)
  400. A Galliarde Gygge, BK18 (harpsichord HB) 2:03 (12 Oct 1999)
  401. Paven, BK73a (muselar) 2:33 (12 Oct 1999)
  402. ... Galiard, BK73b (muselar) 1:30 (12 Oct 1999)
  403. Qui passe, for my Ladye Nevell, BK19 (harpsichord HB) 3:43 (12 Oct 1999)
  404. A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25 [second version] (harpsichord HB) 5:34 (12 Oct 1999)
  405. The first pavian, BK29a (muselar) 4:39 (12 Oct 1999)
  406. ... The galliarde, BK29b (muselar) 1:43 (12 Oct 1999)
  407. The second pavian, BK71a (harpsichord HB) 2:57 (12 Oct 1999)
  408. ... The galliarde, BK71b (harpsichord HB) 1:45 (12 Oct 1999)
  409. The third pavian, BK17a (muselar) 5:03 (12 Oct 1999)
  410. ... The galliarde, BK14b (muselar) 1:46 (12 Oct 1999)
  411. The fourth pavian, BK30a (muselar) 2:50 (12 Oct 1999)
  412. ... The galliarde, BK30b (muselar) 1:49 (12 Oct 1999)
  413. The fifte pavian, BK31a (muselar) 5:12 (12 Oct 1999)
  414. ... The galliarde, BK31b (muselar) 1:41 (12 Oct 1999)
  415. Pavana the vi, Kinbrugh Good, BK32a (harpsichord HB) 4:49 (12 Oct 1999)
  416. ... The galliarde, BK32b (harpsichord HB) 1:44 (12 Oct 1999)
  417. The seventh pavian, Canon 2 parts in 1, BK74 (muselar) 4:49 (12 Oct 1999)
  418. The eighte pavian, BK17 (muselar) 4:56 (12 Oct 1999)
  419. The nynth pavian, the Passinge mesures, BK2a (harpsichord HB) 6:31 (12 Oct 1999)
  420. ... The galliarde, BK2b (harpsichord HB) 5:19 (12 Oct 1999)
  421. My Ladye Nevell's Grownde, BK57 (harpsichord HB) 5:18 (12 Oct 1999)
  422. A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK61 [second version] (harpsichord HB) 4:53 (12 Oct 1999)
  423. Preludium, BK1 (harpsichord RvN) 0:40 (12 Oct 1999)
  424. Pavana Sir William Petre, BK3a (harpsichord RvN) 4:30 (12 Oct 1999)
  425. ... Galiardo, BK3b (harpsichord RvN) 2:13 (12 Oct 1999)
  426. The Marche before the Battell, BK93 (muselar) 4:12 (12 Oct 1999)
  427. The Battell, BK94 (Muselaar) 12:50 (12 Oct 1999)
  428. The Galliard for the Victorie, BK95 (muselar) 1:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  429. All in a garden greene, BK56 (harpsichord HB) 4:52 (12 Oct 1999)
  430. Monsieur's Alman (I), BK87 (harpsichord RvN) 3:48 (12 Oct 1999)
  431. Monsieur's Alman (II), BK88 (harpsichord RvN) 6:06 (12 Oct 1999)
  432. The Ghost, BK78 (harpsichord HB) 2:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  433. Monsieur's Alman (III), BK44 (harpsichord RvN) 2:09 (12 Oct 1999)
  434. A Pavyn, BK16a (muselar) 4:11 (12 Oct 1999)
  435. A Galliard, BK16b (muselar) 1:36 (12 Oct 1999)
  436. Paven, BK100a [EKM10a] (harpsichord RvN) 1:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  437. ... Galliard, BK100b [EKM10b] (harpsichord RvN) 1:02 (12 Oct 1999)
  438. Lady Montegle's Paven, BK75 (harpsichord HB) 2:59 (12 Oct 1999)
  439. A Pavion, BK72a (harpsichord HB) 4:12 (12 Oct 1999)
  440. ... The Galliard to it, BK72b (harpsichord HB) 1:48 (12 Oct 1999)
  441. Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 [second version] (muselar) 0:48 (12 Oct 1999)
  442. Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 [third version] (harpsichord HB) 0:43 (12 Oct 1999)
  443. Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 [fourth version] (clavichord) 0:42 (12 Oct 1999)
  444. Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 [fifth version] (harpsichord RvN) 0:40 (12 Oct 1999)
  445. Fantasia, BK13 (harpsichord RvN) 8:02 (12 Oct 1999)
  446. Pavan á 6 in C major 4:05 (Dec 1999)
  447. Fantasia a 6 5:55 (1999)
  448. In Nomine in 5 parts No.5 2:24 (1999)
  449. If women could be fair 3:26 (1999)
  450. In Nomine in 5 parts No.2 2:32 (1999)
  451. In Nomine in 5 parts No.1 2:12 (1999)
  452. In Nomine in 5 parts No.3 2:43 (1999)
  453. Ah silly soul 3:18 (1999)
  454. In Nomine in 5 parts No.4 2:43 (1999)
  455. Fantasia in 6 parts No.3 4:41 (1999)
  456. Galliard in 6 parts 1:44 (1999)
  457. Browning in 5 parts 4:14 (1999)
  458. Fantasia in 4 parts No.1 2:45 (1999)
  459. La Volta (Curent) 1:44 (1999)
  460. Fantasia in 3 parts No.1 1:45 (1999)
  461. Fantasia in 3 parts No.2 1:44 (1999)
  462. Fantasia in 3 parts No.3 1:20 (1999)
  463. Fantasia in 6 parts No.2 5:35 (1999)
  464. Nunc dimittis (Choir of King's College, Cambridge) 6:06 (2000)
  465. Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: The Earl of Oxford's March "The March Before the Battle", MB 93 3:03 (2000)
  466. Galiarda 1:28 (09 Jul 2001)
  467. Will Yow Walke the Woods Soe Wylde 4:42 (09 Jul 2001)
  468. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 1: Deficit in dolore 6:36 (01 Oct 2001)
  469. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 2: Domine praestolamur 5:50 (01 Oct 2001)
  470. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 3: O Domine adjuva me 3:57 (01 Oct 2001)
