Thích Nhất Hạnh (11 Oct 1926 - 22 Jan 2022)

Male Person - Vietnam

Recordings by (137)

  1. Inviting the Bell 3:47 (Feb 1998)
  2. Prelude to Sitting Meditation 8:03 (Feb 1998)
  3. The Heart Sutra 5:12 (Feb 1998)
  4. Plum Village 4:51 (Feb 1998)
  5. Spring 2:52 (Feb 1998)
  6. Illusion Transformed 1:47 (Feb 1998)
  7. The Moon Never Sets 2:37 (Feb 1998)
  8. Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone 4:35 (Feb 1998)
  9. The Refuge Chant 5:36 (Feb 1998)
  10. Exercise one: Breathing In, Breathing Out 3:24 (2000)
  11. Mindfulness and the present moment 5:58 (2000)
  12. The kingdom of God 1:33 (2000)
  13. Forgetfulness 1:13 (2000)
  14. Exercise two: Flower Fresh 4:19 (2000)
  15. Exercise three: Mountain Solid 4:16 (2000)
  16. Exercise four: Water Reflecting 3:18 (2000)
  17. Exercise five: Space Free 3:09 (2000)
  18. The Buddha and enlightenment 2:44 (2000)
  19. Resurrecting ourselves 0:52 (2000)
  20. Present, past, and future 5:46 (2000)
  21. To be awake 3:04 (2000)
  22. The nature of consciousness 6:39 (2000)
  23. Mindfulness in anger and suffering 23:42 (2000)
  24. Introduction 0:43 (2000)
  25. Developing total acceptance 7:25 (2000)
  26. Buddhist teachings on love 7:30 (2000)
  27. Why meditate 2:01 (2000)
  28. Invoking Avalokitesvara 6:17 (2000)
  29. Expressing your suffering 5:20 (2000)
  30. The gift of nonfear 8:36 (2000)
  31. Emptiness 5:45 (2000)
  32. Impermanence 4:27 (2000)
  33. Telephone meditation and exercises for children 20:28 (2000)
  34. The Seat of Mindfulnes 13:50 (2004)
  35. Touching Peace Is Our Practice 13:30 (2004)
  36. Tell Me What Is Right With You 14:38 (2004)
  37. Everything Contains Everything Else 13:44 (2004)
  38. Nirvana Is the Ground of Being 12:35 (2004)
  39. The Practice of Touching Nirvana 10:22 (2004)
  40. The Functions of Mindfulness 12:45 (2004)
  41. Understanding Is Another Name for Love 7:29 (2004)
  42. Listening Deeply to the Sound of the World 11:38 (2004)
  43. The Three Bodhisattvahs 13:47 (2004)
  44. On the Path to the Buddha 17:43 (2004)
  45. The Path of Liberation 7:57 (2004)
  46. Generating the Energy of Mindfulness 7:32 (2004)
  47. The Teaching of Inner-Being 8:28 (2004)
  48. Touching the Whole Cosmos 10:48 (2004)
  49. The Teaching Is My True Body 10:35 (2004)
  50. The Gift of Space Is True Love 13:33 (2004)
  51. In the Realm of the Avatamsaka 19:06 (2004)
  52. The Five Elements 11:42 (2004)
  53. The Practice of Universal Penetration 16:19 (2004)
  54. Taking Good Care of the Present Moment 6:03 (2004)
  55. Beyond Self and Non-Self 8:00 (2004)
  56. Contemplation of the Body in the Body 10:04 (2004)
  57. The River of Feelings 16:13 (2004)
  58. War in the Realm of Our Feelings 8:00 (2004)
  59. Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels 9:38 (2004)
  60. The River of Perceptions 7:59 (2004)
  61. Consciousness and Mental Formations 14:17 (2004)
  62. Working With Strong Emotions 12:34 (2004)
  63. Individual and Collective Consciousness 10:54 (2004)
  64. Embracing Our Pain in Mindfulness 10:10 (2004)
  65. Running Away From Ourselves 11:39 (2004)
  66. The Five Remembrances 7:18 (2004)
  67. Bodhisattvahs of the Lotus 11:11 (2004)
  68. Enjoying the Sutras 10:19 (2004)
  69. Vorwort 2:37 (2006)
