Zodiaks (Dec 1979 - 1995)

Group - Latvia Latvian space-disco band

Recordings by (132)

  1. Pacific 3:52 (1980) ???????
  2. Provinciäls Disco 4:18 (1980) ?????????????? ?????
  3. Polo 3:17 (1980) ????
  4. Miräza 4:02 (1980) ?????
  5. Roks uz Ledus 2:42 (1980) ??? ?? ????
  6. Zodiaks 5:12 (1980) ??????
  7. Allianse 3:41 (1980) ??????
  8. A Mysterious Galaxy 4:45 (1982)
  9. Laser Illuminations 4:11 (1982)
  10. A Silver Dream 3:32 (1982)
  11. Photofinish 4:43 (1982)
  12. The Sky’s Back 5:17 (1982)
  13. The Saturn’s Light 3:47 (1982)
  14. Flight Over El Dorado 5:07 (1982)
  15. Noslēpumainā galaktika 4:15 (1982)
  16. Strangers (From "the Tank Crew") 3:00 (1982)
  17. In a Mysterious Square (From "the Tank Crew") 3:11 (1982)
  18. Green Monsters (From "the Tank Crew") 4:49 (1982)
  19. Duel (From "the Tank Crew") 3:40 (1982)
  20. Peaceful Sky (From "the Tank Crew") 3:23 (1982)
  21. Fiery Roads (From "Woman's Joys and Sorrows") 2:44 (1982)
  22. Maiden's Dreams (From "Woman's Joys and Sorrows") 4:34 (1982)
  23. Magic Night (From "Woman's Joys and Sorrows") 3:48 (1982)
  24. Going In Advance (From "Woman's Joys and Sorrows") 5:20 (1982)
  25. The Heart's Beating (From "Woman's Joys and Sorrows") 3:16 (1982)
  26. Mirušais gadsimts 5:16 (1988)
  27. Vējš ?:?? (1988)
  28. В Курземе ?:?? (1989)
  29. In Memoriam ?:?? (1989)
  30. Остров Морицсала 3:53 (1989)
  31. В музее под открытым небом 5:16 (1989)
  32. Рундальский дворец 3:50 (1989)
  33. Дома старой Риги 4:32 (1989)
  34. Пастораль 3:31 (1989)
  35. На горе Зилайскалнс 5:20 (1989)
  36. Staburags un saulesmeitiņa 4:10 (1991)
  37. Pakrēšļa puķes 4:30 (1991)
  38. Veltījums 3:55 (1991)
  39. Daugava 4:00 (1991)
  40. Manas mīļākās puķes 3:50 (1991)
  41. Mākoņi 3:41 (1991)
  42. Es tevis meklēju 3:40 (1991)
  43. Rotaļa 2:30 (1991)
  44. Bohēmieša dziesma 3:00 (1991)
  45. Kurzeme 4:14 (21 Oct 1996)
  46. Moricsala 3:56 (21 Oct 1996)
  47. Dedication 4:02 (21 Oct 1996)
  48. Palace of Rundāle 3:53 (21 Oct 1996)
  49. Open Air Museum 5:21 (21 Oct 1996)
  50. Game 2:34 (21 Oct 1996)
  51. The Old Riga Houses 4:35 (21 Oct 1996)
  52. Pastorāle 3:31 (21 Oct 1996)
  53. Blue Mountain 5:23 (21 Oct 1996)
  54. Dziedi jel 3:01 (19 Dec 1996)
  55. Pūt, vējiņi 6:38 (May 1999)
  56. Zodiac 4:41 (Oct 1999)
  57. Provincial Disco 4:12 (Oct 1999)
  58. Mirage 3:47 (Oct 1999)
  59. Rock on the Ice 3:19 (Oct 1999)
  60. Alliance 3:44 (Oct 1999)
  61. Мистическая галактика 4:53 (1999)
  62. In Memoriam / В Курземе 9:10 (2001) ???????? ???????? 2001 remaster
  63. В музее под открытым небом ?:?? (2002)
