The Deep Freeze Mice (1979 - 1989)

Group - United Kingdom

Recordings by (203)

  1. Minstrel radio yoghurt 2:44 (1979)
  2. I Vote Conservative (Cos I'm in Love With You) 2:29 (1979)
  3. Emile Zola 3:17 (1979)
  4. Phylis Is a Protozoa 3:31 (1979)
  5. Embalming Fluid Future 4:07 (1979)
  6. I Met a Man Who Spoke Like an Ucca Form 4:57 (1979)
  7. The Octagonal Rabbit Surplus 26:26 (1979)
  8. I Like Digestive Biscuits in My Coffee 3:52 (1981)
  9. Dr. Z 3:39 (1981)
  10. The Letter Song (Scrib) 3:18 (1981)
  11. My Geraniums Are Bulletproof 4:13 (1981)
  12. Peter Smith Is a Banana 2:05 (1981)
  13. Hegel's Brain 0:55 (1981)
  14. Esther 3:29 (1981)
  15. Vera 5:51 (1981)
  16. God 3:28 (1981)
  17. Path To You 6:02 (1981)
  18. Dictatorship of the Proletariat 2:13 (1981)
  19. Teenage Head (In My Refigerator) 3:38 (1981)
  20. A Red Light for the Greens 4:05 (1982)
  21. You Might Need Me and This Winchester Curly 0:59 (1982)
  22. A Ten Legged Beast (Or an Eight Legged Beast with Feelers) 2:04 (1982)
  23. Fishing 1:17 (1982)
  24. I Lay a Green Egg, It Explodes on Tuesday 2:27 (1982)
  25. Bottles 3:36 (1982)
  26. The Gates of Lunch 1:05 (1982)
  27. Bottles Reprise 0:36 (1982)
  28. Brain Dead Baby 4:36 (1982)
  29. Godzilla Loves Me, I'm an Ash-Tray 22:59 (1982)
  30. Under the Cafe Table 2:55 (1983)
  31. Down to a Proton 2:31 (1983)
  32. The New Emotional Twist 2:10 (1983)
  33. Kiwis Come in Close 2:41 (1983)
  34. You Took the Blues One 2:15 (1983)
  35. You Think I'm a Car 0:53 (1983)
  36. Eat Molten Death 1:02 (1983)
  37. Hitler's Knees 5:43 (1983)
  38. Funny Monsters 4:43 (1983)
  39. Matter Over Mind 2:27 (1983)
  40. The Damage 2:45 (1983)
  41. Ammonia Suction 3:04 (1983)
  42. Everlasting Lollpop 2:02 (1983)
  43. Sagittarians 3:39 (1983)
  44. Saw a Ranch House Burning Last Night 1:32 (1983)
  45. Something Else Instead 3:29 (1984)
  46. I Love You Little Bo Bo With Your Delicate Golden Lions 0:53 (1984)
  47. Why Do You Speak? 2:01 (1984)
  48. Most People Arn't Fit to Live, Part 1 0:57 (1984)
  49. Entropy of Cubes 1:03 (1984)
  50. Most People Arn't Fit to Live, Part 2 2:49 (1984)
  51. Polanski's Dog 2:47 (1984)
  52. Twenty Three Exceptions 1:34 (1984)
  53. O.P.1. 0:19 (1984)
  54. O.P.2. 0:03 (1984)
  55. Who's Afraid of Humans? 4:43 (1984)
  56. A Trillion Sprods 13:23 (1984)
  57. a. The Dalmation b. Natural Forces c. 186,000 Endings Per Second 4:22 (1984)
  58. This Is Terrible 3:24 (1984)
  59. All Through Summer 2:47 (1984)
  60. Zoology 2:25 (1984)
  61. Who's Afraid of Humans? (reprise) 0:51 (1984)
  62. Roget's Thesaurus 3:27 (1984)
  63. A Motor Throbbed Above the Rim of the Brush 3:44 (1984)
  64. A Trillion Sprods (version) 3:03 (1984)
  65. [untitled] 24:55 (1984)
  66. Thunderbirds 3:32 (1984)
  67. Most People Aren't Fit to Live, Part 1 / Entropy of Cubes / Most People Aren't Fit to Live, Part 2 4:53 (1984)
  68. These Floors Are Smooth 2:57 (1985)
  69. No.9 2:27 (1985)
  70. Green Side Up ?:?? (1985)
  71. Number Five ?:?? (1985)
  72. The Disappearance of the Guard Dog ?:?? (1985)
  73. The Best Thing in the Entire World ?:?? (1985)
