…and Oceans (1995 - )

Group - Finland Finnish black metal

Recordings by (93)

  1. I'm the Disco, I'm the Dancefloor ?:?? (1995)
  2. ... in Crystal Flesh ?:?? (1995)
  3. Kiss of a Dove ?:?? (1995)
  4. Eon (Time and Time Again) ?:?? (1995)
  5. Glödet under askan - En gnista för elden ?:?? (1996)
  6. Där delfinerna simmar - Drömmar är moln ?:?? (1996)
  7. Trollfan 4:52 (1997) demo
  8. September (När hjärtät blöder) 6:49 (1997) demo
  9. Ur åldrig saga och sång 4:54 (1997) demo
  10. Som öppna böcker 4:57 (1997) demo
  11. The Room of Thousand Arts 5:04 (1998)
  12. Je te connais beau masque 8:02 (1998)
  13. Mikrobotik Fields / Ur åldrig saga och sång 8:01 (1998)
  14. Samtal med tankar – Halo of Words 5:16 (1998)
  15. September (när hjärtat blöder) 6:57 (1998)
  16. Kärsimyksien vaaleat kädet 5:30 (1998)
  17. 100 Meters Final (Accelerate) 4:48 (1998)
  18. Flesh 4:58 (1998)
  19. Mechanic Hippie 6:21 (Apr 1999)
  20. Aquarium of Children - Ajatusten Merenpinta 4:39 (1999)
  21. The Black Vagabond and the Swan of Two Heads 5:17 (1999)
  22. Sålipsism 5:11 (1999)
  23. Baby Blue Doll - Merry Go Mind 4:25 (1999)
  24. Äcid Sex and Marble Teeth (You-Phoria) 4:52 (1999)
  25. I Wish I Was Pregnant 5:29 (1999)
  26. Stained 4:35 (1999)
  27. Injected With Silence 6:29 (1999)
  28. Cacophonous Ballet 4:15 (1999)
  29. Higher Levels of Microbotic Fields 5:00 (1999)
  30. Playground 1:41 (1999)
  31. Mental Traffic 3:05 (1999)
  32. mOlecules 6:38 (1999)
  33. Spasms 3:54 (1999)
  34. Chess 1:35 (1999)
  35. The Black Vagabond and the Swan 5:15 (1999)
  36. The Black Vagabon & The Swan of Two Heads (Psychodrom mix) 5:13 (Jan 2000)
  37. Esprit de Corps 3:35 (15 Nov 2000)
  38. Necromechanic Tripper 6:18 (2000)
  39. Intelligence Is Sexy 5:15 (14 Feb 2001)
  40. White Synthetic Noise 5:30 (14 Feb 2001)
  41. Tears Have No Name 6:13 (14 Feb 2001)
  42. Odious & Devious 6:16 (14 Feb 2001)
  43. Of Devilish Tongues 5:44 (14 Feb 2001)
  44. Postfuturistika 5:41 (14 Feb 2001)
  45. TBA in a Silver Box 4:18 (14 Feb 2001)
  46. Kärsimyksien vaaleat kädet (live) 4:28 (2001) live, 1999
  47. The Black Vagabond and the Swan of Two Heads (live) 4:56 (2001) live, 1999
  48. Äcid Sex and Marble Teeth (live) 4:48 (2001) live, 1999
  49. Sålipsism / Aquarium of Children (live) 9:24 (2001) live, 1999
  50. Fragile: Pictures of Silence: Melting the Skies 2:46 (12 Jun 2002)
  51. Picturesque: Cataclysm Savour: And the Little Things That Make Us Smile 3:25 (12 Jun 2002)
  52. Angelina: Chthonian Earth: Her Face Forms Worms 3:52 (12 Jun 2002)
  53. Halcyon: The Heavy Silence: In Silent Rain 3:46 (12 Jun 2002)
  54. Aphelion: Light Evanescence: Into Extinction 3:28 (12 Jun 2002)
  55. Opaque: The Morning I Woke Up Dead: Today Is the Day 3:08 (12 Jun 2002)
  56. Aphid: Devil Flower: Fruits of Lunacy 3:32 (12 Jun 2002)
  57. Silhouette: In White Rooms: Vacant Bodies 3:48 (12 Jun 2002)
  58. Comatose: The World Amnesia: Planet Dead 2:58 (12 Jun 2002)
  59. Debris: The Magenta Harvest: Liquid Flesh 4:19 (12 Jun 2002)
  60. Nail: An Odyssey in Flesh: Celebrate the New Skin 5:17 (12 Jun 2002)
  61. ... Ja Kylmä Vesi Nuolee Oksaa ?:?? (2003)
  62. 100 Meters Final [Accelerate] ?:?? (2003)
  63. Breed the Evil Inside ?:?? (2003)
  64. Yerushalayim Érez HaQodeš 4:34 (24 Mar 2007)
  65. yerushalayim Érez haQodes 4:33 (24 Mar 2007)
  66. Tophet (Niko Skorpio remix) 7:15 (24 Mar 2007)
  67. ha-Shoah (ATYD remix) 5:12 (24 Mar 2007)
  68. ...Ja kylmä vesi nuolee oksaa 5:13 (02 Feb 2018)
  69. Breeding the Evil Inside 5:19 (02 Feb 2018)
  70. The Dissolution of Mind and Matter 4:08 (08 May 2020)
  71. Vigilance and Atrophy 4:37 (08 May 2020)
  72. Five of Swords 5:02 (08 May 2020)
  73. As the After Becomes the Before 5:13 (08 May 2020)
  74. Cosmic World Mother 4:36 (08 May 2020)
  75. Helminthiasis 4:26 (08 May 2020)
  76. Oscillator Epitaph 3:54 (08 May 2020)
  77. In Abhorrence Upon Meadows 2:29 (08 May 2020)
  78. Apokatastasis 4:20 (08 May 2020)
  79. One of Light, One of Soil 3:17 (08 May 2020)
  80. The Flickering Lights 5:28 (08 May 2020)
  81. Cloud Heads 4:19 (30 Aug 2022)
  82. As in Gardens, So in Tombs 4:16 (27 Jan 2023)
  83. The Collector and His Construct 4:36 (27 Jan 2023)
  84. Within Fire and Crystal 5:51 (27 Jan 2023)
  85. Carried on Lead Wings 5:13 (27 Jan 2023)
  86. Likt Törnen Genom Kött 5:09 (27 Jan 2023)
  87. Wine into Water 3:57 (27 Jan 2023)
  88. Inverse Magnification Matrix 4:49 (27 Jan 2023)
  89. The Earth Canvas 4:11 (27 Jan 2023)
  90. Ambivalent God 7:43 (27 Jan 2023)
  91. Samlarens Valv 3:48 (27 Jan 2023)
  92. Third Eye Catalyst 4:27 (27 Jan 2023)
  93. Tears Have No Name (Tongue in Cheek club mix) 5:19 ()