  471. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 4: Tristitia et anxietas 8:39 (01 Oct 2001)
  472. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Vultum tuum 4:55 (01 Oct 2001)
  473. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Speciosus forma 2:59 (01 Oct 2001)
  474. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Post partum 1:54 (01 Oct 2001)
  475. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Gaude Maria 2:46 (01 Oct 2001)
  476. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Felix namque es 1:32 (01 Oct 2001)
  477. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification: Beata viscera 1:36 (01 Oct 2001)
  478. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 5: Memento Domine 4:26 (01 Oct 2001)
  479. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 6: Vide Domine afflictionem 6:46 (01 Oct 2001)
  480. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 7: Deus, venerunt gentes 12:05 (01 Oct 2001)
  481. Cantiones Sacrae I No. 8: Domine tu jurasti 4:10 (01 Oct 2001)
  482. All of Me (An Allegory) ?:?? (Oct 2001)
  483. Fantasia (In C) 6:18 (2001)
  484. Sellinger's Round (In G) 5:28 (2001)
  485. Hugh Ashton's Ground or Tregian's Ground (In A) 7:21 (2001)
  486. Pavan: Ph. Tregian (In F) 5:19 (2001)
  487. Galliard (In F) 1:28 (2001)
  488. Walsingham (In G) 8:31 (2001)
  489. Callino Casturame (In C) 1:29 (2001)
  490. Prelude (In A) 1:02 (2001)
  491. Fantasia (In A) 7:11 (2001)
  492. My Lady Nevell's Ground (In D) 5:00 (2001)
  493. The Queen's Alman (In G) 3:08 (2001)
  494. Alman (In G) 0:54 (2001)
  495. Lavolta (In G) 1:05 (2001)
  496. Qui Passe: For My Lady Nevell (In A) 4:14 (2001)
  497. The Woods So Wild (In G) 3:28 (2001)
  498. John Come Kiss Me Now (In G) 5:19 (2001)
  499. The Bells (In C) 5:48 (2001)
  500. Cantiones sacrae I No. 9: Vigilate 4:42 (11 Apr 2002)
  501. Cantiones sacrae I No. 10: In resurrectione tua 1:46 (11 Apr 2002)
  502. Cantiones sacrae I No. 11: Aspice Domine 5:52 (11 Apr 2002)
  503. Cantiones sacrae I No. 12: Ne irascaris 8:47 (11 Apr 2002)
  504. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Senex puerum portabat 1:55 (11 Apr 2002)
  505. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Adorna thalamum 3:41 (11 Apr 2002)
  506. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Suscepimus (Introit) 3:42 (11 Apr 2002)
  507. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Suscepimus (Gradual) 2:39 (11 Apr 2002)
  508. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Sexen puerum 1:41 (11 Apr 2002)
  509. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Nunc dimittis 4:28 (11 Apr 2002)
  510. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Diffusa est gratia 1:28 (11 Apr 2002)
  511. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Responsum accepit 3:07 (11 Apr 2002)
  512. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Hodie beata Virgo 2:28 (11 Apr 2002)
  513. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Purification: Ave regina caelorum 3:23 (11 Apr 2002)
  514. Cantiones sacrae I No. 13: O quam gloriosum 5:11 (11 Apr 2002)
  515. Cantiones sacrae I No. 14: Tribulationes civitatum 8:26 (11 Apr 2002)
  516. Cantiones sacrae I No. 15: Domine secundum multiudinem 3:26 (11 Apr 2002)
  517. Cantiones sacrae I No. 16: Laetentur caeli 3:42 (11 Apr 2002)
  518. Mass for 5 voices: Kyrie 1:45 (05 Nov 2002)
  519. Mass for 5 voices: Credo 10:03 (05 Nov 2002)
  520. Mass for 4 voices: Gloria 6:14 (05 Nov 2002)
  521. Mass for 4 voices: Alleluia (from Tu es Petrus) 0:28 (05 Nov 2002)
  522. Mass for 4 voices: Credo 8:39 (05 Nov 2002)
  523. Mass for 4 voices: Communio: Tu es Petrus 1:46 (05 Nov 2002)
  524. Mass for 4 voices: Kyrie 2:25 (05 Nov 2002)
  525. Mass for 4 voices: Sanctus 2:33 (05 Nov 2002)
  526. Mass for 4 voices: Benedictus 1:30 (05 Nov 2002)
  527. Mass for 4 voices: Agnus Dei 3:36 (05 Nov 2002)
  528. My Lord Willoughbies Welcom Home by Mr Byrde 2:44 (2002)
  529. Still So Many Lives Away 4:49 (24 Jun 2003)
  530. Watkins Ale / Lavolta, Lady Morley / Rowland or Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home / The Carman's Whistle 9:11 (2003)
  531. The March Before the Battle "The Earl of Oxford's March", MB 93 (arr. Elgar Howarth) 3:15 (2003)
  532. Earle of Salisbury's Pavane, MB 15 (arr. Bram Wiggins) 1:41 (2003)
  533. Laudibus in sanctus (also anthem -Praise the Lord among His Holy ones-), motet for 5 voices (SSATB) 5:51 (2003)
  534. Ave verum corpus (also anthem- -O Lord, God of Israel-), motet for 4 voices (SATB) 4:35 (2003)
  535. Sing Joyfully, anthem for 6 voices (SSAATB) 2:22 (2003)
  536. O Noble England - Mounsier's Almaine 3:10 (2003)
  537. Lord In Thy Rage 2:34 (2003)
  538. Out of the orient crystal skies 3:52 (2003)
  539. Susanna Fair 3:23 (2003)
  540. Fantasia A 3 2:48 (2003)
