Marvi Hämmer ( - )

Character - from National Geographic World - Easy English for Kids

Recordings by (199)

  1. Marvi's Opening 0:36 (Dec 2007)
  2. Die blaue Kiste 3:06 (Dec 2007)
  3. WORLD Reporters: The Creepy Monster (1) 5:21 (Dec 2007)
  4. Marvi Hämmers Si-Sa-Seemonster-Quiz 3:54 (Dec 2007)
  5. Reportage: Jagd auf das Seeungeheuer 20:48 (Dec 2007)
  6. WORLD Reporters: The Creepy Monster (2) 2:06 (Dec 2007)
  7. Alarm im Aqua-Park 2:07 (Dec 2007)
  8. Song: Wasserscheu 2:56 (Dec 2007)
  9. Comic Strip: The WORLD Reporters Are Digging for Dinos (page 36) 3:03 (Dec 2007)
  10. Snapshot (page 3) 0:22 (Dec 2007)
  11. World News (page 6) 0:27 (Dec 2007)
  12. Cat or Dog - Which Is Your Favourite? (page 8) 2:42 (Dec 2007)
  13. People of the Rain Forest (page 14) 1:46 (Dec 2007)
  14. When the Sky Lights up (page 20) 2:02 (Dec 2007)
  15. Reader's Report (page 29) 0:47 (Dec 2007)
  16. Amazing Animals (page 30) 0:23 (Dec 2007)
  17. Giants from the Past (page 32) 1:51 (Dec 2007)
  18. Homemade Presents (page 42) 0:56 (Dec 2007)
  19. Fun Stuff (page 46) 0:28 (Dec 2007)
  20. Report: Quest for the Sea Monster (Bonus-Track) 6:40 (Dec 2007)
  21. Marvi Dance (Marvi Hämmer's National Geographic World) 2:20 (2007)
  22. Salute 3:02 (Mar 2008)
  23. WORLD Reporters: Rome Underground (1) 2:43 (Mar 2008)
  24. Marvi Hämmers Ri-Ra-Römer-Quiz 4:46 (Mar 2008)
  25. Reportage: Ein Tag bei den Gladiatoren 14:27 (Mar 2008)
  26. WORLD Reporters: Rome Underground (2) 2:52 (Mar 2008)
  27. In Stein gemeisselt 2:42 (Mar 2008)
  28. Song: Ich schreib mir selbst 'ne Nachricht 2:50 (Mar 2008)
  29. Comic Strip: The WORLD Reporters and the Blind Owl (page 14) 2:43 (Mar 2008)
  30. Owls - Chiefs of the Night (page 8) 1:54 (Mar 2008)
  31. Amazing Animals (page 16) 0:22 (Mar 2008)
  32. Explore the World Wide Web (page 18) 2:46 (Mar 2008)
  33. A School for Children in Nomadic Tribes (page 22) 1:49 (Mar 2008)
  34. The Wild Soccer Bunch and the Vampires (page 30) 1:42 (Mar 2008)
  35. Your Amazing Eyes (page 32) 0:39 (Mar 2008)
  36. Okavango - The Big Drinking Session (page 38) 2:18 (Mar 2008)
  37. Fun Stuff (page 44) 1:43 (Mar 2008)
  38. Report: A Day with the Gladiators (Bonustrack) 15:57 (Mar 2008)
  39. Marvi’s Opening 1:11 (2008)
  40. Das Marvimobil 2:37 (2008)
  41. The World Reporters Having a Snowball Flight 3:58 (2008)
  42. Factbox Roboter 4:50 (2008)
  43. Marvi Hämmers Ri-Ra-Roboter-Quiz 4:18 (2008)
  44. Reportage: Mit Robotern leben 11:57 (2008)
  45. Rückrufmeldung 1:06 (2008)
  46. Marvi’s World Reporter Show 0:38 (2008)
  47. Comic Strip: The World Reporters: Danger on the Glacier 3:59 (2008)
  48. Snapshot 0:31 (2008)
  49. On the Snowboard, Ready, Go 2:49 (2008)
  50. Buddy Wanted 1:52 (2008)
  51. Welcome to Inkworld 2:07 (2008)
  52. Cheat, Trick, Escape 2:10 (2008)
  53. The Emperor’s Grey Warrior 0:47 (2008)
  54. The Mysterious Voyage of the Butterflies 1:00 (2008)
  55. Marvis Verabschiedung 1:09 (2008)
  56. Report: Living With Robots 11:38 (2008)
  57. Die Urlaubsvertretung 5:22 (2008)
  58. World Reporters: The Forbidden City 1 3:53 (2008)
  59. Marvi Hämmers Chi-Cha-China-Quiz 4:29 (2008)
  60. Die Chinesische Mauer 15:59 (2008)
  61. World Reporters: The Forbidden City 2 3:17 (2008)
  62. Der Springbrunnen 2:24 (2008)
