Ka Baird ( - )

Female Person - United States US multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, composer, and sound artist

Recordings by (52)

  1. Prayer for Silence 3:34 (29 Aug 2006)
  2. Traps 1:27 (2006)
  3. Breaking the Roofs 3:39 (2006)
  4. Morning Song #1 3:25 (2006)
  5. Myself as the Shore 0:45 (2006)
  6. Last Word 1:42 (2006)
  7. Lost Anchors 2:18 (2006)
  8. Morning Song #2 2:53 (2006)
  9. With Which These Waters Swarm 3:57 (2006)
  10. Bury Deeper 1:01 (2006)
  11. Storms Stay Fine 3:58 (2006)
  12. Migration 1:36 (22 Sep 2017)
  13. Tok Tru 5:03 (22 Sep 2017)
  14. Transmigration 11:26 (22 Sep 2017)
  15. Metamorphoses 2:34 (22 Sep 2017)
  16. Oneiric 5:18 (22 Sep 2017)
  17. Ka 7:01 (22 Sep 2017)
  18. You Are Myself 4:31 (22 Sep 2017)
  19. Clearing ?:?? (04 Oct 2018)
  20. Pulse 3:02 (25 Oct 2019)
  21. Symanimagenic 4:30 (25 Oct 2019)
  22. Teaching Lodge of the Arrows 11:40 (25 Oct 2019)
  23. Azha 2:53 (25 Oct 2019)
  24. Spiritus Operis 3:29 (25 Oct 2019)
  25. Walking 4:14 (25 Oct 2019)
  26. Storms Stay Fine 5:09 (25 Oct 2019)
  27. The Orion Arm 4:35 (25 Oct 2019)
  28. Imagination 3:20 (01 May 2020)
  29. Subration 4:00 (01 May 2020)
  30. Heaven and Hell (by Dorothy Ashby) 3:47 (01 May 2020)
  31. Isentropic 4:19 (01 May 2020)
  32. The Unshown 4:40 (01 May 2020)
  33. West End ?:?? (02 Oct 2020)
  34. I ?:?? (08 Jan 2021)
  35. II 4:54 (08 Jan 2021)
  36. III ?:?? (08 Jan 2021)
  37. IV ?:?? (08 Jan 2021)
  38. V ?:?? (08 Jan 2021)
  39. Ebuza 2:38 (11 Jan 2021)
  40. Brooding Exercises I (Second Movement) 57:42 (15 Feb 2021)
  41. Ludus Secondos 9:04 (03 Aug 2023)
  42. Gate I ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  43. Gate II ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  44. Gate III ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  45. Gate IV ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  46. Gate V ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  47. Gate VI ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  48. Gate VII ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  49. Gate VIII 4:00 (22 Mar 2024)
  50. Gate IX 5:32 (22 Mar 2024)
  51. Gate X ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)
  52. Gate XI ?:?? (22 Mar 2024)