Bene Gesserit (1981 - )

Group - Belgium Belgian minimal synth / wave group

Recordings by (200)

  1. Do You Know That Heidi Is the Daughter of Lili Marlene? 3:39 (1981)
  2. Epitaph For A One-Way Love 3:00 (1981)
  3. Hymne Au Ver 2:45 (1981)
  4. Gloria 4:00 (1981)
  5. Fly To Hell 4:15 (1981)
  6. Kidnapping 3:35 (1981)
  7. Erg Habbania 3:25 (1981)
  8. Gppm 2:15 (1981)
  9. Orchestral Story 3:35 (1981)
  10. Live In China 1:10 (1981)
  11. Post-Card 5:30 (1981)
  12. Cheese Falls 3:05 (1981)
  13. In The Living-Room 4:10 (1981)
  14. Do You Know That Heidi Is The Daughter Of Lili Marlène? 3:45 (1981)
  15. Side A 13:44 (1981)
  16. Side B 14:52 (1981)
  17. Hysterical Point Of View ?:?? (1982)
  18. La Brabançonne 3:20 (1983)
  19. I’m Turning Myself 3:40 (1983)
  20. Little Lady 5:18 (1983)
  21. N.O.T.H.I.N.G 2:50 (1983)
  22. Dedicated To Friends 3:01 (1983)
  23. Words 4:37 (1983)
  24. She Sells Sea Shells On The Sea Show 3:30 (1983)
  25. Moki-Toki Oka-Owa 6:20 (1983)
  26. Do What You Have To Do 1:40 (1983)
  27. Be Happy 2:46 (1983)
  28. Erg Habbaret ?:?? (1984)
  29. White Man 3:10 (1984)
  30. She Is Walking 1:26 (1984)
  31. Japanese Song 2:58 (1984)
  32. Enfants des rues 3:23 (1984)
  33. Pravda 2:12 (1984)
  34. Nuit et chuchotements 3:10 (1984)
  35. Strange Strangers (In the Night) 0:25 (1984)
  36. Clear Blue Smile 2:47 (1984)
  37. Walt’s Waltz 3:19 (1984)
  38. Tonight 4:34 (1984)
  39. Désirs-Délires 1:20 (1984)
  40. Kitchen Music (For Kitchen People) 2:23 (1984)
  41. Existentialisme 4:10 (1984)
  42. No Rule for a Dream: Bali 1:53 (1984)
  43. Tourdorizonmuzikal (C’est ça) 3:13 (1984)
  44. La Brabançonne (Belgian National Anthem) 3:30 (1984)
  45. A Child In The Streets (Part 1) 3:30 (1984)
  46. Alles Ist... 4:15 (1984)
  47. A Child In The Streets (Part 2) 3:00 (1984)
  48. Nobody Can Know 2:45 (1984)
  49. Que Lit Lily? 2:19 (1984)
  50. From Belgium With Laugh 1:00 (1984)
  51. ...And They Danced in Gdansk 2:30 (1984)
  52. Nobody Is Perfect ?:?? (1985)
  53. Wild Wood 3:20 (1985)
  54. You Can Dance It If You Want 3:39 (1985)
  55. So Far From Asia 3:08 (1985)
  56. Je veux ma maman!! 1:52 (1985)
  57. Russian Thanks ?:?? (1985)
  58. Qui Bene Amat Bene Gesserit ?:?? (1985)
  59. Séquence Spéciale 2:01 (1985)
  60. Boat People 1:09 (May 1986)
  61. Syanoq 2:50 (1986)
  62. Dérisoire 2:50 (1986)
  63. G.P.P.M. 2:31 (1986)
  64. Sailor's Song 4:09 (1986)
  65. No More Action 4:02 (1986)
  66. L'araignée 3:05 (1987)
  67. Rock Yoko (Live In Amsterdam) 3:43 (1987)
  68. Your Mind? ?:?? (1987)
  69. OK, Let's Go! 1:20 (1987)
  70. I Had Taken a Few Minutes to Go Into a Bar and Get a Drink Before I Went Back 1:17 (1987)
  71. I Could Feel a Pulse Hammering in My Throat and a Tightness Across My Groin 0:35 (1987)
  72. No Rule for a Dream: Peking (with Rain) 1:20 (1987)
