Distortion ( - )

Group - United Kingdom UK punk band

Recordings by (102)

  1. Action Man 1:44 (30 Jan 1982)
  2. Teacher's Pet ?:?? (1994)
  3. Never Too Late ?:?? (1994)
  4. What Do You Think? ?:?? (1994)
  5. England 1983 ?:?? (1994)
  6. Childs Eyes ?:?? (1994)
  7. I Don't Care ?:?? (1994)
  8. Rich Pickings ?:?? (1994)
  9. Soldier Boy ?:?? (1994)
  10. Misfit ?:?? (1994)
  11. Zone A ?:?? (1994)
  12. The Tunnel ?:?? (1994)
  13. Nowhere to Run ?:?? (1994)
  14. Stranger to Truth ?:?? (1995)
  15. War Hero ?:?? (1995)
  16. How Long's Your Memory ?:?? (1995)
  17. England 1993 ?:?? (1995)
  18. Clepto 2:31 (1995)
  19. Seventeen 1:50 (1995)
  20. How Low Can You Go? 2:30 (1995)
  21. Bully Boy 2:30 (1995)
  22. Fun Time 2:16 (1995)
  23. I Know 2:29 (1995)
  24. Get Out of Town 2:30 (1995)
  25. Nightmare ?:?? (1995)
  26. A Leopard Never Changes It's Spots ?:?? (1995)
  27. Get of Town ?:?? (1995)
  28. State of Emergency ?:?? (1995)
  29. Hard to Swallow ?:?? (1995)
  30. Working Class Man ?:?? (1995)
  31. Smash & Grab ?:?? (1995)
  32. Rampage ?:?? (1995)
  33. Lost Victims ?:?? (1995)
  34. Phoney Boy 2:36 (1995)
  35. Too Much Time ?:?? (1995)
  36. The Gathering ?:?? (1995)
  37. Misfits ?:?? (1995)
  38. Distortion ?:?? (1995)
  39. My Life ?:?? (1995)
  40. Street Hero ?:?? (1995)
  41. Laying It on the Line ?:?? (1995)
  42. Getting Better All the Time ?:?? (1995)
  43. Friendly Fire ?:?? (1995)
  44. Nosey Neighbour ?:?? (1995)
  45. Ripped Off ?:?? (1995)
  46. Revenge ?:?? (1995)
  47. Painted Leather Jacket ?:?? (1995)
  48. Monday Morning ?:?? (1995)
  49. Heroes Horror ?:?? (1995)
  50. Mr. Unpredictable ?:?? (1995)
  51. Dealing in Death ?:?? (1995)
  52. Personal Column ?:?? (1995)
  53. Get Off My Back ?:?? (1995)
  54. Dirty Work ?:?? (1995)
  55. An Englishmans Home ?:?? (1995)
  56. Whatever Happened To...? ?:?? (1995)
  57. Ignorance 2:03 (1996)
  58. Bury Me With My Boots On 2:48 (1996)
  59. Leopard Never Changes 2:36 (1996)
  60. Right Behind You 2:58 (1996)
  61. Chaos Is ?:?? (1997)
  62. Nowhere Left to Hide ?:?? (1998)
  63. Violent Britain 3:10 (1998)
  64. The Demon Inside ?:?? (1998)
  65. Be Yourself ?:?? (1998)
  66. Hiding My Bottles ?:?? (1998)
  67. The Edge of the Law ?:?? (1998)
  68. Karaoke King (Pt.1) ?:?? (1998)
  69. Karaoke King (Pt.2) ?:?? (1998)
  70. Under the Dumb ?:?? (1998)
  71. House Music ?:?? (1998)
  72. Living for the Weekend ?:?? (1998)
  73. The Roaring Lion ?:?? (1998)
  74. School Days ?:?? (1998)
  75. Now What? ?:?? (1998)
  76. Dreams ?:?? (1998)
  77. Burnt Out ?:?? (1998)
  78. Car Trouble ?:?? (1998)
  79. Wasted Years ?:?? (1998)
  80. Back With the Boys ?:?? (1998)
  81. To Many Miles ?:?? (1998)
  82. Don't You Wish You Were There? ?:?? (1998)
  83. To Late ?:?? (1998)
  84. Lady in Black ?:?? (1998)
  85. Party Time ?:?? (1998)
  86. Caricature ?:?? (1998)
  87. Going Down ?:?? (1998)
  88. The Generation That Never Grew Up ?:?? (2000)
  89. Small World ?:?? (2000)
  90. Noisy Neighbour ?:?? (2000)
  91. We Stand Alone ?:?? (2000)
  92. War Song 2:27 (Jul 2006)
  93. Blood Brothers ?:?? ()
  94. Political Correctness ?:?? ()
  95. Smash and Grab ?:?? ()
  96. Hooray Henry ?:?? ()
  97. Brewers Droop ?:?? ()
  98. The Choice Is Yours ?:?? ()
  99. Too Much Time to Think ?:?? ()
  100. She's a Lady ?:?? ()
  101. Distortion Part 2 ?:?? ()
  102. Fun Boy ?:?? ()