Also known as
Recordings By
On Recordings
Rev. J.C. Burnett
( - )
Male Person - United States
Recordings by
True Friendship
2:55 (1989)
studio, 1927-05-17: Columbia matrix 144164-2
The Gospel Train Is Leaving
3:17 (1995)
Go Wash in Jordan Seven Times
3:12 (1997)
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
3:02 (1997)
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
3:23 (1997)
Preach the Word
2:58 (1997)
studio, 1927-05-17: Columbia matrix 144162-1
I'll Just Stand and Ring My Hands and Cry
3:01 (1997)
studio, 1927-05-17: Columbia matrix 144163-2
The Christians’ Trouble Is Ended
3:01 (1997)
studio, 1927-05-17: Columbia matrix 144165-2
The Gambler’s Doom
3:18 (1997)
The Downfall of Nebuchadnezzar (356)
3:01 (1997)
I’ve Even Heard of Thee (357)
3:16 (1997)
Drive And Go Forward
3:18 (1997)
Hebrew Children in the Fiery Furnace
3:16 (1997)
Christians’ Home
2:58 (1997)
Daniel in the Lion’s Den
3:01 (1997)
Lord Help Me
3:03 (1997)
It’s Your Time Now but My Time After Awhile
3:04 (1997)
The Downfall of Nebuchadnezzar (142802)
2:45 (1997)
The Downfall Of Nebuchadnezzar
2:39 (1997)
I’ve Even Heard of Thee (142803)
3:10 (1997)
This Thing Was Not Done in the Corner
3:03 (1997)
I Will Stay Here and Send the News in Town
2:58 (1997)
Stand Your Ground
3:00 (1997)
The Great Day of This Wrath Has Come
2:57 (1997)
The Angel Done Gone Home
3:24 (1997)
Cry, Till Jesus Comes
3:10 (1997)
Rejected Stone
2:54 (1997)
You Are Sleeping in a Dangerous Time
3:14 (1997)
I Don’t Want No Trouble at the River
3:11 (1997)
Sit down, servant
3:02 (1997)
Put Your Trust In Jesus
2:53 (1997)
Amazing Grace
2:45 (1997)
Chariot’s Coming Down
2:48 (1997)
When the Evening Sun Goes Down
2:41 (1997)
Afterwhile Some Sweet Day
2:34 (1997)
Speed On! Hell Is Waiting for You
2:43 (1997)
Jonah in the Belly of the Whale
2:57 (1997)
Downfall of Nebuchadnezzar (64374)
2:16 (1997)
2:57 (1997)
God Will Deliver His People
2:48 (1997)
What Ails Thee?
2:59 (1997)
I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
3:06 (1997)
Prayer Was Made Without Ceasing of the Church
2:46 (1997)
Wages of Sin Is Death
3:02 (1997)
War in Heaven
2:58 (1997)
Great Day of His Wrath Has Come
3:00 (2014)
Hebrew Children In The Fiery Fumace
3:16 ()
Christians Horne
2:59 ()
Daniel In The Lion's Den
3:02 ()
It's Your Time Now But My Time After A While
3:05 ()
l've Even Heard Of Thee
3:12 ()
I'li Just Stand And Ring My Hands And Cry
3:03 ()
The Angel Done Gone Down
3:24 ()
1 Don't Want No Trouble At The River
3:12 ()