Lisle Moore (1973 - )

Male Person - United States

Recordings by (416)

  1. Breakout 1:38 (2003)
  2. Skinned Alive 0:56 (2003)
  3. Out of Luck 1:11 (2003)
  4. Breakout (30 second version) 0:33 (2003)
  5. Skinned Alive (30 second version) 0:32 (2003)
  6. Out of Luck (30 second version) (vocal) 0:32 (2003)
  7. Brass Ring (short) ?:?? (2006)
  8. Upstart (short) ?:?? (2006)
  9. Main Titles 2:07 (Dec 2009)
  10. A New Friend 2:00 (Dec 2009)
  11. Bike Chase 3:04 (Dec 2009)
  12. Flying With Ed 1:35 (Dec 2009)
  13. Grandpa 1:44 (Dec 2009)
  14. To the Airport 1:27 (Dec 2009)
  15. Stowaways 3:33 (Dec 2009)
  16. The Mountain 2:10 (Dec 2009)
  17. Deception 2:33 (Dec 2009)
  18. The Heist 4:33 (Dec 2009)
  19. The Landing 2:13 (Dec 2009)
  20. Television 0:59 (Dec 2009)
  21. Grounded 2:40 (Dec 2009)
  22. The Flyboys 1:45 (Dec 2009)
  23. Guests 1:15 (Dec 2009)
  24. Guns 1:08 (Dec 2009)
  25. Brothers 2:51 (Dec 2009)
  26. Lenny's Pursuit 3:05 (Dec 2009)
  27. Walkie Talkies 1:50 (Dec 2009)
  28. Calling Angelo 2:41 (Dec 2009)
  29. Fight or Flight 5:31 (Dec 2009)
  30. Dangerous Maneuvers 2:53 (Dec 2009)
  31. Ed's Rescue 2:01 (Dec 2009)
  32. Goodbyes 3:26 (Dec 2009)
  33. Best Friends 2:24 (Dec 2009)
  34. The Medal 2:10 (Dec 2009)
  35. Angelo's Gift 3:37 (Dec 2009)
  36. End Titles 4:47 (Dec 2009)
  37. Mahemopolis 2:09 (2009)
  38. Story Time 1:35 (2010)
  39. Shaking Things Up 0:34 (2010)
  40. Welcome to Unpleasantville 1:45 (2010)
  41. Man Meets Monster 0:38 (2010)
  42. Pumpkin Brain Pie 2:15 (2010)
  43. All Out of Homes 1:42 (2010)
  44. The O'Lantern's 0:52 (2010)
  45. Smashing Pumpkins 2:15 (2010)
  46. Redemption 2:55 (09 Jul 2013)
  47. The Quest 2:28 (09 Jul 2013)
  48. Epiphany 2:26 (09 Jul 2013)
  49. Web Hero 1:39 ()
  50. Web Hero (no choir mix) 1:45 ()
  51. Strangers Return 1:30 ()
  52. Web Hero (30 second version) 0:32 ()
  53. Web Hero (30 second version) (no choir mix) 0:32 ()
  54. Strangers Return (30 second version) 0:32 ()
  55. Freak Zone 1:58 ()
  56. Extension Tubes 2:15 ()
  57. Wide Angle 1:41 ()
  58. Pathology 1:42 ()
  59. Megaladon 1:26 ()
  60. Dark Water 1:22 ()
  61. The Hammer 3:07 ()
  62. Undead on Arrival 2:30 ()
  63. Dead Mans Game 2:34 ()
  64. Cant Stop This 2:46 ()
  65. The Negotiator 2:59 ()
  66. Birds and Bees 2:08 ()
  67. Summer Fling 2:02 ()
  68. Dinner With the Shawgrins 2:14 ()
  69. Are You Decent 2:01 ()
  70. When We Meet 2:23 ()
  71. Blood Mechanics 2:01 ()
  72. Birth Right 2:37 ()
  73. Exterminate 2:22 ()
  74. Derangement 2:08 ()
  75. Collosus 2:19 ()
  76. Digital Meltdown 2:27 ()
  77. Its Vegas Baby 2:41 ()
  78. High Roller 2:03 ()
