Vinny Golia (01 Mar 1946 - )

Male Person - United States

Recordings by (105)

  1. Anger 10:45 (1977)
  2. The Human Beings 9:35 (1977)
  3. Sequence 7:40 (1977)
  4. Sky King 8:35 (1977)
  5. Haiku 7:30 (1977)
  6. Alone - A) ...At Nite B) Try Toane 12:38 (1979)
  7. #14 - A "Conversation" Piece 6:20 (1979)
  8. The Happy... - For My Friends In L.A. 6:05 (1979)
  9. Pulse - ..Striving To Ascend... 6:20 (1979)
  10. The Presence - "..A Dedication To The All-seeing Eye..." 8:10 (1979)
  11. Dance For O.C. - ..Thanks For A Conversation In '69 And A "Special" Meeting At Remingtons..." 8:00 (1979)
  12. Im Equas (Dedicated To Sun Ra) 17:25 (1982)
  13. Paths 16:28 (1982)
  14. The Standing Pose 9:10 (1982)
  15. The Pale Crescent (Dedicated To Horace Tapscott) 19:35 (1982)
  16. The Pale Crescent (Continued) 13:15 (1982)
  17. Iki 7:34 (1982)
  18. Usanotrow (Cutting Water) 19:24 (1982)
  19. In The Mists 16:12 (1982)
  20. Hat of Anger 12:10 (1996)
  21. Inside the Rail 14:31 (1996)
  22. Liaisons in Cairo 12:07 (1996)
  23. Cents of Wonder 17:50 (1996)
  24. Endo Crededo 9:49 (1996)
  25. 2 in 1 6:09 (1996)
  26. Dialogue 4:40 (1996)
  27. Doubles 8:05 (1996)
  28. Triologue 10:55 (1996)
  29. How Many Sunsets? 9:34 (1996)
  30. Songs for R.E. 5:07 (1996)
  31. Green 7:21 (1996)
  32. Music for Bass Clarinet 3:57 (1996)
  33. An Existential Prelude 2:39 (1996)
  34. Wind Songs 6:10 (1996)
  35. Hymn for Her 6:03 (1996)
  36. Hello To Mrs. Minifield 7:04 (1998)
  37. Winterset 9:54 (1998)
  38. Tenorphonicity 13:18 (1998)
  39. Legends, Logic, Folklore, Fact 7:55 (1998)
  40. Hsaibde 8:21 (1998)
  41. So Close To Where You Live 7:50 (1998)
  42. Pierriot For Al 7:39 (1998)
  43. Caught By Surprise 9:19 (1998)
  44. Joined to the Songs of Ancestry (For Davige) 5:23 (2001)
  45. Back To The Interstate (Dedication; Ben Stone) 5:06 (2001)
  46. Ape and the Spotted Salamander 8:55 (2001)
  47. Darkwood Plinth 7:53 (2001)
  48. Collapse Of The Crane 9:03 (2001)
  49. Rictus Of Revenge 9:27 (2001)
  50. Mamona Of The Stairs 5:42 (2001)
  51. That's Just Billy Talk 6:27 (2001)
  52. The Last One Was What The First One Should Be 9:04 (2001)
  53. Title Sequence 8:28 (2003)
  54. She's Joan Raymond 6:23 (2003)
  55. Things The Dobsons Could Have Taught Us 7:34 (2003)
  56. Biograph 6:19 (2003)
  57. Did I Forget To Mention That? 6:43 (2003)
  58. Death Of The Tremelo 9:58 (2003)
  59. Bare-Handed Cricket Catch 3:50 (2003)
  60. Oil For The Burning Fires 9:17 (2003)
  61. Subtrafuge 11:47 (2003)
  62. When Elephants Then Come Waltzing Through Your Living Room 7:07 (2003)
  63. Would It Bother You? 7:37 (2003)
  64. Schwarznegger 8:38 (2003)
  65. We Believe the Use of Homo Sapiens Is Time Sensitive 5:34 (2003)
  66. For Maurice Ohana 3:02 (2003)
  67. Mothing From the Sea 6:58 (2003)
  68. Bopus, for Franco Boragoni 1:16 (2003)
  69. Chronos 7:25 (2003)
  70. One Additional Thing... 5:28 (2003)
  71. Winston Misbehaves With the Smoking Macedonian to Comfort His Loneliness 1:06 (2003)
  72. Trilled to Be Here 2:22 (2003)
  73. Raising of the Pillows 5:09 (2003)
  74. Name Someone You Don't Know 7:25 (2003)
  75. Killer Bees & Bannanas 3:21 (2003)
  76. Variations & Themes in Ab Based on the Barelli Sequences 4:15 (2003)
  77. Single Booth Enclosure- Prime 1:08 (2004)
  78. Repetition 6:29 (2004)
  79. Mr. Amons Builds His Bridge 10:44 (2004)
  80. Eye My 4:59 (2004)
  81. Single Booth Enclosure Third- Revisitation 3:15 (2004)
  82. The Mozart of Vice 8:02 (2004)
  83. The 15th 6:37 (2004)
  84. Just Something I Thought Of 4:08 (2004)
  85. Once Upon a Time on My Way to The (studio) 6:06 (2004)
  86. A History of Everything That Ever Happened 9:46 (2004)
  87. The Last of It's Kind 2:54 (2004)
  88. Aladj 2:49 (2008)
  89. Introduction to 4th Year Geometry 1:43 (2008)
  90. Dollar Sign Woman 4:50 (2008)
  91. The Final Straw, a Concern for Timings... 5:58 (2008)
  92. For All Concerned 4:08 (2008)
  93. The Harder Blues 6:24 (2008)
  94. Mr Charles Watches All... 5:31 (2008)
  95. New Improved Mr Fennell (He Has a Thin Mustache and Parts His Hair on the Other Side)... 3:52 (2008)
  96. Pierre Lynstrom 5:04 (2008)
  97. The Princess Ashunga Wears Purple Everyday 4:37 (2008)
  98. Spillage, the Imagery of the Cup 6:45 (2008)
  99. Ventriloquist & Dummy... 4:27 (2008)
  100. A Visit From the Mole 2:50 (2008)
  101. The Frozen North, or Why We Like Squid 3:35 (2008)
  102. A Visit to the 440 Club... 5:04 (2008)
  103. Back to the Insterstate (Dedication; Ben Stone) 5:06 ()
  104. Momona of the Stairs 5:42 ()
  105. That's Just Billy Talk... 6:27 ()