Vöetsek (2002 - 2011)

Group - San Francisco American Thrash Metal/Crossover/Punk Rock Band

Recordings by (78)

  1. Set In Stone ?:?? (2003)
  2. Out Of The Loop ?:?? (2003)
  3. Chaos Days Revisited ?:?? (2003)
  4. Just Because I Like Yr Band Doesnt Mean I Want To Fuck You ?:?? (2003)
  5. Bandana Sass ?:?? (2003)
  6. Dxtxax ?:?? (2003)
  7. Shithouse Poet 0:21 (2004)
  8. Xfriendx 0:58 (2004)
  9. A Is for Anarchy 0:56 (2004)
  10. Alice Paul 0:27 (2004)
  11. Payback Is a Bitch 0:22 (2004)
  12. Gorillas in the Midst 0:35 (2004)
  13. Wageslave Twist 0:30 (2004)
  14. Shrub 0:34 (2004)
  15. Sheep 0:39 (2004)
  16. Blank-Face 0:34 (2004)
  17. If I Can't Read Yr Name, I'm Not Gonna Buy Yr Record 0:32 (2004)
  18. Nazi Fuck Off! 0:32 (2004)
  19. Coming Down 0:39 (2004)
  20. Welcome to the U.S. of A 0:33 (2004)
  21. Pay to Play (Suck My Dick) 0:35 (2004)
  22. Infection 0:21 (2004)
  23. Just Another Jock (Who Secretly Wants to Suck Cock) 0:43 (2004)
  24. Home Spun Christian 0:32 (2004)
  25. No Drinky 0:30 (2004)
  26. Scene King 0:15 (2004)
  27. Jesus Crust 0:19 (2004)
  28. The Hesher 0:28 (2004)
  29. Judas Beast (How Come Nobody Knew Rob Halford Was Gay) 0:53 (2004)
  30. Punk 101 0:26 (2004)
  31. Not My 0:57 (2004)
  32. Kind of Like One 0:31 (2004)
  33. Living End 0:46 (2004)
  34. Media 0:36 (2004)
  35. See You in Hell 0:25 (2004)
  36. Smoke-Ums 0:51 (2004)
  37. Tampons Should Be Free 0:44 (2004)
  38. Ringworm Fuck 0:25 (2004)
  39. Voetsek 0:47 (2004)
  40. Recipricate 0:28 (2004)
  41. Chaos Days 0:24 (2004)
  42. Youth Crue Collective 0:39 (2004)
  43. Abuse Cycle 0:47 (2004)
  44. Listen 0:51 (2004)
  45. I'm Gonna Get You Fucker 0:32 (2004)
  46. Thee Butcher 0:39 (2004)
  47. Butcher II / The Tormentor ?:?? (26 Apr 2005)
  48. Shithouse Poet ?:?? (2005)
  49. D.T.A. ?:?? (2005)
  50. Frozen Heart ?:?? (10 Jul 2008)
  51. Family Ties 1:48 (2008)
  52. Sorry Don't Mean Shit 0:11 (2008)
  53. Terror on the Dance Floor 0:44 (2008)
  54. Plagued by the Winds of Conformity 1:00 (2008)
  55. W.W.L.D? (What Would Lemmy Do?) 1:34 (2008)
  56. Rethinking the Paradigm 0:39 (2008)
  57. Blueprint for the Perfect Circle Pit 1:25 (2008)
  58. Screwdriver Smile 0:54 (2008)
  59. Self-Righteous Fuckdom 1:05 (2008)
  60. Bully with a Badge 2:00 (2008)
  61. Aggro Fueled 0:52 (2008)
  62. Five Years in Iraq 1:08 (2008)
  63. Dismember Momma 2:39 (2008)
  64. Mucho Macho 0:52 (2008)
  65. Onward to Nothingness 0:29 (2008)
  66. Strange Fruit 2:16 (2008)
  67. Fighting Somebody Else's War for Shits 'n Giggles 0:41 (2008)
  68. This Town Went Dry 1:05 (Apr 2010)
  69. Blessed By Druids 0:14 (Apr 2010)
  70. 3 Headed Goat 1:03 (Apr 2010)
  71. Never Apologized For Your Art 1:03 (Apr 2010)
  72. My Second Hands 1:19 (Apr 2010)
  73. Mind of Ganja ?:?? (22 Jun 2010)
  74. Back to the Bay ?:?? (22 Jun 2010)
  75. Lonely Death ?:?? (22 Jun 2010)
  76. Lost Art of Humanity ?:?? (22 Jun 2010)
  77. Not Here, Not Now 0:52 (20 Jul 2012)
  78. Why Ya Tryin to Tour on a Myspace Account 0:31 (20 Jul 2012)