Jolly and the Flytrap ( - )

Group - Switzerland

Recordings by (74)

  1. Gäng-Bäng 4:28 (1993)
  2. Bärgli-Zwärgä 2:32 (26 Sep 1996)
  3. Arche Nova 4:21 (1999)
  4. I colori del mare 4:19 (1999)
  5. Almas solas 3:31 (1999)
  6. Mrs. La Zonga 2:48 (1999)
  7. Another Day Now 2:43 (1999)
  8. 3-D-Modell 3:08 (1999)
  9. Cajon 2:51 (1999)
  10. Cercasi lavoratori 2:57 (1999)
  11. Mississippi 3:23 (1999)
  12. Calle Huertas 3:11 (1999)
  13. No Land in Sight 2:53 (1999)
  14. Fi Much 3:46 (1999)
  15. Global Love Express 7:22 (1999)
  16. Vulcano Beat 3:49 (2004)
  17. Tout ce que vous voulez 3:19 (2004)
  18. H. M. Splendid 3:29 (2004)
  19. Puff Steady 2:50 (2004)
  20. I'm Free 3:28 (2004)
  21. Moretti 3:47 (2004)
  22. Taking Off 3:09 (2004)
  23. Chiedo la luna 3:34 (2004)
  24. Rain Ride 3:29 (2004)
  25. Dancing Shoes 3:08 (2004)
  26. [Hidden Track] 0:49 (2004)
  27. Let's Go 3:36 (2006)
  28. Jesus (live) 2:13 (2006)
  29. The Train 3:48 (2006)
  30. Jonathan 2:00 (2006)
  31. Paddy 1:24 (2006)
  32. Cacahuètes 2:52 (2006)
  33. Zirkus Sepp 2:41 (2006)
  34. Love and Hate 1:32 (2006)
  35. Mötly-Mötör-Möscht 2:12 (2006)
  36. Grafenort 1:51 (2006)
  37. The END 2:38 (2006)
  38. Gäng Bäng 3:58 (2006)
  39. Keeper of the Universe 3:04 (2006)
  40. 3–5–9 1:36 (2006)
  41. When I Die 1:14 (2006)
  42. Martinique 2:41 (2006)
  43. Mügfr 2:41 (2006)
  44. The Great Assembly Line 4:10 (2006)
  45. Flavour 3:53 (2006)
  46. That If 3:55 (2006)
  47. Es igual 2:57 (2006)
  48. Oriental Rock'n'Rollo 2:14 (2006)
  49. Bois Derrière 2:48 (2006)
  50. Albany 4:12 (2006)
  51. Preis Näh 1:58 (2006)
  52. Midget in Sandals 3:06 (2006)
  53. Jolly Times 42:22 (2006)
  54. Keeper of the Universe / Gäng Bäng 8:13 (2006)
  55. Dreamlife 3:38 (15 Sep 2012)
  56. Gloria 3:31 (15 Sep 2012)
  57. VCW 3:52 (15 Sep 2012)
  58. Linger On 4:23 (15 Sep 2012)
  59. Electric Polka 2:30 (15 Sep 2012)
  60. Vico Masacote 3:33 (15 Sep 2012)
  61. Heppa Mazurka 2:40 (15 Sep 2012)
  62. Merry Go Round 2:38 (15 Sep 2012)
  63. Canard Presse? 4:05 (15 Sep 2012)
  64. Cielo Abierto 3:47 (15 Sep 2012)
  65. Sempre di più 4:23 (29 Apr 2021)
  66. Tres esposas (live) 2:44 (29 Apr 2021)
  67. Payerne 4:38 (29 Apr 2021)
  68. Ambiance scandale 3:14 (29 Apr 2021)
  69. Rico remedio 3:32 (29 Apr 2021)
  70. Le soleil brille pour rien 3:53 (29 Apr 2021)
  71. Agua negra 3:52 (29 Apr 2021)
  72. Lazy Lovers 3:43 (29 Apr 2021)
  73. Où est Alain ? 3:03 (29 Apr 2021)
  74. Mastermind in Medels 2:40 (29 Apr 2021)