Beaver & Krause ( - )

Group - United States

Recordings by (112)

  1. Peace Three 3:04 (1968)
  2. Signal Generators: Sine Waveform: Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:09 (1968)
  3. Signal Generators: Sine Waveform: Composition 0:53 (1968)
  4. Signal Generators: Sine Waveform: Harmonic Synthesis 0:37 (1968)
  5. Signal Generators: Sine Waveform: Non-Harmonic Synthesis 0:44 (1968)
  6. Signal Generators: Sawtooth Waveform: Slow-Motion (Neg and Pos-Going) 0:19 (1968)
  7. Signal Generators: Sawtooth Waveform: Composition 0:37 (1968)
  8. Signal Generators: Rectangular Waveform: Slow-Motion Audible Example (1/8-1/2) 0:33 (1968)
  9. Signal Generators: Rectangular Waveform: Compostion (Using 1/8, 1/7, 1/3, 1/2) 0:41 (1968)
  10. Signal Generators: Triangular Waveform: Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:09 (1968)
  11. Signal Generators: Triangular Waveform: Composition 0:23 (1968)
  12. Signal Generators: White Sound Composition 0:18 (1968)
  13. Signal Generators: Control Generators: Transient Generator, Amplitude, Frequency, and Timbre Modulating in Slow Motion 0:15 (1968)
  14. Signal Generators: Control Generators: Sequential Voltage Sources, Composition 2:02 (1968)
  15. Frequency Modulation: Keyboard Control: 12-Tone 0:36 (1968)
  16. Frequency Modulation: Keyboard Control: Quarter-Tone (One Real Octave = 2 Keyboard Octaves) 0:42 (1968)
  17. Frequency Modulation: Keyboard Control: Ditone (Four Real Octaves Played in Keyboard Range of One Octave) 0:36 (1968)
  18. Frequency Modulation: Keyboard Control: Portamento 0:29 (1968)
  19. Frequency Modulation: Ribbon Control 0:36 (1968)
  20. Frequency Modulation: Periodic: Vibrato (S) (Speed Increases as Pitch Rises) 0:31 (1968)
  21. Frequency Modulation: Periodic: Sine - Higher Frequency 0:32 (1968)
  22. Frequency Modulation: Periodic: Sawtooth - Swept 0:42 (1968)
  23. Frequency Modulation: Periodic: Rectangular 1/2 - Swept (L2) 0:39 (1968)
  24. Frequency Modulation: Periodic: Triangular - Swept 0:38 (1968)
  25. Frequency Modulation: Periodics Combined: 3 Square Waves at Different Frequencies 0:33 (1968)
  26. Frequency Modulation: Periodics Combined: 3 Triangular Waves at Different Frequencies 0:41 (1968)
  27. Frequency Modulation: Periodics Combined: 4 Different Waveforms (2L), (2N), (2V), (2S) at Different Frequencies 0:50 (1968)
  28. Frequency Modulation: White Sound 0:19 (1968)
  29. Frequency Modulation: Transient: Up an Octave, Back to Pitch 0:21 (1968)
  30. Frequency Modulation: Transient: Up a 3rd, Back to Pitch 0:12 (1968)
  31. Frequency Modulation: Transient: Down an Octave, Back to Pitch 0:15 (1968)
  32. Frequency Modulation: Transient: Down a 3rd, Back to Pitch 0:14 (1968)
  33. Amplitude Modulation: Keyboard 0:16 (1968)
  34. Amplitude Modulation: Ribbon Controller 0:15 (1968)
  35. Amplitude Modulation: Periodic: Tremolo 0:30 (1968)
  36. Amplitude Modulation: Periodic: Sine - Higher Frequencies (S Sweeping S) 0:50 (1968)
  37. Amplitude Modulation: Periodic: Sawtooth (Neg-Pos - Going Swept) 1:22 (1968)
  38. Amplitude Modulation: Periodic: Rectangular - (L2) Swept 0:41 (1968)
  39. Amplitude Modulation: Periodic: Triangular - Swept 0:54 (1968)
  40. Amplitude Modulation: Periodics Combined: 4 Square 0:48 (1968)
  41. Amplitude Modulation: Periodics Combined: 3 Triangular 0:27 (1968)
  42. Amplitude Modulation: Periodics Combined: 4 Different (S), (N), (L2), (V) 0:28 (1968)
  43. Amplitude Modulation: White Sound 0:56 (1968)