  74. Transparent Evil Plays ?:?? (1985)
  75. Reading an Agatha Christie ?:?? (1985)
  76. Irrestistable Moral Force ?:?? (1985)
  77. Ahim Peru-Hissus ?:?? (1985)
  78. Is It Safe? ?:?? (1985)
  79. Neuron Music ?:?? (1985)
  80. The Hero Might As Well Be Jerry ?:?? (1985)
  81. A Colony of Sea Birds ?:?? (1985)
  82. What More Can I Do? ?:?? (1985)
  83. Diagonally ?:?? (1985)
  84. Floccipaucinihilipilification ?:?? (1985)
  85. One of the People in This Room Is an Animal ?:?? (1985)
  86. The Unpronouncable Finn ?:?? (1985)
  87. Here Comes the Sun Exploding 1:59 (06 Jul 1986)
  88. Neuron Music (A Materialist Anthem) ?:?? (1986)
  89. Blue Moon ?:?? (1986)
  90. Carefull With That Axe 3:32 (1986)
  91. A Ten Legged Beast (Or an Eight Leggen Beast With Feelers) 2:12 (1986)
  92. An Eight Sided Thing 1:22 (1986)
  93. The Rat Dance 5:52 (1986)
  94. Number 9 2:28 (1986)
  95. Esther Hit Me With the Marmalade 3:38 (1986)
  96. You're Going Green 3:39 (1986)
  97. You're Going Green Pt. II 0:23 (1986)
  98. Phylis Is a Protozoa No. 2 3:23 (1986)
  99. Fish in the Air / Birds in the Sea 6:32 (1987)
  100. The Time From Acurist (Vorsprung Durch Werbung) 4:15 (1987)
  101. A Kangaroo #2 1:16 (1987)
  102. The Weasle Under the Cocktail Cabinet 2:21 (1987)
  103. Out-Takes 0:24 (1987)
  104. I Am Big Chief Radio Luxemburg 4:24 (1987)
  105. George Bailey Lassoes a Refrigerator 2:14 (1987)
  106. A Kangaroo #1 2:18 (1987)
  107. The Stockholm Syndrome 1:47 (1987)
  108. A Dead Herring in the Moonlight 1:34 (1987)
  109. It's Snowing - Parts One to Five 2:50 (1987)
  110. In This Area 1:47 (1987)
  111. The Chocolate Bar From Hell 2:49 (1987)
  112. Something Happened 1:25 (1987)
  113. Metamorphosis 1:11 (1987)
  114. The Short Good Friday 2:19 (1987)
  115. The Short Good Friday (version) 2:24 (1988)
  116. A (Dog Found a Stick in a Park With Such Magical Powers That a Bark Caused a Marvelous Pie to Drop Out of the Sky and the Doggy Would Grin Like a Shark) 3:25 (Jul 1989)
  117. Ariadne Metal Cream Pie 3:43 (Jul 1989)
  118. The Postman's Dry 2:09 (Jul 1989)
  119. The Cake of Convention 3:26 (Jul 1989)
  120. Programme Controller Flowers 1:52 (Jul 1989)
  121. I Don't Have a Horse 2:53 (Jul 1989)
  122. Poodle Haddock, Part 1 0:31 (Jul 1989)
  123. Poodle Haddock, Part 2 1:59 (Jul 1989)
  124. Conversation Gap Panic 2:32 (Jul 1989)
  125. Suzzing Unobtrusively 2:12 (Jul 1989)
  126. The Amphibious Nun 0:51 (Jul 1989)
  127. Love You More 1:54 (Jul 1989)
  128. Janice 3:10 (Jul 1989)
  129. Into the Valley of Death Rode the Six Hundred Shouting "Dig It" 1:12 (Jul 1989)
  130. Don't Eat Aluminium 7:14 (Jul 1989)
  131. To Hell With It, Let Her Keep the Chicken (The Postman's Dryer) 2:09 (Jul 1989)
  132. Poodle Haddock (Pts 1 & 2) 2:33 (1989)
  133. I vote conservative (because I am in love with you) 2:46 (1991)
  134. Phylis is a protozoon actually 3:45 (1991)
  135. Embalming fluid fucha 4:28 (1991)
  136. The octagonal rabbit surplus surplus 24:29 (1991)
  137. Hegel’s Brain 0:58 (1991)
  138. Teenage Head in My Refrigerator 3:41 (1991)
  139. You Took the Blue One 2:35 (1991)
  140. Red Light for the Greens 4:12 (1991)
