The Lewis Family (1951 - 2009)

Group - United States

Recordings by (434)

  1. Carry On 2:40 (1960)
  2. You Can’t Do Wrong and Get By 1:52 (1960)
  3. Help Me Understand 1:52 (1960)
  4. Jesus Is My King 1:58 (1960)
  5. I Do Believe 2:06 (1960)
  6. A Beautiful City 2:22 (1960)
  7. Wait a Little Longer Please Jesus 1:50 (1960)
  8. At the End of My Journey 2:15 (1960)
  9. Just One Rose 2:15 (1960)
  10. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands 2:15 (1960)
  11. Hide You in the Blood 2:00 (1960)
  12. I’m Not Alone 2:23 (1960)
  13. I Shall Not Be Moved 2:20 (1960)
  14. I See Jesus ?:?? (1960)
  15. My Closest Kin 2:00 (1960)
  16. To Get My Reward 1:50 (1960)
  17. Are You Ashamed ?:?? (1962)
  18. World’s Greatest Story ?:?? (1962)
  19. Some Sweet Happy Day ?:?? (1962)
  20. Child of the King ?:?? (1962)
  21. Matthew 24 ?:?? (1962)
  22. Wings of a Dove ?:?? (1962)
  23. In Heaven ?:?? (1962)
  24. Out in the Country ?:?? (1962)
  25. Talking With Death ?:?? (1962)
  26. Stay on Top With Jesus ?:?? (1962)
  27. Are You Ready for Heaven ?:?? (1962)
  28. Somebody Loves Me ?:?? (1962)
  29. Dweling in Beulah Land ?:?? (1962)
  30. The Heavenly Plan ?:?? (1962)
  31. Jesus in the Rock 2:37 (1962)
  32. No One but Thee 2:03 (1962)
  33. When God’s Chariot Comes 2:35 (1962)
  34. Ain’t No Room in the Church for Liars 2:14 (1962)
  35. Dreaming of My Little Cabin 2:45 (1962)
  36. Mother’s Only Sleeping 2:22 (1962)
  37. Honey in the Rock 2:01 (1962)
  38. When I Walk Along the Streets of Gold 2:33 (1962)
  39. The Empty Cross 1:44 (1962)
  40. I’ve Started Out to Find a Better Home 3:00 (1962)
  41. From the Manger to the Cross 2:27 (1962)
  42. Take This Whole World 2:10 (1962)
  43. My Lord’s Gonna Move This Wicked Race 2:34 (1962)
  44. God’s Great Stratosphere 2:21 (1962)
  45. Heavenly Chimes 2:43 (Nov 1963)
  46. The Lamb's Book of Life 2:32 (Nov 1963)
  47. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho 2:08 (Nov 1963)
  48. There's Somebody Wrong About the Bible 2:37 (Nov 1963)
  49. The Only Way Home 3:01 (Nov 1963)
  50. Keep on the Firing Line 2:04 (Nov 1963)
  51. Old and in the Way 2:12 (Nov 1963)
  52. My Homeward Flight 2:00 (Nov 1963)
  53. There's Joy Ahead 2:15 (Nov 1963)
  54. You Go to Your Church 2:22 (Nov 1963)
  55. Swing Down Chariot 2:36 (Nov 1963)
  56. He Made a Way 2:47 (Nov 1963)
  57. Seeking a Far Off Home 2:20 (Nov 1963)
  58. He's Sweeter 1:40 (Nov 1963)
  59. There’s a Higher Power ?:?? (1963)
  60. Gloryland March ?:?? (1963)
  61. My Lord Will Lead Me Home ?:?? (1963)
  62. As You Travel Alone ?:?? (1963)
  63. There Is a Happy Land ?:?? (1963)
  64. Family Bible ?:?? (1963)
  65. Little Moses ?:?? (1963)
  66. No Dark Shadows ?:?? (1963)
  67. Dust on the Bible ?:?? (1963)
  68. Standing and Wondering ?:?? (1963)
  69. Jordan ?:?? (1963)
  70. Faithful Friend ?:?? (1963)
  71. We’ve Got to Keep Walking ?:?? (1963)
  72. One Way Ticket to the Sky ?:?? (1963)
  73. Singin’ in My Soul ?:?? (1964)
  74. Gonna Keep My Love Light Burning ?:?? (1964)