  541. Fantasia A 4 3:10 (2003)
  542. Mass in four parts - 'Gloria' 6:02 (2003)
  543. Mass in four parts - 'Sanctus' 2:43 (2003)
  544. Mass in four parts - 'Benedictus' 1:35 (2003)
  545. Mass in four parts - 'Agnus Dei' 3:52 (2003)
  546. My Ladye Nevells Booke: XVIII. The Fifte Pavian 4:45 (25 Feb 2004)
  547. My Ladye Nevells Booke: XIX. The Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian (Flemish harpsichord) 1:42 (25 Feb 2004)
  548. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: Viri Galilaei 4:14 (10 Apr 2004)
  549. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: Dominus in Sina 1:11 (10 Apr 2004)
  550. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: Ascendit Deus 1:09 (10 Apr 2004)
  551. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: Psallite Domino 1:04 (10 Apr 2004)
  552. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: Jesu nostra redemptio 4:57 (10 Apr 2004)
  553. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Ascension: O Rex gloriae 2:14 (10 Apr 2004)
  554. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Non vos relinquam orphanos 1:37 (10 Apr 2004)
  555. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Spiritus Domini 4:30 (10 Apr 2004)
  556. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Emitte Spiritum tuum 1:37 (10 Apr 2004)
  557. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Alleluia) 1:09 (10 Apr 2004)
  558. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Sequence) 4:57 (10 Apr 2004)
  559. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Confirma hoc Deus 1:41 (10 Apr 2004)
  560. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Pentecost: Factus est repente 2:00 (10 Apr 2004)
  561. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: O quam suavis est 3:51 (10 Apr 2004)
  562. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: Ego sum panis vivus 1:48 (10 Apr 2004)
  563. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: Cibavit eos 3:52 (10 Apr 2004)
  564. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: Oculi omnium 3:53 (10 Apr 2004)
  565. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: Sacerdotes omnium 1:16 (10 Apr 2004)
  566. Gradualia, liber secundus: Propers for Corpus Christi: Quotiescunque manducabitis 2:27 (10 Apr 2004)
  567. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for Corpus Christi: O sacrum convivium 2:45 (10 Apr 2004)
  568. Gradualia, liber primus: Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament: O salutaris hostia 2:19 (10 Apr 2004)
  569. Gradualia, liber primus: Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament: Ab ortu solis 4:20 (10 Apr 2004)
  570. Gradualia, liber primus: Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament: Cognoverunt discipuli 3:21 (10 Apr 2004)
  571. Gradualia, liber primus: Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament: Ave verum corpus 3:46 (10 Apr 2004)
  572. Gradualia, liber primus: Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament: Pange lingua gloriosi 7:01 (10 Apr 2004)
  573. The Irish Marche 1:51 (05 Oct 2004)
  574. The Whistlinge Carman 4:22 (2004)
  575. Monsieurs Almayne 4:16 (2004)
  576. Farewell Delighte: Fortune My Foe 5:03 (2004)
  577. The Ghoste 3:19 (2004)
  578. My Lady Nevell's Grounde 5:28 (2004)
  579. Fantasia a 6 (III) 4:15 (2004)
  580. Content is rich 5:50 (2004)
  581. My mistress had a little dog 6:30 (2004)
  582. O that most rare breast 8:32 (2004)
  583. Fantasia a 4 (III) 2:08 (2004)
  584. O Lord, bow down thine heav'nly eyes 5:23 (2004)
  585. O you that hear this voice 6:35 (2004)
  586. He that all earthly pleasure scorns 3:49 (2004)
  587. A Fancie 4:31 (06 Jun 2005)
  588. From Virgin's Womb Rejoice, Rejoice 2:06 (06 Jun 2005)
  589. Weeping full sore, madrigal for 5 voices 6:31 (12 Jul 2005)
  590. In Fields Abroad 4:33 (12 Jul 2005)
  591. The Duck (O Pato) 5:36 (22 Nov 2005)
  592. Tristitia et anxietas 10:06 (2006)
  593. Ne irascaris, Domine 8:06 (2006)
  594. The 10th Pavan 5:20 (17 Feb 2007)
  595. Galliard of Mr. Peter 2:01 (17 Feb 2007)
  596. 2nd Pavan 2:50 (17 Feb 2007)
  597. My Ladye Nevell's Ground 5:30 (17 Feb 2007)
  598. Arise, O Lord (Help us, O God) 3:22 (11 Sep 2007)
  599. O God, that guides the cheerful sun 5:43 (11 Sep 2007)
  600. Alack, when I look back 5:39 (11 Sep 2007)
  601. In nomine a5 (II) [instrumental] 2:34 (11 Sep 2007)
  602. Second Service (Magnificat) 4:01 (11 Sep 2007)
  603. Fantasia in D minor [organ solo] 4:53 (11 Sep 2007)
  604. Second Service (Nunc dimittis) 2:13 (11 Sep 2007)
  605. In nomine a5 (IV) [instrumental] 2:52 (11 Sep 2007)
  606. Blessed Is He That Fears The Lord 5:17 (11 Sep 2007)
  607. Thou God that guid'st 3:49 (11 Sep 2007)
  608. O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth 2:53 (11 Sep 2007)
