Nikola Sarcevic (09 Jul 1974 - )

Male Person - Gothenburg

Works (237)


  1. Pick Your Poison
  2. A-Ten
  3. Devil Me
  4. Duckpond
  5. Fox
  6. Hellman
  7. Highway Donkey
  8. Material Boy
  9. No Cigar
  10. Penguins & Polarbears
  11. Stop to Think
  12. The Mayfly
  13. The Ballad
  14. Mr. Clean
  15. Chiquita Chaser
  16. Disney Time
  17. Domestic Subway
  18. Fazil’s Friend
  19. Leona
  20. House of Blend
  21. Da Strike
  22. Mystic Reptile
  23. Dance Craze
  24. Killer Crush
  25. Friends ’til the End
  26. The Story of My Life
  27. Jellygoose
  28. Replay
  29. Vulcan Ears
  30. Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide
  31. Puzzle
  32. Lozin' Must
  33. Random I Am
  34. Boring Planet
  35. Buzzer
  36. Ace Frehley
  37. Monkey Boogie
  38. Twenty Two
  39. Black Gold
  40. Trendy Winds
  41. Otis
  42. Light’s Out
  43. Entrance at Rudebrook
  44. Montego
  45. Punk Rock Rebel
  46. Kemp
  47. Botanic Mistress
  48. Happiness for Dogs
  49. Battery Check
  50. Fuel to the Flame
  51. Birdie
  52. Cash or Clash
  53. Shut You Out
  54. Afghan
  55. Greener Grass
  56. Home From Home
  57. Farewell My Hell
  58. Biftek Supernova
  59. My Name Is Golden
  60. Ray
  61. Novo
  62. Simple Twist of Hate
  63. Broken World
  64. Come On
  65. Centerpiece
  66. Who’s Laughing Now
  67. Brand New Game
  68. Ducks & Drakes
  69. Turnkey Paradise
  70. Route One
  71. Shake Me
  72. Vixen
  73. The Down Hill Walk
  74. Absolute Zero
  75. Bull by the Horns
  76. Into the Maze
  77. The Einstein Crew
  78. Take It or Leave It
  79. Niap
  80. Airhead
  81. Saved by Hell
  82. In a Room
  83. Pain
  84. Use Your Nose
  85. Flippin’ Beans
  86. A Bit of Muslin
  87. E20 Norr
  88. Bowmore
  89. Ratboy’s Masterplan
  90. Melack
  91. Mind the Mice
  92. Melancholy Protection
  93. Junkie for Success
  94. Bullion
  95. Olympic
  96. Move Your Car
  97. Softworld
  98. Yellow Dog
  99. Lowlife
  100. Man or Mouse
  101. Fingers Crossed
  102. Black Eye
  103. Stalemate
  104. Mooseman’s Jukebox
  105. Hard Times
  106. Phony Tony
  107. Machine 15
  108. Done Is Done
  109. Detox
  110. Vicious Circle
  111. Danger for Stranger
  112. End Piece
  113. An Elf and His Zippo
  114. Nosepicker
  115. Dinner Dog
  116. Queen’s Gambit
  117. Egocentric Man
  118. Chameleon
  119. Autopilot Mode
  120. Bring Me Home
  121. Sense & Sensibility
  122. True Brew
  123. Perfection Is Boring
  124. Wall of Doubt
  125. Something I Would Die For
  126. Silent Suicide
  127. Man of 1000 Tics
  128. Mr. Fake Believe
  129. Believe in John
  130. Pepper
  131. Right About Now


  1. Dinner Dog
  2. Queen’s Gambit
  3. Killer Crush
  4. Friends ’til the End
  5. The Story of My Life
  6. Jellygoose
  7. Replay
  8. Vulcan Ears
  9. Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide
  10. Puzzle
  11. Lozin' Must
  12. Random I Am
  13. Boring Planet
  14. Ace Frehley
  15. Monkey Boogie
  16. Twenty Two
  17. Black Gold
  18. Otis
  19. Entrance at Rudebrook
  20. Montego
  21. Punk Rock Rebel
  22. Kemp
  23. Botanic Mistress
  24. Happiness for Dogs
  25. Battery Check
  26. Fuel to the Flame
  27. Birdie
  28. Cash or Clash
  29. Shut You Out
  30. Afghan
  31. Greener Grass
  32. Home From Home
  33. Farewell My Hell
  34. Biftek Supernova
  35. Ray
  36. Novo
  37. Simple Twist of Hate
  38. Shake Me
  39. Vixen
  40. The Down Hill Walk
  41. Absolute Zero
  42. Bull by the Horns
  43. The Einstein Crew
  44. Egocentric Man
  45. Chameleon
  46. Autopilot Mode
  47. Sense & Sensibility
  48. True Brew
  49. Perfection Is Boring
  50. Wall of Doubt
  51. Man of 1000 Tics
  52. Mr. Fake Believe
  53. Believe in John
  54. Into the Maze
  55. In a Room
  56. Pain
  57. Use Your Nose
  58. Flippin’ Beans
  59. A Bit of Muslin
  60. E20 Norr
  61. Bowmore
  62. Ratboy’s Masterplan
  63. Melack
  64. Mind the Mice
  65. Melancholy Protection
  66. Junkie for Success
  67. Take It or Leave It
  68. Bullion
  69. Softworld
  70. Yellow Dog
  71. Man or Mouse
  72. Fingers Crossed
  73. Black Eye
  74. My Name Is Golden
  75. Stalemate
  76. Mooseman’s Jukebox
  77. Hard Times
  78. Phony Tony
  79. Machine 15
  80. An Elf and His Zippo
  81. Nosepicker
  82. A-Ten
  83. Devil Me
  84. Duckpond
  85. Fox
  86. Hellman
  87. Highway Donkey
  88. Material Boy
  89. No Cigar
  90. Penguins & Polarbears
  91. Pepper
  92. Stop to Think
  93. The Ballad
  94. The Mayfly
  95. Mr. Clean
  96. Chiquita Chaser
  97. Disney Time
  98. Domestic Subway
  99. Fazil’s Friend
  100. Leona
  101. House of Blend
  102. Da Strike
  103. Mystic Reptile
  104. Dance Craze
  105. Niap
  106. Right About Now