  70. Die Kunst des achtsamen Lebens 3:59 (2006)
  71. Die erste Achtsamkeitsübung: Achtung vor dem Leben 6:41 (2006)
  72. Die zweite Achtsamkeitsübung: Grosszügigkeit 6:09 (2006)
  73. Die dritte Achtsamkeitsübung: Sexuelle Verantwortung 4:44 (2006)
  74. Die vierte Achtsamkeitsübung: Aufmerksames Zuhören und liebevolles Sprechen 5:08 (2006)
  75. Die fünfte Achtsamkeitsübung: Achtsamer Umgang mit Konsumgütern 9:09 (2006)
  76. Introduction 0:54 (May 2009)
  77. The Basic Condition of Happiness 8:07 (May 2009)
  78. Recognizing Habit-Energy 5:16 (May 2009)
  79. The Joy of Breathiung In 6:53 (May 2009)
  80. Arrive in the Here and Now 8:42 (May 2009)
  81. Restoring Balance 10:48 (May 2009)
  82. The Practice of the Second Body 9:34 (May 2009)
  83. Your True Home Is Life 6:49 (May 2009)
  84. Einführung 4:38 (2010)
  85. Bewusstes Atmen 7:57 (2010)
  86. Sitzmedittion 9:29 (2010)
  87. Gehmeditation 8:14 (2010)
  88. Tiefentspannung 10:34 (2010)
  89. Sich um Wut und andere starke Emotionen kümmern 12:34 (2010)
  90. Mit unserem inneren Kind sprechen 3:44 (2010)
  91. Die Kieselstein-Meditation 5:32 (2010)
  92. Telefonmeditation 3:22 (2010)
  93. Achtsames Essen 5:28 (2010)
  94. Umarmungsmediatation 4:11 (2010)
  95. Chapter 1: "Happiness and Peace" 42:12 (2010)
  96. Chapter 2: "The Heart of Practice", Part 1 36:20 (2010)
  97. Chapter 2: "The Heart of Practice", Part 2 2:05 (2010)
  98. Chapter 3: "Practicing Skillfully with Our Past" 40:14 (2010)
  99. Chapter 4: "Healing Our Wounds and Pain", Part 1 35:30 (2010)
  100. Chapter 4: "Healing Our Wounds and Pain", Part 2 6:51 (2010)
  101. Chapter 5: "Cultivating True Love" 17:19 (2010)
  102. Chapter 6: "The Essence of the Buddha's Teaching" 21:51 (2010)
  103. Chapter 7: "Becoming Truly Alive" 30:06 (2010)
  104. Epilogue 1:03 (2010)
  105. Das notleidene Kind 2:43 (2012)
  106. Einführung: Das innere Kind 4:40 (2012)
  107. Die Energie der Achtsamkeit 8:12 (2012)
  108. Wir sind unsere Vorfahren, wir sind unsere Kinder 3:45 (2012)
  109. Ursprüngliche Angst, ursprüngliches Verlangen 2:26 (2012)
  110. Atmen, Gehen, Loslassen 2:56 (2012)
  111. Atmen, Gehen und Loslassen 3:12 (2012)
  112. Das Leiden transformieren 1:44 (2012)
  113. Unsere inneres Kind heilen 1:10 (2012)
  114. Versöhnung 2:34 (2012)
  115. Zu einem Bodhisattva werden 5:29 (2012)
  116. Die sechzehn Atemübungen 0:56 (2012)
  117. Neubeginn 5:53 (2012)
  118. The Root Causes of Anger 5:35 ()
  119. The Buddhist View of Anger 5:40 ()
  120. The Necessity of Daily Mindfulness Practice 7:05 ()
  121. How We Can Learn to Love Our Enemies 9:40 ()
  122. How Meditation Changes the Way of Seeing Things 2:53 ()
  123. What Is Interbeing 6:02 ()
  124. An Introduction to Conscious Breathing 4:51 ()
  125. Returning to the Present Moment 4:08 ()
  126. How Conscious Breathing Affects Our Thoughts 16:34 ()
  127. Gatha For Listening To The Bell 0:27 ()
  128. The Island Within 0:53 ()
  129. Listen, Listen 4:49 ()
  130. Breathing In, Breathing Out 1:44 ()
  131. In, Out, Deep, Slow 0:39 ()
  132. Walk In The Light Traditional 1:10 ()
  133. End Of Deep Relaxation 0:45 ()
  134. Watering Seeds Of Joy 3:01 ()
  135. Gatha For Planting A Tree 1:41 ()
  136. Contemplations At Mealtime 1:12 ()
  137. No Coming, No Going 1:00 ()