  609. Fantasia in A minor [organ solo] 7:17 (11 Sep 2007)
  610. Lord in thy wrath 3:39 (11 Sep 2007)
  611. In nomine a5 (V) [instrumental] 2:48 (11 Sep 2007)
  612. Why do I use my paper, ink & pen? 7:13 (11 Sep 2007)
  613. Prevent us, O Lord 2:34 (11 Sep 2007)
  614. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 01. Kyrie 1:35 (03 Oct 2007)
  615. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 02. Gloria 1:46 (03 Oct 2007)
  616. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 03. Domine Deus 3:10 (03 Oct 2007)
  617. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 04. Credo 2:09 (03 Oct 2007)
  618. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 05. Qui Propter Nos Homines 1:29 (03 Oct 2007)
  619. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 06. Crucifixus 1:53 (03 Oct 2007)
  620. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 07. Et In Spiritum Sanctum 3:10 (03 Oct 2007)
  621. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 08. Sanctus 1:20 (03 Oct 2007)
  622. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 09. Pleni Sunt Caeli 1:04 (03 Oct 2007)
  623. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 10. Benedictus 1:22 (03 Oct 2007)
  624. Byrd: Mass for Five Voices - 11. Agnus Dei 3:31 (03 Oct 2007)
  625. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 01. Kyrie 1:59 (03 Oct 2007)
  626. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 02. Gloria 2:01 (03 Oct 2007)
  627. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 03. Domine Deus 3:28 (03 Oct 2007)
  628. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 04. Credo 2:03 (03 Oct 2007)
  629. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 05. Qui Propter Nos Homines 2:53 (03 Oct 2007)
  630. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 06. Et In Spiritum Sanctum 1:08 (03 Oct 2007)
  631. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 07. Et Unam Sanctam 1:27 (03 Oct 2007)
  632. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 08. Sanctus 1:30 (03 Oct 2007)
  633. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 09. Pleni Sunt Caeli 0:52 (03 Oct 2007)
  634. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 10. Benedictus 1:20 (03 Oct 2007)
  635. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - 11. Agnus Dei 3:20 (03 Oct 2007)
  636. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 01. Kyrie 0:35 (03 Oct 2007)
  637. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 02. Gloria 1:43 (03 Oct 2007)
  638. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 03. Domine Deus 1:42 (03 Oct 2007)
  639. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 04. Quoniam Tu Solus Sanctus 1:07 (03 Oct 2007)
  640. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 05. Credo 1:35 (03 Oct 2007)
  641. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 06. Qui Propter Nos Homines 2:36 (03 Oct 2007)
  642. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 07. Et In Spiritum Sanctum 2:28 (03 Oct 2007)
  643. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 08. Sanctus 1:06 (03 Oct 2007)
  644. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 09. Pleni Sunt Caeli 0:49 (03 Oct 2007)
  645. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 10. Benedictus 0:51 (03 Oct 2007)
  646. Byrd: Mass for Three Voices - 11. Agnus Dei 3:14 (03 Oct 2007)
  647. Byrd: Ave Verum Corpus 4:10 (03 Oct 2007)
  648. Byrd: Infelix Ego - 1. Infelix Ego 4:02 (03 Oct 2007)
  649. Byrd: Infelix Ego - 2. Quid Igitur Faciam? 2:42 (03 Oct 2007)
  650. Byrd: Infelix Ego - 3. Ad Te Igitur 2:58 (03 Oct 2007)
  651. Byrd: Infelix Ego - 4. Miserere Mei 2:38 (03 Oct 2007)
  652. Byrd: Vigilate 4:40 (03 Oct 2007)
  653. Byrd: Tristitia Et Anxietas - 1. Tristitia 2:20 (03 Oct 2007)
  654. Byrd: Tristitia Et Anxietas - 2. Moestum Factum 4:00 (03 Oct 2007)
  655. Byrd: Tristitia Et Anxietas - 3. Sed Tu Domine 3:45 (03 Oct 2007)
  656. Byrd: Ne Irascaris, Domine - 1. Ne Irascaris, Domine 3:48 (03 Oct 2007)
  657. Byrd: Ne Irascaris, Domine - 2. Civitas Sancti Tui 1:31 (03 Oct 2007)
  658. Byrd: Ne Irascaris, Domine - 3. Sion Deserta 2:46 (03 Oct 2007)
  659. Byrd: Prevent Us, O Lord 2:48 (03 Oct 2007)
  660. Byrd: The Great Service - 01. Venite: O Come, Let Us Sing 2:37 (03 Oct 2007)
  661. Byrd: The Great Service - 02. Venite: Today If Ye Will Hear 2:39 (03 Oct 2007)
  662. Byrd: The Great Service - 03. Te Deum: We Praise Thee 2:08 (03 Oct 2007)
  663. Byrd: The Great Service - 04. Te Deum: The Holy Church 1:33 (03 Oct 2007)
  664. Byrd: The Great Service - 05. Te Deum: Thou Art the Everlasting 4:18 (03 Oct 2007)
  665. Byrd: The Great Service - 06. Te Deum: O Lord, In Thee Have I Trusted 1:32 (03 Oct 2007)
  666. Byrd: The Great Service - 07. Benedictus: Blessed Be the Lord God 3:08 (03 Oct 2007)