  75. Look Away ?:?? (1964)
  76. Moving Onward ?:?? (1964)
  77. Go Out and Tell the News ?:?? (1964)
  78. Why Not Tonight ?:?? (1964)
  79. Over the Rolling Sea ?:?? (1964)
  80. Shine, Shine, Shine ?:?? (1964)
  81. Born Again ?:?? (1964)
  82. Climbing Jacob’s Ladder ?:?? (1964)
  83. The Ship to Glory ?:?? (1964)
  84. God’s Heaven ?:?? (1964)
  85. Crying Holy Unto the Lord ?:?? (1965)
  86. Jesus Is Coming ?:?? (1965)
  87. His Blood Now Covers My Sin ?:?? (1965)
  88. No Trouble in Heaven ?:?? (1965)
  89. Where Did You Get Your Religion ?:?? (1965)
  90. I’ve Got a Home ?:?? (1965)
  91. I’ve Found a Hiding Place ?:?? (1965)
  92. Where the Shades of Love Lie Deep ?:?? (1965)
  93. When I Reach the City ?:?? (1965)
  94. Precious Moments ?:?? (1965)
  95. The Purple Robe ?:?? (1965)
  96. I Like the Old Way ?:?? (1965)
  97. There's a Little Pine Log Cabin 1:52 (Aug 1966)
  98. The Pentecost 2:04 (Aug 1966)
  99. One More River to Cross 1:52 (Aug 1966)
  100. Ashamed to Speak His Name 1:39 (Aug 1966)
  101. We Don't Have the Right 2:15 (Aug 1966)
  102. Picture on the Wall 2:30 (Aug 1966)
  103. Walking My Lord Up Calvary's Hill 3:16 (Aug 1966)
  104. Read Your Bible 2:40 (Aug 1966)
  105. Walk With Christ 2:06 (Aug 1966)
  106. The Man of Galilee 2:21 (Aug 1966)
  107. Wait for Me 2:08 (Aug 1966)
  108. Where He Leads I Will Follow 1:41 (Aug 1966)
  109. Where Do You Get Your Religion ?:?? (1966)
  110. Crying Holy ?:?? (1966)
  111. There’s a Little Pine Log Cabin ?:?? (1966)
  112. We Don’t Have the Right to Cast a Stone ?:?? (1966)
  113. Walking My Lord Up Calvary’s Hill ?:?? (1966)
  114. Shall We Gather at the River ?:?? (1967)
  115. In the Garden ?:?? (1967)
  116. When Morning Comes ?:?? (1967)
  117. Never Alone ?:?? (1967)
  118. On Jordan’s Stormy Banks ?:?? (1967)
  119. The Haven of Rest ?:?? (1967)
  120. Brighten the Corner Where You Are ?:?? (1967)
  121. Down by the River Side ?:?? (1967)
  122. Sweet by and By ?:?? (1967)
  123. Bringing in the Sheaves ?:?? (1967)
  124. The Unclouded Day ?:?? (1967)
  125. The Old Rugged Cross ?:?? (1967)
  126. Rank Strangers 2:43 (1968)
  127. Go Tell It on the Mountain 2:22 (1968)
  128. This Little Light of Mine 1:48 (1968)
  129. That Is Where I Want to Go 2:30 (1968)
  130. I'll Be No Stranger 2:16 (1968)
  131. Old Brush Arbors 2:19 (1968)
  132. Tramp on the Street 2:06 (1968)
  133. Calvary 2:19 (1968)
  134. Nearer Home 2:00 (1968)
  135. I'm Maraching Toward Gloryland 2:01 (1968)
  136. Just for Me 2:14 (1968)
  137. I Can Feel the Spirit Moving 1:46 (1968)
  138. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel 1:44 (1971)
  139. I Claim Jesus First of All 1:44 (1971)
  140. You’ve Got to Walk That Road 2:20 (1971)
  141. I Saw the Light 2:16 (1971)
  142. Step Out in the Sunshine 1:50 (1971)
  143. Let Me Live 3:02 (1971)
  144. Will You Be Ready to Go Home 2:04 (1971)
  145. Take Me Home Please Jesus 2:08 (1971)
  146. Stormy Waters 3:00 (1971)
  147. When Mama Prayed 1:49 (1971)
  148. What a Savior 2:00 (1971)