  64. Остров Морицсала ?:?? (2002)
  65. Дома старой Риги ?:?? (2002)
  66. In Memoriam в Курземе ?:?? (2002)
  67. Пастораль ?:?? (2002)
  68. Klaidonis ?:?? (04 Nov 2004)
  69. In Memoriam 4:52 (Aug 2005)
  70. Kurzeme 3:51 (Aug 2005)
  71. Moricsala 3:53 (Aug 2005)
  72. Dedication 3:55 (Aug 2005)
  73. Palace Of Rundale 3:50 (Aug 2005)
  74. Open Air Museum 5:16 (Aug 2005)
  75. Game 2:30 (Aug 2005)
  76. The Old Riga Houses 4:32 (Aug 2005)
  77. Pastorale 3:31 (Aug 2005)
  78. Blue Mountain 5:20 (Aug 2005)
  79. Bohēmiešu dziesma 2:54 (02 Nov 2005)
  80. Taisnība 4:56 (2005)
  81. Tēvu zeme 4:37 (07 Apr 2006)
  82. Skumjas 4:23 (07 Apr 2006)
  83. Dievišķais gars 5:12 (07 Apr 2006)
  84. Dailniekam 3:54 (07 Apr 2006)
  85. Māmuļai Latvijai 3:54 (07 Apr 2006)
  86. Tautas laiks 2:48 (07 Apr 2006)
  87. Provincial Disco (original edit) 3:52 (11 May 2006)
  88. Provincial Disco (extended mix) 6:59 (11 Aug 2006)
  89. Provincial Disco (Matt D mix) 8:05 (11 Aug 2006)
  90. Provincial Disco (Noiz Light mix) 6:55 (11 Aug 2006)
  91. Provincial Disco (Gareth Emery remix) 7:23 (11 Aug 2006)
  92. Provincial Disco (Ultimo Metropolitan mix) 4:14 (11 Aug 2006)
  93. Provincial Disco (Osamu M Emagine mix) 7:48 (11 Aug 2006)
  94. The Other Side of Heaven (The Sky's Back) 3:15 (Jun 2008)
  95. Зеленые чудовища ?:?? (2008)
  96. Pacific (Ilya Santana remix) 6:24 (15 Jun 2009)
  97. Pacific (Pete Herbert remix) 5:53 (15 Jun 2009)
  98. Рок во льдах 2:46 (2009)
  99. Мираж 4:10 (2009)
  100. Pacific ?:?? (2010)
  101. Таинственная Галактика 4:39 (2014)
  102. Provincial Disco (Unusual Cosmic Process Remix) 8:04 (23 Nov 2015)
  103. New Zodiac 4:09 (2015)
  104. Pacific Time 4:29 (2015)
  105. Disco In The Province 4:45 (2015)
  106. Distant Galaxy 5:41 (2015)
  107. Fast Polo 4:12 (2015)
  108. Unreachable Eldorado 6:34 (2015)
  109. Aero 4:48 (2015)
  110. Photofinished 6:13 (2015)
  111. Peripatus 4:32 (2015)
  112. Ice Rock 2:52 (2015)
  113. Zodiac (Brenmar remix) 3:27 (03 Sep 2017)
  114. Рок На Льду ?:?? (2017)
  115. Песня О Твоей Несуществующей Спичке ?:?? (2017)
  116. Гименей ?:?? (2017)
  117. Альянс ?:?? (2017)
  118. Поло ?:?? (2017)
  119. Зодиак ?:?? (2017)
  120. Пасифик ?:?? (2017)
  121. Провинциальное Диско ?:?? (2017)
  122. Мираж ?:?? (2017)
  123. Twilight Flowers 4:32 (2021)
  124. Staburags and the Daughter of the Sun 4:13 (2021)
  125. My Favorite Flowers 3:52 (2021)
  126. Clouds 3:44 (2021)
  127. Searching for You 3:47 (2021)
  128. A Game 2:36 (2021)
  129. Bohemian's Song 2:56 (2021)
  130. Tu esi! 4:00 ()
  131. Jūs domājat 5:27 ()
  132. Ja es būtu 3:59 ()