Maury Yeston (23 Oct 1945 - )

Male Person - United States

Works (102)


  1. Tegen alle verwachtingen in
  2. Apaixonou
  3. Love Can’t Happen
  4. The Proposal / The Night Was Alive
  5. Guido’s Song
  6. Only With You
  7. Folies Bergeres
  8. Till I Loved You
  9. My Husband Makes Movies
  10. Nine
  11. Getting Tall
  12. The Bells of St. Sebastian
  13. Overture delle donne
  14. A Call From the Vatican
  15. Be Italian
  16. I Can’t Make This Movie
  17. Be on Your Own
  18. Unusual Way
  19. Roses at the Station
  20. Grand Parade
  21. Twenty-Two Years
  22. Bonjour Amour
  23. Grand Hotel
  24. I Want to Go to Hollywood
  25. Cinema italiano
  26. Guarda la luna
  27. Take It All
  28. Finale
  29. Christmas in the Stars
  30. Bells, Bells, Bells
  31. The Odds Against Christmas
  32. What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb?)
  33. R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas
  34. Merry, Merry Christmas
  35. The Meaning of Christmas
  36. At the Grand Hotel
  37. The Astounding Romantic Adventures of Goya
  38. In the Middle of the 18th Century
  39. Overture
  40. España
  41. Girl With a Smile
  42. Picture It
  43. I Will Paint Sounds
  44. Viva España
  45. Once a Time (I Loved You)
  46. I Stand Alone
  47. Dog in the Quicksand
  48. Moving On
  49. Bon soir
  50. Finale
  51. Hasta amarte (Till I Loved You)
  52. Goya… A Life in Song


  1. Grand Parade
  2. At the Grand Hotel
  3. The Astounding Romantic Adventures of Goya
  4. In the Middle of the 18th Century
  5. España
  6. Girl With a Smile
  7. Picture It
  8. I Will Paint Sounds
  9. Viva España
  10. Once a Time (I Loved You)
  11. I Stand Alone
  12. Dog in the Quicksand
  13. Moving On
  14. Bon soir
  15. Finale
  16. Hasta amarte (Till I Loved You)
  17. Goya… A Life in Song
  18. Till I Loved You
  19. The Proposal / The Night Was Alive
  20. My Husband Makes Movies
  21. Roses at the Station
  22. Unusual Way
  23. Folies Bergeres
  24. Cinema italiano
  25. Guarda la luna
  26. Take It All
  27. Grand Hotel
  28. I Want to Go to Hollywood
  29. Nine
  30. Getting Tall
  31. The Bells of St. Sebastian
  32. Only With You
  33. Guido’s Song
  34. A Call From the Vatican
  35. Be Italian
  36. I Can’t Make This Movie
  37. Be on Your Own
  38. Sleigh Ride
  39. Christmas in the Stars
  40. Bells, Bells, Bells
  41. The Odds Against Christmas
  42. What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb?)
  43. R2-D2 We Wish You a Merry Christmas
  44. Merry, Merry Christmas
  45. The Meaning of Christmas
  46. Love Can’t Happen
  47. Apaixonou
  48. Twenty-Two Years
  49. Bonjour Amour
  50. Tegen alle verwachtingen in