Cappella Romana (1991 - )

Group - United States

Recordings by (241)

  1. Great Doxology (Mode I) 10:21 (1999)
  2. Paschal Megalynarion (Mode I) 1:52 (1999)
  3. Offertory And Communion Hymn For Holy Thursday (Mode Plagal IV) 3:04 (1999)
  4. Ressurectional Apolytikion (Mode Plagal III) 1:02 (1999)
  5. Cherubic Hymn (Mode Plagal IV) 4:04 (1999)
  6. Megalynarion For The Liturgy Of St. Basil (Mode Plagal IV) 3:12 (1999)
  7. "One Is Holy" (Mode Plagal I) 1:17 (1999)
  8. Communion Verse for Sundays (Mode Plagal I) 4:30 (1999)
  9. Communion Verse For Easter (Mode Plagal I) 2:22 (1999)
  10. Megalynarion For The Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom (Mode IV) 1:45 (1999)
  11. The Troparion Of Kassiane (Mode Plagal IV) 9:53 (1999)
  12. "I Don't Go To Potamos Any More" 3:36 (1999)
  13. "Down In The Villages Of Valtos" 4:35 (1999)
  14. Kontakion for the Forefeast of Christmas 1:55 (2000)
  15. Glory to God in the Highest 2:11 (2000)
  16. Today Christ Is Born 3:18 (2000)
  17. The Magi, Kings of Persia 2:40 (2000)
  18. Today Bethlehem Receives Him 2:55 (2000)
  19. The First Ode of the Canon for Christmas 4:08 (2000)
  20. Apolytikon 1:14 (2000)
  21. Megalynarion 1:47 (2000)
  22. Christ Is Born 1:36 (2000)
  23. As Many of You as Have Been Baptized (I) 3:07 (2000)
  24. As Many of You as Have Been Baptized (II) 2:18 (2000)
  25. Allelularion for Christmas Day 5:59 (2000)
  26. Cherubic Hymn 5:53 (2000)
  27. Megalynarion for Theophany 1:31 (2000)
  28. Communion Verse for Theophany 2:13 (2000)
  29. When Augustus Reigned 7:27 (2000)
  30. Kontakion ("To you my Champion") 4:03 (2004)
  31. Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Palaiologos (1449-1453) 2:15 (2004)
  32. Kontakion for Theophany 1:39 (2004)
  33. Festal Trisagion ('As many of you as have been baptized') 6:40 (2004)
  34. Anagrammatismos for Theophany 8:40 (2004)
  35. Sticheron Apostichon Idiomelon for St. Basil 2:58 (2004)
  36. Kalophonic Coda for St. Basil/A New Addition 10:09 (2004)
  37. Kyrie Cunctipotens Genitor 3:44 (2004)
  38. Kanon in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas: Ode 1 4:07 (2004)
  39. Communion for Mid-Pentecost 1:53 (2004)
  40. Lament for the Fall of Constantinople 11:55 (2004)
  41. Lamentatio Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ Constantinopolitanæ 4:34 (2004)
  42. 'O great and most sacred Pascha' 1:38 (2004)
  43. Bless the Lord, O My Soul 3:10 (2005)
  44. O Gladsome Light 2:34 (2005)
  45. Lord, Now Let Thy Servant 1:30 (2005)
  46. Rejoice, Virgin Thotokos 4:10 (2005)
  47. Praise the Name of the Lord 3:01 (2005)
  48. The Great Doxology, No.1 4:38 (2005)
  49. The Second Anitphon, Ps. 146 0:58 (2005)
  50. Only Begotten Son 1:23 (2005)
  51. Holy God, No. 2 1:12 (2005)
  52. Alleluia, No. 1 1:14 (2005)
  53. Cherubic Hymn (special melody): The Thief Beheld 4:25 (2005)
  54. A Mercy of Peace, No. 2 3:48 (2005)
  55. It Is Truly Meet 1:13 (2005)
  56. Our Father / One Is Holy / Praise the Lord, No.1 3:25 (2005)
  57. Praise the Lord From the Heavens, No. 2 1:30 (2005)
  58. I Will Receive the Cup, No. 2 1:28 (2005)
  59. Their Proclamation Has Gone Out, No. 2 1:24 (2005)
  60. Rejoice in the Lord 1:16 (2005)
  61. Receive the Body of Christ, No. 1, No. 2, No. 1 2:09 (2005)
  62. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord 0:35 (2005)
  63. Psalm 33 1:41 (2005)