  667. Byrd: The Great Service - 08. Benedictus: That We Being Delivered 3:03 (03 Oct 2007)
  668. Byrd: The Great Service - 09. Benedictus: To Give Knowledge 1:46 (03 Oct 2007)
  669. Byrd: The Great Service - 10. Benedictus: Glory Be to the Father 1:25 (03 Oct 2007)
  670. Byrd: The Great Service - 11. Creed: I Believe In One God 3:06 (03 Oct 2007)
  671. Byrd: The Great Service - 12. Creed: And He Shall Come Again 2:22 (03 Oct 2007)
  672. Byrd: The Great Service - 13. Magnificat: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord 3:14 (03 Oct 2007)
  673. Byrd: The Great Service - 14. Magnificat: He Hath Showed Strength 2:50 (03 Oct 2007)
  674. Byrd: The Great Service - 15. Magnificat: He Remembering His Mercy 1:23 (03 Oct 2007)
  675. Byrd: The Great Service - 16. Magnificat: Glory Be to the Father 1:44 (03 Oct 2007)
  676. Byrd: The Great Service - 17. Nunc Dimittis: Lord, Now Lettest Thou 2:52 (03 Oct 2007)
  677. Byrd: The Great Service - 18. Nunc Dimittis: Glory Be to the Father 2:28 (03 Oct 2007)
  678. Byrd: O Lord, Make Thy Servant Elizabeth 2:52 (03 Oct 2007)
  679. Byrd: O God, the Proud Are Risen Against Me 3:01 (03 Oct 2007)
  680. Byrd: Sing Joyfully Unto God 2:59 (03 Oct 2007)
  681. Cradle Song 4:09 (Dec 2007)
  682. O Magnum Mysterium 4:49 (Dec 2007)
  683. Ave Verum Corpus [Excerpt] 2:31 (2007)
  684. Prelude, MB12 0:55 (2007)
  685. Fantasia, MB13 7:47 (2007)
  686. Clarifica me Pater, MB48 2:00 (2007)
  687. Clarifica me Pater, MB49 2:41 (2007)
  688. The Queen's Alman, MB10 3:49 (2007)
  689. Fantasia, MB25 5:50 (2007)
  690. Fantasia, MB63 5:06 (2007)
  691. Ground, MB86 4:59 (2007)
  692. In Nomine, MB51 3:41 (2007)
  693. Fantasia, MB46 5:39 (2007)
  694. Miserere, MB67 1:21 (2007)
  695. Ut re mi fa sol la, MB64 8:22 (2007)
  696. A Voluntarie, MB27 4:39 (2007)
  697. Ground, MB42 5:40 (2007)
  698. Mass for five voices: Sanctus 2:35 (28 Nov 2008)
  699. Mass for five voices: Benedictus 1:39 (28 Nov 2008)
  700. Mass Propers for Pentecost: Introit: Spiritus Domini 4:31 (2008)
  701. Mass Propers for Pentecost: Offertory: Confirma hoc Deus 2:08 (2008)
  702. Mass Propers for Pentecost: Communion: Factus est repente 1:43 (2008)
  703. Confirma hoc Deus 2:07 (2008)
  704. Justorum Animae 1:46 (02 Mar 2009)
  705. Lamentations of Jeremiah 12:20 (27 Apr 2009)
  706. Renaissance: Cantiones sacrae: Peccantem me quotidie 5:21 (23 Sep 2009)
  707. Ground 3:13 (Nov 2009)
  708. Sermone blando 2:36 (2009)
  709. Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la 3:13 (2009)
  710. Gradualia, liber secundus: Venite, exultemus Domino 3:18 (16 Feb 2010)
  711. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Domine, non sum dignus 3:14 (16 Feb 2010)
  712. Gradualia, liber primus: Visita quaesumus, Domine 3:42 (16 Feb 2010)
  713. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Domine, salva nos 3:23 (16 Feb 2010)
  714. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Haec dies 2:29 (16 Feb 2010)
  715. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Cunctis diebus 5:44 (16 Feb 2010)
  716. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Mass of the Feast of All Saints: Introit. Gaudeamus omnes ... Sanctorum omnium 4:57 (16 Feb 2010)
  717. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Mass of the Feast of All Saints: Gradual & Alleluia. Timete Dominum - Venite ad me 4:34 (16 Feb 2010)
  718. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Mass of the Feast of All Saints: Offertory. Iustorum animae 2:40 (16 Feb 2010)
  719. Gradualia, liber primus: Propers for the Mass of the Feast of All Saints: Communion. Beati mundo corde 3:12 (16 Feb 2010)
  720. Gradualia, liber primus: Deo gratias 0:53 (16 Feb 2010)
  721. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Afflicti pro peccatis nostris 5:06 (16 Feb 2010)
  722. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Cantate Domino 2:18 (16 Feb 2010)
  723. Gradualia, liber secundus: Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 2:53 (16 Feb 2010)
  724. Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum: Infelix ego 12:54 (16 Feb 2010)
  725. Prelude and Voluntary 3:08 (14 Sep 2010)
  726. Gradualia seu cantionum sacrarum: O magnum mysterium 4:27 (14 Sep 2010)
  727. Gradualia seu cantionum sacrarum: Vidimus stellam 1:56 (14 Sep 2010)
  728. Gradualia seu cantionum sacrarum: Puer natus est 3:10 (14 Sep 2010)
  729. Fantasy a 4 2:26 (14 Sep 2010)
  730. Pavana Bray 4:51 (2010)
  731. Cantiones Sacrae: Libera me Domine et pone 7:10 (04 Jan 2011)
  732. Cantiones Sacrae: Aspice Domine quia facta est 4:48 (04 Jan 2011)
  733. Cantiones Sacrae: Da mihi auxilium 6:59 (04 Jan 2011)
  734. Cantiones Sacrae: Domine secundum actum meum 7:20 (04 Jan 2011)
  735. Praeludium to ye Fancie 0:57 (2011)
  736. The Maidens Songe 5:05 (2012)