  79. Mahemopolus 2:11 ()
  80. Mahemopolus (no choir) 2:11 ()
  81. Mahemopolus (percussion) 2:11 ()
  82. Hard Target 2:25 ()
  83. Hard Target (no choir) 2:25 ()
  84. Hard Target (percussion) 2:25 ()
  85. Painkiller 1:30 ()
  86. Painkiller (no choir) 1:30 ()
  87. The System (no choir) 2:08 ()
  88. The System (rock drums) 2:08 ()
  89. Going Ape 2:11 ()
  90. Going Ape (no choir) 2:11 ()
  91. Going Ape (percussion) 2:11 ()
  92. Break the Chain 2:10 ()
  93. Break the Chain (no choir) 2:10 ()
  94. Redline 2:03 ()
  95. Redline (no choir) 2:03 ()
  96. Redline (percussion) 2:00 ()
  97. Stand and Rise 2:00 ()
  98. Stand and Rise (no choir) 2:00 ()
  99. Infernal 1:52 ()
  100. Infernal (no choir) 1:52 ()
  101. Cryptic 1:52 ()
  102. Cryptic (no choir) 1:52 ()
  103. Childrens Game (Trailer: Alice in Wonderland) 1:13 ()
  104. Joy Ride (Trailer: Nanny McPhee) 2:54 ()
  105. Catch If You Can (Trailer: Book of Masters) 0:35 ()
  106. Do You Believe (Trailer: Tinker Bell) 0:25 ()
  107. Warzone Mid (Trailer: Deadland) 1:02 ()
  108. Found (Trailer: Princess Kaiulani) 1:25 ()
  109. With Man (Trailer: Winnie the Pooh) 0:32 ()
  110. Hard Target (Trailer: Darksiders - Cue2) 2:27 ()
  111. Joy Ride (Trailer: Nanny MC Phee) 2:54 ()
  112. Warzone Mid (Trailer: Warzone Mid Deadland) 1:02 ()
  113. Fly Your Dragon 1:42 ()
  114. Minor Fantasy 2:16 ()
  115. Fantasy Island 2:14 ()
  116. Catch If You Can (vocal) 0:33 ()
  117. Predator (version 1) 0:33 ()
  118. Predator (version 2) 0:33 ()
  119. Predator (version 3) 0:33 ()
  120. Glory Days Guitar Solo (vocal) 1:07 ()
  121. Glory Days Violin Solo (vocal) 1:07 ()
  122. Mountain King Follies (vocal) 1:16 ()
  123. Predator 0:34 ()
  124. Con Man 0:28 ()
  125. Daring Do 0:46 ()
  126. Gallactic Challenge 2:02 ()
  127. Do You Believe 0:23 ()
  128. Glory Days Guitar Solo (30 second version) 0:32 ()
  129. Mountain King Follies (30 second version) (vocal) 0:31 ()
  130. Daring Do (30 second version) 0:33 ()
  131. Gallactic Challenge (30 second version) 0:34 ()
  132. Found (30 second version) 0:31 ()
  133. Dodgeball 1:37 ()
  134. Dodgeball (30 second version) 0:34 ()
  135. Darkness Falling 0:42 ()
  136. Found 1:29 ()
  137. Ambush 0:35 ()
  138. Arrival 0:22 ()
  139. No Hope 0:32 ()
  140. Catch If You Can 0:34 ()
  141. Hold Yer Breath 0:21 ()
  142. Darkness Falling (30 second version) 0:32 ()
  143. Ripit (version 1) 0:11 ()
  144. Ripit (version 2) 0:09 ()
  145. Hold Yer Breath (version 1) 0:23 ()
  146. Hold Yer Breath (version 2) 0:22 ()
  147. Hold Yer Breath (version 3) 0:19 ()
  148. Hold Yer Breath (version 4) 0:17 ()
  149. Whoosh Um 0:10 ()
