Antidote (1996 - )

Group - Netherlands Dutch punk band

Recordings by (97)

  1. Plantje 1:07 (1983)
  2. God en Jezus 1:24 (1983)
  3. Denk Ik 1:10 (1983)
  4. Kwasten 0:54 (1983)
  5. Too Late 2:51 (1997)
  6. Who's the Racist 2:20 (1997)
  7. One Way or the Other Way 2:19 (1997)
  8. Brainwash 1:46 (1997)
  9. Technocrust 1:53 (1997)
  10. Bounce the Bouncer 1:58 (1997)
  11. People Not Profits 1:43 (1997)
  12. I Don't Care 1:42 (1998)
  13. Politicians 1:14 (1998)
  14. Let's Get Drunk 1:42 (1998)
  15. Drinking in the Sun 1:39 (1998)
  16. We Don't Wanna Know 2:09 (1998)
  17. Anti Nazi Youth 1:38 (1998)
  18. You Think You're God 1:46 (1999)
  19. Automatically 2:35 (1999)
  20. Punkrock For Sale 2:09 (1999)
  21. Do You Remember 1:40 (1999)
  22. All Wrong 1:56 (1999)
  23. Stuck in Your Views 2:12 (1999)
  24. 15 in '77 1:58 (1999)
  25. Fuck Politics 1:51 (1999)
  26. Rat Race 1:49 (1999)
  27. This Is Me 2:06 (1999)
  28. Fuck You 1:42 (1999)
  29. Waste of Time 2:38 (1999)
  30. Live Fast 2:31 (1999)
  31. Senseless Violence 1:48 (1999)
  32. My Life 2:48 (1999)
  33. Let's Get Back to Punk 1:49 (1999)
  34. I Like You 1:58 (1999)
  35. How Can We Live 1:18 (2001)
  36. All Alone 2:14 (2002)
  37. Lost Generation ?:?? (2002)
  38. State Money 1:37 (2002)
  39. Punkrocker 1:39 (2002)
  40. Go Pogo! 1:50 (2002)
  41. No Nazis in Punk 1:13 (2002)
  42. De Blauwe 1:54 (2002)
  43. What You Want Me to Do 1:25 (2002)
  44. I Don't Like You 1:57 (2002)
  45. Out of Control 1:45 (2002)
  46. How Can We Live Tomorrow 1:06 (2002)
  47. Unite Not Fight 1:45 (2002)
  48. Nietsnut 1:47 (2002)
  49. Come Along 4:25 (2002)
  50. Identity 1:29 (2003)
  51. Riot in the City 2:07 (2003)
  52. Live by the Rules 2:45 (2003)
  53. Victim 2:13 (2003)
  54. New Enemy 2:24 (2003)
  55. Negatief Agressief 1:25 (2003)
  56. Dropout 1:34 (2003)
  57. Don't Let Them Get Away 1:22 (2003)
  58. Different Worlds 2:44 (2003)
  59. Victim/Fuck the Media 4:22 (2003)
  60. Pride 2:01 (2003)
  61. Geen beweging 2:17 (2003)
  62. Back in Year Zero 2:06 (2003)
  63. Rood wit blauw met een bruine rand 3:01 (2003)
  64. My Government Is a Farce 2:15 (2003)
  65. Now or Never (Upright Citizens) 2:01 (2003)
  66. Camera 2:09 (2003)
  67. Als je haar maar goed zit (Frites Modern) 2:03 (2003)
  68. Laat me met rust 2:12 (2003)
  69. Fuck the Media 1:52 (2003)
  70. Negativity 1:23 (2006)
  71. No! 1:56 (2006)
  72. Fed Up 1:39 (2006)
  73. Ik kots van Nederland 2:07 (2006)
  74. One Step Forward 2:32 (2006)
  75. Fuck Homophobia 1:55 (2006)
  76. Rebellion of Apathy 2:06 (2006)
  77. Disposable Generation 2:01 (2006)
  78. Dope 2:20 (2006)
  79. Song for the Dead 2:01 (2006)
  80. No Communication 1:34 (2007)
  81. Get Up When You Fall 2:30 (2007)
  82. Dancing on a Bomb 1:47 (2007)
  83. Broodje Kaas 1:59 (2007)
  84. Europe's Downfall 2:21 (2007)
  85. Koldermodel 2:02 (2007)
  86. Nothing Has Changed 2:20 (2007)
  87. Dat maak ik zelf wel uit 1:41 (2007)
  88. Hunted Down 2:57 (2007)
  89. Stuck in a Rut 1:54 (2007)
  90. Nu even niet 1:42 (2007)
  91. Trashcan 2:07 (2007)
  92. Slaaptekort 2:07 (2007)
  93. So Nicht 1:53 (2012)
  94. Deadly Venom 6:31 (08 Jan 2016)
  95. Better World 1:59 ()
  96. Keine Arbeit 1:25 ()
  97. Think You're God 1:38 ()