Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide ( - )

Group -

Recordings by (89)

  1. 2-3-4-6 ?:?? (18 Aug 1990)
  2. Chorion Biopsie 6:00 (Oct 1990)
  3. 2-3-4-6 ?:?? (1990)
  4. Exceptional Visitors (First Day) ?:?? (1990)
  5. Bonsoir Bonsoir ?:?? (1990)
  6. Exceptional Visitors (Second Day) ?:?? (1990)
  7. Kopf-Hoch-Kopf ?:?? (1990)
  8. Russian Submarine ?:?? (1990)
  9. You Must Be the One ?:?? (1990)
  10. Cucumber Slicer ?:?? (1990)
  11. Naked... ?:?? (1990)
  12. Giddy-Paced Generation ?:?? (1990)
  13. Lack of Will-Power (Part 1) ?:?? (1990)
  14. Lack of Will-Power (Part 2) ?:?? (1990)
  15. Little Girl Lost in Forest ?:?? (1990)
  16. Side-Effect Guaranteed ?:?? (1990)
  17. Immer Weiter... ?:?? (1990)
  18. Viola (Melody mix 1) ?:?? (1990)
  19. Viola (Melody mix 2) ?:?? (1990)
  20. Chorion-Biopsie (Examination-1-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  21. Sprouting Germs (Time-Lapse) ?:?? (1990)
  22. Cockpit-Command (African-dub-version) ?:?? (1990)
  23. Break 1-> 5 (Walky-Talky-Funk-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  24. Open-Minded ?:?? (1990)
  25. Salutel ?:?? (1990)
  26. The Sacrament (Blood-In-The-Heart-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  27. Levity ?:?? (1990)
  28. Intraventricular Infusion ?:?? (1990)
  29. Cream Cakes (Teatime mix) ?:?? (1990)
  30. Singing Like Mad ?:?? (1990)
  31. Who Am I? (Mirror-Reflection-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  32. Searching for a Needle ?:?? (1990)
  33. Slow Wave Sleep (Sephadex G-10) ?:?? (1990)
  34. Come With Me ?:?? (1990)
  35. Mysterious Beauty (original version) ?:?? (1990)
  36. For Fear of Spiders ?:?? (1990)
  37. Maßarbeit (Standard-Extract-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  38. De Zaterdag Vliegt Voorbij ?:?? (1990)
  39. Resistance ?:?? (1990)
  40. Persecution Mania ?:?? (1990)
  41. Die Großabnehmer (instrumental mix) ?:?? (1990)
  42. Hypnosia ?:?? (1990)
  43. Audiogramm (Right Ear) ?:?? (1990)
  44. Losing Ground in Reverie ?:?? (1990)
  45. Rotation of Vague Visions ?:?? (1990)
  46. Absorption ?:?? (1990)
  47. Gasp ?:?? (1990)
  48. Maßarbeit (Eupho-Drive-Trauma-mix) ?:?? (1990)
  49. Audiogramm (Both Ears) ?:?? (1990)
  50. L‐Tryptophan (promoextractor) ?:?? (1991)
  51. Breathless Hurdler 2:17 (1991)
  52. TZE (Process 1) ?:?? (31 May 1992)
  53. TZE (Process 2) ?:?? (31 May 1992)
  54. Take Care Dear! 4:02 (May 1992)
  55. Macht 2:19 (May 1992)
  56. Ich Sterbe Gar Nicht 3:55 (May 1992)
  57. White Corpses Tilting Over 2:48 (May 1992)
  58. Purely Confidential 1:55 (May 1992)
  59. We Don't Care (Pre-mix) 2:49 (May 1992)
  60. Arousal 5:26 (May 1992)
  61. The Fly (version) 3:24 (May 1992)
  62. Looking Down 3:43 (May 1992)
  63. Obsequies 4:17 (May 1992)
  64. Evil & Terrorism 4:22 (May 1992)
  65. Vibrating Subconscience 7:03 (May 1992)
  66. Messenger (Edit) ?:?? (1993)
  67. Soporific Range Of Thought 16:40 (1993)
  68. Senescence 6:10 (1993)
  69. Ashford Mortuary (Psycho-Therapy Sick-Ward) 12:07 (1993)
  70. Painful Return 7:46 (1993)
  71. Procumbent Vertigo 8:28 (22 Sep 2014)
  72. Growing Destruction 8:07 (22 Sep 2014)
  73. Oscillopsia 5:49 (22 Sep 2014)
  74. Stampede 5:26 (22 Sep 2014)
  75. Constant Negation 6:57 (22 Sep 2014)
  76. Non-Intersected Flight 5:43 (22 Sep 2014)
  77. Opaque Euphoria 7:12 (22 Sep 2014)
  78. Untold Truths 6:08 (22 Sep 2014)
  79. Strenuous Effort 7:30 (22 Sep 2014)
  80. Beauté Fugace 9:03 (06 Mar 2015)
  81. Réminiscence 6:40 (06 Mar 2015)
  82. Temps Lumineux 3:50 (06 Mar 2015)
  83. Silence Déchiré 7:28 (06 Mar 2015)
  84. Pensées Perpétuelles 7:34 (06 Mar 2015)
  85. Opacité 6:02 (06 Mar 2015)
  86. Nouvelle Lune 8:17 (06 Mar 2015)
  87. Somnosections: La Mente En Blanco (Pavor Nocturnus) 12:57 (10 Mar 2020)
  88. Die Großabnehmer 2:24 ()
  89. Jack-in-the-Box ?:?? ()