Alexander Brandon (29 Sep 1974 - )

Male Person - United States

Works (204)


  1. Ashes of Pigs


  1. Seattle: Mako Ballistics Interior
  2. Seattle: City Hub & Emerald Suites
  3. Seattle: Tarsus Apartments
  4. Invisible War Title Theme
  5. Tyrian
  6. Deus Ex: Invisible War
  7. Seattle - Lower Seattle & Heron's Loft
  8. Credits
  9. Liberty Island: Statue Exterior
  10. Return to Cairo: Shantytown & Arcology
  11. Antarctica: JC Denton's Lair
  12. Antarctica: Versalife Base Exterior
  13. Trier: Templar Compound
  14. Trier: Streets & Black Gate
  15. Cairo: Apostlecorp Lab
  16. Cairo: Mosque
  17. The Warlord
  18. Main Title
  19. Guardian of Stone
  20. Wargate
  21. End Title
  22. Asteroid Dance Part 1
  23. Asteroid Dance Part 2
  24. Buy Sell Music
  25. Camanis
  26. Camanise
  27. Deli Shop Quartet
  28. Deli Shop Quartet № 2
  29. Gyges, Will You Please Help Me
  30. Ending Number 1
  31. Ending Number 2
  32. End of Level
  33. Game Over Solo
  34. Gryphons of the West
  35. Somebody Pick Up the Gryphone
  36. I Speak Gygese
  37. Halloween Ramble
  38. Tunneling Trolls
  39. Tyrian, the Level
  40. Space Journey 2
  41. The Navigator
  42. Come Back to Me, Savara
  43. Come Back Again to Savara
  44. Space Journey 1
  45. The Final Edge
  46. Starts
  47. Parlance
  48. Torm - The Gathering
  49. Transon
  50. Tyrian the Song
  51. Zanac3
  52. Zanac5
  53. Training Room
  54. Flightcastle
  55. Shared Dig
  56. Dusk Horizon
  57. Unreal Temple (Crypt)
  58. Black Wind
  59. Unreal Tournament Menu
  60. Go Down
  61. Garage
  62. New Hope (Exploration)
  63. New Hope (Action)
  64. Ignotis (Exploration)
  65. Ignotis (Action)
  66. Arghana (Exploration)
  67. Arghana (Action)
  68. Varros (Space)
  69. Varros (Action)
  70. Child of the Universe (SeroV)
  71. SeroV (Action)
  72. Bounty Simulator
  73. Your Mission
  74. Poker
  75. Zen, Part 3: The Return
  76. Zen, Part 4
  77. Buried Treasure
  78. Gems of Glass
  79. Main Title
  80. Intro Sequence
  81. Liberty Island
  82. Battery Park
  83. NYC Streets
  84. Enemy Within
  85. Desolation (Hong Kong Canal)
  86. The Synapse (Hong Kong Streets)
  87. Hong Kong Action
  88. Majestic 12 Labs
  89. Versalife
  90. Intro
  91. A Thousand Words
  92. Dark and Stormy Night
  93. Chronophasia
  94. Twilight Floating
  95. Oath of the Matron
  96. More
  97. Overture of the Avatar
  98. The Blue Hour
  99. Paris Streets
  100. Paris Action
  101. Return to NYC
  102. Oceanlab
  103. Ocean Action
  104. Oceanlab Complex
  105. Begin the End (Bunker)
  106. Area 51
  107. Ending 1
  108. Ending 2
  109. Ending 3
  110. Hong Kong Helipad
  111. The Nothing
  112. Paris Cathedral
  113. Conspiravision
  114. Paris Cathedral Conversation
  115. The Willowdale Handcar
  116. Epilogue
  117. Hyla's Crescent Triumph
  118. Caution at Hyla's Crescent
  119. Antimatter Factory
  120. Title
  121. Vortex Rikers
  122. Dusk Horizon
  123. Dig
  124. Chizra
  125. Visions
  126. Ruins
  127. Skytown
  128. Extreme
  129. Queen
  130. Guardian
  131. Unreal Euro Dance Mix
  132. The Farthest Reaches (Aven Colony Main Title)
  133. Title
  134. Tutorial
  135. Castle
  136. Funky Foyer
  137. Rocket
  138. Basement
  139. Basement Action
  140. Terrero
  141. Canyon
  142. Green Land
  143. Village
  144. Sun Song
  145. Pull Back The Bass
  146. Colonius Level 1
  147. Jazz Be Damned
  148. Diamondus Remix
  149. Sunrise on Vanaar
  150. Midday on Vanaar
  151. Vanaari Glory
  152. Vanaari Triumph
  153. Jazz 2 Bonus Stage
  154. Danger on Vanaar
  155. Daybreak Sandy Gulch
  156. Sandy Gulch Noon
  157. Sandy Gulch Rises
  158. Sandy Gulch Triumph
  159. Fast Track
  160. Sandy Gulch Danger
  161. Dawn at Azara Falls
  162. Midday at Azara Falls
  163. Hippie Heaven
  164. Azara Falls Glory
  165. Azara Falls Triumph
  166. Azara Falls Danger
  167. Daybreak on Hyla's Crescent
  168. Hell Freezes Over
  169. Midday on Hyla's Crescent
  170. Hyla's Crescent Rising
  171. Unreal Tournament Theme (UT3 remix)
  172. Unreal Tournament Title (UT3 remix)
  173. Go Down (UT3 remix)
  174. Unreal Tournament Title (UT3 Reconstruction)
  175. Jazz Boss Tune 1
  176. Dark Groove (part 1)
  177. Space Noir Main Title
  178. Return Me to Savara
  179. Classic Mode, Part 3
  180. Jazz Jackrabbit 2
  181. Jaz 27
  182. Space Noir
  183. The King’s Quest
  184. Jazz 2 Intro
  185. Jazz 2 Menu
  186. Beach Bunny!
  187. Carrotus
  188. Jaz 30
  189. Frolick Lane
  190. Streetwize
  191. Xmas 2
  192. The Illuminati
  193. Jazz Castle
  194. DX Club Mix
  195. Jungle Fevah V2.0
  196. Labratory Level
  197. Medivo
  198. Tubelectric Remix
  199. Medival Jam
  200. Water Level
  201. Haunted Hare (Secret Boss)
  202. White Hare
  203. Finale