  64. All of Creation 1:42 (2005)
  65. Troparion for the Sunday of Orthodoxy 1:59 (2005)
  66. Let My Prayer Arise 3:56 (2005)
  67. Now the Powers of Heaven 3:43 (2005)
  68. Taste and See 2:12 (2005)
  69. Thy Bridal Chamber 3:59 (2005)
  70. The Wise Thief, No. 2 1:14 (2005)
  71. The Wise Thief, No. 3 1:27 (2005)
  72. Let All Mortal Flesh 3:20 (2005)
  73. What Shall We Call You, Mary 3:01 (2005)
  74. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Introit for Sundays 1:14 (2006)
  75. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Hymn of the Resurrection (mode 1) 1:46 (2006)
  76. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Imperial Acclamations for Constantine XI Paleologos (1449-53) 3:08 (2006)
  77. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Glory. Both Now. 1:01 (2006)
  78. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Kontakion of the Mother of God (mode plagal 4) 4:06 (2006)
  79. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Hierarchical Trisagion 8:59 (2006)
  80. Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: Dynamis 3:46 (2006)
  81. Vasilissa Ego Gaude 3:12 (2006)
  82. Hymn for Great Compline 4:19 (2006)
  83. Apostolo Glorioso 3:13 (2006)
  84. Ecclesiæ Militantis 5:59 (2006)
  85. Canon in Honor of Thomas Aquinas: Ode 1 4:03 (2006)
  86. Communion Verse 1:53 (2006)
  87. Canon for the Council of Florence: Ode 5 3:58 (2006)
  88. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: I. Proïmion - The Virgin Gives Birth Today 1:16 (2008)
  89. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: I. Stanza 1 - Bethlehem Has Opened Eden 2:32 (2008)
  90. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: I. Stanza 2 - The Father of the Mother by Intent Became Her Son 3:15 (2008)
  91. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: I. Stanza 3 - O High King, What Is There for You Among the Beggars? 3:38 (2008)
  92. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: II. Stanza 4 - As She Says Such Things in the Presence of the Ineffable 1:56 (2008)
  93. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: II. Stanza 6 - As Mary Heard All These Astonishing Words 1:56 (2008)
  94. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: II. Stanza 7 - Since They Are Your People, O Child 2:42 (2008)
  95. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: III. Stanza 8 - Jesus, Who Is Truly the Christ and Also Our God 4:20 (2008)
  96. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: III. Stanza 9 - Receive, Then, O Holy Lady 3:27 (2008)
  97. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: IV. Stanza 10 - The Magi Hastened at Once to the Inner Room 2:53 (2008)
  98. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: IV. Stanza 11 - "I Will Tell You," Said Mary to the Magi 2:17 (2008)
  99. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: IV. Stanza 22 - Now When She Who Is Blameless Saw the Magi 3:07 (2008)
  100. Kontakion on the Nativity of Christ: A Choral Concerto: IV. Stanza 24 (Epilogue) Save the World, O Our Savior 5:39 (2008)
  101. O Nations, Let Us Now Prepare 2:17 (2008)
  102. Isaiah, as He Watched by Night 1:37 (2008)
  103. In Olden Days 1:47 (2008)
  104. What Shall We Call You 2:04 (2008)
  105. Now Hear, O Bethlehem 2:13 (2008)
  106. The Virgin, as Was Said of Old 1:13 (2008)