  149. I’ll Be Satisfied 2:16 (1971)
  150. Marching Up the Glory Road 2:12 (1972)
  151. Joy, He Cares for Me 1:46 (1972)
  152. I’ve Got Jesus 2:09 (1972)
  153. I Can Feel Heaven in My Soul 2:25 (1972)
  154. By the Spirit I’m Lifted 2:09 (1972)
  155. Me and Jesus 2:41 (1972)
  156. Turn Your Radio On 2:07 (1972)
  157. Light of the Lord 2:33 (1972)
  158. We Can’t Serve Two Masters 2:09 (1972)
  159. Will the Angels Play Their Harps for Me 2:12 (1972)
  160. Jesus Took My Burdens Off My Hands 1:58 (1972)
  161. He Whispers Softly to Me 2:15 (1972)
  162. I’m Living in a Happy World 1:56 (1973)
  163. The Preacher and the Bear 2:23 (1973)
  164. Steal Away and Tell the Lord 1:44 (1973)
  165. Nothing Fancy It Is 2:40 (1973)
  166. Glorybound 1:58 (1973)
  167. I’m Gonna Sing, Sing, Sing 2:06 (1973)
  168. He’s All the World to Me 2:03 (1973)
  169. Leaning on the Lord 2:22 (1973)
  170. Someone Will Love Me in Heaven 2:34 (1973)
  171. Will He Call Out My Name 2:24 (1973)
  172. Let Him Lead You 2:02 (1973)
  173. Only With Jesus 2:14 (1973)
  174. I Wonder How John Felt 2:44 (1973)
  175. Let’s Have an Old Time Revival 2:00 (1973)
  176. Come Walk With Me 1:59 (1973)
  177. Those Happy Days 2:33 (1973)
  178. I Walk in the New Jerusalem Way 2:50 (1973)
  179. Sailing, Sailing 2:22 (1973)
  180. Let’s All Go Down to the River 2:25 (1973)
  181. How Can You Refuse Him Now 2:04 (1973)
  182. Try Jesus 3:50 (1973)
  183. Jesus Loveth Even Me 2:41 (1973)
  184. Someday 2:05 (1973)
  185. You Can’t Be a Beacon 2:42 (1975)
  186. I Take a Little Jesus for My Sin 2:05 (1975)
  187. Life’s Railway to Heaven 2:31 (1975)
  188. Just One Rose Will Do 2:11 (1975)
  189. Some of These Days 1:57 (1975)
  190. Walk Around Heaven 2:08 (1975)
  191. On the Way Home 3:05 (1975)
  192. Jesus Lead Me All the Way 1:44 (1975)
  193. The Old Time Way 1:58 (1975)
  194. Will You Be Ready? 2:23 (1975)
  195. King Jesus Will Roll All My Burdens Away 2:42 (1975)
  196. You Gotta Live Your Religion 2:08 (1975)
  197. Won’t It Be a Happy Time 1:56 (1975)
  198. Will the Circle Be Unbroken 2:23 (1975)
  199. Everybody Will Be Happy Over There 1:44 (1975)
  200. Just in Time 2:40 (1975)
  201. I Just Can’t Believe It Jesus 1:58 (1975)
  202. Jesus Is the Key to the Kingdom 2:06 (1975)
  203. Hand Me Down My Silver Trumpet, Gabriel 2:03 (1975)
  204. Thank God for the U.S.A. 2:22 (1975)
  205. It’s Great to Have Someone Like You 2:34 (1975)
  206. Livin’ in the Name of Love 2:24 (1975)
  207. Mother and the Old Home Church 2:02 (1975)
  208. My Lord Is Taken Me Away ?:?? (1975)
  209. Sing ?:?? (1975)
  210. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jerico ?:?? (1975)
  211. Don't Be Ashamed of Jesus ?:?? (1975)
  212. Climbing Jacob's Ladder ?:?? (1975)
  213. Down by the Riverside ?:?? (1975)
  214. Intro: 0:31 (1976)
  215. When the Morning Comes 2:13 (1976)
  216. He Will Set Your Fields on Fire 2:26 (1976)
  217. Jesus Is the Rock 2:30 (1976)
  218. My Ship Will Sail 3:00 (1976)
  219. Pop and Little Roy Introduce the Group 3:57 (1976)
