The Dufay Collective (1987 - )

Group - United Kingdom UK early music ensemble led by William Lyons

Recordings by (199)

  1. Danse Real 2:45 (1992)
  2. Estampie 4:00 (1992)
  3. 3 ‘Ductias’: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Ductia 4:58 (1992)
  4. 3 Estampies Reales: La Seste, La Quarte, La Septime 7:16 (1992)
  5. Estampie (Robertsbridge Codex) 6:59 (1992)
  6. Chominciamento di Gioia (Istanpitta) 5:20 (1992)
  7. Lamento di Tristano 7:07 (1992)
  8. La Rotta 3:36 (1992)
  9. Dança amorosa / Troto 5:41 (1992)
  10. Salterello 2:51 (1992)
  11. La Manfredina / La Rotta della Manfredina 10:59 (1992)
  12. Istanpitta 'Ghaetta' 6:48 (Oct 1994)
  13. La prime estampie real 3:28 (Oct 1994)
  14. La uitime estampie real 5:06 (Oct 1994)
  15. La seconde estampie royal 2:39 (Oct 1994)
  16. La tierche estampie roial 2:26 (Oct 1994)
  17. Danse 2:31 (Oct 1994)
  18. Retrove 5:47 (Oct 1994)
  19. Trotto - Salterello 7:44 (Oct 1994)
  20. La quinte estampie real 2:14 (Oct 1994)
  21. Istanpitta 'Belicha' 10:18 (Oct 1994)
  22. Istanpitta 'Isabella' 7:30 (Oct 1994)
  23. Miri it is while sumer ilast 2:16 (1995)
  24. Dance: Miri it is 3:09 (1995)
  25. Edi beo thu hevene-queene 4:24 (1995)
  26. Estampie: Edi beo thu 2:05 (1995)
  27. Ar ne kuth ich sorghe non 8:52 (1995)
  28. 'Ductia' 1:38 (1995)
  29. Brid one brere 2:21 (1995)
  30. 'Estampie' 4:40 (1995)
  31. O sponsa Dei electa 1:30 (1995)
  32. Beata viscera 1:16 (1995)
  33. Sanctus 2:04 (1995)
  34. Alleluya psallat 1:19 (1995)
  35. 'Ductia' (2) 1:38 (1995)
  36. Sancta Mater graciae 2:21 (1995)
  37. Sancta Mater graciae (2) 1:51 (1995)
  38. Dance 4:13 (1995)
  39. Omnis caro peccaverat 9:04 (1995)
  40. Dance: Onmis caro 3:40 (1995)
  41. 'Ductia' (3) 2:23 (1995)
  42. Sumer is icumen in 4:37 (1995)
  43. Indian Queen / Of Noble Race was Shinkin 3:20 (May 1996)
  44. Daphne 4:18 (May 1996)
  45. My lord Wilobies Welcom Home 1:36 (May 1996)
  46. Bonny Sweet Robin 3:37 (May 1996)
  47. Mal sims 1:48 (May 1996)
  48. Muscadin 1:37 (May 1996)
  49. The Three Ravens 6:00 (May 1996)
  50. Divisions for two bass viols 6:28 (May 1996)
  51. Fortune My Foe 2:21 (May 1996)
  52. A Morisco 1:46 (May 1996)
  53. A maske 2:19 (May 1996)
  54. The old Spagnoletta 1:57 (May 1996)
  55. Jamaica 1:16 (May 1996)
  56. Goddesses / Jamaica 2:25 (May 1996)
  57. New Oysters 2:10 (May 1996)
  58. The Waits 1:10 (May 1996)
  59. Ham House / Half Hannikin 2:05 (May 1996)
  60. Jolly Shepherd 1:56 (May 1996)
  61. A Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne 2:48 (May 1996)
  62. Pell Mell 1:30 (May 1996)
  63. Come Follow Me 3:05 (May 1996)
  64. Of All the Birds 1:39 (May 1996)
  65. The Clothiers Song 3:40 (May 1996)
  66. On the cold Ground, Glory of the Sun, Kettledrum, Paul's Wharf, Saturday Night and Sunday Morn, Johnny, Cock thy Beaver 10:00 (May 1996)
  67. A Dance in the Garden of Mirth: La tierche estampie roial 2:23 (1996)
  68. Ses tres dous regars 1:13 (Apr 1997)
  69. C'est la fins 1:29 (Apr 1997)
  70. Prendés i garde 1:29 (Apr 1997)
  71. Pucelete / Je languis / Domino 0:58 (Apr 1997)