  150. Last Nail 0:07 ()
  151. Death March 0:08 ()
  152. Orch Splat 0:08 ()
  153. Brass Doom 0:09 ()
  154. Brass Wop 0:07 ()
  155. Brass Flutter Wop 0:08 ()
  156. Sustain Tension 0:08 ()
  157. Dark Doom 0:12 ()
  158. Gothic Bath 2:13 ()
  159. Gothic Bath (30 second version) 0:34 ()
  160. Spy Like Me 1:11 ()
  161. Spy Like Me (30 second version) 0:34 ()
  162. High Octane 3:18 ()
  163. Desert Kingdom 1:30 ()
  164. Desert Kingdom (No Vox Ending) 1:30 ()
  165. Arachnamanic 1:48 ()
  166. Airborne 2:51 ()
  167. Joy Ride 1:55 ()
  168. Joy Ride (no choir) 1:55 ()
  169. Reincarnate 2:14 ()
  170. Reincarnate (no choir) 2:14 ()
  171. Descension 2:50 ()
  172. Descension (no choir) 2:50 ()
  173. First Date 2:45 ()
  174. First Date Alternate 2:41 ()
  175. Island Dance 2:08 ()
  176. Walk In The Park 2:09 ()
  177. This New Love 2:57 ()
  178. Island Dance (no choir) 2:08 ()
  179. Walk In The Park (no choir) 2:09 ()
  180. This New Love (no choir) 2:57 ()
  181. Panacea 2:56 ()
  182. Redemption (no choir) 2:54 ()
  183. Panacea (no choir) 2:58 ()
  184. The Quest (no choir) 2:30 ()
  185. The Quest (orchestral) (no choir) 2:28 ()
  186. The Quest (orchestral) 2:30 ()
  187. Redemption (orchestral) 2:56 ()
  188. Redemption (orchestral) (no choir) 2:54 ()
  189. Out Of Luck (30 second version) 0:34 ()
  190. Glory Days 1:12 ()
  191. Glory Days (30 second version) 0:35 ()
  192. Contortion (intro rise 1) 0:23 ()
  193. Contortion (intro rise 1, minus winds) 0:23 ()
  194. Contortion (intro rise 1) (short alt mix) 0:18 ()
  195. Contortion (intro rise 1) (end hit) 0:09 ()
  196. Contortion (mid rise 1, minus winds) 0:12 ()
  197. Contortion (mid rise 1, minus perc) 0:13 ()
  198. Contortion (mid rise 1) (end hit) 0:07 ()
  199. Contortion (mid rise 1) 0:12 ()
  200. Contortion (end rise 1, minus perc) 0:23 ()
  201. Contortion (end rise 1, minus perc choir) 0:23 ()
  202. Contortion (end rise 1, minus perc brass choir) 0:23 ()
  203. Contortion (end rise 1) (end hit) 0:11 ()
  204. Contortion (end rise 1) 0:23 ()
  205. Contortion (end rise 1, minus choir) 0:23 ()
  206. Contortion (end rise 2, minus orch elements) 0:14 ()
  207. Contortion (end rise 2) (end hit) 0:09 ()
  208. Contortion (end rise 2) 0:14 ()
  209. Engage (intro rise 1) 0:17 ()
  210. Engage (intro rise 1) Short 0:11 ()
  211. Engage (intro rise 1) (end hit) 0:07 ()
  212. Engage (intro rise 2, minus brass) 0:16 ()
  213. Engage (intro rise 2) (end hit) 0:07 ()
  214. Engage (intro rise 2) 0:16 ()
  215. Engage (mid rise 1) 0:17 ()
  216. Engage (mid rise 1, minus loop) 0:17 ()
  217. Engage (mid rise 1) (short minus loop) 0:13 ()