  107. O Let Creation All Rejoice 1:37 (2008)
  108. Now Christ Is Born Upon the Earth 1:57 (2008)
  109. The Rod of Jesse's Root Has Bloomed 2:18 (2008)
  110. The Shepherds in the Fields 2:11 (2008)
  111. Once Sorrow Had Silenced Zion's Harps 2:09 (2008)
  112. Make Glad, You Righteous 2:12 (2008)
  113. Opening Blessing, Litany of Peace, and Prayer of the First Antiphon 5:14 (2008)
  114. First Antiphon 1:42 (2008)
  115. Short Litany and Prayer of the Second Antiphon 1:26 (2008)
  116. Second Antiphon 2:59 (2008)
  117. Short Litany and Prayer of the Third Antiphon 1:37 (2008)
  118. Third Antiphon 1:40 (2008)
  119. Entrance With the Holy Gospel 0:53 (2008)
  120. Apolytikia (Of the Day and of the Local Church) 1:16 (2008)
  121. Kontakion of the Season 1:24 (2008)
  122. Trisagion 4:36 (2008)
  123. Dynamis (Perisse) Of the Trisagion 5:04 (2008)
  124. Prokeimenon 2:53 (2008)
  125. Apostle 2:30 (2008)
  126. Alleluiarion 3:09 (2008)
  127. Gospel 2:47 (2008)
  128. Litany of Fervent Supplication 3:18 (2008)
  129. Litany for the Catechumens 2:03 (2008)
  130. Litanies of the Faithful 2:22 (2008)
  131. Cherubic Hymn in Mode Plagal IV: Opening Section 7:58 (2008)
  132. Cherubic Hymn in Mode Plagal IV: The Great Entrance 1:12 (2008)
  133. Cherubic Hymn in Mode Plagal IV: After the Entrance 3:01 (2008)
  134. Litany of the Precious Gifts and Kiss of Peace 3:41 (2008)
  135. The Creed 1:35 (2008)
  136. The Holy Oblation (Anaphora): The Dialogue Before the Anaphora 1:20 (2008)
  137. The Holy Oblation (Anaphora): The Anaphora (The Eucharistic Prayer) 6:22 (2008)
  138. Megalynarion and Conclusion of the Anaphora 5:29 (2008)
  139. Litany of the Lord's Prayer 3:24 (2008)
  140. The Lord's Prayer 3:01 (2008)
  141. Communion of the Clergy and Antiphonal Psalm 5:04 (2008)
  142. Distribution of Holy Communion: Communion of the Laity 0:22 (2008)
  143. Distribution of Holy Communion: 'Praise the Lord From the Heavens' 10:11 (2008)
  144. Post-Communion Hymns: We Have Seen the True Light 0:47 (2008)
  145. Post-Communion Hymns: Let Our Mouth Be Filled 1:03 (2008)
  146. Thanksgiving And (Constantinopolitan) Dismissal 1:58 (2008)
  147. Prayer Behind the Ambo 1:06 (2008)
  148. Final (Monastic) Dismissal: Blessed Be the Name of the Lord 0:43 (2008)
  149. Final (Monastic) Dismissal: Final Dismissal 1:57 (2008)
  150. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : I. Opening Blessing and Litany of 3:13 (08 Dec 2009)
  151. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : II. First Antiphon 1:29 (08 Dec 2009)
  152. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : III. Short Litany 0:55 (08 Dec 2009)
  153. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : IV. Second Antiphon 2:59 (08 Dec 2009)
  154. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : V. Short Litany (Third Antiphon Omitted) 1:05 (08 Dec 2009)
  155. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : VI. Entrance With the Holy Gospel 0:54 (08 Dec 2009)
  156. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : VII. Apolytikion of St. Barbara 0:44 (08 Dec 2009)
  157. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : VIII. Kontakion of the Forefeast of the Nativity 2:07 (08 Dec 2009)
  158. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : IX. Trisagion 3:24 (08 Dec 2009)
  159. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : X. Prokeimenon and Apostle 2:57 (08 Dec 2009)