  44. Amplitude Modulation: Transient: Slow 0:11 (1968)
  45. Amplitude Modulation: Transient:with Rising Pitch 0:18 (1968)
  46. Amplitude Modulation: Transient: (Graphic Jagged Lines) 0:24 (1968)
  47. Amplitude Modulation: Ring Modulation: Sine Waves: Series of Sub-Audible Constants 1:56 (1968)
  48. Amplitude Modulation: Ring Modulation: Sine Waves: Tune in Parallel 0:44 (1968)
  49. Amplitude Modulation: Ring Modulation: Sine Waves: Tuned in Opposite Direction 0:35 (1968)
  50. Amplitude Modulation: Ring Modulation: Sine Waves: Sawtooth 0:40 (1968)
  51. Amplitude Modulation: Ring Modulation: Sine Waves: Rectangular (L2) 0:49 (1968)
  52. Filtering: White Sound - with Fixed Filters Selected 3rd Octave 0:29 (1968)
  53. Filtering: White Sound - Tuned Filters: Broad 0:45 (1968)
  54. Filtering: White Sound - Tuned Filters: Sharp 0:28 (1968)
  55. Filtering: Low Frequency Saw-Tooth Tuning Through Harmonics 1:09 (1968)
  56. Filtering: Composition-Tuning Through 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 16th Harmonics 0:49 (1968)
  57. Filtering: Swept with Ribbon Controller 0:39 (1968)
  58. Filtering: Periodic: Sine-Timbre Vibrato Effect 0:32 (1968)
  59. Filtering: Periodic: Sine-Variable Rate and Depth 0:40 (1968)
  60. Filtering: Periodic: Sawtooth (Descending and Ascending 0:57 (1968)
  61. Filtering: Periodic: Rectangular (L2) 0:30 (1968)
  62. Filtering: Transient (Sawtooth with Transient Controlled Filter): 1 0:16 (1968)
  63. Filtering: Transient (Sawtooth with Transient Controlled Filter): 2 0:14 (1968)
  64. Filtering: Transient (Sawtooth with Transient Controlled Filter): 3 0:13 (1968)
  65. Filtering: Transient (Sawtooth with Transient Controlled Filter): 4 0:14 (1968)
  66. Tape Delay: Single Repeat 0:18 (1968)
  67. Tape Delay: Multiple Repeat 3:02 (1968)
  68. Peace Three (Recap) 3:02 (1968)
  69. Ragnarök 3:23 (1969)
  70. The Fisherman 2:31 (1969)
  71. Circle X 5:09 (1969)
  72. Dill Piccolo Or (Try Not to Twitch) 0:36 (1969)
  73. Dr. Fox 2:40 (1969)
  74. Moogy Blues Funk 1:50 (1969)
  75. As I Hear It 1:35 (1969)
  76. 33rd Stanza of a Hymn to Sancho Panza 4:27 (1969)
  77. Changes 3:28 (1969)
  78. Interplay 3:11 (1969)
  79. Fountains of the Department of Water & Power 2:38 (1969)
  80. Spaced 3:51 (1970)
  81. Sanctuary 1:43 (1970)
  82. Soft / White 0:52 (1971)
  83. Nine Moons in Alaska 3:04 (1971)
  84. Walkin' 2:42 (1971)
  85. Walkin' by the River 2:39 (1971)
  86. By Your Grace 5:13 (1971)
  87. Short Film For David 5:23 (1971)
  88. Saga Of The Blue Beaver 4:19 (1971)
  89. Walkin’ 2:42 (1971)
  90. Walkin’ in the River 2:39 (1971)
  91. Gandharva 1:12 (1971)
  92. Good Places 3:37 (1971)
  93. Bright Shadows 4:53 (1971)
  94. A Real Slow Drag 3:42 (1972)
  95. Legend Days Are Over 3:43 (1972)
  96. Loves of Col. Evol 2:24 (1972)
  97. Sweet William 2:23 (1972)
  98. Looking Back Now 4:00 (1972)
  99. Prelude 2:58 (1972)
  100. Child of the Morning Sun 2:38 (1972)
  101. Between the Sun and the Rain 3:37 (1972)
  102. All Good Men 3:26 (1972)
  103. Waltz Me Around Again Willie / Real Slow Drag 3:28 (1972)
  104. Bluebird Canyon Stomp 3:17 (1972)
  105. Another Part of Time 5:10 (2006)
  106. And There Was Morning 2:25 (2006)
  107. So Long as the Waters Flow 5:29 (2006)
  108. Aurora Hominis 1:20 (2006)
  109. Salute to the Vanishing Bald Eagle 2:48 (2006)
  110. People's Park 2:37 (2006)
  111. Walking Green Algae Blues 7:04 (2006)
  112. Soft/White 0:50 ()