  218. Engage (mid rise 1) (end hit) 0:09 ()
  219. Engage (end rise 1) (end hit) 0:10 ()
  220. Engage (end rise 1) 0:24 ()
  221. Engage (end rise 1, end hit minus choir) 0:09 ()
  222. Engage (end rise 1, minus drone) 0:24 ()
  223. Engage (end 1, drone only) 0:18 ()
  224. Engage (end rise 1, minus choir) 0:24 ()
  225. Engage (end rise 1, minus choir drone) 0:17 ()
  226. Warzone (end rise 1, perc only) 0:13 ()
  227. Warzone (end rise 1) (end hit) 0:05 ()
  228. Warzone (end rise 1) 0:13 ()
  229. Freak Zone (rise 1 v1) 0:19 ()
  230. Freak Zone (rise 1 v2) 0:18 ()
  231. Freak Zone (rise 1 v3) 0:18 ()
  232. Engage (intro hit 1) (alt) 0:07 ()
  233. Engage (intro hit 1) 0:06 ()
  234. Engage (mid hit 1) 0:08 ()
  235. Engage (end hit 1) 0:06 ()
  236. Mutiny (intro rise 1, minus shakuhachi) 0:27 ()
  237. Mutiny (intro rise 1) (short) 0:15 ()
  238. Mutiny (intro rise 1) (short minus wind FX) 0:15 ()
  239. Mutiny (intro rise 1) (end hit) 0:09 ()
  240. Mutiny (intro rise 1) 0:27 ()
  241. Mutiny (intro rise 2, minus shakuhachi) 0:20 ()
  242. Mutiny (intro rise 2) (end hit) 0:09 ()
  243. Mutiny (intro rise 2) 0:20 ()
  244. Mutiny (end rise 1) (short minus orch) 0:15 ()
  245. Mutiny (end rise 1) 0:21 ()
  246. Mutiny (end rise 1, minus orch) 0:24 ()
  247. Mutiny (end rise 1) (short) 0:15 ()
  248. Stalker (intro rise 1) 0:13 ()
  249. Stalker (intro rise 1) (end hit) 0:10 ()
  250. Stalker (mid rise 1, end hit minus perc) 0:04 ()
  251. Stalker (mid rise 1) 0:12 ()
  252. Stalker (mid rise 1, minus perc) 0:12 ()
  253. Stalker (mid rise 1) (end hit) 0:06 ()
  254. Stalker (end rise 1) 0:14 ()
  255. Stalker (end rise 1, minus orch) 0:14 ()
  256. Stalker (end rise 1, minus perc) 0:14 ()
  257. Stalker (end rise 1) (end hit) 0:08 ()
  258. Warzone (mid rise 1) 0:14 ()
  259. Warzone (mid rise 1, minus choir) 0:14 ()
  260. Warzone (mid rise 1, minus orch) 0:14 ()
  261. Warzone (mid rise 1, perc only) 0:14 ()
  262. Trapped (mid rise 1) (end hit) 0:06 ()
  263. Trapped (mid rise 1) (end hit, perc only) 0:06 ()
  264. Trapped (mid rise 1) 0:11 ()
  265. Trapped (mid rise 1, minus brass) 0:11 ()
  266. Trapped (mid rise 1, perc and string FX only) 0:11 ()
  267. Trapped (mid rise 1, strings only) 0:09 ()
  268. Trapped (end rise 1) 0:12 ()
  269. Trapped (end rise 2) 0:11 ()
  270. Trapped (end rise 3, less perc) 0:16 ()
  271. Trapped (end rise 3, less perc minus horn rip) 0:16 ()
  272. Trapped (end rise 3) (end hit) 0:05 ()
  273. Trapped (end rise 3) (end hit, minus horn strings) 0:05 ()
  274. Trapped (end rise 3) 0:18 ()
  275. Dark Water (rise 1, minus piano plus elements) 0:12 ()
