Jan Jelinek (1971 - )

Male Person - Germany German electronic musician

Recordings by (112)

  1. They, Them 6:22 (Oct 2000)
  2. Moiré (Guitar & Horns) 4:56 (03 Nov 2000)
  3. Peren 5:05 (03 Nov 2000)
  4. Tendency 7:21 (03 Nov 2000)
  5. Moiré (Strings) 6:25 (02 Feb 2001)
  6. Do Dekor 5:34 (02 Feb 2001)
  7. Drift 5:09 (02 Feb 2001)
  8. Moiré (Piano & Organ) 6:54 (02 Feb 2001)
  9. Rock in the Video Age 8:03 (02 Feb 2001)
  10. Them, Their 5:06 (02 Feb 2001)
  11. The Village Vanguard 4:43 (27 Apr 2001)
  12. Silver Circle 4:14 (24 May 2002)
  13. Playing the Rocksichord 6:07 (27 Sep 2002) part of “Quatermix” DJ-mix
  14. The Exposures' Hustle 6:00 (02 Dec 2002)
  15. Ohne Titel, 2002 4:22 (02 Dec 2002)
  16. Music to Interrogate By 6:08 (2002)
  17. Ice 695 4:58 (2002)
  18. ICE 897 3:52 (2002)
  19. ICE 594 5:06 (2002)
  20. Titles 0:45 (Jan 2003)
  21. There Are Other Worlds (They Have Not Told You of) 4:12 (Feb 2003)
  22. Fatback's Wicky Wacky 4:36 (07 Jul 2003)
  23. Western Mimikry 3:13 (04 Oct 2004)
  24. The Exposures’ Hustle 5:48 (04 Apr 2005)
  25. My Favorite Shop 4:53 (27 Jun 2005)
  26. Universal Band Silhouette 7:06 (21 Oct 2005)
  27. Lemminge und Lurchen, Inc. 3:50 (21 Oct 2005)
  28. Im Diskodickicht 5:22 (21 Oct 2005)
  29. Vibraphonspulen 5:39 (21 Oct 2005)
  30. Lithiummelodie 1 6:57 (21 Oct 2005)
  31. Planeten in Halbtrauer 5:15 (21 Oct 2005)
  32. Morphing Leadgitarre rückwärts 16:55 (21 Oct 2005)
  33. Universal Band Silhouette (edit) 5:01 (Oct 2005)
  34. A Concert for Television 8:41 (20 Oct 2006)
  35. Palmen aus Leder 7:12 (20 Oct 2006)
  36. The Ballad of Soap. Und: Die GEMA nimmt kontakt auf 7:43 (20 Oct 2006)
  37. Up to My Same Old Trick Again 6:39 (20 Oct 2006)
  38. Happening Tone 7:12 (20 Oct 2006)
  39. Tierbeobachtung 6:01 (20 Oct 2006)
  40. The Ballad of Soap und: Die GEMA Nimmt Kontakt Auf 8:01 (04 Jan 2008)
  41. Happening Tone (Played live by Frank Bretschneider) 10:20 (Jan 2009)
  42. Stripped to Realmode 5:59 (23 Mar 2009)
  43. Hip Bird 5:11 (31 Oct 2009)
  44. Synthsil2 2:44 (03 May 2010)
  45. If’s, And’s and But’s 5:45 (31 Oct 2011) part of “DJ-Kicks: Gold Panda” DJ-mix
  46. PrimeTime 11:08 (Nov 2012)
  47. HipBird 5:10 (Nov 2012)
  48. SynthSil (Unfallmusik) 4:01 (Nov 2012)
  49. LoneStar 3:27 (Nov 2012)
  50. Fragments One 8:21 (2012)
  51. Fragments Two 8:21 (2012)
  52. Jackdaw 3:24 (2012)
  53. Forest Weaver 2:27 (2012)
  54. Dipper 3:13 (2012)
  55. Wood Pigeon 2:53 (2012)
  56. If's, Ands, and but's 5:44 (2012)
  57. Lone Star 3:28 (22 Jan 2013)
  58. Do You Know Otahiti? 6:17 (19 Apr 2013)
  59. TOton 5:29 (19 Apr 2013)
  60. Temple 10:31 (Oct 2013)
  61. Poren 6:25 (28 Apr 2017)
  62. Audio Liner Notes (The Village Vanguard) 7:21 (28 Apr 2017)
  63. Alice Schwarzer, Is It True That You're a Person of Great Tenacity? 2:08 (04 May 2018)
  64. John Cage, I've Been Told to Ask You the Following Question: Where Are You Going? 2:58 (04 May 2018)
  65. Hubert Fichte, Your Journey Through Life Has Been Full of Twists and Turns. Please Tell Us When & Where This Journey Began! 2:22 (04 May 2018)
  66. Slavoj Zizek, What Signs Were There of the Imminent Dissolution of Yugoslavia? 1:51 (04 May 2018)
  67. Joseph Beuys, It Was You Who Said: Democracy Is So Big One Can Only Sing About It: You Recently Made Your Debut as a Singer: Which Democracy Are You Singing About? 3:03 (04 May 2018)
  68. Lady Gaga, You Once Said in an Interview That You Write Music for the Fashion Industry: Is Fashion as Important to You as Music? 2:17 (04 May 2018)
  69. Friederike Mayrocker, When You Write, Do You Feel Like the Creator of the Work or More Like a Medium? 3:11 (04 May 2018)