  73. The Room Had Faded From Her Mind, and All the Things She Now Held Dear Were Yet to Come 1:10 (1987)
  74. Il Serait Peut-Être Judicieux Que Je Me Rende Chez Un de Ces Médecins Appelés "Dentistes" 0:40 (1987)
  75. You Can Dance It, If You Want! 3:35 (1987)
  76. The Band Was Playing Some Unfamiliar and Unharmonious Music, and Some Younger People Were Dancing While the Older People Formed Little Groups and Stood Around Talking With Sandwiches in Their Hands 0:10 (1987)
  77. La Chanson D'Ugly 3:15 (1987)
  78. Joyeux Poème! 1:50 (1987)
  79. This Guy Was So Mad He Stuttered as He Dragged Me Toward the Door 0:01 (1987)
  80. Femmes Aux Yeux D'Argile 4:00 (1987)
  81. She Was Never So Beautiful as Then, Her Face Furrowed With Small Lines of Worry and Remorse 0:30 (1987)
  82. Watching, Watching the World Move Around Before Me Through a Pane of Glass 0:40 (1987)
  83. Dèrisoire 2:50 (1987)
  84. She Had Faded Blondish Hair, a Narrow Face, and Wore an Old Dress 1:00 (1987)
  85. Be Happy! 3:00 (1987)
  86. Evening Star 1:29 (1987)
  87. An Insane Rabbit 4:00 (Feb 1988)
  88. Bal 6:20 (21 Jun 1988)
  89. Alexandra petit muchacha 1:45 (1988)
  90. Les flamme del’efer ?:?? (1988)
  91. Bunt B.G. 1:31 (1991)
  92. Le vol tournoqant de la chauve-souris vampire entre les gratte-ciel 3:32 (2000)
  93. Syanoq! 2:50 (Nov 2005)
  94. Rythmic Behaviour 2:30 (Nov 2005)
  95. Les Flammes De L'Enfer 2:10 (Nov 2005)
  96. Khol 2:00 (Nov 2005)
  97. Alexandra 1:45 (Nov 2005)
  98. Could You? 3:00 (Nov 2005)
  99. Rats 3:50 (Nov 2005)
  100. From Brussels, With Laughs 1:00 (Nov 2005)
  101. Godefroid Le Brouillon 2:28 (Nov 2005)
  102. G.P.P.M. (Geen Ping-Pong Meer!) 2:15 (Nov 2005)
  103. The Happy Hippy 2:33 (Nov 2005)
  104. Funny Toy 3:04 (Dec 2005)
  105. Mickey, Please... 3:26 (25 May 2006)
  106. La danse de Lugrustan 4:33 (Nov 2006)
  107. La nuit, tous les chats sont gris (short version) ?:?? (2007)
  108. Ze King of ze Djungle (Aventures en Afrique) 4:10 (2007)
  109. Love Me Tender in the Bathroom 0:56 (2007)
  110. Ivanovich 2:40 (2007)
  111. Zwarte Piet 4:19 (2007)
  112. Love Me Tender on the Titanic (I’m Sinking in the Rain!) 1:09 (2007)
  113. Les Fraises 3:29 (18 Jan 2009)
  114. Courou Coucou Coucou Coucou Coucou 2:34 (2009)
  115. Je Veux Ma Maman ! (2nd mix) 1:49 (2009)
  116. Halloween 2:45 (2009)
  117. Quiet Life / Grey Life 2:33 (2009)
  118. Que Lit Lilly? 2:26 (2009)
  119. White Men (1st version) 3:43 (2009)
  120. Broken Toy 2:42 (2009)
  121. Épinoches 0:35 (2009)
  122. Postcards (2nd version) 6:13 (2009)
  123. Do What You Have to Do! 2:06 (2009)
  124. Middle Class Madness 3:34 (2009)
  125. Ti Amoooo 3:37 (2009)
  126. Mon Poisson Rouge… (Jingle for Belgian National Radio) 0:26 (2009)
  127. Another Cup of Blood ?:?? (2009)
  128. … son petit magasin … ?:?? (2009)
  129. Neon Lights ! (Dub) 2:58 (Feb 2011)
