Pirouette ( - )


Recordings by (57)

  1. Study on Perceived Silence V1 7:50 (30 Mar 2006)
  2. Pedal Faster 1:16 (2006)
  3. Pass In the Grass 3:39 (2006)
  4. Breezeway Girlfriend 3:00 (2006)
  5. Don'thatememorethanyouhaveto 2:13 (2006)
  6. Things an Overcoat Would Say 4:32 (2006)
  7. 55,555 2:58 (2008)
  8. Light Red Pez 2:30 (2008)
  9. I Dated an Art Student 2:19 (2008)
  10. Passenger Car 3:16 (2008)
  11. Blemish 1:43 (2008)
  12. Breathing for the Both of Us 1:24 (2008)
  13. Hey Sara 1:17 (2008)
  14. As Cold as the Rest of You 2:30 (2008)
  15. College Kids 3:23 (2008)
  16. Calm, Cool, Collected 3:24 (2008)
  17. Giving Up for Good 1:59 (2008)
  18. Autistic Lines 2:21 (2008)
  19. Language 3:34 (2008)
  20. Sophmores 2:41 (2008)
  21. Keith Haring Would Agree 4:08 (2008)
  22. Streaky and Zone 3:44 (2008)
  23. Burning the Blue Prints 1:35 (2008)
  24. J. Bare 3:27 (2008)
  25. Ami Jean ?:?? (2008)
  26. Charmeleon's Ghost Ship ?:?? (2008)
  27. CJ Rough Wreath ?:?? (2008)
  28. Clinton Wasn't on a Bill, He Was One ?:?? (2008)
  29. Kiss and Tell ?:?? (2008)
  30. Noah's Shark ?:?? (2008)
  31. Revive ?:?? (2008)
  32. Yellow Car, I Called It ?:?? (2008)
  33. Tatt Maylor 3:44 (2009)
  34. Roy G Biv 2:04 (2009)
  35. Greeting Problems 2:02 (2009)
  36. North Brandywine 2:36 (2009)
  37. Oom Lout 1:39 (2009)
  38. Please Say You Won't Forget Me 1:10 (2009)
  39. Late but in Earnest 0:52 (2009)
  40. I Once Knew a Man Who Said 2:47 (2009)
  41. Calm Cool Collected 3:42 (2009)
  42. Do You Still Listen Weezer 0:59 (2009)
  43. Season Saver 3:16 (2009)
  44. Dr. Bailey Syndrome 3:35 (2009)
  45. Rollercoaster 2:36 (2009)
  46. Even Zebras Roar 1:47 (2009)
  47. Silent Night 2:46 (2009)
  48. Virtruvian Man (6-13-09 Crackhouse) 2:30 (2009)
  49. The Universe Loves You and So Do I 1:58 (2009)
  50. Abcdefghijklmnop 2:52 ()
  51. Stardust not Marley 2:59 ()
  52. Mommy Can't You See the Fleas 3:07 ()
  53. Of Genius 3:02 ()
  54. Devil Town 1:17 ()
  55. Oh Em Gee 2:41 ()
  56. clintonwasntonabillbuthewasone 2:41 ()
  57. Yellow Car I Called It 2:41 ()