Dr. Elmo (26 Oct 1936 - )

Male Person -

Recordings by (85)

  1. Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer 3:32 (1992)
  2. Grandma's Spending Christmas with the Superstars 3:05 (1992)
  3. Christmas Won't be the Same Without Johnny 2:32 (1992)
  4. Grandma's Killer Fruitcake 2:31 (1992)
  5. Santa Ain't Comin' 3:54 (1992)
  6. Christmas Millionaire 2:44 (1992)
  7. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants off of Santa 3:18 (1992)
  8. Junk Bond Christmas Blues 3:12 (1992)
  9. Send Me a Wife for Christmas 3:05 (1992)
  10. Here's to the Lonely 3:43 (1992)
  11. Don't Make Me Play That Grandma Song Again 2:41 (1992)
  12. Betty Ford Clinic 3:02 (10 Mar 2000)
  13. Prenuptial Agreement 3:21 (10 Mar 2000)
  14. Preachers Just Wanna Have Fun 2:57 (10 Mar 2000)
  15. Lose That Lard 3:52 (10 Mar 2000)
  16. Battle of the Singles Scene 2:37 (10 Mar 2000)
  17. Dr. Elmo's No Cash Clinic and Pawn Shop 2:41 (10 Mar 2000)
  18. Did You Have to Wait 'Till Doomsday to Say "I Love You" 3:21 (10 Mar 2000)
  19. Jumping Frog to Calaveras County 2:37 (10 Mar 2000)
  20. On the Phone Again 2:07 (10 Mar 2000)
  21. Kentucky Road Made of Human Hair 3:09 (10 Mar 2000)
  22. Greenhouse Effect 1:43 (10 Mar 2000)
  23. Don't Pet the Dog 3:04 (10 Mar 2000)
  24. Falling in Love 2:51 (18 Apr 2000)
  25. Don't Mess With the IRS 2:39 (18 Apr 2000)
  26. Blame It on El Nino 3:32 (18 Apr 2000)
  27. Dr. Kevorkian 2:18 (18 Apr 2000)
  28. When Love Comes Around 2:55 (18 Apr 2000)
  29. Intact Family 3:40 (18 Apr 2000)
  30. Midnight Train 3:23 (18 Apr 2000)
  31. Tall 3:45 (18 Apr 2000)
  32. Bernardo's Serenade 3:53 (18 Apr 2000)
  33. Montana 4:18 (18 Apr 2000)
  34. Goin' on a Date with Santa 3:34 (2000)
  35. Hot Christmas 2:16 (2000)
  36. Uncle Johnny's Glass Eye 3:55 (2000)
  37. Texas Chainsaw Christmas 3:22 (2000)
  38. Feels Like Christmas 2:44 (2000)
  39. Reindeer Rap 3:45 (2000)
  40. Big Jolly Man 2:26 (2000)
  41. Christmas on an Island 2:45 (2000)
  42. Jingle Bells 2:45 (2000)
  43. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 2:51 (2000)
  44. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer 3:26 (2000)
  45. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Offa' Santa 3:15 (2002)
  46. What Scares You? 1:16 (09 Feb 2006)
  47. Deck the Halls With Chips and Beernuts 1:52 (2007)
  48. Prenushool Agreement 3:18 (2007)
  49. 12 Redneck Days of Christmas 4:05 (2007)
  50. What's Redneck Christmas to You 1:22 (2007)
  51. Double Wide, Chicken Fried Yuletide 2:37 (2007)
  52. Single Guys 2:41 (2007)
  53. Christmas Ain't Been the Same Without You Dale Earnhardt 2:30 (2007)
  54. Redneck St. Nick 2:34 (2007)
  55. Deck the Halls With Chips & Beernuts 1:53 (2008)
  56. Christmas Without Dale Earnhardt 2:29 (2008)
  57. Double Wide, Chicken Fried, Yuletide 2:37 (2008)
  58. What's a Redneck Christmas to You 1:23 (2008)
  59. Come on Boys It's Christmas 3:20 (2010)
  60. Greensleeves 3:48 (2010)
  61. Perfect Gift 3:05 (2010)
  62. December Rain 4:52 (2010)
  63. Deck the Halls 3:12 (2010)
  64. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 2:08 (2010)
  65. Grandpa in the Suit Show 3:07 (2010)
  66. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (instrumental) 3:08 (2010)
  67. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Offa Santa 3:18 ()
  68. Redneck Dracula 2:58 ()
  69. The Fly 2:01 ()
  70. Scariest Thing I'll Ever Do 2:50 ()
  71. Texas Chainsaw Halloween 3:28 ()
  72. Pointy, the Pyramid Pumpkin 3:32 ()
  73. Haunted Hoedown 3:08 ()
  74. Party Arty 2:34 ()
  75. The Witch and the Toad 3:14 ()
  76. Global Warmin 1:51 ()
  77. Bad Black Cat 1:12 ()
  78. Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer "LIVE" 3:47 ()
  79. Uncle Johnnys Glass Eye 4:01 ()
  80. Grandmas Killer Fruitcake 2:26 ()
  81. Heres to the Lonely 3:40 ()
  82. Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring 2:58 ()
  83. Jingle Bell Rock 2:22 ()
  84. Junk Bod Christmas Blues 3:12 ()
  85. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring 2:55 ()