Dylan Thomas (27 Oct 1914 - 09 Nov 1953)

Male Person - United Kingdom the poet

Recordings by (129)

  1. Fern Hill 3:58 (1952)
  2. A Child's Christmas in Wales 19:49 (1952)
  3. A Winter's Tale 11:49 (1952)
  4. In the White Giant's Thigh 5:11 (1952)
  5. Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait 12:01 (1952)
  6. Visit To America : An Irreverant preamble 10:36 (1952)
  7. Poem On His Birthday 6:46 (1952)
  8. Lament 4:26 (1952)
  9. And Death Shall Have No Dominion 1:53 (1952)
  10. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Night 1:35 (1952)
  11. Should Lanterns Shine 1:20 (1957)
  12. There Was A Saviour 3:04 (1957)
  13. A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London 1:44 (1957)
  14. If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love 3:17 (1957)
  15. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 1:38 (May 1958)
  16. Ceremony After a Fire Raid 3:54 (May 1958)
  17. Author's Prologue ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  18. Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  19. The Hand that Signed the Paper ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  20. Altarwise by Owl Light (first verse only) ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  21. After the Funeral ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  22. The Tombstone Told When She Died ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  23. If My Head Hurt a Hair's Foot ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  24. Poem in October ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  25. This Side of Truth ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  26. Love in the Asylum ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  27. The Hunchback in the Park ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  28. On the Marriage of a Virgin ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  29. In My Craft or Sullen Art ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  30. Dawn Raid ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  31. In Country Sleep ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  32. Over Sir John's Hill ?:?? (Nov 1963)
  33. Song: Rosie Probert and Captain Cat — 'Love Duet' 3:37 (02 Jul 2001)
  34. Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred 1:20 (Oct 2001)
  35. Caedmon Promo 0:27 (2002)
  36. Poem: The Hand that Signed the Paper from the Modern Muse 1:23 (13 Oct 2003)
  37. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 1 4:07 (13 Oct 2003)
  38. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 2 4:15 (13 Oct 2003)
  39. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 3 4:48 (13 Oct 2003)
  40. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 4 4:27 (13 Oct 2003)
  41. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 5 4:13 (13 Oct 2003)
  42. Dramatisation: Return Journey to Swansea, Part 6 4:34 (13 Oct 2003)
  43. Prose: A Visit to Grandpa's, Part 1 3:08 (13 Oct 2003)
  44. Prose: A Visit to Grandpa's, Part 2 3:28 (13 Oct 2003)
  45. Prose: A Visit to Grandpa's, Part 3 2:57 (13 Oct 2003)
  46. On Reading One's Own Poems (Dylan Thomas Introduction) 2:24 (13 Oct 2003)
  47. Poem: In My Craft 1:07 (13 Oct 2003)
  48. After the Funeral (Dylan Thomas Introduction) 0:26 (13 Oct 2003)
  49. Poem: After the Funeral 2:59 (13 Oct 2003)
  50. Poem: A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London 1:30 (13 Oct 2003)
  51. Prose: Quite Early One Morning, Part 1 3:20 (13 Oct 2003)
  52. Prose: Quite Early One Morning, Part 2 3:12 (13 Oct 2003)
  53. Prose: Quite Early One Morning, Part 3 2:59 (13 Oct 2003)
  54. Prose: Quite Early One Morning, Part 4 2:55 (13 Oct 2003)
  55. Reading One's Own Poems Aloud (Dylan Thomas Introduction) 0:47 (13 Oct 2003)
