Willie Dunn (14 Aug 1942 - 05 Aug 2013)

Male Person - Canada Canadian singer-songwriter, film director and politician

Recordings by (52)

  1. Ballad of Crowfoot 7:57 (1971)
  2. Peruvian Dream (Part 1) 2:45 (1971)
  3. Charlie 3:08 (1971)
  4. Broker 2:53 (1971)
  5. I Pity the Country 2:58 (1971)
  6. Riel 2:45 (1971)
  7. Half Breed Blues 2:30 (1971)
  8. Schooldays 2:00 (1971)
  9. Crazy Horse 3:23 (1972)
  10. Louis Riel 3:02 (1972)
  11. School Days 1:42 (1972)
  12. O Canada! 2:11 (1972)
  13. Cree Grass Dance 1:24 (1972)
  14. Charlie Wenjack 3:04 (1972)
  15. The Carver 3:39 (1972)
  16. Hey There Broker 3:05 (1972)
  17. The Pacific 9:50 (1980)
  18. Nova Scotia 2:51 (1980)
  19. Lure of the Little Voices 1:46 (1980)
  20. The Dreamer 2:45 (1980)
  21. Riddle Song 2:59 (1980)
  22. William Shakespeare: Sonnet 33 and 55 / Friendship Dance 2:22 (1980)
  23. The Pacific (reprise) 1:27 (1980)
  24. Sumac Nuista 3:23 (1980)
  25. Pontiac 2:48 (1980)
  26. The Ballad of John Maclain 4:34 (1980)
  27. T.S. Elliot: The Love of J. Alfred Prufrock / Mohawk Round Dance 9:18 (1980)
  28. Church Street Sobbin’ Blues 2:59 (1980)
  29. Song of the Sower 3:20 (1984)
  30. The Storm 4:40 (1984)
  31. The Vanity of Human Wishes 7:17 (1984)
  32. Halifax 6:47 (1984)
  33. The Planting of the Apple Tree 8:53 (1984)
  34. Wounded Lake 3:37 (1984)
  35. Métis Red River Song 3:53 (1984)
  36. Son of the Sun 3:46 (1984)
  37. The Lovenant Chain 3:09 (1984)
  38. Two Lullabies 2:09 (29 Mar 2004)
  39. Yellowhead’s Song (live) 3:51 (29 Mar 2004)
  40. Mik’Mak War Song (live) 1:16 (29 Mar 2004)
  41. Son of the Sun (live) 3:31 (29 Mar 2004)
  42. Yellowhead’s Song 3:48 (29 Mar 2004)
  43. Bear and Fish 3:25 (29 Mar 2004)
  44. Smokin’ 3:09 (29 Mar 2004)
  45. Honey on Fire 3:55 (29 Mar 2004)
  46. How Long Blues 1:50 (29 Mar 2004)
  47. Rattling Along on a Freight Train 3:30 (29 Mar 2004)
  48. Old Crow’s Great Idea 3:06 (29 Mar 2004)
  49. The Ballad of Crowfoot 9:55 (19 Mar 2021)
  50. Down by the Stream (Starlight Maiden) 1:40 (19 Mar 2021)
  51. Rattling Along the Freight Train (To the Spirit Land) 1:55 (19 Mar 2021)
  52. Sonnet 33 and 55/Friendship Dance 2:23 (19 Mar 2021)