The Gyuto Monks (2010 - )

Group -

Recordings by (55)

  1. Guhyasamaja Tantra, Chapter II 23:34 (1987)
  2. Melody for Mahakala 25:07 (1987)
  3. Sangwa Düpa 41:37 (1988)
  4. Mahakala 18:34 (1988)
  5. Yamantaka 29:05 (1989)
  6. Mahakala 28:20 (1989)
  7. #2 for Gaia 9:48 (1989)
  8. Sangwa Duepa Buddhist Chant 53:17 (21 Mar 1990)
  9. Yamataka (edit) 4:41 (1991)
  10. Yamantaka-Ritual 6:22 (1993)
  11. Gyütö Tantra 3:59 (1996)
  12. Jampay Monlam & Chagtsel (Prostration to Buddha Shakyamuni) 3:31 (1998)
  13. Thrul Sol (Sacrificial ceremony for the ritual bath) 7:08 (1998)
  14. Serkyem & Gonpoe Yang, part I (An instrumental piece, with the focus on the deep tones of the big dungs) 4:46 (1998)
  15. Rabnay (Tenshug) and Monlam (A prayer for the continual existence of the dharma) 4:31 (1998)
  16. Tashi 2:31 (2000)
  17. Palden Lhamo 5:24 (2000)
  18. Chogyala 2:05 (2000)
  19. Guhyasamaja 23:33 (2000)
  20. Tantra dit de "l'Assemblée secrète" 8:44 (2000)
  21. Initiation au culte de Yamantaka 23:54 (2000)
  22. Rituel de consécration 17:02 (2000)
  23. "Le Grand Noir" (Mahâkâla) 25:34 (2000)
  24. Libation dorée 10:48 (2000)
  25. Prière de "Bon augure" 3:29 (2000)
  26. Extrait du rituel « Yamantaka » 3:57 (26 Mar 2001)
  27. Le Grand Noir (Mahâkâla) (excerpt) 4:46 (May 2001)
  28. Initiation Ceremony of Guhysamaja Tantra / Offering of Seven Royal Emblems / Consecration Ceremony of Yamantaka "Raining Good Fortune" / Eighty Thousand Obstructions 28:02 (2002)
  29. Offering of Tea / Mahakala Chanting / Praise and Request to Kalarupa 29:06 (2002)
  30. Sangw Duepa Buddism Chants 5:03 (25 Oct 2005)
  31. Invocation 5:35 (08 Jul 2007)
  32. Mandala Offering 3:33 (23 Sep 2008)
  33. Praising Chakrasamvara 7:49 (23 Sep 2008)
  34. Blessing the Offerings 24:07 (23 Sep 2008)
  35. Great Sacred Music 14:00 (23 Sep 2008)
  36. Perfection 10:51 (2010)
  37. Legend Of The Yogi ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  38. Bodihicitta ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  39. Taya Ta ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  40. Another World ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  41. Yidam ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  42. Lugar ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  43. Tara Drolma ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  44. Compassion Beat ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  45. Renewal ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  46. Invocation To The Buddhas And Bodhisattvas ?:?? (09 Aug 2013)
  47. Legend of the Yogi (The Orb’s Garden of Knowing the ambient mix) 7:18 (04 Dec 2020)
  48. Invocation to the Buddhas and the Boddhisattvas 5:21 ()
  49. Initiation request to the tantric deities of Chakrasamvara, Yamantaka and Guhyasamaja 18:47 ()
  50. Offering of the Seven Royal Tresures 5:31 ()
  51. Eight Line Song to Chakrasamvara 2:36 ()
  52. Manifestation of Mahakala 3:48 ()
  53. Praise to Palden Lhamo, Goddess of Wisdom 18:20 ()
  54. Tea Offering to the Deity Protectors 9:12 ()
  55. Auspicious Chant for Universal Peace 5:19 ()