Edward M. Favor
(29 Aug 1856 - 10 Jan 1936)
Male Person - United States
Recordings by (83)
He Whistled Up a Tune
Thy Land's My Land
(01 Dec 1893)
The Prodigal Son
(01 Dec 1893)
Say Au Revoir, but Not Goodbye
(01 Dec 1893)
Christopher Columbo
(01 Dec 1893)
The Frost Upon the Pane
(01 Dec 1893)
Your Mother is Your Friend Indeed
(01 Dec 1893)
A Trip to Calcutta
(01 Dec 1893)
The Commodore's Song (Ship Ahoy)
Mary and the Lamb
Her Papa Was There
Back Among the Old Folks Once Again
The Gay Soubrette
You're a Liar
Lately Bye and Bye
Over and Over Again
Mother, Come Home to Mary
Whisper Love
Mother's Twilight Song
The Wedding of the Lily and the Rose
His Trousers Would Bag at the Knees
My Best Gal’s a New Yorker
They Wanted to Take My Photograph
How Adam Fell
How Was I to Know?
It Was Just on the Tip of My Tongue, Guess What?
Once Again
The Duty of a Wife
I'll Not Go Out With Reilly Any More
(Aug 1900)
Uncle Harry, What Is Love?
(Aug 1900)
(Sep 1900)
Holding Hands
(Oct 1900)
Vaudeville Specialty, No. 7
(Oct 1900)
Doing His Duty-Ooty-Ooty
(Dec 1900)
It's Up to Me
(Jan 1901)
I Live Underneath
(Jan 1901)
The Mick Who Sent the Pick
(Jan 1901)
Rhoda and Her Pagoda
(Jan 1901)
Where Have I Seen That Face Before?
(Jan 1901)
Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?
(Feb 1901)
I'm a Philosopher
(May 1901)
He's Going There Every Night
(May 1901)
He Called Me His Own Grace Darling
(Jun 1901)
I Need the Money
(Sep 1901)
I Got Married This Morning
(Oct 1901)
Mrs. Carter
(Nov 1901)
Josephine, My Joe
(Sep 1902)
On a Saturday Night
(Sep 1902)
The Forgotten Word
(Sep 1902)
The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous
(Apr 1903)
The Irish, the Irish
(May 1904)
Cordelia Malone
(May 1904)
Du, Du Lichs Mir Im Herzen
(Jun 1904)
A Bit O' Blarney
(Sep 1904)
Pepita Maguire
(May 1905)
(Nov 1905)
Call Again, Calligan
(Dec 1905)
La-Tydley Tydley Um!
(Jan 1906)
(Feb 1906)
The Umpire Is a Most Unhappy Man
(Sep 1906)
(Oct 1906)
Jingles, Jokes and Rhymes
(Nov 1906)
(Sep 1907)
Romance and Reality
(Feb 1908)
I'm Looking for the Man Who Wrote the "The Merry Widow Waltz"
(Apr 1908)
The Girl Who Threw Me Down
(May 1908)
Cecelia, With a Capital C
(Jun 1908)
Needles and Pins
(Jul 1908)
Every Mother's Son There Sang "The Wearing of the Green"
(Sep 1908)
When Highland Mary Did the Highland Fling
(Nov 1908)
Everybody Knows It's There
(Dec 1908)
Honor Bright I Loves Yer Right Old Pal
Mary Ann O'Houlihan
(Jan 1909)
(Jun 1909)
(Aug 1909)
I Love My Wife, but Oh, You Kid!
(Sep 1909)
My Wife's Gone to the Country
(Oct 1909)
Sadie Salome
(Nov 1909)
I Think I Hear a Woodpecker Knocking at My Family Tree
(Feb 1910)
How Can They Tell I'm Irish?
(Apr 1910)
I Guess I’ll Have to Telegraph My Baby
(04 Apr 2001)
Fol the Rol Lol