Godstomper (1991 - )

Group - United States

Recordings by (102)

  1. Misery Index 1:21 (1996)
  2. Fozzy Bear 1:05 (1996)
  3. La Migra 2:16 (1996)
  4. Shotgun 0:28 (1996)
  5. Bastard 1:37 (1996)
  6. Mountain Of Dirt 2:22 (1996)
  7. No Thanks 2:03 (1996)
  8. Liz 0:37 (1996)
  9. Jock Phobia 1:22 (1996)
  10. ATM 1:09 (1996)
  11. Penguin 0:57 (1996)
  12. Kamina 0:50 (1996)
  13. Avoid The Army 1:01 (1996)
  14. Popcorn 1:38 (1996)
  15. Last Request Sellout 0:07 (Mar 1998)
  16. Born Again ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  17. Thunder Lips ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  18. Low Life ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  19. Golly Gee ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  20. Hicky ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  21. Goatrider ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  22. Hoarder ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  23. Dummy Cards ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  24. Worlds The Same ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  25. Clove Huffer ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  26. Old Bag ?:?? (15 Jun 1998)
  27. Silent Treatment 1:02 (1999)
  28. Heavy Metal Vomit Party 2:21 (1999)
  29. The Final Payback 0:36 (1999)
  30. Human Schrapnel 0:37 (1999)
  31. Double Cross 1:49 (1999)
  32. Aaron Goes To The Zoo 0:08 (1999)
  33. This Was Your Life 1:58 (1999)
  34. Controlled By Hatred 0:51 (1999)
  35. Bullshit Agenda 0:37 (1999)
  36. Yenta 1:23 (1999)
  37. Sympathy Card 1:45 (1999)
  38. Urban Takeover 0:20 (1999)
  39. Tackleberry 0:43 (1999)
  40. You Again? 1:22 (1999)
  41. Punch Your Lights Out 0:47 (1999)
  42. Self Mosher 1:13 (1999)
  43. Maimed By Love 0:24 (1999)
  44. Morbid Kitten 0:06 (1999)
  45. Deadalive 0:06 (1999)
  46. Hellogoodbye 0:06 (1999)
  47. Shitlist 0:06 (1999)
  48. Therapy? 0:09 (1999)
  49. Fighting Back 0:35 (1999)
  50. Beast Of War 1:46 (1999)
  51. Mad Mick's Revenge ?:?? (2000)
  52. Out of Touch 0:46 (2001)
  53. Emo Attitude Sucks 0:57 (2001)
  54. Postmortem Unity 0:37 (2001)
  55. Words That Kill 0:53 (2001)
  56. The Bottom Line 1:32 (2001)
  57. Extinction 0:07 (2001)
  58. False Solution 0:47 (2001)
  59. Coffin Cake 0:08 (2001)
  60. Anal Gremlins 0:22 (2001)
  61. Benefit for the Deaf 1:00 (2001)
  62. Scarred for Life 1:04 (2001)
  63. My Generation Deserves to Swallow a Cyanide Tablet 0:59 (2001)
  64. Thanks for the Memories 0:34 (2001)
  65. Fed Up 0:16 (2001)
  66. Furnace Burning ?:?? (2002)
  67. 1974 ?:?? (2002)
  68. Gameshow Contestant Flip-Out 0:37 (2003)
  69. Combo #1: Family Crisis ?:?? (01 Aug 2005)
  70. Combo #2: French Fry ?:?? (01 Aug 2005)
  71. Combo #3: Negative Impact ?:?? (01 Aug 2005)
  72. World of Truth Part 2 ?:?? (11 Dec 2010)
  73. Killed Teen ?:?? (11 Dec 2010)
  74. Trust Your Leaders ?:?? (11 Dec 2010)
  75. Tattooed Fools ?:?? (11 Dec 2010)
  76. The Ballad of Toxic Waste ?:?? (11 Dec 2010)
  77. Definitely Not Sure ?:?? (2010)
  78. Teen Decapitation ?:?? (2010)
  79. 12 Ribs ?:?? (2010)
  80. Forgiveness of Humanity ?:?? (2010)
  81. Call Airstrikes on Ourselves ?:?? (2010)
  82. Somebody's Home ?:?? ()
  83. Meaning Less ?:?? ()
  84. Cuz I Luv U ?:?? ()
  85. Vicious Cycle ?:?? ()
  86. Whore ?:?? ()
  87. Sick Of You! ?:?? ()
  88. Inside ?:?? ()
  89. Punk 27 ?:?? ()
  90. VS ?:?? ()
  91. I Miss You ?:?? ()
  92. 666ESP ?:?? ()
  93. When You See Light ?:?? ()
  94. Halo ?:?? ()
  95. Cert ?:?? ()
  96. Born to Work ?:?? ()
  97. Pen on the Wall ?:?? ()
  98. Strawberry Hill ?:?? ()
  99. Die Now, Die Later ?:?? ()
  100. Thee Agony ?:?? ()
  101. Old English ?:?? ()
  102. Duerma (Sleep) ?:?? ()