  56. Poem: Over Sir John's Hill 4:00 (13 Oct 2003)
  57. Poem: In the White Giant's Thigh, Part 1 5:19 (13 Oct 2003)
  58. Prose: Visit to America, Part 1 5:33 (13 Oct 2003)
  59. Prose: Visit to America, Part 2 3:04 (13 Oct 2003)
  60. Prose: Visit to America, Part 3 4:10 (13 Oct 2003)
  61. Prose: The Outing, Part 1 5:28 (13 Oct 2003)
  62. Prose: The Outing, Part 2 4:06 (13 Oct 2003)
  63. Prose: The Outing, Part 3 3:38 (13 Oct 2003)
  64. Prose: The Outing, Part 4 3:40 (13 Oct 2003)
  65. Prose: The Outing, Part 5 3:59 (13 Oct 2003)
  66. Prose: Laugharne 4:16 (13 Oct 2003)
  67. Under Milkwood (extract) 4:09 (13 Oct 2003)
  68. Introduction 0:11 (2005)
  69. To Begin at the Beginning 4:34 (2005)
  70. Captain Cat, the Retired Blind Seacaptain, Asleep in His Bunk 17:23 (2005)
  71. Time Passes. Listen. Time Passes 23:09 (2005)
  72. Too Late, Cock, Too Late 23:56 (2005)
  73. Lord Cut-Glass, in His Kitchen Full of Time 2:37 (2005)
  74. The Sunny Slow Lolling of Afternoon Yawns and Moons Through the Dozy Town 21:04 (2005)
  75. And Death Shall Have No Dominium 1:44 (18 Apr 2006)
  76. Circus Animals Desertion ?:?? (2009)
  77. Main Theme 2:32 ()
  78. 'To begin at the beginning...' 5:32 ()
  79. 'Never such seas...' 2:49 ()
  80. 'I am a draper, mad with love...' 4:59 ()
  81. 'Now in her iceberg-white...nightgown...' 2:01 ()
  82. 'In Butcher Beynon's...' 4:49 ()
  83. 'titbits and topsyturvies...' 3:03 ()
  84. 'And the dawn inches up...' 2:29 ()
  85. 'Morning Prayer' 2:50 ()
  86. Guide Book 1:46 ()
  87. 'Oh there's a face!...' 1:44 ()
  88. 'Here's your arsenic, dear...' 5:33 ()
  89. 'Mr and Mrs Cherry Owen...' 1:42 ()
  90. 'From Beynon Butcher's in Coronation Street...' 3:23 ()
  91. 'And...Captain Cat hears all the morning of the town...' 4:36 ()
  92. 'All the women are out this morning...' 4:39 ()
  93. 'Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard, la di da...' 2:46 ()
  94. 'Mrs Willy Nilly steams open Mr Mog Edwards' letter...' 3:55 ()
  95. Song: 'Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail' 1:31 ()
  96. 'The music of the spheres...' 2:54 ()
  97. Song: Polly Garter — 'I Loved a Man' 2:47 ()
  98. 'And Gossamer Beynon, schoolteacher, spoon-stirred...' 1:25 ()
  99. 'Gwennie call the boys...' 3:22 ()
  100. 'Gossamer Beynon high-heels out of school...' 2:35 ()
  101. 'Persons with manners do not read at table...' 2:51 ()
  102. 'Lord Cut-Glass, in his kitchen full of time...' 2:11 ()
  103. Song: 'Now when farmers' boys on the first fair day...' 4:18 ()
  104. Billy Collins Introduction ?:?? ()
  105. A Child's Christmas in Wales, a Story ?:?? ()
  106. A Few Words of a Kind ?:?? ()
  107. Laugharne ?:?? ()
  108. Especially When the October Wind ?:?? ()
  109. Under Milkwood 5:58 ()
  110. Billy Collins Introduction (Disc Two) 1:35 ()
  111. Altarwise by Owl Light (1st Verse) 1:02 ()
  112. Poem in October (It Was My Thirtieth Year) 3:30 ()
  113. In My Craft and Sullen Art 1:09 ()
  114. The Villagers' Dream 18:01 ()
  115. This Is Llareggub Hill 10:50 ()
  116. The Town Smells of Seaweed and Breakfast 6:36 ()
  117. Blind Captain Cat Hears All the Morning of the Town 9:07 ()
  118. The Villagers Go About Their Business 6:36 ()
  119. The Music of the Spheres 12:49 ()
  120. Mid-Day Mr and Mrs Pugh Are Silent 6:33 ()
  121. The Sunny, Slow Lulling Afternoon 11:51 ()
  122. Now the Town Is Dusk 14:40 ()
  123. 'The Reverend Eli Jenkins inky in his cool front parlour...' 3:29 ()
  124. 'Now the town is dusk...' 2:55 ()
  125. Song: Rev Eli Jenkins — 'Every morning, when I wake' 4:05 ()
  126. 'And Lily Smalls...' 3:11 ()
  127. Song: Mr Waldo — 'Come and sweep my chimbley' 3:06 ()
  128. 'Dancing Williams!' 2:03 ()
  129. Song: 'But I always think as we tumble into bed...' 2:28 ()