  737. Salve Regina 8:14 (2012)
  738. Pavana Ph.Tr., XCIII 5:41 (23 May 2013)
  739. Galliarda, XCIV 1:59 (23 May 2013)
  740. The Bells, LXIX 6:52 (23 May 2013)
  741. Fantasia, VIII 5:08 (23 May 2013)
  742. Coranto, CCXLII 0:59 (23 May 2013)
  743. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Theme (Byrd) 1:32 (16 Sep 2013)
  744. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 1 1:01 (16 Sep 2013)
  745. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 2 3:50 (16 Sep 2013)
  746. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 3 1:39 (16 Sep 2013)
  747. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 4 1:58 (16 Sep 2013)
  748. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 5 2:13 (16 Sep 2013)
  749. Sellinger's Round: variations for keyboard, Variations on an Elizabethan Theme: Variation 6 2:59 (16 Sep 2013)
  750. Mass for Three Voices: Sanctus – Benedictus 3:10 (14 Oct 2013)
  751. Pavan in D BK52a 5:09 (2013)
  752. Galliard in D BK52b 1:30 (2013)
  753. Fantasia No. 2 a 6 in G minor BE17, 12 5:27 (2013)
  754. Fantasia No. 3 a 3 in C BK27 3:24 (2013)
  755. Mass for Five Voices Kyrie 1:38 (2013)
  756. Mass for Five Voices Gloria 5:03 (2013)
  757. Mass for Five Voices Credo 8:30 (2013)
  758. Mass for Five Voices Sanctus 2:30 (2013)
  759. Mass for Five Voices Benedictus 1:31 (2013)
  760. Mass for Five Voices Agnus Dei 4:06 (2013)
  761. Mass for Three Voices Kyrie 0:38 (2013)
  762. Mass for Three Voices Gloria 4:41 (2013)
  763. Mass for Three Voices Credo 7:12 (2013)
  764. Mass for Three Voices Sanctus - Benedictus 2:46 (2013)
  765. Mass for Three Voices Agnus Dei 3:58 (2013)
  766. Mass for Four Voices Kyrie 2:12 (2013)
  767. Mass for Four Voices Gloria 5:39 (2013)
  768. Mass for Four Voices Credo 7:44 (2013)
  769. Mass for Four Voices Sanctus - Benedictus 3:49 (2013)
  770. Mass for Four Voices Agnus Dei 4:23 (2013)
  771. Monsieur's Almaine ?:?? (2013)
  772. Pavan: The Earl of Salisbury & Galliard (after Francis Tregian) 5:16 (15 Sep 2014)
  773. The Souldiers Sommons 1:21 (2014)
  774. The Marche of Footemen 0:50 (2014)
  775. The Marche of Horsmen 1:56 (2014)
  776. The Trumpetts 1:24 (2014)
  777. The Irishe Marche 1:28 (2014)
  778. The Bagpipe and the Drone 3:18 (2014)
  779. The Flute and the Droome 3:28 (2014)
  780. The Marche to the Fighte 3:11 (2014)
  781. The Retreat 1:07 (2014)
  782. The Galliarde for the Victorie 3:38 (2014)
  783. O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth our Queen 3:20 (2014)
  784. In nomine à 5 2:15 (24 Feb 2015)
  785. Miserere à 4 1:30 (24 Feb 2015)
  786. Mass For Five Voices : Byrd: Mass For Five Voices - Kyrie 1:51 (11 Dec 2015)
  787. The Great Service : Byrd: The Great Service - Magnificat 10:31 (11 Dec 2015)
  788. The Great Service : Byrd: The Great Service - Nunc dimittis 6:06 (11 Dec 2015)
  789. Jhon Come Kisse Me Now 6:12 (2015)
  790. The Queenes Alman 3:11 (2015)
  791. La Volta/Alman/Wolseys Wilde/Callino Casturame/La Volta 7:35 (2015)
  792. Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie, 1588: Though Amaryllis dance in green 2:17 (02 Sep 2016)
  793. Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie, 1588: I joy not in no earthly bliss 2:01 (02 Sep 2016)
  794. Prelude and Ground) à 5 5:56 (02 Sep 2016)
  795. In nomine à 5 (No. 4) 3:19 (02 Sep 2016)
  796. Fantasia à 4 (No. 1) 2:46 (02 Sep 2016)
  797. Fantasia à 4 (No. 2) 2:28 (02 Sep 2016)
  798. In nomine à 5 (No. 2) 2:23 (02 Sep 2016)
  799. Fantasia à 6 (No. 3) 4:22 (02 Sep 2016)
  800. Pavan & Galliard à 6 4:26 (02 Sep 2016)
  801. Fantasia à 3 (No. 2) 2:19 (02 Sep 2016)
  802. In nomine à 4 (No. 1); In nomine à 4 (No. 2) 4:28 (02 Sep 2016)
  803. Christe redemptor à 4 2:50 (02 Sep 2016)
  804. Fantasia à 6 (No. 2) 6:01 (02 Sep 2016)
  805. My Ladye Nevells Booke: I. My Lady Nevells Grownde (virginal) 5:26 (02 Sep 2016)
  806. My Ladye Nevells Booke: XXVI. A Voluntarie: for my ladye nevell (Flemish harpsichord) 5:22 (02 Sep 2016)
  807. My Ladye Nevells Booke: XXVII. Will Yow Walke the Woods Soe Wylde (virginal) 3:23 (02 Sep 2016)
  808. My Ladye Nevells Booke: XXXI. Have With Yow to Walsinghame (Flemish harpsichord) 8:36 (02 Sep 2016)
  809. John come kisse me now 6:17 (02 Sep 2016)
  810. La Volta - Alman - Wolseys Wilde - Callino Casturame - La Volta 7:37 (02 Sep 2016)
  811. The Great Service: I. Venite 4:26 (22 Mar 2019)
  812. The Great Service: II. Te Deum 9:04 (22 Mar 2019)
  813. The Great Service: III. Benedictus 9:01 (22 Mar 2019)
  814. O God, the Proud Are Risen Against Me 2:43 (22 Mar 2019)
  815. The Great Service: IV. Creed 5:09 (22 Mar 2019)
  816. Fantasia, BK 62 8:23 (22 Mar 2019)
  817. Sing Joyfully 2:25 (22 Mar 2019)
  818. The Great Service: V. Magnificat 8:31 (22 Mar 2019)
  819. The Great Service: VI. Nunc dimittis 5:25 (22 Mar 2019)
