A.I.D.S. - Infected Diarrhea Pool ( - )

Male Person - Russellville Bobby Maggard's Goregrind/Noise Side Project

Recordings by (159)

  1. Untitled ?:?? (2009)
  2. Found Buried in Her Own Bowels 2:32 (2010)
  3. Even in Pieces the Kill Still Pleases Me... 2:07 (2010)
  4. Continual Abscess Drainage 6:57 (2010)
  5. Effortless Upheaval of Esophagogeal Bile 2:37 (2010)
  6. Sanding Down the Boney Bits of Nub (After-Amputation Procedure) 1:30 (2010)
  7. Dissected, Quartered and Ziploc'Ed ?:?? (2010)
  8. Face Down in a Pool of A.I.D.S. Diarrhea ?:?? (2010)
  9. Refrigerator Full of Cut Up Human Body Parts ?:?? (2010)
  10. Flush the Foetal Remains Down the Shitter ?:?? (2010)
  11. Having My Way With the Bits of a Chopped Up Infant in So So So Many Ways... ?:?? (2010)
  12. A Million and One Ways to Carve Up a Corpse ?:?? (2010)
  13. What's Grosser Than 10 Dead Babies in 1 Barrel? 1 Dead Baby in 10 Barrels ?:?? (2010)
  14. The Quickest Way to a Lovers Heart... Is a Bonesaw Right Through the Ribcage ?:?? (2010)
  15. Dead Infant Target Practice ?:?? (2010)
  16. Please Excuse the Blood Stains on My Clothes, and the Erection I Currently Have... ?:?? (2010)
  17. Continuous Dissection ?:?? (2010)
  18. Piles of Wet and Bloody White Kitchen Thrash Bags ?:?? (2010)
  19. An Arm Found in the Sink Disposal, a Foot Found in the Stove ?:?? (2010)
  20. Unbridled Sexual Intercourse With the Victim's Intestines ?:?? (2010)
  21. Unbridled Intercourse With Her Parts ?:?? (2010)
  22. Walk-In Freezer Filled With Limbless Cadavers ?:?? (2010)
  23. Kidney-Beans ?:?? (2010)
  24. Chainsaw Lust With a Maggotized Cunt ?:?? (2010)
  25. Reduced to Grade a Ground Beef ?:?? (2010)
  26. Signs of Lividity on a Freezer-Burnt Corpse ?:?? (2010)
  27. Bong Made Out of a Child's Skull ?:?? (2010)
  28. All Flat and No Meat ?:?? (2010)
  29. Sucking Out All Vital Fluids... ?:?? (2010)
  30. ... Excreting the Skeletal Remains ?:?? (2010)
  31. Reversed Body Art ?:?? (2010)
  32. Glistening Insides ?:?? (2010)
  33. A Hacksaw, a Suitcase and a Fresh Kill ?:?? (2010)
  34. Face Down in Your Own Vomit ?:?? (2010)
  35. Fallen Face First Into Your Own Piss ?:?? (2010)
  36. Fallen Down Face First Into Your Own Piss, Shit and Vomit ?:?? (2010)
  37. Corpseum ?:?? (2010)
  38. High-Powered Stanly Drill Thru Your Cranium ?:?? (2010)
  39. Taking a Skill Saw to Your Gullet ?:?? (2010)
  40. Amateur Myomectomy ?:?? (2010)
  41. What the Hell Is That Growth Doing There...? ?:?? (2010)
  42. Ass Worms ?:?? (2010)
  43. Rectal Maggots ?:?? (2010)
  44. Tastes Like... Stringy Chicken??! ?:?? (2010)
  45. Amputation Site Itch ?:?? (2010)
  46. Amputation Site Irritation ?:?? (2010)
  47. Amputation Site Itch and Irritation ?:?? (2010)
  48. Severe Acid Reflux Accompanied With Indigestion Due From Eating a Gall Bladder ?:?? (2010)
  49. Peptic Explosion ?:?? (2010)
  50. Oh God... That Stench Became Unbearable ?:?? (2010)
  51. Cataleptic Mutilation ?:?? (2010)