  63. Comic Strip: The World Reporters as Acrobat Flyers 2:34 (2008)
  64. Fearless Flyers 1:32 (2008)
  65. Cooking With Roberto 1:28 (2008)
  66. Animals as Psychics: Six Sense 2:04 (2008)
  67. Football European Champions in the Mountain 1:55 (2008)
  68. Cool Crawlers 2:29 (2008)
  69. Refugee Children 2:11 (2008)
  70. Fun Stuff 1:25 (2008)
  71. Report: The Chinese Wall 15:56 (2008)
  72. Das Tauchboot 4:56 (2008)
  73. World Reporters: The Coral Reef (1) 2:45 (2008)
  74. Marvi Hämmers Mi-Ma-Maritim-Quiz 3:51 (2008)
  75. Reportage: Tauchabenteuer in der Tiefe 15:48 (2008)
  76. World Reporters: The Coral Reef (2) 3:04 (2008)
  77. Zurück, marsch, marsch! 1:06 (2008)
  78. Song: Tief unten im Meer 3:26 (2008)
  79. Comic Strip: The World Reporters Are Ski Jumping 1:56 (2008)
  80. World News 0:23 (2008)
  81. Odd Couples 2:35 (2008)
  82. Ready to Jump 1:26 (2008)
  83. The Fox and the Girl 1:57 (2008)
  84. Reader’s Report 0:42 (2008)
  85. Amazing Animals 0:21 (2008)
  86. The Language of the Wolves 2:02 (2008)
  87. Take a Look Into the Future 1:13 (2008)
  88. Report: Diving Into the Deep 16:44 (2008)
  89. Der Navi-Kongress 2:21 (2009)
  90. The World Reporters: The Cactus King 4:19 (2009)
  91. Alwinas Almanach: Überlebenstipps 4:01 (2009)
  92. Marvi Hämmers S-O-S Survival-Quiz 4:50 (2009)
  93. Reportage: Nachtlager Im Wald 14:26 (2009)
  94. Die Senke des ewigen Nebels 2:25 (2009)
  95. Comic Strip: The World Reporters and Their "BATventure" 3:21 (2009)
  96. Bat Island 3:08 (2009)
  97. Julius Caesar 1:23 (2009)
  98. Back to the Future 2:53 (2009)
  99. The Ice Baby 1:28 (2009)
  100. Sam, the Star With the Wooden Spoon 1:31 (2009)
  101. Welcome to My Jungle Book 3:01 (2009)
  102. Report: Survival the Woods 16:49 (2009)
  103. Zu viel Energie 3:58 (2009)
  104. The World Reporters: The Green Garden (1) 2:46 (2009)
  105. Marvi Hämmers I-A-Energie-Quiz 5:28 (2009)
  106. Reportage: Die Energie-Diät 15:41 (2009)
  107. The World Reporters: The Green Garden (2) 1:37 (2009)
  108. Energiesparen im Studio 3:37 (2009)
  109. Comic Strip: The World Reporters and the Energy Mix 3:55 (2009)
  110. A Paradise for Playing 2:22 (2009)
  111. The Great Tournament of Knights 2:26 (2009)
  112. Finally Rich 1:06 (2009)
  113. A Hotel for Frogs 2:36 (2009)
  114. Energy for the Future 2:38 (2009)
  115. Report: The Energy Diet 17:56 (2009)
  116. Altes Heim - Glück allein 1:20 (2009)
  117. The World Reporters: Happy Anniversary 2:25 (2009)
  118. Die bi-ba-besten Quizfragen 9:55 (2009)
  119. Marvi Hämmers Ji-Ja-Jubiläumsquiz 3:29 (2009)
  120. Reportage: Geburtstage in aller Welt 10:33 (2009)
  121. Die Geburtstagstorte 3:33 (2009)
  122. Comic Strip: The World Reporters and Their Knight Adventure 3:44 (2009)
  123. Crazy Animal Records 2:24 (2009)
  124. Happy Birthday, National Geographic World 1:04 (2009)
  125. 30 Ways to Protects Our Earth 0:45 (2009)
  126. Dressed for the Winter 2:44 (2009)
  127. Our Eye in Space 2:47 (2009)
  128. Knights Wanted 1:08 (2009)
  129. Report: Birthdays Around the World 11:33 (2009)
  130. Hexenschuss und Echsenkuss 4:49 (2009)
  131. The World Reporters: The Dino Museum 2:55 (2009)
  132. Marvi Hämmers Si-Sa-Saurierquiz 3:21 (2009)
  133. Reportage: Die Dino-Jäger 15:42 (2009)
  134. Der Giganotosaurus 1:39 (2009)
  135. Comic Strip: The World Reporters in the Dinosaur Museum 3:55 (2009)
