Alfred Deller (31 May 1912 - 16 Jul 1979)

Male Person - United Kingdom countertenor

Recordings by (86)

  1. Air, Can She Excuse My Wrongs? 4:12 (1954)
  2. Air, for Three Viols 1:29 (1954)
  3. Fantasia in C for Four Viols 4:59 (1954)
  4. Air, From Silent Night 5:20 (1954)
  5. The Three Ravens 3:22 (1955)
  6. The Cuckoo 1:45 (1955)
  7. How should I your true love know 1:43 (1955)
  8. Sweet Nightingale 2:17 (1955)
  9. I Will Give My Love an Apple 1:45 (1955)
  10. The Oak and the Ash 2:23 (1955)
  11. Annie Laurie 3:31 (1955)
  12. Go From My Window 1:24 (1955)
  13. King Henry 2:44 (1955)
  14. Coventry Carol 2:20 (1955)
  15. Barbara Allen 2:10 (1955)
  16. Heigh Ho, the Wind and the Rain 1:59 (1955)
  17. O Waly, Waly 3:03 (1955)
  18. Down in Yon Forest 2:14 (1955)
  19. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John 3:08 (1955)
  20. A Toye 2:19 (1955)
  21. Queen's Maries 1:53 (1955)
  22. The Tailor and the Mouse 1:34 (1955)
  23. Sussex Carol 2:44 (1955)
  24. Greensleeves 2:13 (1955)
  25. Jubilate Domino – Cantata for Solo Voice ?:?? (1956)
  26. Pien d'amaroso affetto 3:20 (1956)
  27. Pallidetta qual viola 1:06 (1956)
  28. Amarilli 3:08 (1956)
  29. Sonate in A 6:12 (1956)
  30. Valli profonde 4:47 (1956)
  31. Difesa non ha 1:59 (1956)
  32. O cessate di piagarmi 2:55 (1956)
  33. Belleza, che s'ama 1:18 (1956)
  34. Da grave incendio 5:18 (1956)
  35. O, dolcissima speranza 1:42 (1956)
  36. Da Te Parto 3:05 (1956)
  37. Toccata 4:50 (1956)
  38. Dolce mio ben 3:03 (1956)
  39. La speranza mi tradisce 1:21 (1956)
  40. Dunque Basciar 1:27 (1956)
  41. Messe de Nostre Dame: Agnus Dei, Part 1 0:58 (1988)
  42. Messe de Nostre Dame: Agnus Dei, Part 2 1:12 (1988)
  43. Messe de Nostre Dame: Agnus Dei, Part 3 1:09 (1988)
  44. Ancor che col partire (Baroque style) 4:12 (1993)
  45. The Fairy Queen : "Hark How All Things" 2:23 (1994)
  46. Rest Sweet Nymphs 4:06 (1994)
  47. What If I Never Speed 2:13 (1994)
  48. Care Charming Sleep 5:39 (1994)
  49. Shall I Sue 2:53 (1994)
  50. Come Again 2:26 (1994)
  51. When Laura Smiles 1:50 (1994)
  52. Shall I Come Sweet Love To Thee 3:07 (1994)
  53. Will Ye By A Fine Dog 1:18 (1994)
  54. Me,Me And None But Me 3:46 (1994)
  55. Wilt Thou Unkind 1:39 (1994)
  56. Pien d'amoroso affeto 3:25 (1994)
  57. Pallidetto Qual Viola 1:07 (1994)
  58. Difesa Non Ha* 1:52 (1994)
  59. O Cessate Di Piegarni* 2:58 (1994)
  60. Bellezza Che S' Ama* 1:21 (1994)
  61. O Dolcissima Speranza* 1:50 (1994)
  62. La Speranza Mi Tradizee* 1:32 (1994)
  63. Epithalamium (The Fairy Queen) 2:58 (2001)
  64. Sweeter Than Roses 3:28 (2001)
  65. Music for a While 4:11 (2001)
  66. If Music Be the Fool of Love 2:32 (2001)
  67. An Evening Hymn 4:56 (2001)
  68. It Was a Lover and His Lass 3:10 (2003)
  69. O Mistress Mine 1:39 (2003)
  70. The Willow Song 4:16 (2003)
  71. Where the Bee Sucks 1:14 (2003)
  72. Full Fathom Five 2:12 (2003)
  73. Ricardo II: Pasticcio (Alfred Deller) 0:34 (2008)
  74. Exaudi me domine 3:30 (2008)
  75. Amarilli mia bella 3:11 (2008)
  76. O, cessate di piagarmi 2:59 (2008)
  77. Belleza che s'ama 1:21 (2008)
  78. O dolcissima speranza 1:50 (2008)
  79. Anchor che col partire 4:17 (2008)
  80. Small Sacred Concertos, 1636/1639: Erhöre mich, wenn ich rufe 2:52 (2008)
  81. Currite, populi, psallite timpanis, SV 297 3:20 (2008)
  82. Small Sacred Concertos: Der Herr ist gross 2:34 (2008)
  83. Angelus ad pastores ait, SV 222 1:27 (2008)
  84. Fuge anima mea mundum, SV 305 4:41 (2008)
  85. Salve Regina, SV 327 4:52 (2008)
  86. The Comical History of Don Quixote, Akt V: "From rosy bow’rs" 7:14 (09 Oct 2010)