  72. On parole / A Paris / Frése nouvele 0:59 (Apr 1997)
  73. Dance: Les un pins 4:00 (Apr 1997)
  74. Volez vous que je vous chant 3:16 (Apr 1997)
  75. La septieme estampie Real 2:55 (Apr 1997)
  76. A Dieu commant amouretes 1:25 (Apr 1997)
  77. A jointes mains vous proi 0:49 (Apr 1997)
  78. Hé Dieus, quant verrai 0:43 (Apr 1997)
  79. Tant con je vivrai 1:30 (Apr 1997)
  80. Fines amouretes 2:24 (Apr 1997)
  81. La douçours del tens novel 7:06 (Apr 1997)
  82. Dance: La douçours 1:42 (Apr 1997)
  83. En une vergier 2:08 (Apr 1997)
  84. Dame or sui traïs 1:20 (Apr 1997)
  85. Chanter voel par grant amour 3:51 (Apr 1997)
  86. Quant voi la flor nouvele 1:44 (Apr 1997)
  87. L'autre jour par un matin 1:50 (Apr 1997)
  88. Amor potest 1:26 (Apr 1997)
  89. Dieus soit en cheste maison 2:00 (Apr 1997)
  90. Je chevauchoie l'autrier 4:28 (Apr 1997)
  91. Dance: Je chevauchoie l'autrier 4:15 (Apr 1997)
  92. Beyeita es Maria, CSM 420 6:05 (1997)
  93. Procession, CSM 207 2:34 (1997)
  94. Quen quer que na Virgen fia, CSM 167 7:31 (1997)
  95. Estampie on CSM 42 4:48 (1997)
  96. O Nome da Virgen Santa, CSM 254 7:17 (1997)
  97. Instrumental, CSM 37 4:42 (1997)
  98. Quen bõa dona, CSM 160 (de loor) 4:48 (1997)
  99. Eno pouco e no muito, CSM 354 7:30 (1997)
  100. Instrumental CSM 249 1:50 (1997)
  101. Como pod' a groriosa, CSM 391 11:07 (1997)
  102. Instrumental, CSM 221 1:59 (1997)
  103. Sempr'a Virgen groriosa, CSM 377 7:42 (1997)
  104. Instrumental CSM 57 3:36 (1997)
  105. Instanpitta 'Ghaetta' (extract) 1:34 (1999)
  106. English Dance 4:00 (2002)
  107. Estampie Real: La Seste 3:27 (2002)
  108. Estampie Real: La Quarte 1:57 (2002)
  109. Estampie Real: La Septime 1:51 (2002)
  110. La Spagna 2:14 (01 Mar 2004)
  111. Cantigas de Santa María, No. 116: Bailemos nós ja todas tres, CSM 116 2:57 (29 Sep 2005)
  112. Cantigas de Santa María, No. 15: Todos los santos, CSM 15 (instrumental) 3:05 (29 Sep 2005)
  113. Quantas sabedes amar 5:55 (29 Sep 2005)
  114. Cantiga de Santa María 36: "Muit’ amar devemos en nossas voontades" 4:30 (2005)
  115. Cantiga de Santa María 323: "Ontre toda-las vertudes que aa Virgen son dadas" 3:00 (2005)
  116. Cantiga de Santa María 315: "Tant’ aos peccadores a Virgen val de grado" 1:32 (2005)
  117. Cantiga de Santa María 15: "Todo-los Santos que son no Ceo de servir muito an gran sabor" 3:06 (2005)
  118. Cantiga de Santa María 263: "Que muyto meu pago" (adaptation CSM 263) 5:15 (2005)
  119. Cantiga de Santa María 103: "Quen a Virgen ben servirá" 3:01 (2005)
  120. Cantiga de Santa María 116: "Bailemos nós ja todas tres" (adaptation CSM 116) 2:57 (2005)
  121. Dansa: Bailemos nós ja todas tres (after CSM 116's adaptation) 2:23 (2005)
  122. Cantiga de Santa María 166: "Martin jograr" (adaptation CSM 166) 2:56 (2005)
  123. Cantiga de Santa María 393: "Macar é door a rravia maravillosa e forte …" 5:00 (2005)
  124. Cantiga de Santa María 159: "Non sofre Santa María de seeren perdidosos" 5:55 (2005)
  125. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: I. Ondas do mare de Vigo 4:32 (2005)
  126. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: II. Mandad’ ei comigo 5:52 (2005)