  276. Dark Water (rise 1) 0:12 ()
  277. Dark Water (rise 2) 0:10 ()
  278. Dark Water (rise 2, alt end) 0:12 ()
  279. Dark Side (rise 1) 0:08 ()
  280. Extermination (rise 1) 0:12 ()
  281. Extermination (rise 1) (minimal) 0:12 ()
  282. Extension Tubes (rise 1) 0:13 ()
  283. Megaladon (rise 1) 0:18 ()
  284. Megaladon (rise 2) 0:15 ()
  285. Nyctophobia (rise 1) 0:18 ()
  286. Nyctophobia (rise 1, minus kick) 0:17 ()
  287. Optimus Prime (rise 1) 0:21 ()
  288. Optimus Prime (rise 1) (short) 0:18 ()
  289. Paranoid (rise 1) 0:14 ()
  290. Paranoid (rise 1) (end hit) 0:11 ()
  291. Pathology (rise 1) 0:12 ()
  292. Pathology (rise 1, minus perc) 0:12 ()
  293. Pathology (rise 1) (alt) 0:13 ()
  294. Contortion (intro drone 1) 0:20 ()
  295. Contortion (intro drone 1, minus piano FX) 0:20 ()
  296. Engage (intro drone 1) 0:26 ()
  297. Engage (intro drone 1, minus FX) 0:26 ()
  298. Engage (mid drone 1) 0:17 ()
  299. Engage (end drone 1) 0:16 ()
  300. Agent Number 9 (mid drone 1, minus end strings) 0:18 ()
  301. Agent Number 9 (mid drone 1) 0:18 ()
  302. Contortion (mid drone 1, end hit) 0:09 ()
  303. Contortion (mid drone 1) 0:18 ()
  304. Contortion (mid drone 1, minus winds) 0:18 ()
  305. Ghost of War (intro drone 1) 0:13 ()
  306. Ghost of War (intro drone 1, minus choir) 0:15 ()
  307. Ghost of War (intro drone 1, perc and choir) 0:15 ()
  308. Ghost of War (intro drone 1, perc and fr hn) 0:15 ()
  309. Stalker (intro drone 1) 0:22 ()
  310. Trapped (end drone 1, full intro hit) 0:08 ()
  311. Trapped (end drone 1) 0:20 ()
  312. Trapped (end drone 1, minus intro hit) 0:17 ()
  313. Mutiny (intro drone 1) 0:16 ()
  314. Mutiny (intro drone 1, minus brass FX) 0:16 ()
  315. Warzone (end drone 1) 0:11 ()
  316. Warzone (intro drone 1) 0:19 ()
  317. Warzone (intro drone 1, minus choir) 0:19 ()
  318. Contortion (intro hit 1) 0:07 ()
  319. Contortion (mid hit 1) 0:07 ()
  320. Contortion (end hit 1) 0:06 ()
  321. Contortion (end hit 1, minus strings brass) 0:06 ()
  322. Dark Water (hit 1, minus pno plus elements) 0:07 ()
  323. Dark Water (hit 1) 0:07 ()
  324. Dark Water (hit 2) (alt) 0:08 ()
  325. Dark Water (hit 2) 0:06 ()
  326. Optimus Prime (hit 1) 0:08 ()
  327. Extension Tubes (hit 1) 0:09 ()
  328. Extermination (hit 1) 0:09 ()
  329. Freak Zone (hit 1) 0:08 ()
  330. Megaladon (hit 1) 0:09 ()
  331. Mutiny (end hit 1) 0:05 ()
  332. Mutiny (intro hit 1) 0:07 ()
  333. Nyctophobia (hit 1) 0:12 ()
  334. Paranoid (hit 1) 0:11 ()
  335. Pathology (hit 1) 0:07 ()
  336. Stalker (end hit 1) 0:07 ()
  337. Stalker (end hit 1, minus perc) 0:07 ()
  338. Stalker (end hit 1, minus orch) 0:07 ()