  220. Rocking on the Waves 3:26 (1976)
  221. Fried Chicken Revival 3:34 (1976)
  222. Send the Light 2:30 (1976)
  223. The Lord Is Counting on You 2:03 (1976)
  224. One Day at a Time 3:22 (1976)
  225. The Purple Road 3:25 (1976)
  226. Behind the Door With the Devil 2:34 (1976)
  227. He Whispers Softly With Me 3:25 (1976)
  228. Joshua 3:26 (1976)
  229. Getting’ Ready to Leave This World 1:59 (1977)
  230. I Feel It in My Soul 2:07 (1977)
  231. Walking My Lord Up Calvary Hill 2:05 (1977)
  232. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder 2:20 (1977)
  233. No One but Jesus 1:54 (1977)
  234. Lord, I’ve Been Ready for Years 2:19 (1977)
  235. Livin’ on the Mountain 2:24 (1977)
  236. I Wanna Be Ready 2:07 (1977)
  237. Gonna Be Movin’ 2:05 (1977)
  238. Valley of Sin 2:07 (1977)
  239. Precious Lord 2:49 (1977)
  240. Are You Walking and Talking for the Lord? 2:22 (1977)
  241. What a Difference You've Made in My Life 2:44 (1978)
  242. I'm Bound for Gloryland 1:59 (1978)
  243. Heavenly Power 2:33 (1978)
  244. Lord, Don't Leave Me Here 2:50 (1978)
  245. Do Lord 2:22 (1978)
  246. Wrapped With Grace and Tied With Love 2:25 (1978)
  247. Heaven's Jubilee 2:04 (1978)
  248. Precious Memories 3:50 (1978)
  249. I Can Hardly Wait 2:41 (1978)
  250. I'm Heaven Bound 2:05 (1978)
  251. Friends in High Places 2:26 (1978)
  252. In the Garden 2:22 (1978)
  253. Unclouded Day 2:30 (1978)
  254. Keep on the Firing Line 2:00 (1978)
  255. Hallelujah Turnpike 3:08 (1979)
  256. He Will Row You Over the Tide 2:25 (1979)
  257. The Sweetest Gift 2:16 (1979)
  258. That’s the Man I’m Looking For 2:26 (1979)
  259. Vine Covered Church 2:11 (1979)
  260. When the Saints Go Marching In 1:55 (1979)
  261. Carry Me On 2:31 (1979)
  262. Life’s Ebb and Flow 2:09 (1979)
  263. Live in Me 2:34 (1979)
  264. Standing on the Solid Rock 2:10 (1979)
  265. Singing on the Mountain 2:28 (1979)
  266. Good Time Get Together 2:59 (1980)
  267. Slippers With Wings 3:02 (1980)
  268. You Will Get Your Reward Someday 2:16 (1980)
  269. Gathering Flowers for the Master’s Bouquet 2:53 (1980)
  270. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 2:22 (1980)
  271. Heaven’s Echoes 2:21 (1980)
  272. Set Another Place at the Table 3:04 (1980)
  273. Tis the Old Time Religion 3:04 (1980)
  274. No Way of Changing My Mind 2:23 (1980)
  275. Sunny Side of Life 2:22 (1980)
  276. In the Heat of the Battle 2:09 (1980)
  277. I’m Just an Old Chunk of Coal 3:02 (1981)
  278. What on Earth Will You Do for Heaven’s Sake? 2:25 (1981)
  279. Traveling On 3:03 (1981)
  280. Time Has Made a Change in Me 3:17 (1981)
  281. The Great Reward 2:37 (1981)
  282. I’m Gonna Try to Be That Way 2:33 (1981)
  283. Wait for the Light to Shine 2:14 (1981)
  284. Don’t You Want to Go to Heaven 2:30 (1981)
  285. Gone Away 2:32 (1981)
  286. Christmas 2:09 (1981)
  287. Someday This Old Road 3:00 (1982)
  288. Because of Him 2:35 (1982)
  289. God’s Little People 2:55 (1982)
  290. Resting in the Palm of His Hand 2:23 (1982)
  291. Mama Blues 2:52 (1982)
