Dennis McCarthy (1945 - )

Male Person - United States

Works (139)


  1. William Tell Overture


  1. Air Kiss
  2. Delvok Vulcan Etude
  3. Mumblin' Along
  4. Psychobattle
  5. Forgiving
  6. Cosmic Bullies
  7. These Guys Are Nasty
  8. Kamikaze
  9. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  10. Sanctuary
  11. Gabriel Bell
  12. Nom de Plume
  13. The Prisoner
  14. Assault
  15. Ee'char's Goodbye
  16. The Hug
  17. Ancient Technology
  18. No Javert, Me
  19. The Mighty Bong
  20. Body Count
  21. Sacrifice
  22. Ten Years
  23. Rocky Start
  24. Be Very Careful
  25. Warpless
  26. Killer Tan
  27. Into the Light
  28. Curiosity Kills
  29. Odo Defoliated
  30. Bullseye
  31. Q and V
  32. Kai's Wild Ride
  33. The Kai Krashes
  34. No Seatbelt


  1. Dry Run
  2. Rainy Night
  3. Steve O's Cue
  4. Dad Admonishes
  5. One Last Visit
  6. Second Chance
  7. Last Hope
  8. Armagonnen
  9. Where's Freya
  10. Dr. Schweitzer
  11. Wolf 359
  12. The Enterprise Departs
  13. Trashed and Thrashed
  14. Bajor
  15. Cucumbers in Space
  16. New Personality
  17. Into the Wormhole
  18. Time Stood Still
  19. Searching for Relatives
  20. Painful Memories
  21. Passage Terminated
  22. Back to the Saratoga
  23. Reconciliation
  24. The Sisko Kid
  25. A New Beginning
  26. Main Title
  27. The Enterprise B
  28. Deck 15
  29. Time Is Running Out
  30. Prisoner Exchange
  31. Outgunned
  32. Out of Control
  33. Coming to Rest
  34. The Nexus
  35. Jumping the Ravine
  36. Two Captains
  37. The Final Fight
  38. Kirk's Death
  39. To Live Forever
  40. End Title From Star Trek: Generations
  41. Theme
  42. New Enterprise
  43. Klingon Chase (Shotgunned)
  44. Enterprise First Flight
  45. Klang-Napped
  46. Morph-O-Mama
  47. Phaser Fight
  48. Breakthrough
  49. Grappled
  50. The Rescue
  51. Temporal Battle
  52. Blood Work
  53. New Horizons
  54. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Visitor
  55. Passage Terminated
  56. Legacy and Future
  57. Medieval Harp Source
  58. Evil Empire
  59. “Yo!”
  60. Worf Ⅱ
  61. Here Comes the Judge II
  62. Primalosity
  63. Courage
  64. Saved Again
  65. I Have a Gun
  66. Klingons Never Disappoint
  67. I Do See You
  68. A Christmas Hug
  69. Archer's Theme
  70. He's Toast
  71. Theme from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  72. Star Trek Generations Overture
  73. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: One Last Visit
  74. Legacies
  75. Aspiring Spaceman
  76. Don’t Drink Alone
  77. Out of Control
  78. La Grange Point
  79. Quaker Odo
  80. Take It Off!
  81. Que Sirah, Sirah
  82. Blowin' in the Wind
  83. The Big Wrap Up
  84. End Credits
  85. HMS Enterprise
  86. The Gap
  87. Coolant Leak
  88. Appointment With Eternity
  89. Blasted
  90. Kirk Saves the Day
  91. The Crash
  92. Kitchen Debate
  93. Crash Recap
  94. Data and the Emotions
  95. Data Malfunctions
  96. Soran Kidnaps Geordi
  97. Guinan and the Nexus
  98. Torture
  99. Soran's Plan Revealed
  100. Distress Call
  101. Harriman and the Ribbon
  102. Picard's Message
  103. Raid Post Mortem
  104. Past Glory