  820. Exalt Thyself, O God 3:52 (22 Mar 2019)
  821. Ne irascaris Domine ?:?? (2019)
  822. Alleluia. Senex puerum portabad a5 ?:?? (2019)
  823. The Preces 1:37 (21 Feb 2020)
  824. The Responses 6:25 (21 Feb 2020)
  825. Peccavi super numerum 6:00 (05 Feb 2021)
  826. Ne perdas cum impiis 4:52 (05 Feb 2021)
  827. Miserere, FVB 177 3:21 (24 Jun 2022)
  828. Fantasia, FVB 261 8:00 (24 Jun 2022)
  829. Retire My Soul 4:26 (13 Jan 2023)
  830. Gaudeamus omnes: I. Gaudeamus omnes 2:32 (13 Jan 2023)
  831. Gaudeamus omnes: II. Gloria 1:03 (13 Jan 2023)
  832. Gaudeamus omnes: III. Gaudeamus omnes 2:06 (13 Jan 2023)
  833. Mass for Four Voices: I. Kyrie 2:25 (13 Jan 2023)
  834. Mass for Four Voices: IIa. Gloria 2:14 (13 Jan 2023)
  835. Mass for Four Voices: IIb. Domine Deus 3:59 (13 Jan 2023)
  836. Gradual and Alleluia: I. Propter veritatem 2:49 (13 Jan 2023)
  837. Gradual and Alleluia: II. Assumpta est Maria 1:23 (13 Jan 2023)
  838. Mass for Four Voices: IIIa. Credo 2:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  839. Mass for Four Voices: IIIb. Qui propter nos homines 3:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  840. Mass for Four Voices: IIIc. Et in Spiritum Sanctum 1:12 (13 Jan 2023)
  841. Mass for Four Voices: IIId. Et unam, sanctam 1:39 (13 Jan 2023)
  842. Mass for Four Voices: IVa. Sanctus 1:41 (13 Jan 2023)
  843. Mass for Four Voices: IVb. Pleni sunt Caeli 1:01 (13 Jan 2023)
  844. Mass for Four Voices: IVc. Benedictus 1:54 (13 Jan 2023)
  845. Mass for Four Voices: V. Agnus Dei 4:03 (13 Jan 2023)
  846. Turn Our Captivity, O Lord 4:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  847. Praise Our Lord, all Ye Gentiles 3:00 (13 Jan 2023)
  848. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 3:07 (13 Jan 2023)
  849. Tribue, Domine: I. Tribue Domine 4:01 (13 Jan 2023)
  850. Tribue, Domine: II. Te deprecor 4:06 (13 Jan 2023)
  851. Tribue, Domine: III. Gloria 5:38 (13 Jan 2023)
  852. Byrd: Retire My Soul 4:26 (13 Jan 2023)
  853. Byrd: Introit: Gaudeamus omnes: I. Gaudeamus omnes 2:32 (13 Jan 2023)
  854. Byrd: Introit: Gaudeamus omnes: II. Gloria 1:03 (13 Jan 2023)
  855. Byrd: Introit: Gaudeamus omnes: III. Gaudeamus omnes 2:06 (13 Jan 2023)
  856. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - I. Kyrie 2:25 (13 Jan 2023)
  857. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIa. Gloria 2:14 (13 Jan 2023)
  858. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIb. Domine Deus 3:59 (13 Jan 2023)
  859. Byrd: Gradual and Alleluia: I. Propter veritatem 2:49 (13 Jan 2023)
  860. Byrd: Gradual and Alleluia: II. Assumpta est Maria 1:23 (13 Jan 2023)
  861. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIIa. Credo 2:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  862. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIIb. Qui propter nos homines 3:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  863. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIIc. Et in Spiritum Sanctum 1:12 (13 Jan 2023)
  864. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IIId. Et unam, sanctam 1:39 (13 Jan 2023)
  865. Byrd: Offertory: Assumpta est Maria 1:26 (13 Jan 2023)
  866. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IVa. Sanctus 1:41 (13 Jan 2023)
  867. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IVb. Pleni sunt Caeli 1:01 (13 Jan 2023)
  868. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - IVc. Benedictus 1:54 (13 Jan 2023)
  869. Byrd: Offertory: Optimam partem elegit 2:39 (13 Jan 2023)
  870. Mass for Four Voices : Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - V. Agnus Dei 4:03 (13 Jan 2023)
  871. Byrd: Turn Our Captivity, O Lord 4:20 (13 Jan 2023)
  872. Byrd: Praise Our Lord, all Ye Gentiles 3:00 (13 Jan 2023)
  873. Byrd: Laudate Dominum omnes gentes 3:07 (13 Jan 2023)
  874. Tribue, Domine : Byrd: Tribue, Domine - I. Tribue Domine 4:01 (13 Jan 2023)
  875. Tribue, Domine : Byrd: Tribue, Domine - II. Te deprecor 4:06 (13 Jan 2023)
  876. Tribue, Domine : Byrd: Tribue, Domine - III. Gloria 5:38 (13 Jan 2023)
  877. My Ladye Nevels Grownde, Bk 57 5:20 (08 Feb 2023)
  878. The Firste Pavian, Bk 29A 6:21 (08 Feb 2023)
  879. The Galliarde to the Firste Pavian, Bk 29B 1:48 (08 Feb 2023)
  880. The Seconde Pavian, Bk 71A 3:30 (08 Feb 2023)
  881. The Galliarde to the Seconde Pavian, Bk 71B 1:40 (08 Feb 2023)
  882. The Queenes Alman, Bk 10 3:43 (08 Feb 2023)
  883. The Carmans Whistle, Bk 36 4:28 (08 Feb 2023)
  884. The Third Pavian, Bk 14A 6:09 (08 Feb 2023)
  885. The Galliarde to the Third Pavian, Bk 14B 1:33 (08 Feb 2023)
  886. The Fourth Pavian, Bk 30A 3:14 (08 Feb 2023)
  887. The Galliarde to the Fourth Pavian, Bk 30B 1:30 (08 Feb 2023)
  888. All in a Garden Green, Bk 56 4:31 (08 Feb 2023)
