Ten Grand (1998 - 10 Aug 2003)

Group - Iowa City formerly The Vida Blue

Recordings by (56)

  1. Difference ?:?? (1999)
  2. Brain-O ?:?? (1999)
  3. Midwinter ?:?? (1999)
  4. Me and Spike Lee 2:54 (2000)
  5. The Dukes Are Trying to Corner the Market 2:45 (2000)
  6. I Know It Works 5:33 (2000)
  7. Making a Building 2:57 (2000)
  8. I Claim This Land in the Name of Taz 1:39 (2000)
  9. Monocle 2:20 (2000)
  10. Typhoid Mary 0:05 (2000)
  11. 1-2-3 Pregnant 2:18 (2000)
  12. My Heart Goes Out to Me 3:46 (2000)
  13. Three Cheers for Cause and Effect 1:34 (2000)
  14. Why Am I Bleeding? 3:27 (2000)
  15. H-E-Double Hockey Sticks 6:51 (2000)
  16. What Difference Does It Make 4:26 (2000)
  17. Do Not Question the Great Brain-O 2:27 (2000)
  18. The Detective 2:26 (2000)
  19. Before the Action Commences 1:45 (2000)
  20. Drop Dead 2:53 (2000)
  21. Miette 3:20 (2000)
  22. East Dearborn 3:37 (2000)
  23. The City Sucks Tonight 3:50 (2000)
  24. A Broken Jaw Factory 4:36 (2000)
  25. '87 Yankees 3:06 (2000)
  26. Industry 6:57 (2000)
  27. Industry Remix by Frankenfonda 3:23 (2000)
  28. So the Pirate Says 4:11 (2000)
  29. Engine Down 4:09 (2000)
  30. I Survived the Chair 5:07 (2000)
  31. X 7 3:12 (2000)
  32. Grave? Shovel! Let's Go 4:24 (2000)
  33. Bike Dance (No Scrubs) 4:09 (2000)
  34. The Beginning 2:16 (Aug 2002)
  35. The Face I Make While You're Crying 2:46 (Aug 2002)
  36. Never Let Your Girlfriend Go Camping With That Guy She Met in Pottery Class... Trust Me 2:32 (Aug 2002)
  37. Grave? Shovel! Let's Go. 3:51 (Aug 2002)
  38. Thank You Ma'Am, May I Have Several Thousand More 4:22 (Aug 2002)
  39. It Ain't a Party Unless You're Doing It With Someone Else in the Bathroom 2:28 (Aug 2002)
  40. Bill Ray Valentine, Capricorn 3:05 (Aug 2002)
  41. The Payload Theme Song 11:32 (Aug 2002)
  42. To the Library and Step on It! 3:23 (Aug 2002)
  43. Bike Dance (No Scrubs) 3:34 (Aug 2002)
  44. Ending 1:15 (Aug 2002)
  45. Hands Off the March 2:05 (06 May 2003)
  46. Wedding Song for Steve and Angie 3:10 (06 May 2003)
  47. Respect Me 3:54 (06 May 2003)
  48. Lets Wreck the Van 3:03 (06 May 2003)
  49. I Will Seriously Pay You to Shut Up 1:59 (06 May 2003)
  50. Scary Movie 4 1:20 (06 May 2003)
  51. Get Out of My Dojo 2:01 (06 May 2003)
  52. This Isn't Heaven, This Sucks 4:43 (06 May 2003)
  53. Fuck You Guyses Teams 2:51 (06 May 2003)
  54. Now You Got What I Got 7:06 (06 May 2003)
  55. The Face I Make When You're Crying ?:?? (2003)
  56. Grave? Shovel? Let's Go! 3:53 (2006)