  292. Preachin’ Up a Storm 3:24 (1982)
  293. To My Mansion in the Sky 2:41 (1982)
  294. Sure as the Sun’s Gonna Rise 2:45 (1982)
  295. You Bring Out the Love 2:57 (1982)
  296. I’m Tired of Living in a World of Sin 2:59 (1982)
  297. Just Like Angels in the Sky 3:06 (1984)
  298. (You Gotta) Keep on Keepin’ On 2:13 (1984)
  299. Old Rivers 2:26 (1984)
  300. It’s an Unfriendly World 2:39 (1984)
  301. I Talk to the Shepherd 3:14 (1984)
  302. It’s Jesus Love Shining in My Soul 1:53 (1984)
  303. Mama Sing 3:01 (1984)
  304. Two Men A-Praying 2:54 (1984)
  305. Jesus Took the Fall 2:06 (1984)
  306. I Ain’t A-Quitting Now 2:48 (1984)
  307. Traveling Gospel Band 2:10 (1987)
  308. Go Up the Mountain 2:10 (1987)
  309. I’m a Crowd Pleaser 3:24 (1987)
  310. March Around the Throne One Time for Me 2:20 (1987)
  311. Five N’ Chimes 2:41 (1987)
  312. He Holds Me in His Hands 3:00 (1987)
  313. I’ve Been Sealed 4:35 (1987)
  314. We Will Rise and Shine 2:12 (1987)
  315. Children Talk to the Angels 2:40 (1987)
  316. Ya’ll Come 2:55 (1987)
  317. Sawdust and Folding Chairs 2:31 (1988)
  318. Let Me Go 2:00 (1988)
  319. This Ole House 3:01 (1988)
  320. Standing There Wondering Which Way to Go 2:41 (1988)
  321. Walk Them Golden Stairs 3:04 (1988)
  322. I Can Swim 2:47 (1988)
  323. A Little at a Time 2:02 (1988)
  324. Banjo Crossfire 2:34 (1988)
  325. Christmas Time's A Coming ?:?? (1993)
  326. Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem ?:?? (1993)
  327. Silent Night ?:?? (1993)
  328. Silver Bells ?:?? (1993)
  329. Away In A Manger ?:?? (1993)
  330. Born In Bethlehem ?:?? (1993)
  331. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing ?:?? (1993)
  332. Mary's Christmas ?:?? (1993)
  333. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear ?:?? (1993)
  334. White Christmas ?:?? (1993)
  335. Bluegrass Christmas ?:?? (1993)
  336. Old Toy Trains ?:?? (1993)
  337. C H R I S T M A S ?:?? (1993)
  338. Dear Little Stranger ?:?? (1993)
  339. Winter Wonderland ?:?? (1993)
  340. Joy To The World ?:?? (1993)
  341. Deck The Halls ?:?? (1993)
  342. O Little Town Of Bethlehem ?:?? (1993)
  343. Jingle Bells ?:?? (1993)
  344. Satisfied ?:?? (1993)
  345. Matthew Twenty-Four ?:?? (1993)
  346. Jesus the Way-Maker ?:?? (1993)
  347. Joyful Banjo ?:?? (1993)
  348. Just a Rose Will Do ?:?? (1993)
  349. What a Saviour, What a Friend ?:?? (1993)
  350. Living Up on the Mountain ?:?? (1993)
  351. Running in the Yard ?:?? (1995)
  352. A Rose in a Bible ?:?? (1995)
  353. Hallelujah Homecoming Day ?:?? (1995)
  354. I Wouldn't Miss It for the World ?:?? (1995)
  355. I Stand Alone at God's Door ?:?? (1995)
  356. I've Found a Hiding Place ?:?? (1995)
  357. I'd Still Have Nothing ?:?? (1995)
  358. If We Ever Needed the Lord Before (We Sho Do Need Him Now) ?:?? (1995)
  359. Family Affair ?:?? (1995)
  360. The Gloryland Way ?:?? (1995)
  361. Dixie Breakdown 1:55 (1996)
  362. Easter Parade 3:14 (1996)
  363. T.V. Land Medley 1:44 (1996)
  364. You Are My Sunshine 3:11 (1996)