  136. Wild Family Ties 1:41 (2009)
  137. Oil: Curse or Blessing? 2:45 (2009)
  138. A Fancy Ending 1:11 (2009)
  139. The Dinosaurs Are Coming… 2:17 (2009)
  140. The Real Life of Cowboys 1:05 (2009)
  141. Report: Dinosaur Hunters 13:38 (2009)
  142. Der Mann im Mond 3:15 (2009)
  143. The World Reporters: Rocket to the Moon 2:56 (2009)
  144. Alwinas Almanach: Der Wettlauf zum Mond 7:15 (2009)
  145. Marvi Hämmers Mi-Ma-Mond-Quiz 7:57 (2009)
  146. Reportage: Space Base: Stadt auf dem Mond 12:59 (2009)
  147. Kein Oben, kein Unten 4:23 (2009)
  148. Comic Strip: The World Reporters on a Trip to the Moon 5:10 (2009)
  149. Giants With Minds & Hearts 2:55 (2009)
  150. Journey to the Moon 2:51 (2009)
  151. Photographers in Danger 2:47 (2009)
  152. Meet Harry, Herminone & Ron 2:45 (2009)
  153. Lucky Badger 1:18 (2009)
  154. Report: Space Base: City on the Moon 10:53 (2009)
  155. Marvi's Opening 0:35 (Oct 2012)
  156. Katzendreck und Grützefleck 3:58 (Oct 2012)
  157. Word Reporters: The Dolphin Race 1 4:56 (Oct 2012)
  158. Marvis Di-Da-Delfinquiz 4:54 (Oct 2012)
  159. Reportage: So schlau sind Delfine 14:14 (Oct 2012)
  160. World Reporters: The Dolphin Race 2 2:30 (Oct 2012)
  161. Das Klamotten-Wunder 2:08 (Oct 2012)
  162. Comic Strip: The World Reporters and the Dinosaur Bone 4:33 (Oct 2012)
  163. Return of the Dinos 2:13 (Oct 2012)
  164. Schreibwettbewerb 1:22 (Oct 2012)
  165. KIDS News 2:37 (Oct 2012)
  166. What's up? 1:46 (Oct 2012)
  167. Stupid Criminals 1:30 (Oct 2012)
  168. Serval Rescue 2:45 (Oct 2012)
  169. Spiders: World Wide Webs 2:31 (Oct 2012)
  170. Bet you didn't know: Human Body 0:35 (Oct 2012)
  171. What is this? 0:48 (Oct 2012)
  172. Just Joking 0:49 (Oct 2012)
  173. Stump your Parents 1:04 (Oct 2012)
  174. Preview 0:37 (Oct 2012)
  175. Marvis verrückter Adventskalender 6:32 ()
  176. Jaycee, Mingh und Roberto auf der Piste 4:14 ()
  177. Marvis Schli-Schla-Schlittenquiz 3:41 ()
  178. Reportage: Abenteuer mit Hundeschlitten 10:59 ()
  179. The adventure of the World Reporters: Building a sledge 1:58 ()
  180. Reportage: Verrückte Weihnachten 7:27 ()
  181. Das Geheimnis hinter Türchen 24 2:44 ()
  182. Marvis tollste Weihnachtsgeschichten 20:07 ()
  183. Marvi & Jaycee: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer 3:32 ()
  184. Santa Claus crazy Christmas trip: A letter from Yokohama, Japan 0:50 ()
  185. Santa Claus crazy Christmas trip: A letter from Leuth, Netherlands 0:36 ()
  186. Santa Claus crazy Christmas trip: Mingh's notes 0:18 ()
  187. Make way!: Mingh's notes 0:15 ()
  188. Smart animals: Jaycee interviews Dr. Rob Shumaker 0:50 ()
  189. Smart animals: Jaycee notes 0:16 ()
  190. The secret of the pharaoh: Mingh's notes 0:16 ()
  191. The secret of the pharaoh: Mingh interviews Dr. Olivia Zorn 1:12 ()
  192. The king cobra: Jaycee's report from Thailand 0:52 ()
  193. Everyday heroes: Mingh's notes 0:13 ()
  194. Visiting children of indigenous peoples: Mingh's report from Kenya 0:53 ()
  195. Visiting children of indigenous peoples: Mingh's notes 0:18 ()
  196. Raptors - This is how you tell them apart: Jaycee's notes 0:19 ()
  197. Animal of the Month: Jaycee's notes 0:14 ()
  198. Guinness World Records- Food: Mingh's notes 0:15 ()
  199. Report: Crazy Christmas 5:13 ()