Daemonia Nymphe (1994 - )

Group - Greece

Recordings by (88)

  1. Το κάλεσμα των ναϊάδων 6:51 (1998)
  2. Ο βακχικός χορός των νυμφών 6:25 (1998)
  3. Επικαλούμενοι τους δώδεκα θεούς 5:46 (1998)
  4. Καλώντας τον Πάνα 5:54 (1998)
  5. Summoning Divine Selene 3:21 (Apr 2002)
  6. Hades 2:23 (Sep 2002)
  7. Dance of the Satyrs 4:05 (Sep 2002)
  8. Korai Rejoicing in Antron 0:46 (Sep 2002)
  9. Nymphs of the Seagod Nereus 4:51 (Sep 2002)
  10. Hymn to Bacchus 7:28 (Sep 2002)
  11. Invoking Pan 6:37 (Sep 2002)
  12. Message Horn’s Enchanting Echo 2:17 (Sep 2002)
  13. Ida's Dactyls 4:05 (Sep 2002)
  14. Hypnosoneirathanatos 5:40 (2003)
  15. The Calling of Naiades 7:02 (2004)
  16. The Bells of Acheron 1:26 (2004)
  17. The Bacchic Dance of the Nymphs 6:40 (2004)
  18. Calling the Twelve Gods 5:46 (2004)
  19. Summoning Pan 6:14 (2004)
  20. Divined by Trophonios 5:24 (2004)
  21. Tyrvasia 6:27 (2004)
  22. Live Schauspielhaus ?:?? (2004)
  23. Sirens of Ulysse 4:28 (2005)
  24. Tyrvasia - Nymphs of the Seagod Nereus (remix by Von Magnet) 6:12 (2005)
  25. Hypnos (remix by Beefcake) 4:30 (2005)
  26. Summoning Divine ('Selene' remix by Nikodemos) 3:27 (2005)
  27. Hymn to Bacchus ('Hello' remix by Peekay Tayloh) 3:32 (2005)
  28. Nymphs of The (remix by Basilis) 4:06 (2005)
  29. Message Horn's Enchanting Echo ('Fluty' Mimetic mix by Mimetic Fake) 4:53 (2005)
  30. Ida's Dactyls ('Dead Are Dead' mix by Peekay Tayloh) 3:15 (2005)
  31. Dance of the Satyrs ('Prayer' mix by Supermarket) 5:10 (2005)
  32. Seagod Nereus (remix by Dani Joss) 4:58 (2005)
  33. Divine Goddess of Fertility 3:00 (2006)
  34. Sirens of Ulysses 5:27 (Mar 2007)
  35. To Goddess Mnemosyne 2:31 (Mar 2007)
  36. Hymenaios 2:57 (Mar 2007)
  37. Ecstatic Orchesis 4:22 (Mar 2007)
  38. In Ancient Lands 2:43 (Mar 2007)
  39. Weddingone 2:55 (Mar 2007)
  40. Nani Tou Riga To Paidi (live) 7:15 (Mar 2007)
  41. Esodos 1:53 (Mar 2007)
  42. Krataia Asterope 3:20 (Mar 2007)
  43. Daemonos 2:44 (Mar 2007)
  44. Nocturnal Hekate 3:20 (Mar 2007)
  45. Mouson 3:53 (Mar 2007)
  46. Dios Astrapaiou 3:04 (Mar 2007)
  47. Tyrvasia-Nymphs of the Seagon Nerus (Von Nymph remix) 6:11 (17 Jun 2007)
  48. Pros[neazoe]euhi 15:23 (2008)
  49. Selene's Awakening Horos ?:?? (Jan 2013)
  50. Zephyros’s Enlightening Anemos 3:37 (May 2013)
  51. Nemesis Rhamnousia 3:11 (May 2013)
  52. Thracian Gaia 4:29 (May 2013)
  53. Selene’s Awakening Horos 3:23 (May 2013)
  54. Politeia of the Unnamed 3:17 (May 2013)
  55. Deo’s Erotas 4:26 (May 2013)
  56. Nature’s Metamorphosis 5:14 (May 2013)
  57. Enchanting Oneiro 2:27 (May 2013)
  58. Psychostasia 6:50 (May 2013)
  59. Hypnos 3:16 (May 2013)
  60. Tyrvasia – Nymphs of the Seagod Nereus 6:10 (20 Feb 2014)
  61. Pros[nea zoe]Euhi 15:15 (05 Nov 2015)
  62. Hypnos (Beefcake remix) 4:29 (26 Dec 2015)
  63. The Great Divinity 3:26 (10 Feb 2016)
  64. Macbeth’s Triumph 3:59 (27 May 2016)
  65. Witches’ Lullaby 5:25 (27 May 2016)
  66. Never Shall Sun That Morrow See 5:13 (27 May 2016)
  67. The Fallacious Glance 3:29 (27 May 2016)
  68. A Dagger of the Mind 6:07 (27 May 2016)
  69. Suspicion 4:00 (27 May 2016)
  70. Macbeth’s Coronation 3:37 (27 May 2016)
  71. Into the Woods 4:34 (27 May 2016)
  72. The Dinner 3:49 (27 May 2016)
  73. Hecate’s Wrath 3:18 (27 May 2016)
  74. Lady Macduff’s Lament 3:21 (27 May 2016)
  75. The Battle in Bernham Forest 5:39 (27 May 2016)
  76. Malcolm’s Victory 1:56 (27 May 2016)
  77. Eis Athenan 2:19 (28 Dec 2016)
  78. The Letter / Hypnovasia 4:33 (01 Sep 2017)
  79. Psyches’ Choros 3:32 (22 Nov 2018)
  80. The Journey of the Psyche 3:51 (22 Nov 2018)
  81. Asterofeggis Nyx 3:54 (22 Nov 2018)
  82. "Psyche's Choros" Ghostly Waltz 4:18 (13 Mar 2020)
  83. Majo tachi no komori-uta 5:32 (31 Mar 2021)
  84. La nana de las brujas 5:24 (31 Mar 2021)
  85. Canção de embalar das bruxas 5:00 (31 Mar 2021)
  86. Nanoúrisma ton magissón 2:39 (31 Mar 2021)
  87. Eis Athenan (Remastered) 2:17 (19 Nov 2021)
  88. Oneiro ?:?? ()