  889. A Galliards Gygge, Bk 18 1:47 (08 Feb 2023)
  890. The Fifte Pavian, Bk 31A 5:55 (08 Feb 2023)
  891. The Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian, Bk 31B 1:35 (08 Feb 2023)
  892. O Mistris Myne, Bk 83 5:40 (08 Feb 2023)
  893. Pavana the Sixte: Kinbrugh Goodd, Bk 32A 6:07 (08 Feb 2023)
  894. The Galliarde to the Sixte Pavian, Bk 32B 1:49 (08 Feb 2023)
  895. 3 French Corantos, Bk 21 2:35 (08 Feb 2023)
  896. The Seventh Pavian "Canon. Two Parts in One", Bk 74 4:46 (08 Feb 2023)
  897. The Maidens Songe, Bk 82 5:29 (08 Feb 2023)
  898. Fortune, Bk 6 4:37 (08 Feb 2023)
  899. A Fancie, Bk 25 5:17 (08 Feb 2023)
  900. The Eighte Pavian, Bk 17 5:37 (08 Feb 2023)
  901. Galliard, Bk 53 1:36 (08 Feb 2023)
  902. The Galliarde for the Victorie, Bk 95 1:29 (08 Feb 2023)
  903. Wolseys Wilde, Bk 37 1:20 (08 Feb 2023)
  904. The Passinge Mesures: The Nynthe Pavian "Passamezzo Pavan", Bk 2A 7:10 (08 Feb 2023)
  905. The Galliarde to the Nynthe Pavian "Galiardas Passamezzo", Bk 2B 4:26 (08 Feb 2023)
  906. A Fancie, Bk 46 6:26 (08 Feb 2023)
  907. The Huntes Upp "Pescodd Time", Bk 40 7:17 (08 Feb 2023)
  908. The Tennthe Pavian: Mr. W. Peter, Bk 3A 6:10 (08 Feb 2023)
  909. The Galliarde to the Tennthe Pavian, Bk 3B 1:57 (08 Feb 2023)
  910. The Woods so Wilde, Bk 85 4:52 (08 Feb 2023)
  911. Pavana "Bray", Bk 59A 5:57 (08 Feb 2023)
  912. Galiarda, Bk 59B 1:40 (08 Feb 2023)
  913. Pavana, Bk 4A 2:53 (08 Feb 2023)
  914. Galliarda, Bk 4B 1:34 (08 Feb 2023)
  915. Hugh Astons Grownde "Tregians Ground", Bk 20 8:35 (08 Feb 2023)
  916. Sellingers Rownde, Bk 84 6:45 (08 Feb 2023)
  917. Pavan, Bk 16A 6:12 (08 Feb 2023)
  918. A Galliard, Bk 16B 1:27 (08 Feb 2023)
  919. Have with Yow to Walsingame, Bk 8 8:25 (08 Feb 2023)
  920. Pavana, Bk 52A 5:46 (08 Feb 2023)
  921. Galiarda, Bk 52B 1:27 (08 Feb 2023)
  922. Qui Passe: For My Ladye Nevell, Bk 19 4:10 (08 Feb 2023)
  923. John Come Kisse Me Now, Bk 81 5:55 (08 Feb 2023)
  924. A Pavion, Bk 23A 6:14 (08 Feb 2023)
  925. The Galliard, Bk 23B 1:29 (08 Feb 2023)
  926. Pavana "Tr. Ph.", Bk 60A 5:35 (08 Feb 2023)
  927. Galiarda, Bk 60B 1:53 (08 Feb 2023)
  928. Praeludium / Fantasia, Bk 12 - Bk 13 8:44 (08 Feb 2023)
  929. Rowland, Bk 7 3:05 (08 Feb 2023)
  930. The Quadran Pavan, Bk 70A 7:42 (08 Feb 2023)
  931. Galiard to the Quadran Pavan, Bk 70B 4:00 (08 Feb 2023)
  932. Civitas sancti tui 4:40 (03 Mar 2023)
  933. This sweet and merry month of May 1:51 (17 Nov 2023) from The first sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished by Thomas Watson
  934. The Queens Alman 3:59 (28 Dec 2023)
  935. Byrd: O salutaris hostia 2:58 ()
  936. Byrd: Libera nos 3:32 ()
  937. Byrd: Ad Dominum cum tribularer 9:50 ()
  938. Byrd: Peccantem me quotidie 6:06 ()
  939. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - Kyrie & Gloria 7:42 ()
  940. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - Credo 7:55 ()
  941. Byrd: Decantabat populous 3:40 ()
  942. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices - Sanctus & Benedictus - Agnus Dei 7:17 ()
  943. Byrd: Ave vera in corpus 4:07 ()
  944. Kyrie (Missa Sine Nomine) 1:55 ()
  945. Gloria (Missa Sine Nomine) 5:53 ()
  946. Sanctus (Missa Sine Nomine) 2:06 ()
  947. Benedictus (Missa Sine Nomine) 1:19 ()
  948. Agnus Dei (Missa Sine Nomine) 2:51 ()
  949. Fantasia a3 in C 2:00 ()
  950. Ut re mi fa sol la 6:27 ()
  951. Fantasia a4 in G 2:47 ()
  952. Delight is dead 4:10 ()
  953. Fantasia a4 in D 1:47 ()
  954. Prelude 6:06 ()
  955. Who made thee, Hob, forsake the plow? 3:47 ()
  956. The Maiden's Songe 4:50 ()
  957. Browning (The leaves bee greene) 5:08 ()
  958. Rowland 1:50 ()
  959. Ave Verum 3:41 ()
  960. Prélude And Fantasia (À 5) 6:05 ()
  961. La Virginella 2:18 ()
  962. My Sweet Little Darling 1:21 ()
  963. Fantasia (À 3) 4:25 ()
  964. What Pleasure Have Great Princes 3:32 ()
  965. In Nomine (À 5) 2:43 ()
  966. O Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Forget 1:45 ()
  967. Fantasia (À 6) 6:15 ()
  968. The Man Is Blest That God Doth Fear 1:59 ()
  969. Why Do I Use My Paper, Ink And Pen 3:17 ()
  970. Cantiones sacrae: Domine, salva nos 3:22 ()
  971. Cantiones sacrae: Domine, non sum dignus 2:38 ()
  972. Cantiones sacrae: Cunctis diebus 4:15 ()
  973. Cantiones sacrae: Haec dicit Dominus 7:37 ()
  974. Cantiones sacrae: Haec Dies 2:36 ()
  975. Cantiones sacrae: Misere mei, Deus 3:46 ()
  976. Cantiones sacrae: Tribulatio proxima est 4:28 ()
  977. Cantiones sacrae: Circumdederunt me 4:53 ()
  978. Cantiones sacrae: Fac cum servo tuo 3:27 ()
  979. Cantiones sacrae: Exsurge, Domine 3:44 ()
  980. Have Mercy 4:08 ()
  981. Domine Secundum 8:02 ()
  982. O Lux Beata Trinitas 5:13 ()
  983. Galliard: The Earl of Salisbury 1:37 ()
  984. O Mistress Mine 5:39 ()
  985. The Galliard Jig 2:07 ()