  52. A Dufflebag Stuffed With Wet Remains ?:?? (2010)
  53. Erupted Eyeballs Fascination ?:?? (2010)
  54. Half-Eaten Fetus on a Hotplate ?:?? (2010)
  55. Syphillis-Infected Urinal Pool ?:?? (2010)
  56. HIV Cells Attacking the Immune System ?:?? (2010)
  57. Maim, Maim, Maim... And for Good Measure, Maim Some More... ?:?? (2010)
  58. Vaginal Blood Farts ?:?? (2010)
  59. Raped in a Slaughterhouse Chute ?:?? (2010)
  60. Sticky and Smelly ?:?? (2010)
  61. Lap Up the Bleeding Mentruating Chunks ?:?? (2010)
  62. Premature Birth in a Colostomy Bag ?:?? (2010)
  63. Regurgitated Stoma Soup (The Content Resembled a Thick Stew) ?:?? (2010)
  64. Violated With a Plunger ?:?? (2010)
  65. Stomach Clogged With Fecal Matter ?:?? (2010)
  66. Discharged Lymphoma Lymph ?:?? (2010)
  67. Stabbed to Death With a Rectal Thermometer ?:?? (2010)
  68. Esophageal Juice ?:?? (2010)
  69. Cannibalistic Parts ?:?? (2010)
  70. Squirming Bits ?:?? (2010)
  71. Visceral Contents ?:?? (2010)
  72. Drunk on a Massive Dose of Pancreotic Pus ?:?? (2010)
  73. Masturbating With Innards ?:?? (2010)
  74. Masturbating to Innards ?:?? (2010)
  75. The Acidic Taste of Your Liver Reminds Me... ?:?? (2010)
  76. Scent of a Human ?:?? (2010)
  77. Birthing Chunks ?:?? (2010)
  78. Re-Birth in a Colostomy Bag ?:?? (2010)
  79. The First 1.000 Cuts Are Always the Hardest ?:?? (2010)
  80. Surgical Glove Quilt ?:?? (2010)
  81. Wet Flesh and Skilled Hands ?:?? (2010)
  82. Your Genitals - Cut Out, Filleted, Mounted And Adorned On My Wall Like So Many Trophies ?:?? (2010)
  83. Morgue Prostitution ?:?? (2010)
  84. Stitched Human Skin Suit ?:?? (2010)
  85. Free-For-All Piss Party ?:?? (2010)
  86. Intestinal Grubs Prt. 1 ?:?? (2010)
  87. Placental Mites ?:?? (2010)
  88. Intestinal Grubs Prt. 2 ?:?? (2010)
  89. Intestinal Grubs Prt. 3 ?:?? (2010)
  90. Intestinal Grubs Prt. 4 ?:?? (2010)
  91. Birthed in Piss From a Toilet Overflowing With Shit, Maggots, Vomit, and More Shit ?:?? (2010)
  92. Endoparasitic Obession ?:?? (2010)
  93. A 16 Year Old Pussy That Tastes Like Toilet Paper ?:?? (2010)
  94. An 80 Year Old Pussy That Tastes Like Depends... ?:?? (2010)
  95. Unnecessary Excessive Surgery ?:?? (2010)
  96. Spine Extraction Through the Ass ?:?? (2010)
  97. Body Butchering Overkill ?:?? (2010)
  98. Whoever Said That Dead Pussy Wasn't Still Pussy? ?:?? (2010)
  99. Dead Infants on My Dick ?:?? (2010)
  100. A Third Dead Infant Beneath My Nuts ?:?? (2010)
  101. A Spread of Epidermis and a Size # 60 Scalpel ?:?? (2010)
  102. Intestinal Grubs Prt. 5 ?:?? (2010)
  103. Broken Jaw Throat Fuck (You Can Barely Hear Her Moan) ?:?? (2010)
  104. Her Parts I Took the Greatest Pleasure in Re-Arranging ?:?? (2010)
  105. Razor Wire Through the Hungry Meat ?:?? (2010)
  106. The Beautiful Sheen of Fresh Surgical Steel ?:?? (2010)
  107. It'll Only Stop Hurting After You've Died ?:?? (2010)
  108. Dispose the Rancid Halves in the Woodchipper ?:?? (2010)