  365. Dixie 2:25 (1996)
  366. Sally Goodin' 2:41 (1996)
  367. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry 1:48 (1996)
  368. Battle Hymn of the Republic 2:32 (1996)
  369. Wildwood Flower / Don't Think Twice, It's Alright 3:13 (1996)
  370. Red River Valley 2:45 (1996)
  371. Follow the Light 3:01 (1997)
  372. More Than Enough 3:19 (1997)
  373. You Can't Stop Time 2:22 (1997)
  374. When Our Lord Shall Come Again 2:44 (1997)
  375. All My Blessings 3:04 (1997)
  376. Dig a Little Deeper in the Well 2:43 (1997)
  377. He Carried the Cross for Me 2:36 (1997)
  378. He Built a Bridge 3:03 (1997)
  379. I Dreamed I Searched Heaven for You 3:01 (1997)
  380. Oh, My Lord, What a Time 2:58 (1997)
  381. He Still Looks Over Me 3:06 (15 Jan 1999)
  382. I Lift Up the Name of Jesus 2:03 (15 Mar 1999)
  383. This Flight That Is Leaving Soon 3:21 (1999)
  384. City on the Hill 2:25 (1999)
  385. God's Gonna Getcha for That 2:27 (1999)
  386. That Heavenly Home 2:59 (1999)
  387. I Want to Go to That Glory Land 3:22 (1999)
  388. Who Will Sing for Me 2:56 (1999)
  389. The Hand of Death Can't Hold Me 2:58 (1999)
  390. Heaven Will Surefly Be Worth It All 3:17 (1999)
  391. So Fine 3:19 (15 Jan 2000)
  392. Walking and Talking 2:46 (15 Jul 2002)
  393. Family and Friends 2:45 (2002)
  394. I Feel Like Traveling On 3:12 (2002)
  395. Old Chunk of Coal 3:04 (2002)
  396. Walkin' and Talkin' 2:47 (2002)
  397. The Old Family Table 3:21 (2002)
  398. God's Little People 2:59 (2002)
  399. The Family Bible 2:46 (2002)
  400. Which Came First (The Chicken or the Egg) 2:09 (2002)
  401. I'm Using My Bible for a Roadmap 2:15 (2002)
  402. Meet Me There 2:48 (2002)
  403. I'm Building a Stairway to Heaven 3:24 (2002)
  404. His Life Is an Open Book 2:58 (2002)
  405. I Plan to Meet You There 3:05 (2002)
  406. So Many Years, So Many Blessings 4:30 (2002)
  407. When We Get to the Other Side 3:14 (2004)
  408. Mama Prayed, Daddy Sang 2:51 (2004)
  409. A Crown That Lasts Forever 5:12 (2004)
  410. Traveling Shoes 2:22 (2004)
  411. Angels Gathering Flowers 3:28 (2004)
  412. The Purple Rope 3:05 (2004)
  413. I Will Go Where He Leads Me 2:32 (2004)
  414. Mama’s Flower Bed 3:11 (2004)
  415. I’m Bound for the Land of Canaan 2:36 (2004)
  416. How God Has Taken Care of Me 3:22 (2004)
  417. Light of Love 2:15 (2004)
  418. Over in the Gloryland 2:36 (2004)
  419. He Knew Just What to Do 2:22 (2004)
  420. One Rose 3:04 (2005)
  421. Stepping Stones 2:31 (2005)
  422. I Believe in the Lord 2:30 (2005)
  423. Get on Board This Old Train 2:31 (2005)
  424. When We Talk to the Father 3:38 (2005)
  425. Alright, Alright, Alright 2:44 (2005)
  426. When I Got Down on My Knees 2:51 (2005)
  427. The Lord Is a Busy Man 3:03 (2005)
  428. Silver Lining 2:40 (2005)
  429. If Jesus Comes Back on a Sunday 4:00 (2005)
  430. Somewhere Somebody Is Prying for Me 2:57 (2007)
  431. There's Never an Unguarded Moment 2:41 (2007)
  432. Above and Beyond 3:55 (2007)
  433. Fire and Brimstone 1:52 (Dec 2020)
  434. Heaven Bound Train 1:56 (Dec 2020)