  160. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XI. Alleluiarion 1:14 (08 Dec 2009)
  161. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XII. Gospel 2:35 (08 Dec 2009)
  162. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XIII. Litany of Fervent Supplication 3:28 (08 Dec 2009)
  163. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XIV. Cherubic Hymn - Ekphonesis 0:24 (08 Dec 2009)
  164. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XV. Cherubic Hymn - Opening Section 3:49 (08 Dec 2009)
  165. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XVI. Cherubic Hymn - the Great Entrance 1:42 (08 Dec 2009)
  166. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XVII. Cherubic Hymn - After the Entrance 1:04 (08 Dec 2009)
  167. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XVIII. Litany of the Precious Gifts and Kiss of Peace 4:11 (08 Dec 2009)
  168. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XIX. the Creed 1:30 (08 Dec 2009)
  169. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XX. the Holy Oblation - Dialogue 1:45 (08 Dec 2009)
  170. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXI. the Holy Oblation - Ekphonesis and the Sanctus 1:04 (08 Dec 2009)
  171. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXII. the Holy Oblation - Words of Institution and Acclamation 2:02 (08 Dec 2009)
  172. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXIII. Megalynarion 2:47 (08 Dec 2009)
  173. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXIV. Litany of the Lord's Prayer 2:52 (08 Dec 2009)
  174. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXV. the Lord's Prayer 1:59 (08 Dec 2009)
  175. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXVI. Communion of the Clergy 3:20 (08 Dec 2009)
  176. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXVII. Communion of the Laity 0:36 (08 Dec 2009)
  177. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXVIII. of Thy Mystical Supper 2:10 (08 Dec 2009)
  178. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXIX. We Have Seen the True Light 0:45 (08 Dec 2009)
  179. Michaelides: The Divine Liturgy: XXX. Let Our Mouths Be Filled 1:03 (08 Dec 2009)
  180. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXXI. Attend! Having Partaken... 1:09 (08 Dec 2009)
  181. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXXII. Prayer Behind the Ambo 1:20 (08 Dec 2009)
  182. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXXIII. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord 0:40 (08 Dec 2009)
  183. Michaelides: the Divine Liturgy : XXXIV. Final Dismissal 2:43 (08 Dec 2009)
  184. As Many of You as Have Been Baptized 3:11 (26 Mar 2012)
  185. O Great and Most Sacred Pascha 1:36 (26 Mar 2012)
  186. Communion Verse for Sundays 3:22 (26 Mar 2012)
  187. Great Entrance and Communion Hymn for Holy Thursday (Mode Plagal IV) 3:02 (26 Mar 2012)
  188. Cherubic Hymn (Special Melody: The Thief Beheld) 4:13 (26 Mar 2012)
  189. Megalynarion for Christmas (from Three Christmas Hymns) 1:48 (26 Mar 2012)
  190. Ikos Six, from the Akathistos Hymn 2:21 (26 Mar 2012)
  191. Kontakion of the Mother of God (Mode Plagal IV) 4:05 (26 Mar 2012)
  192. O Tebe raduyetsya 3:58 (26 Mar 2012)
  193. Kerubiveisu No. 3 5:22 (28 Dec 2013)
  194. Ehtooveisu "Phos hilaron" 2:54 (28 Dec 2013)
