Crash Worship (1985 - )

Group - United States

Recordings by (69)

  1. 10,000 Things 3:42 (1987)
  2. Madon 2:40 (1987)
  3. Flow (The Catatonic dance) 6:30 (1987)
  4. Spiral Vein 2:55 (1987)
  5. Ashen Waters 7:18 (1987)
  6. Starring 4:55 (1987)
  7. Karezza 4:09 (1987)
  8. Rainbird 2:14 (1987)
  9. Bhairava ?:?? (1989)
  10. Discordia ?:?? (1989)
  11. Breath ?:?? (1989)
  12. Hanged Man ?:?? (1989)
  13. Ambush ?:?? (1989)
  14. Amon Ra ?:?? (1989)
  15. Ge Rouge ?:?? (1989)
  16. Rehearsal ?:?? (1989)
  17. Amon Ra II ?:?? (1989)
  18. Ex Stasis ?:?? (1989)
  19. Shadow Weapon ?:?? (1989)
  20. Awake ?:?? (1989)
  21. Bullets For Breakfast (Brain Dead Brain Dead) ?:?? (1989)
  22. Pillar of Fire ?:?? (1990)
  23. Astala Nouf ?:?? (1990)
  24. Fearless Rhythm Matrix 5:05 (1990)
  25. Bodies in Revolt 7:10 (1990)
  26. Dance With The Birdwoman 7:52 (1990)
  27. Sendero Luminoso ?:?? (23 Dec 1991)
  28. Procession 3:08 (1991)
  29. Fiebre de Atarantado 8:00 (1991)
  30. Bajo la Piel 13:12 (1991)
  31. You Light Up My Life 7:23 (1991)
  32. Ixtasis 20:45 (1991)
  33. Catatonic Dance 6:20 (15 Jul 1992)
  34. 1000 Things 2:37 (15 Jul 1992)
  35. Flow 5:19 (15 Jul 1992)
  36. Dagaz 7:04 (15 Jul 1992)
  37. Blood-Birth 5:38 (15 Jul 1992)
  38. Dischordia 3:49 (15 Jul 1992)
  39. Phoenix Ixtasis (C.R.A.S.H.) 11:49 (15 Jul 1992)
  40. Angel De Tremblor ?:?? (1992)
  41. 10000 Things 2:37 (1992)
  42. Kariboshi-Kiri-Uta 5:22 (1993)
  43. Tamborilada 7:08 (1993)
  44. Wild Mountain 3:12 (1994)
  45. Pyru 5:05 (1994)
  46. Phuchi 5:02 (1994)
  47. Musculose 4:48 (1994)
  48. TCB 3:58 (1994)
  49. Triple Mania I 3:39 (1994)
  50. Night Shoe 4:29 (1994)
  51. Vitamin X 2:38 (1994)
  52. Bring Me The Head Of Jeff Mattson 3:19 (1994)
  53. Git On Home 4:25 (1994)
  54. Live NYC '92 11:55 (1994)
  55. Pyru Sodium di Hexaride Dub 2:44 (1994)
  56. ICHE Horn 2:06 (1994)
  57. Phx Ixtasis (C.R.A.S.H.) 11:48 (1995)
  58. Pyru99 (Steve Pagan & JXL remix) 9:03 (1999)
  59. Pyr~ 99 S~P / Pyru99 (Jack Dangers 98’ remix) 8:02 (1999)
  60. Pyru Hexaride 4:01 (1999)
  61. Sodium di Hexaride 2:49 (1999)
  62. ¡Iche! 1:55 (1999)
  63. Knives 5:47 (1999)
  64. Pyrene S~P 94’ 6:19 (1999)
  65. Live Remix S~P 94’ 9:22 (1999)
  66. Pyru-Triplemania 94’ 5:19 (1999)
  67. [untitled] 0:10 (1999)
  68. Di Serge 4:52 (1999)
  69. Untitled 2:52 (1999)