Larry Mayfield ( - )

Person -

Recordings by (96)

  1. Fairest Lord Jesus 1:59 (1989)
  2. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 1:30 (1989)
  3. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us 2:06 (1989)
  4. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 1:42 (1989)
  5. Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It 1:46 (1989)
  6. Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting 2:38 (1989)
  7. Come, Thou Fount 2:16 (1989)
  8. O Worship the King 1:53 (1989)
  9. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 1:51 (1989)
  10. Blessed Assurance 2:25 (1989)
  11. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty 1:29 (1989)
  12. I Will Sing of My Redeemer 2:07 (1989)
  13. Have Thine Own Way, Lord 1:40 (1989)
  14. O for a Thousand Tongues 1:31 (1989)
  15. Love Divine 1:51 (1989)
  16. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne 2:12 (1989)
  17. Crown Him With Many Crowns 1:36 (1989)
  18. Come Thou Almighty King 1:48 (1989)
  19. And Can It Be That I Should Gain? 2:41 (1989)
  20. Near the Cross 2:09 (1989)
  21. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 3:00 (1989)
  22. Holy, Holy, Holy 2:08 (1989)
  23. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 1:33 (1989)
  24. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go 2:07 (1989)
  25. Breathe on Me, Breath of God 2:19 (1989)
  26. Guide Me, o Thou Great Jehovah 2:12 (1989)
  27. Search Me o God 2:23 (1989)
  28. Nearer My God to Thee 2:33 (1989)
  29. For the Beauty of the Earth 1:57 (1989)
  30. I Surrender All 2:10 (1989)
  31. O God, Our Help in Ages Past 2:00 (1989)
  32. Amazing Grace 2:12 (1989)
  33. More Love to Thee 2:21 (1989)
  34. The Church's One Foundation 1:33 (1989)
  35. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 1:44 (1989)
  36. There Is a Fountain 2:06 (1989)
  37. Whiter Than Snow 1:59 (1989)
  38. O Happy Day 1:53 (1989)
  39. To God Be the Glory 2:26 (1989)
  40. Beneath the Cross of Jesus 2:01 (1989)
  41. More About Jesus 2:29 (1990)
  42. Just as I Am 2:38 (1990)
  43. I Sing the Mighty Power of God 1:48 (1990)
  44. Wonderful Words of Life 3:20 (1990)
  45. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart 1:54 (1990)
  46. My Faith Looks Up to Thee 2:10 (1990)
  47. Open My Eyes 2:04 (1990)
  48. Blessed Be the Name 1:24 (1990)
  49. Sweet Hour of Prayer 2:19 (1990)
  50. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 2:13 (1990)
  51. Sun of My Soul 2:42 (1990)
  52. O, to Be Like Thee 3:15 (1990)
  53. We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer 1:20 (1990)
  54. At the Cross 2:11 (1990)
  55. Thanks to God 1:39 (1990)
  56. In the Cross of Christ I Glory 1:57 (1990)
  57. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 1:46 (1990)
  58. I'll Live for Him 1:43 (1990)
  59. Praise Him, Praise Him 2:17 (1990)
  60. It Is Well With My Soul 2:29 (1990)
  61. I’ve Got That Old Time Religion in My Heart ?:?? (1993)
  62. Every Time I Feel the Spirit ?:?? (1993)
  63. Yes, He Did ?:?? (1993)
  64. Little David ?:?? (1993)
  65. I’ve Got Peace Like a River ?:?? (1993)
  66. Amen ?:?? (1993)
  67. I Wanna Be Ready ?:?? (1993)
  68. He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands 2:18 (1993)
  69. Deep River ?:?? (1993)
  70. Were You There? 4:27 (1993)
  71. Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen ?:?? (1993)
  72. Lonesome Valley ?:?? (1993)
  73. Swing Low ?:?? (1993)
  74. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian ?:?? (1993)
  75. Just a Closer Walk With Thee ?:?? (1993)
  76. They Crucified My Lord ?:?? (1993)
  77. Wayfaring Stranger ?:?? (1993)
  78. Let Us Break Bread Together ?:?? (1993)
  79. There Is a Balm in Gilead ?:?? (1993)
  80. He Never Sleeps ?:?? (1993)
  81. Do You Hear What I Hear / I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day 3:02 ()
  82. I Wonder as I Wander 2:50 ()
  83. The First Noel / While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks / Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 3:58 ()
  84. O Holy Night 2:19 ()
  85. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear 2:55 ()
  86. White Christmas 4:11 ()
  87. What Child Is This 2:52 ()
  88. O Come, O Come Emmanuel 2:45 ()
  89. Go Tell It on the Mountain / Joy to the World 2:29 ()
  90. Away in a Manger / Cradle Song 3:41 ()
  91. Silent Night 2:44 ()
  92. Silver Bells 3:16 ()
  93. No Room 2:50 ()
  94. We Three Kings 2:44 ()
  95. O Come Let Us Adore Him / O Little Town of Bethlehem 3:06 ()
  96. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts) 3:45 ()