  195. Kontakki "Saata, oi Christus" 1:42 (28 Dec 2013)
  196. Pääsiäissunnuntain iikossi 3:58 (28 Dec 2013)
  197. Pääsiäisen eksapostilaari 2:30 (28 Dec 2013)
  198. Psalm 103 (Alkupsalmi) 3:36 (28 Dec 2013)
  199. Te Apostolit 10:28 (28 Dec 2013)
  200. Trishagion 3:36 (28 Dec 2013)
  201. Kerubiveisu No. 4 5:14 (28 Dec 2013)
  202. 4 Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother of God: No. 1, Eksapostilario 5:40 (28 Dec 2013)
  203. 4 Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother of God: No. 2, Kontakki 4:13 (28 Dec 2013)
  204. 4 Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother of God: No. 3, Ylistysveisu 3:37 (28 Dec 2013)
  205. 4 Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother of God: No. 4, Kiitosstikiira 5:32 (28 Dec 2013)
  206. Lamplighting Psalms: Mode 2 "Lord I Have Cried" 5:33 (16 Apr 2021)
  207. Stíchera prosómoia of Christmas, Set 1 10:12 (16 Apr 2021)
  208. Stíchera prosómoia of Christmas, Set 2 6:54 (16 Apr 2021)
  209. Doxastikón of Great Vespers of Christmas Day "When Augustus Reigned" 4:51 (16 Apr 2021)
  210. Idiómelon from Great Vespers on the Eve of the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee 3:18 (16 Apr 2021)
  211. Tetraódion for Great and Holy Saturday: Ode 1 - Ode 3 5:39 (16 Apr 2021)
  212. Idiómelon from Matins for the Sunday of the Pharisee and the Publican 3:07 (16 Apr 2021)
  213. Tetraódion for Great and Holy Saturday: Ode 4 - Ode 5 6:05 (16 Apr 2021)
  214. At Great and Holy Wednesday at Matins "Lord, the Woman Found in Many Sins" 8:08 (16 Apr 2021)
  215. Kálophonic stícheron "Lord, the Woman Found in Many Sins" 25:55 (16 Apr 2021)
  216. Introit (for January 1st) 1:03 ()
  217. Apolytikion. "You who sit on a fiery throne" (for January 1st) 1:40 ()
  218. Kontakion. "You appeared as an unshakeable foundation" (for January 1st) 4:39 ()
  219. Trisagion (for January 1st) 7:01 ()
  220. Prokeimenon (Gradual). "My tongue will speak wisdom" (for January 1st) 4:12 ()
  221. Alleluiarion. "Attend, O Shepherd of Israel" (for January 1st) 10:15 ()
  222. Communion hymn. "The just will be held in everlasting memory" (for January 1st) 4:19 ()
  223. Kontakion of Theophany (for January 6th) 1:39 ()
  224. 1st Kanon for Theophany: Ode 1 (for January 6th) 4:19 ()
  225. Ode 5 (for January 6th) 5:05 ()
  226. Festal Trisagion (MSS Athens 2456 and Ambrosianus L36) 10:53 ()
  227. Troparia for the Blessing of the Waters (for January 6th) 6:29 ()
  228. Anagrammatismos for Theophany (MS Sinai 1566) 9:31 ()
  229. Kontakion for St. Bartholomew (short melody) 2:30 ()
  230. Ode 1 of the Kanon for St. Benedict 3:36 ()
  231. Kontakion for St. Neilos (psaltikon melody) 6:19 ()
  232. Ode 9 of the Kanon for St. Benedict 4:54 ()
  233. Kontakion for St. Bartholomew (psaltikon melody) 9:34 ()
  234. Three Stichera Prosomoia for St. Benedict (mode plagal 4) 4:10 ()
  235. Ode 1 of the Iambic Kanon (mode 4) 2:57 ()
  236. Alleluiarion in Mode 1 (Ps. 32:6, 13) 6:48 ()
  237. Ode 9 of the First Kanon of the Pentecost (mode 4) 3:27 ()
  238. Communion Verse (Ps. 142:10b) 3:37 ()
  239. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers: Small Litany and Psalm Intonation 8:27 ()
  240. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers: Stichologia 18:00 ()
  241. Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers: Glory, Both Now 7:52 ()