  127. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: III. Mia irmana fremosa 2:16 (2005)
  128. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: Interlude 3:09 (2005)
  129. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: IV. Ay Deus se sab’ ora meu amigo 3:49 (2005)
  130. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: V. Quantas sabedes amar 5:48 (2005)
  131. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: Interlude / VI. Eno sagrado en Vigo 3:40 (2005)
  132. Cantigas de amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment: VII. Ai ondas que eu vin veer 2:17 (2005)
  133. Con amores mi madre 2:08 (08 Dec 2007)
  134. The Play of Daniel: Prelude: Ad honorem tui Christi 4:12 (08 Dec 2008)
  135. The Play of Daniel: Prelude: Astra Tenenti, cunctipotenti 3:01 (08 Dec 2008)
  136. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Court of Belshazzar": Rex in aeternum; Vos qui paretis meis vocibus 0:40 (08 Dec 2008)
  137. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Vessels Defiled": Jubilemus Regi nostro magno 3:04 (08 Dec 2008)
  138. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Writing on the Wall": Ecce sunt ante faciem tuam; Vocate mathematicos; Rex in aeternum; Qui scripturam hanc legerit 2:02 (08 Dec 2008)
  139. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Writing on the Wall": Nescimus per solvere 2:33 (08 Dec 2008)
  140. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Queen's Advice": Cum doctorum et magorum omnis adsit "Entrance of the Queen" 3:50 (08 Dec 2008)
  141. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Queen's Advice": Rex in aeternum vive, ut scribentis noscas ingenium; Cum Judae captivis populis; Vos danielem 3:44 (08 Dec 2008)
  142. The Play of Daniel: Part I "Daniel Discovered": Vir propheta Dei, Daniel; Multum miror cujus consilio 1:33 (08 Dec 2008)
  143. The Play of Daniel: Part I "Daniel Discovered": Hic verus Dei famulus; Pauper et exulans; Hic est cujus auxilio 2:06 (08 Dec 2008)
  144. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Interpretation": Tune Daniel nomine diceris huc adductus 0:47 (08 Dec 2008)
  145. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Interpretation": Rex, tua nolo munera 2:34 (08 Dec 2008)
  146. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Interpretation": Qui sic solvit latentia ornetur 0:55 (08 Dec 2008)
  147. The Play of Daniel: Part I "Daniel Adorned": Tolle vasa 0:28 (08 Dec 2008)
  148. The Play of Daniel: Part I "Daniel Adorned": Solvitur in libro Salomonis 1:57 (08 Dec 2008)
  149. The Play of Daniel: Part I "The Vessels Restored": Regis vasa referentes 1:32 (08 Dec 2008)
  150. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Court of Darius": Ecce rex Darius venit cum principibus 4:21 (08 Dec 2008)
  151. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Court of Darius": Audite, principes, regalis curiae 1:30 (08 Dec 2008)
  152. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Delegation to Daniel": Ex regali venit imperio 2:32 (08 Dec 2008)
  153. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Delegation to Daniel": Congaudentes celebremus natalis solemnia 2:48 (08 Dec 2008)
