Manos (1987 - )

Group -

Recordings by (96)

  1. At Mania of Death 2:14 (1991)
  2. Hell - Phantom 1:23 (1991)
  3. Uprising of the Dead 1:49 (1991)
  4. Trade in the Blood 4:19 (1991)
  5. Evasion 1:42 (1991)
  6. Sentence of Death 3:07 (1994)
  7. Kranker Tannenbaum 2:14 (1994)
  8. Hol mir 'ne Bockwurst 0:27 (1994)
  9. Hau auf die Sau 0:48 (1994)
  10. Hip Hip 2:49 (1994)
  11. Roland K. 1:52 (1994)
  12. Costa Bravo 1:38 (1994)
  13. Komm in den Garten 3:00 (1994)
  14. Einer geht noch rein 0:45 (1994)
  15. Der Fuchs schleicht 0:37 (1994)
  16. Drehrumbum 0:45 (1994)
  17. Lilo 0:46 (1994)
  18. Das letzte Lied 0:45 (1994)
  19. Putzfrau 0:46 (1994)
  20. From the Cradle to the Grave 4:05 (1995)
  21. Metal Attack 2:58 (1995)
  22. Suicidal Confusion 2:48 (1995)
  23. Hell-Phantom 1:26 (1995)
  24. We Mosh 2:25 (1995)
  25. Terrible Reality 3:31 (1995)
  26. Insidious Attack 2:47 (1995)
  27. Blutige Luscht 1:33 (1995)
  28. Voice of Satan 4:51 (1995)
  29. Acid War 4:21 (1995)
  30. Ulehule 0:48 (1995)
  31. Dirty Vision 2:55 (1995)
  32. Fuck Yourself 4:11 (1995)
  33. Hypocritical World 2:23 (1995)
  34. Ballade von den Sechsen 1:22 (1995)
  35. Anfang 0:46 (1996)
  36. Weihnachtspotpourri 6:14 (1996)
  37. Fun-Song 2:11 (1996)
  38. Rock-Song 1:23 (1996)
  39. Uschi-Song 1:46 (1996)
  40. Hallo Agathe! 1:59 (1996)
  41. Der Floh 0:38 (1996)
  42. Weinachtspotpourri 6:14 (1996)
  43. Fun - Song 2:10 (1996)
  44. Rock - Song 1:23 (1996)
  45. Uschi - Song 1:45 (1996)
  46. Hallo Agathe ! 1:59 (1996)
  47. The Rohr 0:52 (1996)
  48. Against 1:47 (1998)
  49. Pestilence 2:16 (1998)
  50. Mirror of Truth 2:40 (1998)
  51. Execution 3:03 (1998)
  52. Rage After Death 3:01 (1998)
  53. Teacher's Pants 2:06 (1998)
  54. Empire of Carrion 2:15 (1998)
  55. Lulle 1:07 (1998)
  56. Fate and Death 3:07 (1998)
  57. Käse im HO 1:33 (2000)
  58. Biene M. 1:16 (2000)
  59. Voll in Lacke 1:18 (2000)
  60. Count Me In! 2:41 (2000)
  61. Langärmlicher roter Rollkragenpullover 0:38 (2000)
  62. Eulenlied 1:03 (2000)
  63. Hossa 1:30 (2000)
  64. You're the One 2:03 (2000)
  65. Pfeifenlied 0:28 (2000)
  66. Hackebumm 0:47 (2000)
  67. Bonustrack 6:43 (2000)
  68. Intro 1:09 (25 May 2007)
  69. Genocide 2:42 (25 May 2007)
  70. Parasites 3:01 (25 May 2007)
  71. Wrath 1:58 (25 May 2007)
  72. Path of Sorrow 3:19 (25 May 2007)
  73. Stop the Politess (Part 1) 2:17 (25 May 2007)
  74. Stop the Meter Maid (Part 2) 1:29 (25 May 2007)
  75. Believe in Visions 2:40 (25 May 2007)
  76. Wild Boar's Dance 1:52 (25 May 2007)
  77. Violent Brains 2:07 (25 May 2007)
  78. Fire and Pain 2:14 (25 May 2007)
  79. Frust 0:50 (25 May 2007)
  80. Outro... 1:16 (25 May 2007)
  81. Terror Irradiate Terror 3:38 (25 May 2007)
  82. Metal Invade 4:31 (25 May 2007)
  83. Biene Maja ?:?? (2007)
  84. Insane 2:36 (30 Oct 2017)
  85. The Laughing Death (intro) 1:12 (2018)
  86. Internal Decay 2:42 (2018)
  87. Annihilation 3:32 (2018)
  88. Big Family (Coffee Party) 2:36 (2018)
  89. Tetramorph 3:37 (2018)
  90. Erasure 3:16 (2018)
  91. Crusade 3:09 (2018)
  92. Deficits 3:17 (2018)
  93. True Life 4:05 (2018)
  94. Possession 2:49 (2018)
  95. Space Booze 4:35 (2018)
  96. Mad Noise 2:39 (2018)