  130. Halley 3:18 (Feb 2011)
  131. Il Faut Souffrir pour Être Belge 3:39 (Feb 2011)
  132. It's So Hard 1:52 (Feb 2011)
  133. Tevreden 3:00 (Feb 2011)
  134. Baiser D’amour 4:05 (Feb 2011)
  135. Il Vino Italiano 0:38 (Feb 2011)
  136. The Funny Dutchman 3:34 (Feb 2011)
  137. A Silent Hooligan 0:41 (Feb 2011)
  138. Death Is Not A Betrayel 3:37 (Feb 2011)
  139. I'm Turning Myself 3:28 (Feb 2011)
  140. MR4XQ 3:13 (Feb 2011)
  141. American Orphan Girl ?:?? (2011)
  142. Kull Wahad !!! ?:?? (2011)
  143. Sahid Bahey 2:57 (20 Feb 2012)
  144. Cet homme est un monstre 3:37 (Feb 2012)
  145. LiLLy (She WroTe Me a PoeM 3:20 (2012)
  146. uN FiLeT De SaNG 4:54 (2012)
  147. oN PRoTèGe BieN LeS ReQuiNs... 5:14 (2012)
  148. LaST SuMMeR 5:43 (2012)
  149. Un, Deux, Trois 3:30 (23 Jan 2013)
  150. Wash Your Ideas 3:27 (26 Nov 2013)
  151. PaRLeZ-VouS FRaNCaiS? 2:30 (2013)
  152. La DaNSe oBSCuRe Du NaiN De JaRDiN 3:33 (2013)
  153. L’aRaiGNée 3:10 (2013)
  154. La PeTiTe LiBeLLuLe 1:10 (2013)
  155. HaaaJiB! 3:04 (2013)
  156. ToyS 2:25 (2013)
  157. uN DouX ViSaGe eT De GRaNDS yeuX D’uN BLeu LuMiNeuX 3:36 (2013)
  158. iTaLiaN HaiRDReSSeR 0:16 (2013)
  159. To BeaT oR NoT To Beat (THaT iS THe QueSTioN) 3:50 (2013)
  160. LeS PouLeS 0:18 (2013)
  161. La CaTHéDRaLe RoBoTiQue 3:50 (2013)
  162. LeS CaDDieS Ne PaSSeRoNT PaS 1:40 (2013)
  163. La FoLie DouCe 1:50 (2013)
  164. LeS aNiMauX De CoMPaGNie 4:40 (2013)
  165. NoMaD’S LaND 4:18 (2013)
  166. Les Aliens 6:03 (08 Mar 2014)
  167. Lacrima 2:31 (02 Oct 2014)
  168. Tither And Thiter 2:22 (2014)
  169. Vieux Crapaud Lubrique 3:53 (2014)
  170. Lobotomized ? 2:55 (2016)
  171. Folie Cadencée (Le Plus Obscur De Nos Désirs) 3:20 (2016)
  172. The Frightening Zone 3:20 (2016)
  173. Les Murs Ont Des Orteils 0:05 (2016)
  174. Chaton 5:25 (2016)
  175. The House Of The Rising Song 3:25 (2016)
  176. Kill The Monsters (And Kill Their Book) 3:40 (2016)
  177. C'est Le Printemps ! 0:30 (2016)
  178. You Can Be Your Own Shrink 3:25 (2016)
  179. Perdus 3:30 (2016)
  180. Alors, Révolution ? 3:30 (2016)
  181. Ce Matin... 1:40 (2016)
  182. Le Cygne De Zorro 3:25 (2016)
  183. Perdus (Long Version) Bonus Track 7:55 (2016)
  184. C'est Loué !! Bonus Track (Only For Eriek Van Havere) ?:?? (2016)
  185. Femmes aux yeux d’argile 4:07 (2016)
  186. On protège bien les requins 5:14 (2016)
  187. Khôl 2:07 (2016)
  188. A Message From Our Sponsor 2:53 (2016)
  189. Devolution Maybe 2:48 (23 Jun 2020)
  190. Neon Lights 3:04 ()
  191. You Can Dance It, If You Want To 3:47 ()
  192. From the Plan K. With Laughs ?:?? ()
  193. Same Old Story ?:?? ()
  194. Le Rapt ?:?? ()
  195. Rock Yoko ?:?? ()
  196. Crazy Monkees ?:?? ()
  197. Insanités ?:?? ()
  198. Neon Lights!! ?:?? ()
  199. Death Is Not a Betrayal ?:?? ()
  200. From Dune, With Laughs ?:?? ()