The Barry Sisters (1940 - 1960)

Group - United States

Recordings by (124)

  1. Beltz 3:32 (1957)
  2. Shein vi di levone 2:20 (1957)
  3. My yiddishe mamme 4:33 (1957)
  4. Beit mich a bissale 2:22 (1957)
  5. Rumania, Rumania 3:57 (1957)
  6. Vi is dus gesele 3:23 (1957)
  7. Rozhinkes un mandlen 3:22 (1957)
  8. Abi gezunt 2:37 (1957)
  9. Otchi chornia 3:18 (1957)
  10. Ay ay hora 2:22 (1957)
  11. Der alter tzigainer 3:42 (1957)
  12. My Mother's Candles 2:46 (1957)
  13. Matchmaker, Matchmaker 2:34 (1964)
  14. Sunrise, Sunset 3:22 (1964)
  15. To Life 2:15 (1964)
  16. Do You Love Me 3:22 (1964)
  17. Sabbath Prayer 3:14 (1964)
  18. Tradition 2:56 (1964)
  19. Far From the Home I Love 2:39 (1964)
  20. Now I Have Everything 2:40 (1964)
  21. Miracle of Miracles 2:12 (1964)
  22. Anatevka 2:36 (1964)
  23. If I Were a Rich Man 4:10 (1964)
  24. Fiddler on the Roof 2:20 (1964)
  25. Hava Nagila 3:19 (18 Jul 1994)
  26. Bublitchki Bagelach 3:50 (18 Jul 1994)
  27. Vyoch Tyoch Tyoch 3:10 (18 Jul 1994)
  28. Yingele nit vain 4:07 (18 Jul 1994)
  29. Zug es meir noch amool 2:08 (18 Jul 1994)
  30. Yuh Mein Tiere Tochter 2:39 (18 Jul 1994)
  31. Tumbalalaika 2:45 (18 Jul 1994)
  32. Eishes-chiyell 3:12 (18 Jul 1994)
  33. Vie A Heen Zol Ich Gayn 3:32 (18 Jul 1994)
  34. Dem Neyem Sher 3:01 (18 Jul 1994)
  35. Fargess mich nit 4:32 (18 Jul 1994)
  36. Ketzele Baroiges 2:28 (18 Jul 1994)
  37. Ain kik auf dir 2:51 (18 Jul 1994)
  38. Chiribim Chiribom 2:37 (18 Jul 1994)
  39. Tsi shpait 3:37 (18 Jul 1994)
  40. Ich hob dich zifeel lieb 3:28 (18 Jul 1994)
  41. Coney Island 2:55 (27 Aug 1996)
  42. Channa from Navanna 2:55 (27 Aug 1996)
  43. Makin' Whoopee 2:36 (27 Aug 1996)
  44. Wheel of Fortune 2:30 (27 Aug 1996)
  45. Tum Balalaika 2:45 (1997)
  46. Chribim Chribom 2:37 (1997)
  47. Otchi chernia 3:24 (1997)
  48. Egh-choh-choh 3:12 (1997)
  49. Mama 4:10 (1997)
  50. Main Shtetele Belz 3:40 (1997)
  51. A Byssele 2:44 (1997)
  52. Vi iz dus Gesele 3:24 (1997)
  53. Wie nemt men a bissele mazel 3:57 (1997)
  54. General Celebration: Hava Nagila 3:19 (Oct 1998)
  55. General Celebration: In Meina Oigen Bistie Shain 2:42 (Oct 1998)
  56. Around the World 2:16 (1998)
  57. Cry Me a River 2:42 (1998)
  58. Why Don't You Do Right? 2:30 (1998)
  59. Ciao Ciao Bambino 3:51 (1998)
  60. Who's Sorry Now 2:27 (1998)
  61. I'm a Fool to Want You 3:23 (1998)
  62. Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home 3:13 (1998)
  63. Autumn Leaves 3:03 (1998)
  64. Fascination 2:22 (1998)
  65. It's All Right With Me 2:14 (1998)
  66. Without a Song 2:07 (1998)
  67. You Gotta See Baby Tonight 2:29 (1998)
  68. You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You 3:21 (1998)
  69. Never on Sunday 2:52 (1998)
  70. Carina 2:47 (1998)
  71. We Belong Together 2:46 (1998)
  72. When I Fall in Love 2:31 (1998)
  73. Nevertheless 3:05 (1998)
  74. My One and Only Love 3:26 (1998)
  75. Sempre To (Always You) 3:00 (1998)
  76. Fly Me to the Moon (In Other Words) 3:14 (1998)
  77. Cch-Cha Joe 2:33 (1998)
  78. Baby, Come a Little Closer 2:30 (1998)
  79. I'll Wait 2:14 (1998)
  80. Our Love Is Going Stronger 2:35 (1998)
  81. Who Do Yo Belong To 2:57 (1998)
  82. Giss-Giss 2:44 (2002)
  83. Kuzhina 3:04 (2002)
  84. Zigoner Romans 3:51 (2002)
  85. Hopkele 3:00 (2002)
  86. Hevaynu Sholem Alaychem 3:00 (2002)
  87. Main glick 2:02 (2002)
  88. Ain Kik Auf Div 2:48 (2002)
  89. Papirossen 4:07 (2002)
  90. A Lidele 3:30 (2002)
  91. Passver Medley 3:10 (2002)
  92. Rumeine 4:05 (2002)
  93. Dem Nayem Sher 3:00 (2002)
  94. Forgess Mich Nit 4:33 (2002)
  95. My Yiddeshe Mama 5:01 (2002)
  96. Vie A Heen Zol Ich Gain 3:32 (2002)
  97. Izraeli Medley - Artza Arinv - Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena 3:43 (2002)
  98. Shabes Lich 2:48 (2002)
  99. Farges mich nit from my mal 4:32 (2007)
  100. Passover Medley 3:08 (2007)
  101. Ketzele Baroiges (Why Are You Angry) 2:25 (2007)
  102. My Yiddish Mamma 4:40 (2007)
  103. Yuh Mein Tiere Tochter (Yes, My Darling Daughter) 2:39 (2007)
  104. Tsi Shpait (Too Late) 3:40 (2007)
  105. Wo es der Gas? 3:30 (2008)
  106. Tmbala-Lika 2:42 (20 Feb 2009)
  107. Eishes - Chiyell 3:13 (2011)
  108. Channah From Havanna 2:55 (2013)
  109. Chiribim Chiribom (extra medium remix) 4:40 (22 Sep 2014)
  110. [unknown] ?:?? (2020)
  112. Bublichki bagelah 3:52 ()
  113. Egh choh-choh 3:12 ()
  114. A byssele mazel 2:44 ()
  115. My Yddeshe Mama 4:39 ()
  116. WO ES GER GAS? 3:29 ()
  117. TSI SHAPAIT (TOO LATE) 3:38 ()
  118. CHIRBIM CHIRBOM 2:35 ()
  119. EGH / CHOH - CHOH 3:08 ()
  120. NICHT AUF ZINTUG 3:08 ()
  121. Heavaynu sholem alaychem 3:00 ()
  122. Zigoiner romans 3:51 ()
  123. Wo es ger gas 3:32 ()
  124. Israeli Medley 3:40 ()