  339. Stalker (intro hit 1) 0:08 ()
  340. Stalker (intro end hit) 0:08 ()
  341. Stalker (mid hit 1) 0:05 ()
  342. Stalker (mid hit 2) 0:04 ()
  343. Trapped (intro hit 1, minus build) 0:08 ()
  344. Trapped (end hit 1, less perc minus horn rip) 0:06 ()
  345. Trapped (end hit 1, minus horns strings) 0:05 ()
  346. Trapped (mid hit 1) 0:06 ()
  347. Warzone (end hit 1) 0:05 ()
  348. Warzone (mid hit 1) 0:06 ()
  349. Warzone (intro hit 1, minus orch) 0:09 ()
  350. Warzone (intro hit 1, minus choir) 0:06 ()
  351. Running With da Money 2:11 ()
  352. Just Joshin 2:10 ()
  353. Lavish 2:11 ()
  354. The Count 2:07 ()
  355. Twisted Sunshine 2:00 ()
  356. A Wizard's Dream 2:11 ()
  357. Deep Soul 2:52 ()
  358. Drift 3:04 ()
  359. The System 3:06 ()
  360. Peace of India 2:56 ()
  361. Streets of Bombay 1:56 ()
  362. Indian Vessel 2:31 ()
  363. Ocean of Fire 2:03 ()
  364. Dasht E Kavir 1:23 ()
  365. Mesopotamia to Burma 1:52 ()
  366. Walk Down Gaza Strip 2:02 ()
  367. Parting of the Red Sea 1:31 ()
  368. Dark Side 2:12 ()
  369. Nyctophobia 2:08 ()
  370. Optimus Prime 2:17 ()
  371. Extermination 2:08 ()
  372. Paranoid 2:18 ()
  373. Imperial Lions 2:06 ()
  374. Terracotta Warrior 2:07 ()
  375. Rings of Fire 2:04 ()
  376. White Tiger 2:03 ()
  377. Asia Gwen 2:07 ()
  378. Into the Jungle 2:02 ()
  379. Mombasa Nights 2:09 ()
  380. Contortion (intro) 0:55 ()
  381. Engage (intro) 0:41 ()
  382. In the Building (intro) 0:55 ()
  383. In the Building (intro) (no choir) 0:55 ()
  384. Agent Number 9 (intro) 1:00 ()
  385. Warzone (intro) 1:14 ()
  386. Warzone (intro) (no choir) 1:14 ()
  387. Ghost of War (intro) 1:21 ()
  388. Ghost of War (intro) (no choir) 1:21 ()
  389. Mutiny (intro) 1:11 ()
  390. Stalker (intro) 1:07 ()
  391. Trapped (intro) 0:33 ()
  392. Contortion (mid) 1:07 ()
  393. Engage (mid) 1:19 ()
  394. In the Building (mid) 1:01 ()
  395. Agent Number 9 (mid) 1:05 ()
  396. Agent Number 9 (mid) (no choir) 1:05 ()
  397. Warzone (mid) 1:04 ()
  398. Warzone (mid) no choir) 1:04 ()
  399. Ghost of War (mid) 0:48 ()
  400. Ghost of War (mid) (no choir) 0:48 ()
  401. Mutiny (mid) 0:55 ()
  402. Stalker (mid) 1:03 ()
  403. Trapped (mid) 0:57 ()
  404. Contortiion (end) 0:59 ()
  405. Contortiion (end) (no choir) 0:59 ()
  406. Engage (end) 1:11 ()
  407. Engage (end) (no choir) 1:11 ()
  408. In the Building (end) 0:50 ()
  409. Agent Number 9 (end) 1:16 ()
  410. Agent Number 9 (end) (no choir) 1:16 ()
  411. Warzone (end) 1:13 ()
  412. Ghost of War (end) 1:48 ()
  413. Ghost of War (end) (no choir) 1:48 ()
  414. Mutiny (end) 0:44 ()
  415. Stalker (end) 1:11 ()
  416. Trapped (end) 0:52 ()