  70. Yoko Ono, You Were Born Into a Rich, Aristocratic Family in Tokyo. Do You See That in Yourself? 2:11 (04 May 2018)
  71. Max Ernst, This Is the First Time in Twenty-Five Years That You've Returned to Your Old Home Town, to the Cathedral in Cologne, Right? 2:04 (04 May 2018)
  72. Alice Schwarzer, Is It True That You’re a Person of Great Tenacity? 2:08 (04 May 2018)
  73. Hubert Fichte, Your Journey Through Life Has Been Full of Twists and Turns. Please Tell Us When and Where This Journey Began! 2:22 (04 May 2018)
  74. Joseph Beuys, It Was You Who Said: Democracy Is So Big One Can Only Sing About It. You Recently Made Your Debut as a Singer. Which Democracy Are You Singing About? 3:03 (04 May 2018)
  75. Lady Gaga, You Once Said in an Interview That You Write Music for the Fashion Industry. Is Fashion as Important to You as Music? 2:17 (04 May 2018)
  76. Ernst Jandl, What Are Your Plans for Language: Revolution, Reform, Revolt? 2:05 (04 May 2018)
  77. Karlheinz Stockhausen, Which Difficulties Are Involved in Conserving Electronic Music on Magnetic Tape? 2:17 (04 May 2018)
  78. Marcel Duchamp, Would You Like or Expect People to Spin the Wheel on Your Kinetic Object Roue de Bicyclette? 2:20 (04 May 2018)
  79. Friedericke Mayröcker, When You Write, Do You Feel Like the Creator of the Work or More Like a Medium? 3:11 (04 May 2018)
  80. Max Ernst, This Is the First Time in 25 Years That You've Returned to Your Old Home Town, to the Cathedral in Cologne, Right? 2:04 (04 May 2018)
  81. Audio Liner Notes Faitiche17 1:13 (04 May 2018)
  82. Tierbeobachtung (LP version) 4:59 (08 May 2020)
  83. The Raw and the Cooked (Zwischen/Raum) 13:53 (16 Sep 2021)
  84. The Raw and the Cooked (II) 6:26 (16 Sep 2021)
  85. The Raw and the Cooked (V) 5:56 (16 Sep 2021)
  86. The Raw and the Cooked (IV) 5:56 (16 Sep 2021)
  87. The Raw and the Cooked (III) 6:50 (16 Sep 2021)
  88. The water seems changed to mist and vapor 3:51 (28 Apr 2023)
  89. Ropes sing in the air 3:04 (28 Apr 2023)
  90. Waiting and watching (version) 3:50 (28 Apr 2023)
  91. Warm murmur in the room 4:55 (28 Apr 2023)
  92. It moves swiftly forward, throwing up great waves 4:17 (28 Apr 2023)
  93. On the quay now, waiting and watching 5:16 (28 Apr 2023)
  94. Someone squeezes a concertina, sailors begin to sing 2:11 (28 Apr 2023)
  95. Drawn toward the whirlpool's center 5:14 (28 Apr 2023)
  96. It moves swiftly forward (version) 2:50 (28 Apr 2023)
  97. On the quay (version) 4:20 (28 Apr 2023)
  98. Drawn Together the Whirlpool's Center 5:14 (2023)
  99. Social Engineering 1 (The narrative of the heritage) 4:17 (03 May 2024)
  100. Social Engineering 2 (A mystery wants to be disclosed) 3:08 (03 May 2024)
  101. Social Engineering 3 (ALERT!) 5:56 (03 May 2024)
  102. Social Engineering 4 (A mystery wants to be disclosed, progressed version) 1:12 (03 May 2024)
  103. Social Engineering 5 (The one-off opportunity) 3:55 (03 May 2024)
  104. Social Engineering 6 (Medical frivolities) 1:47 (03 May 2024)
  105. Social Engineering 7 (A vague allegation & the concrete blackmail) 2:53 (03 May 2024)
  106. Social Engineering 8 (This is not a joke! 1) 0:47 (03 May 2024)
  107. Social Engineering 9 (Sad self-optimization) 3:28 (03 May 2024)
  108. Social Engineering 10 (Incoherent translation algorithms) 0:42 (03 May 2024)
  109. Social Engineering 11 (BUSINESS) 4:02 (03 May 2024)
  110. Social Engineering 12 (This is not a joke! 2) 2:21 (03 May 2024)
  111. Social Engineering 13 (The polite threat) 1:52 (03 May 2024)
  112. Sessie Vuile Toon ?:?? ()