Excelsis (1996 - )

Group - Switzerland Swiss power metal band

Recordings by (124)

  1. Intro 1:33 (1997)
  2. Houses of Healing 7:10 (1997)
  3. Beneath the Hills 6:05 (1997)
  4. Princess of the Trees 3:37 (1997)
  5. Anduin the River 6:12 (1997)
  6. Maiden in Forbidden Garden 8:03 (1997)
  7. Mordor Speaks 6:57 (1997)
  8. In the Highlands 6:08 (1997)
  9. Gwaihir - The Name of a Bird 6:12 (1997)
  10. Back Into the Deepest Night / Outro 12:01 (1997)
  11. Annebabeli 2:14 (1997)
  12. Before the Storm 7:40 (1998)
  13. Kurt of Koppigen 4:52 (1998)
  14. Grimhilde 4:55 (1998)
  15. The Dragonslayer 7:40 (1998)
  16. The Lord of Halten 5:17 (1998)
  17. Ambush in Langenthal 5:42 (1998)
  18. Song of Agnes 4:08 (1998)
  19. Distant Sky or the Wild Hunt 6:50 (1998)
  20. The Lost Chapter 6:03 (1998)
  21. Baphomet's Oath or Just a Dream 11:44 (1998)
  22. Lamm Am Hang 0:09 (1998)
  23. Lämmer Am Hänger 0:11 (1998)
  24. Dragonslayer 5:08 (1998)
  25. Dragongroundalp 6:06 (Jun 2002)
  26. The Tombstone 7:58 (2002)
  27. Gfauni Ängle 1:44 (2002)
  28. Tell 4:10 (2002)
  29. The Tomorrow Song 5:29 (2002)
  30. Forgotten Hymn 5:03 (2002)
  31. Täu grosse Kämpfer 2:01 (2002)
  32. Don't Destroy 6:39 (2002)
  33. Out of Rain 7:17 (2002)
  34. Hillflames on High 6:50 (2002)
  35. Last Episode 5:51 (2002)
  36. Outro 3:54 (2002)
  37. Fritzebach (Po-Nuss-Dräck) 3:08 (2002)
  38. Intro - Hole of Time 2:34 (2004)
  39. Travelling to the Past 5:07 (2004)
  40. The Quest 7:17 (2004)
  41. I Lost My Soul 6:47 (2004)
  42. Calla Palustris - The Dragonroot 5:15 (2004)
  43. The Fool... And the King (part 1) 5:21 (2004)
  44. ... And the Skulls (part 2) 5:39 (2004)
  45. The Warrior 6:35 (2004)
  46. We Are Kings 7:01 (2004)
  47. Return of the Dragonslayer 9:07 (2004)
  48. Dr. Frosch 3:40 (2004)
  49. The Voice 3:26 (2005)
  50. Yleitig 3:18 (2008)
  51. Soldiers of Heaven 5:32 (2008)
  52. The March 9:03 (2008)
  53. For Death and Glory 8:22 (2008)
  54. Lost Chamber 5:39 (2008)
  55. The Silent Song 6:27 (2008)
  56. The Siege 7:18 (2008)
  57. Armour of Gods 7:57 (2008)
  58. Standing Stone 7:10 (2008)
  59. Fire 6:58 (2008)
  60. The Classic Chamber 2:25 (2008)
  61. Dr Pirate Song 5:39 (2009)
  62. S vergässne Zimmer 5:50 (2009)
  63. Wyt awäg 6:04 (2009)
  64. Chlyne Drache 6:02 (2009)
  65. S Vreneli vom Guggisbärg 4:20 (2009)
  66. S Annebäbeli 3:54 (2009)
  67. Dance my Friend 9:54 (2009)
  68. Prologue (of Sintram & Bertram) 1:53 (05 Jul 2013)
  69. Druids 4:48 (05 Jul 2013)
  70. Heathen Princess 5:27 (05 Jul 2013)
  71. Chrieger 8:56 (05 Jul 2013)
  72. Dragonhole 5:37 (05 Jul 2013)
  73. The Avenger 5:03 (05 Jul 2013)
  74. Wissi Bärge 5:31 (05 Jul 2013)
  75. Prologue (Of Sintram and Bertram) 1:53 (05 Jul 2013)
  76. Brothers of War 5:52 (05 Jul 2013)
  77. The Fear 0:56 (05 Jul 2013)
  78. Uechtland 4:23 (05 Jul 2013)
  79. The Chapel 5:18 (05 Jul 2013)
  80. The Fall of the One 5:21 (05 Jul 2013)
  81. Wissi Baerge 5:31 (05 Jul 2013)
  82. Epilogue 2:31 (05 Jul 2013)
  83. Vo Sintram u Bertram 1:55 (22 Aug 2014)
  84. Brüeder im Chrieg 4:43 (22 Aug 2014)
  85. Druide 4:03 (22 Aug 2014)
  86. Di heidnischi Prinzessin 3:51 (22 Aug 2014)
  87. D Angscht 1:07 (22 Aug 2014)
  88. Uechtland ir Färni 4:18 (22 Aug 2014)
  89. Dr Chrieger 7:18 (22 Aug 2014)
  90. Dracheloch 4:44 (22 Aug 2014)
  91. Kapäue 6:27 (22 Aug 2014)
  92. Dr Tod vo eim 5:24 (22 Aug 2014)
  93. Dr Rächer 5:02 (22 Aug 2014)
  94. Die wisse Bärge 4:32 (22 Aug 2014)
  95. Usklang 1:42 (22 Aug 2014)
  96. Di heidnischie Prinzessin (Orchestral version) 6:00 (22 Aug 2014)
  97. Cyber Druid (Dance version) 1:39 (22 Aug 2014)
  98. Intro (dr schwarz Tod) 2:21 (28 Aug 2015)
  99. d Gschicht 4:46 (28 Aug 2015)
  100. Heiligs Wasser 7:19 (28 Aug 2015)
  101. Üsi Freiheit 9:09 (28 Aug 2015)
  102. Maimond 4:50 (28 Aug 2015)
  103. s Verspräche 6:34 (28 Aug 2015)
  104. dr Pakt mit em Tüfu 6:41 (28 Aug 2015)
  105. Mir kämpfe 5:14 (28 Aug 2015)
  106. dr Schlächter 5:39 (28 Aug 2015)
  107. Vertüflet isch mi Seeu 5:26 (28 Aug 2015)
  108. dr letscht Versuech 6:07 (28 Aug 2015)
  109. Grüeni Fäuder u dunkli Wäuder 5:14 (28 Aug 2015)
  110. Outro (dr Lichezug) 2:23 (28 Aug 2015)
  111. In Taverna 5:10 (31 Dec 2020)
  112. Münnebärg 5:34 (31 Dec 2020)
  113. Drei Brüeder 4:59 (31 Dec 2020)
  114. Sigbert 6:39 (31 Dec 2020)
  115. Guntram 4:54 (31 Dec 2020)
  116. Brueder Tod 5:34 (31 Dec 2020)
  117. Es Letschts Mou 2:31 (31 Dec 2020)
  118. Rache 5:19 (31 Dec 2020)
  119. Bluetmond 5:09 (31 Dec 2020)
  120. Ohni Reui 6:03 (31 Dec 2020)
  121. Mühlirad 4:37 (31 Dec 2020)
  122. D Chräjie 5:31 (31 Dec 2020)
  123. S Vermächtnis 7:01 (31 Dec 2020)
  124. Armour of Gods (HMN edit) 4:47 ()