  141. Minstrel Radio Yogurt 2:40 (1991)
  142. The Rat Dance Variations 18:05 (1991)
  143. Bottles (reprise) 0:40 (1991)
  144. Godzilla Loves Me, I'm an Ashtray 23:34 (1991)
  145. Careful With the Axe 3:31 (1991)
  146. I Love You Little Bobo With Your Delicate Golden Lions 0:55 (1995)
  147. Why Do You Squeak? 2:02 (1995)
  148. Most People Aren't Fit to Live Part One 0:58 (1995)
  149. Most People Aren't Fit to Live Part Two 2:49 (1995)
  150. Who's Afraid of Human? 4:45 (1995)
  151. ----- 24:56 (1995)
  152. The Dalmation - Natural Forces - 186.000 Endings Per Second 4:21 (1995)
  153. Outro 2:16 (1995)
  154. All Through the Summer 2:46 (1995)
  155. Who's Afraid of Humans (reprise) 0:51 (1995)
  156. --- 23:20 (1995)
  157. A Short Improvisation 1:17 (1995)
  158. Reading an Agatha Christie (live) 2:07 (1995)
  159. Under the Cafe Table (live) 2:48 (1995)
  160. Roget's Thesaurus (live) 3:38 (1995)
  161. One of Us (live) 2:31 (1995)
  162. Most People Aren't Fit to Live Part Two (live) 0:50 (1995)
  163. Excerpts From a Trillion Sprods (live) 5:48 (1995)
  164. Ev 2:06 (1997)
  165. Phylis #2 3:19 (1997)
  166. Number 5 2:33 (1998)
  167. The Disappearance of the Gaurd Dog 2:25 (1998)
  168. Readin an Agatha Christie 2:01 (1998)
  169. Irresistable Mortal Force 2:11 (1998)
  170. Ahimperu-Hissus 1:08 (1998)
  171. No. 9 2:25 (1998)
  172. I Am Big Chief Radio Luxemburg (reprise) 1:00 (2003)
  173. Big Monkeys in a Cosmic Emergency 1:57 (2003)
  174. Till Dawn 2:38 (2003)
  175. Vorsprung Durch Werbung 4:33 (2003)
  176. Alabaster Frog 2:28 (2003)
  177. Slow Shiny Bricks 6:41 (2003)
  178. George Bailey Lassoes a Refrigerator (1993 mix) 2:16 (2003)
  179. Here Comes the Sun Exploding (1986 mix) 2:34 (2003)
  180. Big Monkeys in a Cosmic Emergency (1986 mix) 1:53 (2003)
  181. Till Dawn (1986 mix) 2:36 (2003)
  182. Fish in the Air/Birds in the Sea 6:41 (2003)
  183. The Time From Acurist (Vorsprung Durch Webung) 4:32 (2003)
  184. The Delicious Little Green Roosters of Insomnia 29:00 (2010)
  185. Into the Valley of Death (demo version) 1:09 (2010)
  186. The Grindy Truck 6:30 (2010)
  187. Esther (Rehearsal 7th December 1980) 3:54 (12 Apr 2013)
  188. Guerrilla Recording at the Leicester Polytechnic Music Department 19:25 (12 Apr 2013)
  189. I Met a Man Who Spoke Like an UCCA Form (live Recording From 1981) 5:09 (12 Apr 2013)
  190. Luton Conversion (Fragment) 1:34 (12 Apr 2013)
  191. Clarinet Tune 0:33 (12 Apr 2013)
  192. Godzilla Loves Me I'm an Ashtray (Rehearsal 7th December 1980) 12:19 (12 Apr 2013)
  193. The Man Behind the Batman Mask (long version) 12:07 (12 Apr 2013)
  194. Careful With That Axe 3:32 (2013)
  195. O.P.1 and O.P.2 0:24 (2015)
  196. Sagitarians 3:00 (2015)
  197. The Gates of Lunch Variations 2:00 (2015)
  198. Everlasting Lollipop 2:05 (2015)
  199. Teenage Head in My Refrigerator (feat. Geoff Griffith) 2:55 (2015)
  200. A Ten Legged Beast (Or an Eight Legged Beast with Feelers) [] 2:53 (2015)
  201. Teenage Head in My Refrigerator 2 3:31 (2015)
  202. The New Emotional Twist (live at Abbey Park) 4:01 (2015)
  203. Without Title 24:48 ()