  109. Stabbing the Fuck Out of Your Face 96 Times With a Screwdriver ?:?? (2010)
  110. Bloated With Botflies and Sexy ?:?? (2010)
  111. Whatever Was Left Was Found Bobbing in the Acid Vat ?:?? (2010)
  112. Here Insides Were Much Much More Sexier Than Her Outer Features ?:?? (2010)
  113. Ripped Apart Like So Many Dogs ?:?? (2010)
  114. Human Butchering Shop in My Basement ?:?? (2010)
  115. Woodshed Depravities ?:?? (2010)
  116. Rubbish Table Filled With Combusted Limbs Spilling Maggots ?:?? (2010)
  117. "Adulthood Reached in a Matter of Days..." (Blowfly Worship) ?:?? (2010)
  118. Decapitated With a 3-Inch Blade ?:?? (2010)
  119. Dismembered and Cut to Pieces With Hedge Clippers ?:?? (2010)
  120. Stashed in the Attic Before Approximately 9 Days for Decomposition Took Over and Exposed Your Rather Lovely Insides ?:?? (2010)
  121. Penetrating an Electric Carving Knife in Your Eye Socket ?:?? (2010)
  122. A Blinder to Your Fucking Groins ?:?? (2010)
  123. A Dozen or So More Headless Corpses in My Drainage Ditch ?:?? (2010)
  124. To Flay and Splay the Human Meat ?:?? (2010)
  125. Festering and Engorged on Supperated Remnants ?:?? (2010)
  126. Carnivorous Boobjob ?:?? (2010)
  127. Sodomizing the Four-Legged Fuck Puppet ?:?? (2010)
  128. Extreme Tenderness ?:?? (2010)
  129. Vomit Arousal ?:?? (2010)
  130. Extreme Vomit Arousal ?:?? (2010)
  131. The Ultimate Vomit Arousal ?:?? (2010)
  132. Stalk... Slash... Kill!! ?:?? (2010)
  133. Wreck Violently Anything Instantly and in Sight ?:?? (2010)
  134. Anatomicly Specimen Decorations ?:?? (2010)
  135. Menorrhoeic Gory Pusslotting ?:?? (2010)
  136. Peeled Like an Orange ?:?? (2010)
  137. Choked to Death With a Rope ?:?? (2010)
  138. Jack Hammer Riddled Bodily Fragments ?:?? (2010)
  139. Having Wished You Were Strangled With Your Own Guts ?:?? (2010)
  140. Hacked to Death With a Meathook ?:?? (2010)
  141. Yolk Sac Tumour ?:?? (2010)
  142. Cesspool of Soggy Limbs ?:?? (2010)
  143. Licking the Sulphuric Bile ?:?? (2010)
  144. There Were So Many Organs Strewn About... ?:?? (2010)
  145. Murder Speciality ?:?? (2010)
  146. Easy Intestines Removal ?:?? (2010)
  147. Carved-Up Labias in My Jar ?:?? (2010)
  148. Crudely Incised From Groin to Gullet Then Back Again ?:?? (2010)
  149. Influx of Purtilage ?:?? (2010)
  150. Nothing Left but Bones and Larvae ?:?? (2010)
  151. Cadaver Jelly ?:?? (2010)
  152. Bonedust ?:?? (2010)
  153. ... And the Stench Became Even More Unbearable... ?:?? (2010)
  154. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit I 1:18 (2010)
  155. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit II 2:05 (2010)
  156. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit III 1:09 (2010)
  157. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit IIII 1:32 (2010)
  158. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit IIIII 0:40 (2010)
  159. A.I.D.S.-Infected Diarrhoeal Vomit IIIIII 0:20 (2010)