Earl Nightingale (12 Mar 1921 - 25 Mar 1989)

Male Person - United States motivational speaker

Recordings by (73)

  1. The Strangest Secret 19:21 (1956)
  2. Pay the Price 17:16 (1956)
  3. Intro 1 6:19 (1959)
  4. Intro 2 5:40 (1959)
  5. Treasure Of Your Mind 4:44 (1959)
  6. Creative Thinking 5:41 (1959)
  7. Test your "C.Q." 4:32 (1959)
  8. Characteristics for Creativity 6:21 (1959)
  9. The Gold Mine Between Your Ears 6:08 (1959)
  10. Your Most Valuable Creative Tools 5:12 (1959)
  11. One of History's Greatest Men 6:08 (1959)
  12. Sharpen Your Listening Skill 6:14 (1959)
  13. New Ways to Think 7:35 (1959)
  14. Creative Problem Solving 6:14 (1959)
  15. The Brainstorm 6:41 (1959)
  16. Ready for Action 6:21 (1959)
  17. The Creative Person 6:03 (1959)
  18. The Challenge of Creativity 6:05 (1959)
  19. Introduction 3:06 (1996)
  20. Earl's story 5:48 ()
  21. Attitude - the magic word 4:11 ()
  22. When we change, our surroundings change 3:50 ()
  23. Attitude is a reflection of the person inside 3:41 ()
  24. How one develops a good attitude 4:52 ()
  25. What happens to you as a result of your attitude 4:04 ()
  26. The story of Russell Herman Conwell 6:22 ()
  27. Collaborators in creation 4:01 ()
  28. Staying ahead of the crowd 5:41 ()
  29. Some stories of inspiration 5:21 ()
  30. We become what we think about 2:49 ()
  31. The power of goal setting 4:03 ()
  32. True joy and satisfaction 3:01 ()
  33. The successful 5% 5:37 ()
  34. The Secret of Success 4:03 ()
  35. What your mind brings you 2:50 ()
  36. Researching man's potential 7:45 ()
  37. The power of our thoughts 5:18 ()
  38. Exercising your mind 3:52 ()
  39. Determining the direction 2:51 ()
  40. As You Sow Shall You Reap 5:55 ()
  41. Thinking of Ways to Serve 6:52 ()
  42. The rewards of service 6:17 ()
  43. The principle of integrity 3:33 ()
  44. Guidelines for happiness 6:22 ()
  45. What true success is 2:29 ()
  46. Using our Leisure Correctly 3:32 ()
  47. What motivates people to live as they do 3:21 ()
  48. Conditioning factors of youth 6:38 ()
  49. Rewards come from service 2:42 ()
  50. Willie Loman's story 3:16 ()
  51. How your worth can be determined 3:16 ()
  52. The four basic functions of a corporation 5:20 ()
  53. You can't stand still 3:16 ()
  54. Knowledge Is Power 1:54 ()
  55. Happiness is an inside job 2:39 ()
  56. Dispelling myths about money 4:38 ()
  57. When preparedness meets opportunity 3:28 ()
  58. Two step to increase your value 2:15 ()
  59. Two Kinds of People 2:35 ()
  60. Finding ways to increase your service to others 3:46 ()
  61. Climbing to the peak of the pyramid 2:15 ()
  62. The study of language 6:06 ()
  63. Focusing on your interests 3:35 ()
  64. Obtaining a personal library of knowledge 2:16 ()
  65. The power of persistence and determination 2:35 ()
  66. Living a day at a time 2:22 ()
  67. What each day should consist of 3:24 ()
  68. Separating the important from the unimportant 4:31 ()
  69. Removing doubt, fear and worry from your life 3:50 ()
  70. The power of being a leader 5:02 ()
  71. Being good at one thing 3:51 ()
  72. Panaphobia 2:39 ()
  73. Becoming a leader 4:19 ()