  154. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Delegation to Daniel": Quia novite callidium 0:35 (08 Dec 2008)
  155. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Decree": Rex, in aeternum vive!; Decreverunt in tua curia 1:40 (08 Dec 2008)
  156. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Decree": Ego mando et remando 0:17 (08 Dec 2008)
  157. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Decree": Interlude "Daniel at Prayer" 2:21 (08 Dec 2008)
  158. The Play of Daniel: Part II "Evil Counsel": Num quid, Dari, observari statuisti omnibus; Vere jussime omnibus adorari; Si sprevit legem 2:01 (08 Dec 2008)
  159. The Play of Daniel: Part II "Evil Counsel": Heu! Heu! Heu! quo casu sortis venit; Deus quem colis tam fideliter 1:32 (08 Dec 2008)
  160. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Lion's Den": Hujus rei non sum reus 0:39 (08 Dec 2008)
  161. The Play of Daniel: Part II "Deliverance": Abacuc, tus senex pie; Novit Dei cognito; Surge, frater; Recordatus es mei 2:06 (08 Dec 2008)
  162. The Play of Daniel: Part II "Deliverance": Tene, putas, Daniel, salvabit; Angelicum solita misit; Danielem educite 1:00 (08 Dec 2008)
  163. The Play of Daniel: Part II "Just Desserts": Merito haec patimur 2:05 (08 Dec 2008)
  164. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Prophecy": Deum Danielis qui regnat in saeculis 0:14 (08 Dec 2008)
  165. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Prophecy": Ecce venit sanctus ille 0:54 (08 Dec 2008)
  166. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Prophecy": Nuntium vobis fero de supernis 0:35 (08 Dec 2008)
  167. The Play of Daniel: Part II "The Prophecy": Te deum laudamus, te dominum confitemur 6:13 (08 Dec 2008)
  168. Music for Alfonso the Wise: Tant aos peccadores 1:32 (04 Nov 2016)
  169. Music for Alfonso the Wise: Todo los santos 3:06 (04 Nov 2016)
  170. Music for Alfonso the Wise: Que muyto meu pago 5:15 (04 Nov 2016)
  171. Music for Alfonso the Wise: Martin jograr 2:56 (04 Nov 2016)
  172. Miri it is while sumer ilast, Dance: Miri it is 5:27 ()
  173. Propinan de melyor 0:46 ()
  174. Dindiridin 1:06 ()
  175. Durandarte 1:10 ()
  176. Fantasia 1:09 ()
  177. Baxa de contrapunto 1:21 ()
  178. Differencias sobr'el canto 2:47 ()
  179. La Alta 1:59 ()
  180. De dos la mer 2:34 ()
  181. Prelude / Ay triste que vengo 3:09 ()
  182. Ya cantan los gallos 1:54 ()
  183. Secaronme los pesares 1:08 ()
  184. Vuestros amores e, senora 3:21 ()
  185. Musica para discanter sobre un punto 3:40 ()
  186. Aquella mora garrida 1:32 ()
  187. Mi libertad en sosiego 2:02 ()
  188. Dolce amoroso focho 1:20 ()
  189. L'amor, dona, ch'io te porto 1:37 ()
  190. Fabordon del primer tono 2:37 ()
  191. Que faray ie mal fortune 1:43 ()
  192. O, cuidado, mensagero 2:08 ()
  193. Al alva venid, bue amigo 4:12 ()
  194. Puse mis amores 1:54 ()
  195. La tricotea Samartin la vea 1:47 ()
  196. So ell enzina, enzina 3:31 ()
  197. Oy comamos y bebamos 2:12 ()
  198. Pase el agoa, ma Julieta 1:37 ()
  199. Calabaca, no se, buen amor 1:55 ()